Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1268: River of civilization

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There are a total of 137 young men in red under Master Fei, but there is a Nie Shih, and Ning Xiaochuan has surrendered Hua Tianjin and Tian Ning. Now Master Fei has 134 people .

Of these 134 people, only 72 are now in this chessboard battle, not all of them are here.

Ning Xiaochuan now has the help of Hua Tianjin and Tian Ning, who can completely attack these people one by one and slowly get them all into his own hands.

At that time, Master Fei will have a bare pole, and even if he really wants to attack the world of Da Yan, he will definitely have more than enough power.

After Ning Xiaochuan asked, Tian Ning immediately said: "Master, I have a good relationship with Zhong Lizhen, as long as I find Zhong Lizhen, I have the confidence to help the host to subdue him, but I want the host to give me two drops of the host's blood. These blood are overbearing It is comparable to the most poisonous poison in the world. With him, I can successfully win the clock. "

Just in contact with Ning Xiaochuan's blood, Tian Ning also saw that Ning Xiaochuan's blood was overbearing, so he took the initiative to make such a request.

And Zhong Liyu in his mouth was also one of the 72 young men in red.

"Okay, then the next goal is this bell." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, palms rolled, and two drops of bright red blood came out of his palms.


Immediately after the two drops of blood appeared, they clicked and coagulated into a solid, like two waterdrop-shaped gems.

Ning Xiaochuan handed these two drops of blood to Tian Ningdao: "I coagulated these two drops of blood in a special way. If you want to use them, you can turn them into blood at any time, but be careful, this blood will not divide me. If you are not careful, you will also be hurt. In addition, the efficacy of these two drops of blood can be maintained for three days, leaving my body for three days, these blood will become ordinary blood. "

The reason why Ning Xiaochuan's blood is so powerful is mainly because it contains chaos.

Within three days, the chaos in the blood will be gone, and then there will be no power at all.

Tian Ning nodded and carefully put away the two drops of blood.


Without waiting for the three to act, the three suddenly felt that the ground under their feet was shaking violently.

At this moment, Master Fei, who turned into a giant, held the octagonal golden hammer in his hand, and smashed it down to the chessboard battle at his feet.

As long as there is a real-life army on the ground, Master Fei is smashed down with a hammer, and the ash smashed by it is destroyed.

The entire chessboard battle, the speed of condensing the army is not as fast as Master Fei smashed down.

Bang! Bang!

Afterwards, the hammer in Master Fei's hand, no matter whether there was a figure below, but like a violent wind, he constantly smashed towards the bottom.

Countless turtle cracks originally appeared on the boxy ground. At this moment, these turtle cracks are increasing, and the entire ground seems to be collapsing.

In this case, Ning Xiaochuan stopped Hua Tianjin and Tian Ning, who were preparing to find Zhong Liyu.

"Don't take a shot first. Now here is about to collapse. I don't know what will happen after this chessboard battle collapses. You follow me, let's talk about the situation."

Before Ning Xiaochuan's words were finished, the ground under their feet swelled and collapsed, and a huge and unpredictable pothole appeared at the feet of everyone.

Seeing this unfathomable big hole, Master Fei was excited, his figure shrank and shrank to the normal size, and then waved the hammer in his hand and said, "Follow me, if I guess correctly, this world relic should be A very powerful artifact, if you want to control this artifact, you must go to the core of the artifact. "

Master Fei's blood-red figure flew towards the bottom.

Behind him, dozens of blood-red figures rushed down.

"Let's go too." Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin both flew up, followed far behind, and plunged into this unfathomable cave.

The wind roared, and a group of blood-red robes continued to penetrate the cave.

After falling 100,000 miles in full, only a few light spots appeared in front of everyone.

These light spots were sparse at the beginning, but as Ning Xiaochuan and others approached, the number of light spots became more and more, and numerous light spots clustered together, forming a sparkling effect like the water surface.

"Is there even a river here?" Seeing these water-like scenes below, everyone suddenly had the idea in their minds.

After a further 10,000 miles, Ning Xiaochuan and other talents finally determined that there is indeed a river here, a river like Tianhe, which sheds light. On both sides of the river, there is no land, but a dark blackness.

This Tianhe is located in the endless darkness, and it is not water that flows in the river, but light.

Light and darkness together make up such a peculiar scene of a rushing river.

The place where Ning Xiaochuan and others appeared at the moment was the bank on one side of the river.

The river is so wide that it can hardly be seen across the river. On the sparkling river, black reefs are occasionally exposed.

This weird river made Master Fei stop and watch carefully.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in this Guanghe.

This figure is an old man, carrying a wooden staff, a white beard with a drooping chest, wearing a white robe and a raised forehead, and the whole person looks full of wisdom.

The old man appeared and immediately smiled and said, "Dear everyone, welcome to the River of Civilization. I am the instrumental spirit here."

"River of civilization? What the **** is this?" Master Fei snorted coldly.

The old artifact spirit smiled and said, "The river of civilization is the core of the supreme artifact civilization. Only by passing the test of the river of civilization can we become the master of the highest artifact civilization?"

it is as expected!

Master Fei and the group of young men in red around him all showed excitement on their faces.

Ning Xiaochuan hid behind the crowd, but shook his head secretly at this moment.

The appearance of the old man in front of him proved that his guess was indeed correct.

Master Fei stepped across the edge of the river, staring at the old man with the spirit: "Come on, how can I pass the test of the river of civilization?"

The old spirit master nodded and said, "It's very simple, just go through this river of civilization."

"So simple?" Master Fei's face looked confused.

The old instrument spirit laughed: "Young people, this is not easy at all. This river of civilization is a piece of history that Supreme Power has intercepted from the origin of the world, so I want to pass through this The river of civilization must enter this history and then escape from it. So far, no one can do this, so young people, don't be too confident. "

Master Fei's ugly face showed a disdainful look: "Others can't get through, that's because they are too stupid. I'm the son of destiny, how could I not get through, and less nonsense, I immediately entered this river and started to cross the river."

Master Qi Ling stared at Master Fei, shook his head constantly, but stopped talking.

Master Fei snorted coldly and turned to look at the group of red youths behind him: "You all stay here for me until I come back."

Obviously, this master Fei was not prepared to allow these young men in red to participate in the assessment, so he would issue such an order.

Almost all of the more than 70 young men in red are considered geniuses. If they entered this river of civilization, they might have the opportunity to reach the other side and become the master of the supreme artifact.

Master Fei apparently wanted to put an end to this situation, so while issuing the order, the figure flickered, and a blood-red mist suddenly shot out from his body.

These mists enveloped the young men in red in front of them, and immediately made them all confused and stood still.

Master Fei actually used some secret technique to directly control all these young men in red.

not good!

Standing among such a group of dull red-haired youths, Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin were a little bit confused.

Because there are more than 70 young men in red, only they are not abnormal. Apparently, the blood-red mist displayed by Master Fei just now is a mystery related to pregnancy. Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin have neither in their bodies. With the pregnant spirit, naturally will not be affected by these **** mists.

Master Fei has noticed Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin at this moment. With a cold look, he turned to look at the two of Ning Xiaochuan: "Nearly forgotten, you two have no pregnant spirit, and you will not be affected by my pregnant blood In this case, let's both lie here for a while. "


Master Fei's palm, the octagonal flowing gold hammer, smashed into Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin fiercely.

"Master, we ..." Hua Tianjin's face changed greatly, and he was about to speak. The octagonal golden hammer had hit his chest.

There was a rattling sound, and Hua Tianjin's chest was smashed into a lot, and the whole man flew out, falling into the darkness next to him, unable to move at all.

What is fierce?

Ning Xiaochuan is now aware of it.

Anyway, Hua Tianjin and others can be regarded as the master of Master Fei, but he has no mercy for Hua Tianjin and others. The hammer that just hit Hua Tianjin almost half-dead.


The octagonal flow gold hammer in Master Fei's hands, after a circle, immediately came towards Ning Xiaochuan again.

Staring at the octagonal gold hammer that was getting closer and closer, Ning Xiaochuan's mind burst into many thoughts.

Is it war?

Are you running away?

These thoughts flashed in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and Ning Xiaochuan made a decision, standing still without moving, but straightened his chest, and let Master Fei's octagonal gold hammer hit his chest.

A huge force hit Ning Xiaochuan, and Ning Xiaochuan felt a pain in his chest, and then ... this octagonal golden hammer stopped.

Ning Xiaochuan himself did not have any harm at all, even if it was the hammer of Master Fei, he could not cause damage to his physical body.

"Slumped." This situation suddenly made Ning Xiaochuan curse in his heart.

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