Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 132: Sky bridge

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There are more than a thousand freshmen in this term. Many have tried to break through the overpass, but most of them can't even get through the first floor and are not qualified to enter the Tiangong practice.

Only four people can break through the first floor.

The four people are: Royal Enemy, He Jia, Hu Khan Ye Li, and Ning Xin'er.

Ning Xin'er's cultivation is inferior to the previous three, but because of his high talents, he crossed the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge and was qualified to enter the Tiangong for one day.

"A maximum of nine people can enter the Tiangong practice at a time. Before the people in it can come out, no one else can enter the Tiangong. They can only sort and wait for the time to enter the Tiangong practice." Ning Xiner said.

Soon Yu Qianqian appeared, her face was quite poor, she looked quite tired, her face was full of anger, and everyone looked unhappy!

She took someone to deal with Xie Mengyao last night, but Xie Mengyao met Ning Xiaochuan alone on the shore of Lingshui Lake, which made her take a break, and her mood was definitely not good.

"His Majesty the County Lord came here today to break through the flyover, which is a coincidence!" Xie Mengyao replaced the white robes of the students in the Heavenly Emperor Academy, reflecting her skin more and more fair, her figure was graceful, her eyes were dazzling, as if she was intentionally teasing Yu Qian Akane.

She came slowly from the end of the ancient street, attracting the attention of many students, and was fascinated by her beautiful posture.

Yu Qianqian's five fingers tightened, and then she let go of her finger again, and smiled: "You also come through the bridge, I heard that breaking through the barriers is also dangerous, you have to be careful!"

"His Royal Highness, Brou County!

Xie Mengyao stared at Ning Xiaochuan slightly and smirked: "Drinking with Master Ning last night was not enjoyable. Otherwise, after we crossed the sky bridge today, we will find another elegant and quiet place to drink wine. , Look at the stars, look at the moon, talk about life? "

Ning Xiaochuan did not expect Xie Mengyao to pull him into the water, a smile appeared on his face, and he shook his head gently.

Yu Qianqian was even more annoyed, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Last night, you and her went for a tryst?"

Ning Xiaochuan did not deny it and nodded.

"Why?" Yu Qianqian felt quite defeated. She was first humiliated by Xie Mengyao last night, and then led away by her tricks to give her the opportunity to stay alone with Ning Xiaochuan!


Yu Qianqian, you have failed so much!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "For ice muscle grass."

"Just for an ice-muscle grass? You should have known that even ten ice-muscle grasses could help you find it." Yu Qianxi really wanted to cry.

Although she is very intelligent, she is only sixteen years old. She was not afraid of fighting Xie Mengyao, but she was afraid that Ning Xiaochuan was snatched by Xie Mengyao, and she really lost too thoroughly.

Murong Wushuang smiled: "Her Royal Highness, you ca n’t say that, how could a Bingshu grass touched Brother Chuan? Imagine that the night is quiet, the beauty has an appointment, the lonely man and the widow, *, which no man can refuse thing!"

Yu Qianqian had a cold light in her eyes, and a mysterious sword condensed in her hand. A sword light flew towards Murong Wushuang, scared Murong Wushuang, and turned away.

Ning Xiaochuan did not explain, the more such a thing is explained, the more unclear it becomes.

To be clear, this is Xie Mengyao deliberately angering Yu Qianxi!

More and more people are gathered by the Tongtian Bridge, and there are even many second-time students.

Jinquexi and Yue Mingsong also appeared, along with three other members of the Tianli Society. They stood by the Tongtian River and looked at the cloudy sky.

They all came to pay attention to Ning Xiaochuan. Want to see how many layers Ning Xiaochuan can break into?

"Who is breaking through the flyover now?" Jinquexi asked.

"Princess Lan Fei!" Shi Hailiang said.

A bright light appeared on the Tongtian Bridge, the light condensed into a beam of light, soared from the bridge and pierced into the void!

The beam of light rose, immediately causing all the warriors by the Tongtian Bridge to stir.

"Princess Lan Fei crossed the first floor of the overpass!"

"Another freshman crossed the first floor, and I don't know if she can cross the second floor?"

"Probably not! So far, only famous sheep have crossed the second floor."

"Don't underestimate Princess Lan Fei. She is ranked fourth in this freshman class. She is not too weak compared to Ning Xiaochuan. Maybe she can break through the second floor."

"Ning Xiaochuan may not be able to break through the second floor."

But how long, the beam of light on the Tongtian Bridge faded, and Princess Lan Fei covered her **** wound and retreated from the Tong Tianqiao.

In the end, she broke through the second floor of the overpass!

Jinquexi exclaimed: "That's right! Princess Lan Fei's talent is a little bit worse than the natural enemy."

Although Princess Lan Fei did not cross the second floor of the Tongtian Bridge, she persisted on the second floor of the Tongtian Bridge longer than the enemy, and her natural talent was higher.

Breaking through the bridge is a comprehensive assessment of the "repair" and "talent" of the warriors.

Even if you have the ninth-level cultivation of the **** body, if your talent is too poor, maybe you can't break through the first floor of the bridge.

Ning Xin'er's cultivation is only the third most important of the **** body, but because she is extremely talented, she can cross the first floor of the bridge.

After Princess Lan Fei returned from the Tongtian Bridge, a royal master naturally greeted her.

Then, Yu Qianqian also went through the bridge, but she did not cross the first floor of the bridge, but was seriously injured.

Ning Xiaochuan took out a blood toad and gave it to her, and then she sat on the ground and healed.

In fact, Yu Qianqian was not weak, and she fought for a long time on the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge. She almost broke through the first floor, but in the end, she failed.

Subsequently, more than ten people went to the overpass one after another, among which the top ten students among the freshmen, but all failed.


The beam of light on the sky bridge rose again, and after Princess Lan Fei, someone finally crossed the first floor of the sky bridge.

Xie Mengyao retreated from the Tongtian Bridge. Although there was sweat on his forehead, he was not injured. His eyes looked at Yu Qianxi with a smile.

She actually broke through the first floor of the overpass and was not injured!

Yu Qianqian stared at her fiercely, and hated Xie Mengyao more and more, it was really abominable, she was deliberately provoking!

Ning Xiaochuan commanded Ning Xin'er and said, "Look at Her Highness, please don't let her fight with others."

Ning Xiner naturally could smell the smell of gunpowder on Yu Qianqian and knew her delicate relationship with her brother, so she nodded hard.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped towards the Tongtian Bridge step by step, disappearing in the mist of mist.

"Ning Xiaochuan finally stepped on the Tongtian Bridge, I wonder if he can cross the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge?"

"I came here just for him today. With his cultivation and talents, he should be able to break into the second floor. Let's wait and see!"

Xie Mengyao, Princess Lan Fei and others also looked at the direction of the Tongtian Bridge. Want to know how much Ning Xiaochuan's talent and potential?

This is important to them!

The Tongtian Bridge is an ancient bridge that spans the Tongtian River. It is completely covered by white fog. I do n’t know how long it is, let alone how many floors there are?

Ning Xiaochuan walked about 100 meters on the Tongtian Bridge and immediately stopped.

Not far away, a ray of mist condensed into a young man in a white robe. Standing opposite Ning Xiaochuan, his body was exactly like a real person, saying: "Kill me, through the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge, I can enter the Tiangong for one day. Once our battle begins, I will not be merciless, and may even kill you, I will stop unless I hear your voice concede. The battle has begun! "

As soon as the Baipao's voice fell, he immediately shot at Ning Xiaochuan, and thirty-six metal war swords condensed in front of him, turning into a stegosaurus, which bombarded Ning Xiaochuan.

"Wan Jianhua rain."

When Ning Xiaochuan's fingers rose to the sky, the sky suddenly condensed into a dark cloud, and after a heavy rain, the water and gas condensed into a shadow of a hundred swords.

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized a hundred swords of Qi Qi, and also turned into a stegosaurus.


The shadow of a hundred swords mobilized by Ning Xiaochuan broke through the defense of the white robe man and tore the body of the white robe man directly!


The body of the white robe people turns into a few light spots, condensing into a beam of light rising from the Tongtian Bridge!

In that beam of light, the voice of the white robe man came out: "Congratulations on passing the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge!"

"Thank you!"

Ning Xiaochuan walked past the beam of light and continued to march towards the Tongtian Bridge.

"Ning Xiaochuan is so fast. I crossed the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge in such a short time!" Many people were amazed by the side of the Tongtian Bridge.

"Famous sheep also passed through the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge quickly and took less time than Ning Xiaochuan."

"Next is the second floor of the Tongtian Bridge. I don't know if Ning Xiaochuan can break through."

Ning Xiaochuan walked another two hundred meters on the Tongtian Bridge, and once again met a white robe man!

The breath on this white robe man is very strong. Standing on a blue vine with his hands on his back, he said, "As a new student, you can break through the first floor, indicating that you have extraordinary talent, but you want to pass It ’s not easy for me. You have to understand the rules of customs clearance, and the battle will begin! "

The Baipao's fingers point towards Ning Xiaochuan, and a thick vine with a thick wrist flew out of his fingertips, beating like a spirit whip towards Ning Xiaochuan.


The air was stirred up by dry vines, like ripples on the water surface!

Ning Xiaochuan's body was wrapped in lightning to form a huge lightning ball, and his arm waved over to form a lightning sword, which cut off the dead vine.

"Lightning beast!"

Ning Xiaochuan patted at the palm of the white robe, a beast roar came out from the palm of his hand, and a pale-looking lightning beast flew out, tearing the vines under everyone in the white robe.

The white robe man fell to the ground, and with a wave of his sleeve, thousands of blades flew out of the sleeve. Each blade was like steel forging, sharp like a blade!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Ning Xiaochuan held his hands in front of him, forming a lightning barrier, and given the blades outside the barrier.

"Star Wars!"

Ning Xiaochuan's hands began to move, making the lightning barrier appear ripples, like water waves. Pushing his hands forward, those leaves would fly back like raindrops!


The power carried on the leaves is stronger and faster, and each leaf is sharper than a sword and can pierce the warrior's body.

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