Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1264: Detoxify

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When Nie Shisan was bombarded by the warship of truth, a peculiar power broke out. At this moment, Hua Tianjin also had a burst of energy, which was a kind of energy that did not belong to Hua Tianjin.


Ning Xiaochuan pressed the palm above Hua Tianjin's head and was immediately bounced off by this force. The whole person was taken a few steps back and then stood firm.

So strong!

Ning Xiaochuan was amazed.

Hua Tianjin's face was pale, but with a bit of insanity between his expressions: "We, those who have completely surrendered Master Fei, all have the power of Master Fei. This power is our life-saving card. Now you put This power is triggered, and you can be considered dead. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Hua Tianjin, always keeping an eye on his state, and shook his head at the same time: "If the Master Fei came here in person, I would probably care more. Now you have only his strength and want to To kill me is a dream. "

Hua Tianjin peaked and laughed: "Then you try it. The power of Master Fei is not what you can imagine. Even the power of Master Fei is enough to completely kill you."

call out!

Hua Tianjin's body suddenly fired an arrow of energy, rushing to Ning Xiaochuan like lightning, and integrated into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't stop all of this, because he had already identified that this arrow was the power of the Master Fei on Hua Tianjin. If Ning Xiaochuan wants to completely subdue Hua Tianjin today, he must first destroy it. power.

It's just an energy, I don't believe I can't carry it.

Ning Xiaochuan snorted in his heart, his mind contracted, and immediately began to guard against this energy.

Now that he is physically strong, he wouldn't care too much if he encountered a physical attack. But at this moment, this energy was obviously a little weird. After entering Ning Xiaochuan's body, he immediately came to his mind. It seemed to control Ning Xiaochuan and make Ning Xiaochuan a slave.

Want to control me!

Ning Xiaochuan sneered.

This energy is also a kind of spiritual energy, which is extremely powerful, but Ning Xiaochuan's strongest at the moment is also similar to the mental energy, so Ning Xiaochuan really doesn't pay much attention to this energy.


In the depths of Ning Xiaochuan's mind, a stormy sea was set off. The battle of spiritual energy was a bit more dangerous than just hand-to-hand combat. At this moment Ning Xiaochuan resisted this spiritual force. If he was inadvertent, Ning Xiaochuan would be gone.

"Give me death, you must surrender him, Master Fei's strength is invincible." Hua Tianjin stared at Ning Xiaochuan, cursing constantly in his mouth.

At this moment he couldn't move at all. The energy just now was his last resort. If this was useless, he would never have a hole card against Ning Xiaochuan.

Hua Tianjin sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes wide open, staring at Ning Xiaochuan in front of him.

Ning Xiaochuan stood blankly, expressionless, as if asleep.

Anyone who sees this scene would not expect that at this moment Hua Tianjin and Ning Xiaochuan are fighting for life and death, and this fight has reached the most critical moment.


Ning Xiaochuan's body suddenly shook.

After shaking for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly opened. At the beginning, his eyes were still a little confused, but then he completely woke up.


The anger on Hua Tianjin seemed to be lost, and the whole person collapsed to the ground. There was no blood on his face, and his mouth still said to himself: "Not willing, I'm not willing."

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and completely broke away from the influence of that energy just now.

This energy is indeed very powerful, which can directly impact Ning Xiaochuan's mind. If Ning Xiaochuan happened to have an adventure before, refining almost seven inexhaustible fires, which greatly strengthened his own spiritual strength, I am afraid that this energy is still It is really possible to restrain him.

The fierceness of the young Master Fei can be seen from this.

Only the energy left in others, let Ning Xiaochuan make every effort to resist.

But now, nothing can stop Ning Xiaochuan.

Turning and walking towards Hua Tianjin, Ning Xiaochuan walked and said, "What if you are not willing, the king is defeated, the winner is the king. Those girls who have been drained of blood by you before, there are those who will be willing to be you It ???s not because you are strong enough that they can't resist. "

Mentioning those girls, Hua Tianjin's eyes suddenly got a little bit more energetic: "Wait, I know you have a little interest in the woman poisoned by me, and now she has been etched by me with a hundred people Feeling distracted, only if I personally point you to you, you can save her. How about we make a deal? You put me this time and I help you save people. This deal is very beneficial to you. After all, even if you kill Without me, there is no benefit. "

Hua Tianjin is really scheming. It's already this time. He still wants to talk to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "You are a bit reasonable, but I need to know in advance how to crack the poison of the eclipse."

Hua Tianjin looked so happy that he thought he had moved Ning Xiaochuan and opened his mouth and said, "This is simple, let me tell you ..."

As soon as Hua Tianjin spoke, Ning Xiaochuan appeared again behind him, and before he did something, the palm of his hand rested on his forehead.

The power of Qiqiao's demon heart flooded into Hua Tianjin's heart immediately.

"You lied to me." At the last moment of confusion, Hua Tianjin screamed with sorrow and indignation.

What about lying to you? You know it's too late.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, and the power of the Qiqiaoshen Demon's Heart continued to pour into Huatianjin's mind, and began to refine Huatianjin's mind, to control him completely.

Hua Tianjin's strength is definitely the strongest of all the mind slaves of Ning Xiaochuan.

If it weren't for the special circumstances right now, I'm afraid Ning Xiaochuan would have no chance to control Hua Tianjin.

It took a long time for Ning Xiaochuan to successfully plant the seeds of the power of Qiqiaoshen into the heart of Hua Tianjin, making Hua Tianjin his slave to the mind.

Taking a few steps back, Ning Xiaochuan looked down at Hua Tianjin.

Hua Tianjin's eyes slowly opened, and he looked up at Ning Xiaochuan. Hua Tianjin's look was extremely complicated. This was his last self-conscious thoughts. He only looked for a moment after Hua Tianjin's eyes turned to Ning Xiaochuan The fanaticism is extremely.

"Master." There was a voice in his mouth, but Hua Tianjin was still unable to move.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded with satisfaction, walked into Hua Tianjin, and pressed his palm against Hua Tianjin's chest.

Hua Tianjin's injury was mainly caused by Ning Xiaochuan's drop of blood. This drop of blood entered Hua Tianjin's body, just like a drop of ink in clear water. The reaction was obvious, causing severe damage to Hua Tianjin.

And this blood poison, once in the body, scattered into Hua Tianjin's body, so that Hua Tianjin could not even expel it, unless he drained his blood.

Ning Xiaochuan's palm was pressed against Hua Tianjin's chest, but he could use his strength to slowly re-aggregate the drop of blood that belonged to him, and then extract it.

Because Ning Xiaochuan was able to control his own blood, when he infused the blood into Yao Siqi's body before, Yao Siqi did not have such an obvious reaction as Hua Tianjin.

After spending another tea time, Ning Xiaochuan drew his blood from Hua Tianjin's chest.

At this moment, this drop of blood reacted in Huatianjin's body, and it turned into a dark color. There are already many kinds of toxicity on it. Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to leave such a thing with him. Just throw it out.

Without the torture of this drop of blood in the body, Hua Tianjin seemed to recover immediately, and his body began to regain vitality.

As the next god, his resilience was almost terrible. After a few breaths, he jumped from the ground.

Although the breath is still a little weak, but Hua Tianjin's combat effectiveness has recovered at least 70%.

"Follow me." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand and turned to fly towards the ruinable planet behind him.

At the moment in the ruined hall, Yao Siqi was still lying on the ground, and his body was covered with a piece of Ning Xiaochuan's clothes. This dress could not completely cover everything from Yao Siqi. Yao Siqi still had large white skin leaking on his body. come out.

"Don't resist, open your mind to me."

By the time Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin rushed back, Ning Xiaochuan had plundered most of Hua Tianjin's memories.

The memory of a lower **** is extremely complicated, and Ning Xiaochuan's predation is also quite laborious, but many of the key information is still firmly remembered by Ning Xiaochuan.

There is no antidote at all for xinxinsan. There is only one way to detoxify.

Entering the hall, Ning Xiaochuan let Hua Tianjin stay outside the hall, staring at the medicine Siqi on the ground, Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a while, then walked to Yao Siqi and hugged her.

Eclipse of the Heart is a poison created by Hua Tianjin himself. The characteristic is to stimulate the body's body. * He created this poison just to add a little fun when he is in love with people. Antidote.

There is only one way to completely dissolve this ecstasy poison, and that is to let people release * completely.

In other words, if Ning Xiaochuan wants to save Yao Siqi, there is only one way, and that is to continue to love her until the ecstasy in her body is completely dissolved.

"Yao girl, offended." Ning Xiaochuan hugged Yao Siqi and tore off her clothes, revealing the petite but charming body inside.

In the empty hall, a depressing sound sounded again. Hua Tianjin opened his ears and listened for a moment. Then suddenly the figure flickered, and the enchantment was arranged to isolate all around the hall.

"The master's voice must not be heard by others."

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