Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 140: Life and death bet

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* The mountain is completely angry, and the mysterious air in the body is pouring out, condensing into a layer of mysterious air armor on the surface of the body!

This is not an ordinary Xuanqi armor, it is a martial arts supernatural "eagle armor Linyi". The armor is full of scales, and the chest is shaped like an eagle. A five-foot-long mysterious sword condenses in the hands.

He knew that Ning Xiaochuan practiced blood-stealing magic, so he gathered this layer of armor to protect himself.


A thick mysterious mist was spit out of the mouth of the mountain, covering dozens of ancient buildings around it, permeating the city.

Ning Xiaochuan was always on the alert for * Mountain, but at that moment, * Mountain's body was directly blurred and disappeared into the mist.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I have to admit that you are indeed extremely talented, but you are still too young after all, maybe you will be able to fight the invincible Emperor in the Emperor's Market for five years, but now you are far So strong! "

* The sound of the mountain sometimes appears in the east, sometimes in the other direction. The orientation of the body changes extremely fast.

In the air, there were rapid sounds of breaking wind.

Ning Xiaochuan still stood quietly, without panic, without even moving his footsteps, and said, "You are telling me, you must be able to kill me today?"

Tiandi City, a thousand-year-old city, is full of historical charm. In the rain, it looks vicissitudes and grandeur!

The streets were filled with red rain, and there was a slight **** smell.

* Mountain appeared in the mist ten meters away from Ning Xiaochuan, and his body was half-real and half-real. He said, "Three years ago, my cultivation was also the sixth most important deity, and he killed a master who was the seventh highest peak of the deity. At that time I thought I was invincible and very proud, but when I met an eighth-level warrior, I was defeated, and it was a terrible defeat. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What do you want to tell me, even if the talent is high, if the realm is too wide, it will still be a loser?"

"That's right! Even if you are a natural wizard, but my talent is not weak, and I am trained to be three levels higher than you, what do you challenge me?" * Mountain Road.

* Shan Nai is the ninth strongest of the gods, and he has been regarded as one of the "Top Ten Kings of the Imperial City", one of the ten most powerful young people in the Imperial City.

Even if Ning Xiaochuan's talent is even higher, but after half a year of cultivation, how can he compete with them?

But Ning Xiaochuan had to face this battle and said, "Since you are so confident, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

"Why should I bet with you?" * Sand Road.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you kill me, the strong in Jiangehoufu can also let you die without burial place."

* Shan's face changed slightly, knowing that Ning Xiaochuan was telling the truth. If Jiange Houfu really desperately tried to kill him, even Yunzhong Hou might not be able to keep him.

It is for this reason that they all desperately want to force Ning Xiaochuan to kill himself, as a last resort, do not want to do it himself.

* Mountain Road: "How to gamble?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you can't kill me today, in the future, you Yunmengmen will not be able to deal with my sister and my friends."

* Mountain Road: "The people we want to kill in Yunmeng are you, your friends and your sister. In our opinion, there is no threat. I agree to this condition. What if I killed you?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I signed with you a 'Duel of Death', and the king is defeated, and life is dead. If I die in your hands, I can only blame my inferior skills, and no one can avenge me anymore, because this is me Willingly. "

"Okay! There is a kind! Use your life to gamble just for the safety of your loved ones and friends. It's a kind and righteous man! I promise your bet on behalf of the leader. If you really escape in my hands today, we Yunzhongmeng will never embarrass your friends and your sister! "

Although it seems that * Shan is admiring Ning Xiaochuan, in fact he is scolding Ning Xiaochuan for being stupid.

However, this is a good thing for him. If Ning Xiaochuan really signed the "due to death", then even if he killed Ning Xiaochuan, he would not be afraid to come to the door to ask the crimes of Jiangehoufu, let alone Tiandi Xuegong. Punishment of a teacher,

Ning Xiaochuan could escape directly, but he could not do so. What would happen to Ning Xiner once he escaped? What about Murong Wushuang?

He killed so many people in Yunzhong League, Yunzhong League could not take good care of it, it would surely be angry to Ning Xiner and Murong Wushuang.

Even if the people of Tianlihui promised to keep Ning Xin'er and Murong Wushuang, but after all they just met Ning Xiaochuan, how much strength can they use to protect them?

The master of the Cloud Alliance, it is not too difficult to secretly kill Ning Xin'er and Murong Wushuang!

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan knew that the enemy was extremely powerful, but he had to fight, not fight for himself, but only for loved ones and friends.

Gamble with your own life and give them a way to live!

All this is because he is not strong enough, and his strength is not enough to protect the people around him. If he is strong enough, he will kill * Shan in the palm of his hand, why talk so much nonsense to him?

Repair it! strength! realm!

Ning Xiaochuan is not afraid that * Shan can speak without faith. After all, * Shan is one of the "Top Ten Kings of the Imperial City" and has a high status and honor in the young generation. He has a bright future and will not easily joke about his reputation. .

For the warrior, killing is not a disgrace. It is the most contemptuous to say nothing but faith.

Both signed a "due to death".

At the moment of signing life and death, * Mountain no longer had any scruples, and directly sent down the killer to Ogawa. The palm of his hand was like a blade, splitting seventeen sword waves.

Ning Xiaochuan had been on the alert, and his body turned into a colorful rainbow. He moved to a low wall and was planning to launch the wings of rage to escape.

A cloud of white mist was pressing down from above.

Where is this fog? It's even heavier than steel, let alone flying off the ground, even if you want to take steps.

"Do you think this is really just mist? This is the ghost mist spit out by the Qipin mysterious ghost ghost spider. I broke into the ghost mist, absorbed the ghost mist into the body, and refined it into a magical power. It is called 'ghost haze malaria'."

* Shan wore a eagle armor and turned into a white light, and a sword pierced the heart of Ning Xiaochuan!

"Break it for me!" Ning Xiaochuan tore the gap in ghost fog and escaped.


* Shan still hit a sword on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder, leaving a **** wound.

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited "Colorful Move", his body moved out, and he pulled away from the mountain, and blood was constantly flowing from his shoulders!

* The repair of the mountain is more powerful than Ning Xiaochuan imagined. It is not just as simple as the ninth weight of the deity, it has the power to fight against the vulgar warriors.

Ten Great Kings of the Imperial City


The red little dragon turned into a red mist, wrapping Ning Xiaochuan's body, forming a dragon scale **** armor!

Ning Xiaochuan had spines on his head, a dragon claw sword in his hand, and a pair of huge blood-red dragon wings on his back.

The body of the little red dragon was more than ten times larger. It was hung on the armor, exposing a sloppy dragon head, two sharp blood claws!

Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was to reach the sixth level of the deity body. After the integration, the strength became more powerful.

"call out!"

* Mountain stabbed again, Jian Feng pierced the air with a "rustle" sound, a drop of sparks appeared!

Ning Xiaochuan's legs were slightly divergent, his body sinking, holding his sword in both hands, splitting a blood-red sword wave, faintly, you can see a shadow of a dragon head flashing on the sword's edge, making a dragon groan.

A sword fight, the two back at the same time!

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan succeeded, he immediately unfolded the dragon wings and flew away.

To be able to escape tonight is already a victory.

As for killing * mountain, this matter can be taken slowly. Ning Xiaochuan believes that he has cultivated from the Tiangong, and his combat power will definitely be able to contend with the mountain. Now the first task is to escape this tonight!

"Two more hits!"

* With a faint smile on Shan's face, he inserted the Xuanqi Sword in his hand to the ground, his arms slowly raised upwards!


Affected by the strong mysterious waves on the mountain, houses and temples on both sides of the ancient street collapsed and turned into ruins!

These remnants and stumps all flew up. The entire sky was broken walls, broken tiles, and remnants. There were thousands of ruins. At the same time, they flew towards the sky and hit Ning Xiaochuan's body.

This is a very shocking scene, and many military people are shocked to see it!

"Is this the power that humans can have? Almost all the buildings in a street have been lifted and this city has been razed to the ground."

"* Mountain should definitely kill the power of the ninth heavy warrior of the **** body. This is the power that the warrior from the world can reach."

"No wonder he is so confident that he can kill Ning Xiaochuan, let alone Ning Xiaochuan, even a warrior who is the ninth most important deity will die."


* The foot of the mountain suddenly stepped on the ground, his body soared tens of meters high, stepped on a piece of broken wall, and pursued Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan felt the sound of the wind breaking behind him getting stronger and stronger. He retracted a pair of dragon wings, sank sharply, landed on the ground, and broke directly into the white mist-confused Tongtian Bridge.

* The mountain also fell from above the air and followed, but the body just touched the white mist and was bounced back by an invisible force.

* Mountain stood firm, looked up, and saw a plaque suspended above Baiwu, which said three vigorous and powerful characters "Tiantianqiao".

The sky bridge can only allow one person to enter.

The second person cannot enter it, and will be blocked outside by the power of the overpass.

* Shan did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan actually hid in the Tongtian Bridge, "I see how long you can hide on the Tongtian Bridge? If you can't break through new levels within an hour, you will still be driven out by the Tongtian Bridge.

Ning Xiaochuan only broke through the overpass today and crossed the third floor, which is already the limit in the freshman!

* Shan doesn't believe he can break into a higher level, so he waits outside the Tongtian Bridge. Just wait for an hour, and Ning Xiaochuan will be expelled from the Tongtian Bridge.

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