Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1287: Carrier

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Yue Mingsong's goddess is very common. It is so ordinary that there are only dozens of sides in it, and it belongs to the class of all gods.

However, after Ning Xiaochuan glanced at his deity, he couldn't look away immediately.

Because he actually found out that Yue Mingsong's godhead, like his ten thousand gods, contained an extremely complex atmosphere, and it seemed that many laws were condensed.

"Another ten thousand gods?" Ning Xiaochuan was surprised.

Yue Mingsong said with a bitter smile: "Shit Wanfa Godhead, you are so good at refining Wanfa Godhead. To refining Wanfa Godhead, first of all, you need to find a carrier for the rules you have cultivated, and use this carrier to transfer your godhead. The inner rules, so that the godhead can be turned into an empty shell to accommodate other rules. The higher the carrier, the better the quality of the tenfold godhead. I just did not find a good carrier, so I refined it. Now such a pseudo-manga godhead, but Ning Xiaochuan, what carrier do you use? "


Could it be white bone beads.

The role of the white bone beads is exactly the same as the carrier Yue Mingsong said at the moment.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yue Mingsong. Yue Mingsong knew a lot about the ten thousand gods, and even guessed the existence of white bone beads.

If Ning Xiaochuan was a little skeptical of what Yue Mingsong had said, he now fully believes in him.

Speaking about the white bone beads, Ning Xiaochuan continued: "Yue Mingsong, my current godhead seems to have reached the limit and can no longer be promoted, and the rules inside the godhead have started to be out of control. What is this? ? "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't say anything about the emergence of a vision of heaven and earth in the godhead, which is already his biggest secret.

Yue Mingsong looked depressed and retracted his personality, and then said: "You are not clear about this, I say that you are really lucky. The situation you are talking about now is obviously because your cultivation is too Low, it ca n’t keep up with the speed of the evolution of the godhead, so it will be out of control. The general godhead becomes stronger as the monk ’s cultivation improves, but the gods of the dharma are different. The gods of the dharma are just like you Like a magic weapon, the stronger your strength, the stronger your control over the tenfold godhead, the weaker the strength, and the weaker control over the tenfold godhead, it's nothing strange, waiting for your cultivation to improve, The laws of the ten thousand gods of nature, you will naturally be in control again. "

Turning his words, Yue Mingsong stared at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Yes, I haven't asked you about the Da Yan World. The Da Yan World has been refined by you into the godhead. How is the situation now? Space can carry a lot of things, but it's a bit exaggerated to fit into a small world at once. "

Seeing Yue Mingsong's mention of Dayan World, Ning Xiaochuan didn't conceal him, and directly told the situation of Dayan World at this moment.

"It is impossible to connect with the inner world of Da Yan, nor can it refine the Da Yan world from the godhead."

Nana whispered in Yue Mingsong's mouth, and then clapped, "This is too normal, Ning Xiaochuan, Dayan World, but I have refined it into the size of a fist, which is equivalent to compressing its wall membrane by tens of millions of times. Therefore, the wall of the Dayan world becomes extremely powerful at a glance. Of course, your mental power cannot penetrate it. As for the things you ca n’t refine the Dayan World from the inside of the Ten Thousand Gods, this is also simple. Eat it. There is no reason to spit it out. Since the world of Da Yan has been swallowed up by the Goddess of All Laws, don't expect it to be refined again. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Yue Mingsong with a speechless expression: "You seem to be gloating about this."

"Haha, how could you be my brother, how could I be grateful to you. I just sighed, when you finally got upside down, even the small world dare to casually practise in the God of Mantra, this But it is like adding impurities to Wanfa's Godhead, which is not good for future development. "Yue Mingsong continued to wave his hands with a gloat expression.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Unfavorable is unfavorable. Anyway, I am not ready to be a blacksmith. You still have to talk about how I want to communicate with Dayan World. The Dayan World is refined by you. You should have The way. "

"Yeah, you're not a blacksmith at all. Of course, you don't need to worry about how many gods have many impurities."

The snicker on Yue Mingsong's face solidified, "Originally, I wanted to open a channel on the wall of Da Yan World, and then I could communicate with the internals, but now Da Yan World is swallowed by you, then only After you become stronger, rely on your own strength to break through the wall of the Da Yan world, this matter can not be anxious, and anyway, the people in the Da Yan world can not come out for a while, so you do not need to worry. "

Although such an answer disappointed Ning Xiaochuan, it also gave him a lot of peace of mind.

At least you don't have to worry about the safety and security of everyone in the Da Yan world, and as long as Ning Xiaochuan is stronger, sooner or later he can break through the wall of the Da Yan world. At that time, he can even find a way to get everyone out of the Da Yan world again.

With no pressure in her mind, Ning Xiaochuan relaxed for a while, and continued to discuss the ten thousand gods with Yue Mingsong.

From Yue Mingsong's mouth, Ning Xiaochuan took the opportunity to figure out many characteristics of the ten thousand gods.

For example, the upgrade of the Wanfa Godhead is generally the fusion of other refining materials, but the specific materials to be blended depend on the characteristics of the Wanfa Godhead.

For example, the ten thousand gods in Ning Xiaochuan's body were upgraded by the fusion of the five elements.

But at this moment, his godhead wants to continue to upgrade. The five elements are estimated to be useless, and he has to find new materials.

After discussing with Yue Mingsong for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan started practicing again.

Yue Mingsong helped Ning Xiaochuan a lot this time, so that Ning Xiaochuan no longer has to worry about the gods.

Ning Xiaochuan's spirit all focused on understanding the new law of extinction and extracting the source of the power of the world.

Now that Ning Xiaochuan has become a god, it is time to continue to comprehend the laws of the world.

The issue of extracting the source of the Dayan World is also very important to the current Ning Xiaochuan. Before, he could rely on the source of the Dayan World to defeat Master Fei. If he can extract more The power of the origin, then his strength can be stronger.

Yue Mingsong urged Xing Kong Zhou to continue to hunt Master Fei in this endless dirt, while Ning Xiaochuan has been immersed in cultivation.

A month later, Yue Mingsong suddenly screamed.

"Ning Xiaochuan, look at it."

Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes and looked through the starry sky boat to see the strange scenery ahead.

Appearing in front of him at this moment was a colorful rainbow bridge. This colorful rainbow bridge was traversing the void in front, just like a real bridge.

"Colorful Bridge? Is this the Fairy Bridge?" Ning Xiaochuan responded suddenly.

"It should be," Yue Mingsong said, uncertainly.

Staring at the Colorful Bridge in front, Ning Xiaochuan's look was only shocked, so was Yue Mingsong.

If it is just an ordinary colorful rainbow bridge, naturally it will not shock to masters like Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong. The reason they will be shocked, but because the rainbow bridge in front of them seems to be exuding a unique power at all times Among the forces, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong felt all the good things like hope, confidence, courage and so on.

The Hongqiao in front of me is just a glance, it will make life feel, only by stepping on the Hongqiao can we truly get eternity.

Fairy Bridge!

This must be undoubtedly Xianqiao.

Only Xianqiao can release such a unique power.

No wonder the Supreme Artifact will bring Master Fei here. At this moment, the whole world is destroyed. Except for those small world places, only the fairy bridge will not be affected by the dirt.

Yue Mingsong stared at the Hongqiao in front of him for a long time before he was shocked: "Ning Xiaochuan, shall we go in?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Come in, of course you have to go in. I'm going to see, what is the secret inside this fairy bridge."

"Okay, then go in." Yue Mingsong gritted his teeth.

Controlling the starry sky boat, the two bumped into the Rainbow Bridge in front of them.


As soon as they entered the Colorful Bridge, the star boat next to Yue Mingsong and Ning Xiaochuan suddenly burst out.

The figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong fell out of the star boat, like a meteorite, and began to fall from top to bottom.

A huge gravitational pull pulled Yue Mingsong and Ning Xiaochuan, making them unable to fly at all, leaving the body to fall downward.

After struggling for a long time, Yue Mingsong couldn't break away from this huge gravitational force. He couldn't help shouting, "What's going on?"

Ning Xiaochuan carefully looked around. Originally, he thought that this huge gravitational force was deliberately arranged by someone, but after careful observation, he discovered that this powerful gravitational force seems to be something inherently here.

Is the gravity in Xianqiao so powerful that even God can't resist it.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind had just come up with such a thought, and a turquoise meadow appeared in front of him.

As soon as his look changed, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong didn't have any time to react, and they banged into the ground.

The powerful impact force caused the two to feel dizzy, and their bodies almost fell apart.

Ning Xiaochuan is okay. His physical strength is strong, but he can resist this impact force.

However, Yue Mingsong was bad. He fell from the air like an ordinary person fell from a height. When he fell to the ground, he was stunned and stunned.

The two gods would be so miserable that Ning Xiaochuan had never thought of it before.

But now he has to accept this fact.

Lying on the ground and resting for a while, Ning Xiaochuan got up, strong gravitational pressure on him, making him unable to fly at all, even walking more strenuously than before.

What the **** is this? Is it inside Xianqiao?

Ning Xiaochuan glanced around.

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