Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 143: Law Enforcement Hall

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When Ning Xiaochuan dragged his severely injured body and walked out of the Tongtian Bridge, he saw that the students and teachers of the Emperor's Palace were already surrounded by the bridge.

This scene is not much different from what Ning Xiaochuan expected!

Ning Xiaochuan's back was still bleeding, her face was pale, her hair was dazzled, and she glanced at everyone present, squeezing a smile, "Are you going to start trying me?"


Ning Xin'er rushed over to help Ning Xiaochuan, and saw the shocking wound on his back, tears could not stop flowing down, the soft fingers overflowed with martial art mystery, broke into Ning Xiaochuan's body, and helped him heal.

Ning Xiaochuan gently held and held Ning Xin'er's hand and said, "Xin'er, I'm fine, only minor injuries!"

Ning Xiaochuan worked hard to support his back, his momentum was still sharp, and he was not seriously injured. He stared at * Shan and laughed: "You lost!"

* Shan sneered, a white mystery gathered on the palm of the hand, but in the end this mystery slowly spread out and no shot was taken!

A group of warriors in armor came out, carrying long rifles, carrying a sense of forest chill, bringing Ning Xiaochuan and * Shan to the Law Enforcement Hall!

Today's bloodshed resulted in the tragic death of forty-one students. Someone must be responsible for the bloodshed, and the culprit will be severely punished!

The law enforcement team of the Heavenly Emperor Academy maintains the order of the entire emperor's market, with one captain and six deputy captains.

In addition, there are law enforcement elders, a total of three law enforcement elders, all are high-profile martial arts strong.

The bloodshed caused by Ning Xiaochuan and Yunzhong League resulted in the death of forty-one students, which is a huge loss for the Emperor Tiandi Xuegong. The captain of the law enforcement team and the two deputy captains stationed in Tiandi City will come together. trial!

The deputy head of the mixed world and the deputy head of the Yan side, as observers of this trial!

Ning Xiaochuan and * Shan are all young heroes in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. One is a freshman who can cross the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge; the other is one of the top ten in the Imperial City.

This trial soon spread throughout the city of Tiandi, causing a lot of sensation among the students.

The captain of the law enforcement team, Han Fu, is almost thirty years old. He is the chief of the third session of the Heavenly Emperor Academy. Today's cultivation has reached a level of secularism, which is quite prestigious among the students.

Han Fu was also very depressed at the moment. The original leader of the Yunzhong League came to him to discuss martial arts, and he knew that this was why the Yunzhong League wanted to kill Ning Xiaochuan, but did not want the law enforcement team to intervene.

In the light of his friendship with the Alliance Leader of the Cloud Alliance, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and did not care about it. It is a new book anyway.

But something he didn't expect, it would cause so much trouble, leading to the tragic death of forty-one students.

Such a large bloodshed has rarely happened in Emperor's Market. If it is really to be held accountable, his law enforcement team leader cannot escape his blame!

"The people in Yunzhong League are all waste, and even a freshman can't be killed. Instead, they are completely obliterated by a new book. Waste, all waste!" Han Fu's heart cursed.

Of course, he couldn't show it on his face, he could only pretend he was completely unaware.


Han Fu's face was iron-blue, and he slapped his palm fiercely on the table case. "Nevertheless! In the past century, Tiandi City has never experienced such a tragedy. Even if the two major leagues fought hard, they did not cause such heavy casualties. .You really can toss, are you trying to break the sky? Or are you not looking at the law enforcement team at all? "

"Captain Han, this thing ..." * Shan stood down, with a dazzling temperament, totally unlike an adult under trial.

"Shut up! Your cloud alliance is becoming more and more lawless. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the captain's retreat to practice, he will besiege a freshman in Tiandi City. If this is known to your allies, your allies will not spare you." Han Fu Said.

Outside the Law Enforcement Hall, Murong Wushuang sat on the threshold and whispered, "This law enforcement captain can really pretend. He doesn't know this, it's weird!"

Yue Mingsong also sat on the threshold and shook his head and sighed: "Who told someone to be the leader of the third trainee, and now the captain of the law enforcement team, who dares to expose him? He said that he is practicing, naturally he is practicing; he He said he was sleeping, and he was able to make the matter completely clear. "

Why is Han Fu's repair so high, even the sound of ants fighting ten miles away can be heard, let alone Murong Wushuang and Yue Mingsong murmur, but his face is completely unchanged, continuing: "This What the **** is going on? Who will tell me clearly? "

Ning Xiaochuan is trying to make things clear!

Han Fu said: "* Shan, you are also born, you say it first!"

* The corner of Shan's mouth was slightly tickled, and Ning Xiaochuan glanced lightly, showing a proud look, saying, "Captain Han, this fact cannot blame our Yunzhong League. During the assessment of the Huomu Mountains, Ning Xiaochuan innocently accused me. The eighth brother killed his younger sister, thus killing my eighth brother cruelly. Of course, the Xuegong assessment was originally you fighting for me, the mortality rate was very high. I heard this bad news, although I was sad, but also No blame Ning Xiaochuan. "

"But my sixth-grader Lu Huntian has the best relationship with his eighth-ranked brother. He is sympathetic. After hearing the innocent death of the eighth-ranked brother in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, he is extremely distressed and is looking for revenge from the murderer."

"Captain Han also knows my sixth division and knows that he has a jealous and remorse-like character. He has the same temperament as a cow, and even I can't stop him. He took the warrior of the Yunzhong League to ask Ning Xiaochuan Xingshi to convict him. Ask for an explanation for your brother. "

"Of course, he understands the rules of Heavenly Emperor's Palace, and he doesn't want to kill Ning Xiaochuan. He just wants to make Ning Xiaochuan apologize for his wrongdoing."

"But he never dreamed of it. Ning Xiaochuan turned out to be a monster in the magic gate. He had practiced blood-stealing magic, cruel and ruthless. He didn't reason with him at all, but he fought. He hadn't reacted yet. At that time, Ning Xiaochuan attacked him seriously and seriously killed him! "

"Ning Xiaochuan was completely mad, performing blood-stealing magic, killing people like a madman, and all the members of the Yunzhong League died under his poisonous hands! When I learned that it disappeared and rushed past, it was too late! Hey! "

* Shan clenched his fist, groaning inexplicably, and said, "I beg Captain Han to punish this Mormon murderer severely!"

"The people in the magic gate dared to enter the emperor's market, and they were really brave." Han Fu stared coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan has seen shameless people, but has never seen such a shameless person!

Han Fu said, "Our Heavenly Emperor Academy is full of talents and recruits talents from all over the world, but we absolutely do not accept people in the magic gate. Ning Xiaochuan, as a monster in the magic gate, enter the emperor's market, this is already a capital crime. And, you are still in the emperor The city committed such a horrible sin, even if you were executed ten times. Not much. What else can you argue now? "

Ning Xiaochuan stood straight in the hall, and simply said, "I'm not a member of the magic gate, and I have never practiced blood-stealing magic."

Han Fu replied, "Ning Xiaochuan, how dare you quibble?"

"Cough!" The chief of the mixed hospital vice president coughed twice and said, "Captain Han, without evidence, said that Ning Xiaochuan had practiced blood-stealing magic and said that he was a member of the magic gate, which was a little unfair to him."

Han Fu gave a slight gift to the host of the Fushi Academies and said: "Master, Vice Academies, you are right! * Shan, you say that Ning Xiaochuan has practiced blood-stealing magic, can you have evidence? In addition to you, Did anyone see it? "

* Shan smiled coldly and said, "Naturally, there is evidence, because Ning Xiaochuan has also performed blood-stealing magic on me. You only need to ask the Spiritual Emperor to perform the magical power of the Mirror of Time and Space to see what happened at that time. What happened to me. "

Mirror of Time and Space!

Hearing these four words, the face of the deputy director of Mixed World also changed slightly.

There is only one person who can control the power of "time" and "space" in the entire emperor's market.

This is not to say that the martial arts of the Emperor Wuxu has reached the point of reaching its peak, but because she has a special martial arts palace, the Chaos Heart Palace, so she can grasp the special power that other martial arts cannot.

In the chaos, there is no time and no space.

It is precisely for this reason that warriors with a chaotic heart can escape from the real world, find a trace of time and space, and have never mastered the power of "time" and "space".

It is not an easy task to invite the Emperor of the Spiritual Void, but this fact is of great relevance and involves the lives of dozens of students, so the vice president Yan Yan and the mixed world vice president rushed to ask her in person.

The Emperor Lingu finally came to the Law Enforcement Hall!

The Sovereign Spirit wears a white robe, slender like a silhouette in a lake, and a layer of imaginary mist flows around the body, as if surrounded by a layer of star mist, adding a bit of mystery!

Even if Ning Xiaochuan moved Xuanqi to the position of his eyes, he could not see through the layer of fog. All she knew was that she was a woman, a very young woman with long black hair, and her cheeks were perfectly flawless and full of spirituality!

Huh! mysterious! Ethereal!

This feeling is almost like a fairy, who does not eat fireworks on the earth and does not stain the red dust. People can only look up, but never touch her corner of clothing!

This is the first encounter between Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu!

The Emperor Lingxu also gave a slight glance to Ning Xiaochuan, then retracted his gaze, walked to the front of * mountain, the voice was clear and soft, like the mountains and flowing water, empty and pleasant, and said, "When the real time and space mirror is turned on, you must converge. There must be no distractions in my mind! "

* Mountain looks like a cocky man in front of anyone else, but in the presence of the Emperor, he has a respectful look.

The Emperor Lingxu stretched out a finger as white as jade, and gently pointed it into the air. A certain point in the space seemed to be captured by her.


This point began to enlarge, turning into a white mirror, suspended in the law enforcement hall!

On the mirror, there are pictures one by one, and time and space start to go backwards!


Recommend to you a good-looking fantasy novel "Dragon Blood Emperor", good Jiyou's book, quite good.

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