Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 129: Tiandi City

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"The third method, accumulate merit values, accumulate one hundred merit points, you can enter the Tiangong to practice for a day."

Ning Xiaochuan asked: "What is the merit value?"

"This ... Go to Tiandi City and find out for yourself! All the masters of this hospital can tell you, how to cultivate next depends on yourself. Hope that after one year, your cultivation will catch up with its name. Sheep, add another glory to the three divisions' martial arts institutes, "said the vice president.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Qianqian left from the vice-principals and stood inside the palace courtyard of the Third Division Wuyuan, overlooking the smoky furnace mountain in the distance.

Yu Qianqian said: "The time of this year will be very important to you. The famous sheep must have gone to Tiandi City to break through the flyover now. He also wants to repair it quickly and then beat you after a year. You What are you thinking? "

Ning Xiaochuan took a wooden box out of Qiankun's cloth bag and said, "Give it to you."

Yu Qianqian naturally remembered that this was a reward given to Ning Xiaochuan by the vice president of the hospital, which contained a seven-grade Yuzhi, which was an invaluable treasure for the mind nurse.

"You ... Why did you send me such a precious thing?" Yu Qianqian's heart was a little flustered, her fingers twitched slightly at the corners of her clothes, and her rosy lips squeezed tightly.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "His Royal Highness has helped me so much, auctioned the" Blood Dan ", gave away the" Qiankun Cloth Bag ", and looked for the mysterious medicine" Millennium When Sleeping ". When I was seriously injured, my Highness was also looking after him. This strain of Qipin Yuzhi is regarded as a token of gratitude to His Royal Highness.

Yu Qianqian's eyes were bright, and her eyelashes blinked, and she said, "Just to thank you?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

"Then ... I don't want this Yuzhi strain!" Yu Qianxi smiled brightly, "You owe me so much, a Yuzhi strain wants to be fully repaid? Is there such a cheap thing in the world?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What the **** are you doing?"

"No, I like you owe me. The more you owe, the more you can't forget me." Yu Qianqian regretted this, and her cheeks were flushed, how could she say such explicit words? It's so plain, it's like a couple is flirting.

Yu Qianqian pretended to be calm and said, "I mean, the more you owe me, the more I will ask you to help me in the future, so naturally you can't let go."

Even if Ning Xiaochuan knew nothing about the relationship, she could understand Yu Qianqian's feelings for herself.

He doesn't know what to do next, let it be!

Ning Xiaochuan no longer reluctantly, put away Yuzhi again, and said: "This Yuzhi strain is enough to be used as the main medicine of intermediate Dan, to make a furnace of intermediate Dan. Only Yuzhi's medicine is cold and wants to refine To make dan, you need a few adjuvants. "

Yu Qianqian thought for a moment, and said, "A small amount of fire lotus and Sipinbingmusk should be used as adjuvants."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "I think so, it would be better if there is still a drop of jade essence."

"There is a place for selling mysterious medicine in Tiandi City, we will go now." Yu Qianxi said.

Tiandi City is located in the middle of the Emperor's Market. It is an ancient city with a history of thousands of years.

It is rumored that Tiandi City is an ancient city that fell from the sky and is a city where Tiandi lives.

Lushan, a distance of 1,200 miles from Tiandi City, because there are often trainees of the three divisions martial arts colleges to and fro between these two, so hundreds of years ago, the strongmen of the three divisions martial arts colleges opened up between the mountains and mountains. Make an old path!

The territory of Emperor's Ruins is vast, often with ferocious mysterious beasts, and many unknown creatures are hidden between the mountains. Every year, many practitioners die in the mouth of Xuanju.

However, this ancient road is quite safe. The breath of Wu Zun is scattered on the ancient road, so that the mysterious beasts between the mountains do not dare to be within ten miles of the ancient road.

On the ancient road, two figures rushed towards Tiandi City at a rapid speed.

Although they seem to be walking, each step can span a distance of seven or eight meters, as fast as a green deer horse.

These two are Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Qianqian!

"At our current speed, we should be able to reach Tiandi City before dark." Yu Qianxi said.

Surrounded by dark and primitive jungles, the roots of many trees have grown outside, the branches and leaves cover the sun, and the roar of mysterious beasts comes out in the depths of the jungle, with a primitive atmosphere.

It's almost like a floodland!

Ning Xiaochuan said curiously: "What kind of place is Emperor Ruins in the end? Why is the Heavenly Emperor Xue Palace built here? I am afraid that the area of ​​the territory here will not be much smaller than the Yulan Empire."

Yu Qianqian's expression was dignified and she said, "The age of the Emperor's Academy is longer than that of the Yulan Empire. I only know that the founder of the Emperor's Academy is a man named 'Tianzi', because of the elapsed time It has been too long to study it. The specific time of the founding of the Emperor Tiandi Academy is divergent, probably between 2,000 and 3,000 years ago! As to why Tianzi built the Emperor Imperial Palace in Emperor's Market, it is completely unclear. . Even the origin of the emperor's market is a mystery! "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "On that day did the Emperor City exist before the founding of the Emperor Tiandi Academy? Or was it only established after the establishment of the Emperor Tiandi Academy?"

"The history of Tiandi City should be longer than that of Tiandi Xuegong. It is likely that it was an ancient city established by the Aborigines of Dixu, but after the indigenous peoples were driven out, it became the base of Tiandi Xuegong." Yu Qianxi Road .

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a little startled, saying: "In the emperor's market, in addition to the students of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, are there other peoples?"

Aborigines, born and raised, are the people who originally lived in the emperor's market.

The students of Tiandi Xuegong belong to the outsiders of the Yulan Empire, or invaders!

Yu Qianqian nodded and said: "I heard that there are also masters of martial arts among the indigenous people, and even hunting students of the Heavenly Emperor Palace, but those indigenous people have been driven to distant and desolate places, even if they are secretly When they return, they will be brutally suppressed and expelled from the Imperial Palace of Heaven. "

"It's the law of the jungle again. Weak and strong." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Before the sun set, Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Qianqian finally came outside the city of Tiandi.

In the setting sun, the blue-grey walls of Tiandi City are almost like a mountain, with a breath of ancient vicissitudes, like a huge giant lying on the mountains.

"You two are the first freshmen! Enter the city as soon as possible, and the gate will be closed before dark." A martial artist wearing black armor all over his body,

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Qianqian walked into the gate, and the gate immediately closed.

Ning Xiaochuan gave a careful look at the warrior wearing black armor. This warrior's cultivation was to reach the second realm of the deity, but he was at least thirty years old, obviously not a student of the academy.

Yu Qianqian's understanding of the emperor's market was detailed, saying: "That is the school guard, an elite selected from the army, but they are different from the students of the emperor's school, they can only stay in the emperor's market for one year. He will return to the barracks after the year. Even if he is a guard in the academy, this is an opportunity that many people cannot compete for. "

The streets of Tiandi City are paved with bluestone. They are wide enough for four green deer carriages to pass side by side, but it is difficult to see pedestrians on the street. It is like a ghost town.

"Students at the King Kong Martial Art Academy, the Five Elements Martial Art Academy, and the Celestial Martial Arts Academy all practice in Tiandi City. It is only because Tiandi City is too big that they rarely see pedestrians." Yu Qianxi said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's getting late, it is estimated that the Tongtian Bridge has been closed. Go to the Tongtian Bridge tomorrow, and see if I can buy auxiliary mysterious medicine for refining intermediate Dan tonight."

Naturally, there is also a relatively lively area in Tiandi City, for example, the exchange market.

In the exchange market, many students gathered, and even some academy guards and academy servants will come here to sell treasures.

There are extremely rich resources in the emperor's market. After the students get the resources, some will exchange them for meritorious value, while others will sell them to the exchange market for gold, or the treasures they want.

In the exchange market, most of the first and second students are still on the market. Some hunted mysterious animals directly on the street, peeled them bloody, put the blood of the mysterious animals into bottles, and put the black animal skins. Black beast bones, black beast eyes, etc. are sold by category.

There are also some Xuegong guards who pick up a lot of mysterious medicine outside Tiandi City, spread a blanket, place the mysterious medicine directly on the blanket, and wait for other warriors to buy it.

Mysteries, ores, mysterious beasts, mysterious medicines, elixir, ancient treasures, etc., all kinds of things can be seen here, they are all-encompassing and everything.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped next to a stall, picked up a flaming red lotus, observed it carefully, nodded, and said, "This fire flame lotus should have grown for five hundred years and belongs to Wupinxuan. Can be used as medicine. Xuejie, how can this Wupinyan Fire Lotus be sold? "

Beside the stall, there was a pretty woman sitting on the plate, practicing martial arts. Her petite and exquisite body was covered with mysticism, showing a strong cultivation behavior.

Luo Li wore a heart-grooming robe on her body, retracted Xuan Qi from her body, opened her eyes and stared at Ning Xiaochuan slightly, and said, "Are you a freshman in the third division Wuyuan?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Luo Li said: "Are you a mind trainer too?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded again.

Luo Li said: "Since you know that Yanhuo lotus is Wupin Xuan Yao, you should understand that Wu Pin Xuan Yao can only be tempered by an intermediate mind trainer."

She doesn't believe that a freshman will be an intermediate mind trainer, so a kind reminder is that if you can't train Wupin Xuan Yao, it will be too wasteful!

Ning Xiaochuan had a good feeling for the school sister and said, "I'm already an intermediate psychologist, and I bought this fire lotus for the purpose of refining a middle-class dan."

"Are you an intermediate mind trainer?" Luo Li was startled slightly, as if suddenly thinking of something, suddenly realized, "Are you the Ning Xiaochuan of this period?"

Ning Xiaochuan was a little surprised and laughed: "Sister Xue also knows my name?"

Luo Li no longer treated Ning Xiaochuan so coldly, a smile appeared on her face, and said, "I am afraid that few people in Tiandi Xuegong do n’t know your name now. At the age of sixteen, you can become an intermediate mind trainer. Shang is able to compete with the most Kendo monks. I do n’t know how many talents such a talent can dim, and you are the pride of all our spiritualists. Have you broken the bridge? ”

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I just entered Tiandi City today, and I expect to go through the bridge tomorrow."

Luo Li said: "Then you have to hurry up. I heard that famous sheep have already broken through the Tongtian Bridge today, and they have passed through the first three floors of the Tongtian Bridge and have entered the Tiangong practice. The good results caused a huge sensation in Tiandi City. "

It is quite remarkable that other talented freshmen can cross the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge, but the famous sheep directly passed the third floor. This is definitely a deterrent, a deterrent to all new students, and a deterrent to Ning Xiaochuan.

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