Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1289: Harsh environment

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The situation was weird, and Ning Xiaochuan had no idea what was happening.

However, there were more and more numb places on his body, as if several needles were stabbing himself at the same time.

"Rain, it's raining in the sky, lying down, why is the rain so powerful." Yue Mingsong suddenly reached out his fingers and screamed in the sky.

Ning Xiaochuan looked up, and surely saw a drop of rain falling from the sky, and when a drop of rain fell on his shoulder, his shoulder suddenly numbed, as if being stabbed by a needle.

Suddenly, Yue Mingsong took out a palm-sized palace artifact and threw it away. This artifact immediately became a normal palace-sized building.

A few steps into the palace, Yue Mingsong turned to Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, the rain is too severe, come in and hide."

Ning Xiaochuan stood in place, looking up at the increasingly dense raindrops on his head, but his face began to look worried.

I didn't expect the rain in this place to be so severe.

Now Ning Xiaochuan can understand how the corpse he saw in the beginning became like that. There are ten *. The owner of the corpse was blown to death by the strong wind here.

The wind was like a knife, and his body was shaved like that. And now the same is true of rain, rain is like an arrow, dripping on people is like an arrow shooting at them.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's body was strong enough. Although the rain hit his skin for a while, it felt a little painful, but it didn't bother him. Unlike Yue Mingsong, he could be beaten by a drop of rain.

Ning Xiaochuan walked a few steps forward and was about to enter the palace artifact supported by Yue Mingsong to avoid the rain, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by a corpse next to him.

The corpse was also flesh and blood, but at this moment rain continued to fall on the corpse, breaking the corpse into pieces, and even the internal bones began to shatter.

After a rain, the corpse was smashed into dust by the rain and completely disappeared.

"Even the bones of the gods can't carry this rain, the artifact that Yue Mingsong took out may not be able to carry it." Ning Xiaochuan's expression changed greatly, and Yue Mingsong was immediately reminded.

However, without waiting for him to speak, the palace artifacts that Yue Mingsong had taken out at the moment had been shattered by the rain and collapsed into a pile.


Looking at this scene, Ning Xiaochuan was a little stunned.

At this moment, the rain was already heavy, just like pouring rain. If such rain hits Yue Mingsong, Yue Mingsong's corpse will be lost immediately.

Dangdang ...

A dense voice sounded. In the collapsed palace artifact, Yue Mingsong stood with a big umbrella in his hands.

"Fortunately, I had already prepared, otherwise I would be dead." Holding the big umbrella in his arms tightly and blocking the rain above his head, Yue Mingsong looked proud.

However, before waiting for his pride, the large umbrella he was holding, the leaves that reflected the metallic luster, even began to appear one by one.

With more and more of these holes, the entire umbrella surface will collapse completely.

Yue Mingsong screamed screaming, disregarding the big umbrella in his hand, waved his hand and took out a set of artifact armor, put it on his body, and covered himself strictly.

The big umbrella collapsed, and those raindrops fell on the armor of Yue Mingsong, again making a crisp sound.

At the same time, Yue Mingsong began to ask Ning Xiaochuan for help: "Ning Xiaochuan, save your life. If this armor is also finished, I will be over."

At this time, Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to relax. He shook his body and doubled his body stiffly. Then he stepped in front of Yue Mingsong and protected Yue Mingsong under him.

The body became larger, but Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength was reduced a lot. The rain hit him, and he felt pain for a while.

But it's just pain, and the rain cannot break through Ning Xiaochuan's physical defenses.

After a heavy downpour, the rain stopped slowly.

After the heavy rain, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong fell to the ground as if they were born again.

"Perverted, too perverted, this place is simply not a place for people to stay." Yue Mingsong was pale at the moment and kept talking to himself.

If he had responded more slowly just now, or if Ning Xiaochuan didn't help out later, I'm afraid he would really be lost to the bones hit by the rain just now.

Ning Xiaochuan stood up and looked into the distance, and looked at him for a moment and said, "Yue Mingsong, there are creatures in Xianqiao. They must have a way to withstand these rain. Let's hurry up, as long as we find the creatures in Xianqiao, even if saved."

"That's the only thing." Yue Mingsong said stunnedly.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up Yue Mingsong again and rushed forward.

After being drenched by the previous rain, both Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong became nervous, fearing that they would encounter other dangers.

Especially Yue Mingsong, now lying on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders, is no longer as easy as before, but constantly taking out artifacts, it seems to be preparing for the next disaster.

I have to say that Yue Mingsong's preparation really came in handy.

On the seventh day that followed, the two encountered a major storm. These blades, like knives, were cut on people, and they were going to shred their bones.

Ning Xiaochuan still sat cross-legged as before, and in the envious eyes of Yue Mingsong, relying on this abnormal body, he firmly carried these blades.

However, Yue Mingsong was much more difficult. He threw away several artifacts before he blocked the erosion of these wind blades.

After the gale, looking at the artifact artifacts in this place, Yue Mingsong's distressed tears were all left.

Fortunately, Yue Mingsong is a refiner. Otherwise, the monks would not be able to get so many artifacts at all.

The fifteenth day.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong finally stepped out of this prairie and entered a continuous mountain range.

The days in the mountain are much better than the days on the grassland. Yue Mingsong can find some shelter from the wind and rain when it is windy and rainy, which greatly reduces the rate of artifact loss in his hands.

The ancient trees in these mountains are as indestructible as those grasslands before, even if it is difficult to poke a branch from above.

Ning Xiaochuan spent great effort before breaking a small sapling, transforming the small sapling into a crutch, and throwing it to Yue Mingsong for use.

With the help of a crutch in his hand, Yue Mingsong was speeding up a lot faster, without having Ning Xiaochuan to fight him on his shoulder all day.

After moving on for a few more days, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong entered a dark and sloppy field.

This piece of Mangyuan is also extremely vast. It is full of various large giant trees and shrubs. Many giant trees are wrapped around pythons with cracks and thick vines. Besides, there are few other creatures in Mangyuan, like It is a variety of wild life common in mangyuan, and there is no one here.

In fact, since Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong came to Xianqiao, they have already discovered that there are no living beasts in this Xianqiao except for these green plants.

Obviously the same is true of this reckless plain.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong shuttled carefully in Mangyuan, for fear of encountering other dangers.

At the same time, almost a mile away from the two, a man in a green robe stood quietly on the crown of a huge ancient tree.

His eyes were sharp, like the eyes of a goshawk, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong through the layers of leaves under his feet.

"I didn't expect our Fairy Trial to break into outsiders. Look at the appearance of these two people. They should have come in from outside Xianqiao. Damn it. Recently, so many people broke in outside Xianqiao. We have snatched all the opportunities of our children from the fairy family. "

"These guys who live in the bitter sea have let them sink in the bitter sea all the time. They did n’t know that the ancestor was so kind-hearted that they opened the channel between Xianqiao and the bitter sea again, and brought us such a big trouble."

The man in the green robe muttered secretly, and his face also showed an angry look.

Recently, a great change has indeed taken place in Xianqiao. This change has little impact on those who are really strong, but for young monks such as men in green, the impact is huge. Let him be somewhat hostile to the newcomers to Xianqiao.

"Anyway, it's just the two rookies who just entered Xianqiao. Kill them before you talk." The man in green dressed leapt forward, and the figure was like a smart monkey, jumping on these ancient woods, toward Ning. Ogawa and Yue Mingsong followed, leaving.

In front of a large ancient tree that can be held by three people, Yue Mingsong excitedly pointed at the three traces on the ancient tree: "Ning Xiaochuan, did you see these three traces? I can guarantee that it is absolutely It was made by man. "

Ning Xiaochuan walked over to check it, and nodded, "These traces were indeed cut off by people, but we still have to be careful. Although there may be creatures here, we can't be sure at all that they are kind to us. Still malicious. "

"Be careful, but in case of some perverts, my virginity is not guaranteed." Yue Mingsong grinned.

I have been nervous for so many days in a row, and now I finally find the signs of haunting. Whether it is Ning Xiaochuan or Yue Mingsong, they are all shocking, and they seem to have a little more strength to catch the road.


Just as Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong were preparing to continue their journey, the leaves above them were suddenly pierced away.

The man in the green robe before was like an arrow, holding a weird long sword like a wooden stick in his hand, without a blade, but with a sharp point, stabbed from above.

The goal, Ning Xiaochuan.

The man in the green robe has clearly seen that of Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong, Yue Mingsong is a rookie, and the real threat is Ning Xiaochuan.

The moment the man in the green robe appeared, Ning Xiaochuan felt it, and had no time to respond. Ning Xiaochuan suddenly appeared the sword of extinction in his hands, and a sword was cut towards the other side.

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