Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1273: Touch it

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Yue Mingsong's words made the face of the cold man suddenly change, and his voice stuttered, "You ... how did you know."

Yue Mingsong said with a lip, "Guess."

This guy Yue Mingsong even knew the existence of Xianqiao.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yue Mingsong before he looked at the cold man: "You actually came down from Xianqiao. It is really surprising. I just said to Xianqiao that there is still a lot of suspicion. I ask you for your advice. "

After being drunk by Yue Mingsong, I can see that Ning Xiaochuan even knew about Xianqiao. The cold man was completely decadent: "This is easy to say, but I am a little curious. According to rumors on Xianqiao, it is said that The bridge and the bitter sea have been blocked for countless years, and there is no legend of the fairy bridge in the bitter sea. How did you know the existence of the fairy bridge? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I just heard about the existence of Xianqiao."

Yue Mingsong also hurriedly said: "This, I also just knew Xianqiao, so I just said casually, I didn't expect that you really came from Xianqiao."

The cold man was speechless.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan knows that Yue Mingsong is simply talking nonsense, but the cold man said it before. It makes sense. Although Yue Mingsong is not reliable, he is still a trustworthy person.

Shaking his head, Ning Xiaochuan said, "Wait a minute, wait until I release you."

Lengjun man glanced down at the chain on his body: "It's useless, brother, this chain is an artifact in itself, and it also imbues the master Fei's own will, so powerful, it can't be destroyed at all, even me There is no way for this lower **** to destroy this chain. I do n’t think your cultivation can be subnormal, how can it be possible to destroy this chain? "


Before the cold man's words were finished, Ning Xiaochuan had stretched his fingers and pinched the chain on his body.

In the stunned eyes of the cold man, this chain was made like tofu, and was crushed by **** of Ning Xiaochuan.

The broken chain fell directly to the ground, and the stern man moved his body and completely got out of sleep.

Looking up at Ning Xiaochuan with a relaxed look, the cold man completely stopped.

Is this ... are all the people in the bitter sea so abnormal?

First, a master Fei, but Master Fei is still a god, but now there is such a perverted sub-god.

Some of the deep-rooted impressions in the cold man's mind were shattered at this moment.

Smashing this chain at will is nothing to Ning Xiaochuan at this moment. At this moment, his physical strength was so strong that even the artifact could not pierce his skin. As for the will of Master Fei, who was carried on the chain, although it had some influence on him, Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength now rose, and he could easily crack it.

Rescuing this cold man, Ning Xiaochuan turned to Yue Mingsong and rescued Yue Mingsong.

At this moment, Yue Mingsong had lost the ease he had just now, and turned to a dignified look, and he kept looking at Ning Xiaochuan.

When Ning Xiaochuan was about to leave with them, he couldn't help but stepped in front of Ning Xiaochuan, stretched out his hand and touched Ning Xiaochuan.

Yue Mingsong's weird move left Ning Xiaochuan's face silent and avoided his palm.

He is not used to being stroked by a man.

At the moment, Yue Mingsong was a little unwilling to say, "Ning Xiaochuan, don't move. Let me touch you, just touch it."

A big man chased and shouted for himself, and Ning Xiaochuan's instinct went all out with goose bumps.

Opening the palm of Yue Mingsong again, Ning Xiaochuan said silently: "Yue Mingsong, shouldn't you be locked up here by Master Fei for a while, and you'll be the same as Master Fei. Let's eat it together."

"I have absolutely no interest in men." Yue Mingsong immediately said righteously.

But immediately, he stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a strange look again: "But I'm interested in you, Ning Xiaochuan, you are in a strange situation now, let me touch it, and I'll see how you are doing at the moment."

Shouldn't he see that my body has been tempered by the air of chaos?

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, and stretched out a hand, letting Yue Mingsong grab his palm.

Yue Mingsong grabbed Ning Xiaochuan's palm and immediately felt like he had found a treasure.

Ning Xiaochuan was furred by Yue Mingsong's heart, and he immediately pulled his palm back.

Yue Mingsong smashed his mouth and said, "Sure enough, Ning Xiaochuan, you are absolutely a celestial wizard. Even the emperor of the year is definitely better than you. You can use the chaos to temper the flesh, Tempering is almost as powerful as the artifact. Tell me quickly how you did it. "

"I'll talk about this later and leave here first." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and led Yue Mingsong out.

The birth of chaotic matter in Ning Xiaochuan's godhead is definitely the biggest secret of Ning Xiaochuan, so Ning Xiaochuan will not easily say it anyway.

What's more, besides Yue Mingsong at the moment, there was also a cold man from Xianqiao.

Just walking out of the dungeon, a young man in red rushed over and said eagerly: "Master, it's not good. After the **** of dreams on the woman's mountain, she noticed the anomaly of the Beichuan world, and even started the ban on the woman's mountain and opened up Law, now we can't go into the Woman Mountain at all. "

Sui Hanyu was still on the woman's hill.

When Ning Xiaochuan heard the words suddenly changed his face, he flew up and went towards the woman.

When I came to the Women's Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan had completely lost the traces of Women's Mountain in front of her, and replaced it with a pyramid-shaped, pointed top, like a weird building with a cone.

The building is huge and a little bit bigger than the Men's Mountain next to it, and the entire Women's Mountain seems to be shrouded by it. Around this pyramid building, there are many dense caves, and it seems that a powerful force is brewing inside.

Such a pyramid building is basically a war fortress like a warship of truth.

"What is this?" Ning Xiaochuan's face was gloomy, he already felt that the pyramid building in front of him was extremely difficult to mess with.

Hua Tianjin flew from one side and said, "Master, this is the artifact Wanshan God Mountain in the hands of God of Dreams. She controls Wanshan God Mountain personally, and with the help of the women on Women Mountain, I am afraid that even if we join forces, it will be difficult to break This artifact. "

So difficult?

Ning Xiaochuan frowned into a Sichuan word.

He also did not expect that such an abnormal change would happen in the small world of Beichuan, which has already been determined.

After the dream god, it is said that he was a companion who grew up with Master Fei. Although he is not as powerful as Master Fei, he is also very powerful. It is almost the second person in Beichuan Small World. The entire mountain is controlled by her. .

However, this dream **** rarely appears after usual, so Ning Xiaochuan will ignore her.

Yue Mingsong hesitated with a smile and said, "Isn't it just an artifact, Ning Xiaochuan, I have a lot of experience in refining recently, otherwise I will tell you a method that can let you break through this artifact without saying Being able to take down all the women inside, these women are the beauty that Master Fei has collected from various small worlds, and winning them is probably the ultimate dream of every man. "

"What way?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Now that Han Yu is trapped here, Ning Xiaochuan is always worried.

"Don't worry, be patient with chasing women." Yue Mingsong patted his chest and took out a palm-sized ball. The ball was black and there was no power fluctuation on it. Let Ning Xiaochuan think of it I don't see any mystery in this ball.

Yue Mingsong held the ball in his hands, and said with pride: "This is my newly refined invincible divine ball. The power is huge. If one goes down, even the gods will be blown to death. You can find a way to get this ball. The invincible magic ball was thrown into the woman's mountain, and it was given an internal flower. By then, this artifact will be blown open. "

"If I could get in, what would I do with your invincible **** ball?" Ning Xiaochuan snorted with a speechless expression.

However, after the cold hum, Ning Xiaochuan's face showed a thoughtful look.

It seems that it is not impossible for him to enter the inside of this one.

The figure flickered, and the breath on Ning Xiaochuan's body changed so much that he looked exactly like the Master Fei. After his appearance also changed into Master Fei, even Yue Mingsong was frightened and took a few steps back, staring. Eyes widened: "You ... Are you Ning Xiaochuan or Master Fei?"

"Guess what." Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, turned and headed for Wan Cannon Mountain.

If the relationship behind that dream is really so close to Master Fei, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan is disguised as Master Fei, and it will be easy to mix it into the interior of Mangao Shenshan.

Even he could persuade the dream **** and then withdraw this million artillery mountain.

As long as there is no Mangao Mountain, there is no defensive force for the entire Women's Mountain. Just relying on the young men in red, Ning Xiaochuan can calm down the riots in Women's Mountain, and even the dream **** can't wait to escape.

Watching Ning Xiaochuan approaching the edge of Wanshou Shenshan, he began to negotiate with the people inside. Yue Mingsong, standing among a group of young men in red clothes, patted his chest in fear, whispering secretly: "It is said that the chaos breath can disguise everything It seems that this rumor is true. Ning Xiaochuan is too bad. Now it is pretending to be someone else and going to his wife's bed. Master Fei's green hat, I am afraid to wear it. "

With a few murmurs in his mouth, Yue Mingsong suddenly trembled and his face changed dramatically: "No, Ning Xiaochuan has this ability. If I have a wife in the future, he will pretend to be me and do something to my wife. Am I not going to suffer a lot? It's really worrying to know such a brother. "

With a look of anxiety and pacing for a long time, Yue Mingsong's expression relaxed and he breathed a long breath: "Fortunately, I don't have a woman around me now, otherwise I would definitely suffer a lot."

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