Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 148: Too old

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Ning Xiaochuan punched a piece of mysterious energy into the mysterious animal book, and as soon as his mind moved, a ray of dazzling white light flew out of the mysterious animal book.


The six-meter-tall double-headed stone beast appeared on the bank of the creek, with a huge body, thighs like stone pillars, skulls like stone mills, tails like stone tombs, and mouth-like stone swords!

In the mouth on the left, a spit of cold air suddenly frozen the entire stream into ice, and frost was everywhere in the jungle!

In his right mouth, he spit out a flame to ignite the ancient trees in the woods, and the trunk burned into a fire lantern in an instant.

"Little Shuang, come back!"

When the two-headed stone beast heard Ning Xiaochuan's call, it immediately turned into a ray of white light and flew into the mysterious beast book.

"Roar roar!"

The red dragon flew to Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders, staring at a pair of round eyes, stretched out a small paw, and tossed the mysterious animal book in Ning Xiaochuan's hand, which seemed very interesting.

"What? You want to be taken in by the mysterious beast?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

When the little red dragon heard this, he shook his head vigorously, and made a series of screams in his mouth, staring at the Xuanshoujian, and stretched out a pair of claws.

"Do you want this mysterious book?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The red dragon's eyes brightened, and then he nodded hard, blinking at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Okay! I can lend it to you for a while!" Ning Xiaochuan handed the mysterious beast to the red dragon.

The little red dragon flew up after receiving the Xuanshoujian, holding hands, yelling excitedly, rolling in the air!


It lifted the mysterious beast on top of its head, summoned the two-headed stone beast again, and then sat lazily on top of the two-headed stone beast, directing the two-headed stone beast to go deeper into the ghost dream forest.

"Sure enough, my current life form and the red dragon's life form are already closely linked, and it is precisely because of this that it can use the mysterious beast to summon the mysterious beast inside."

Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into a colorful rainbow, catching up to the two-headed stone beast and the red dragon, the ghost dream barren forest is very dangerous, so don't let them make a big storm.

The body of the two-headed stone beast is like a moving hill, crashing into the ground, breaking up the big trees, leaving footprints as large as washbasins on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan flew to the back of the two-headed stone beast and said, "Little Red, give me the mysterious beast!"

The red dragon stared at Ning Xiaochuan, holding the mysterious monster in his arms, and then shook his head constantly, shaking like a rattle.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were black!

It turned out to be like a mysterious beast!

The red little dragon's eyes are fast, and while Ning Xiaochuan hasn't started, he throws the mysterious beast into his mouth, his mouth is flattened, he swallows forcibly to his throat, swallows his stomach, and finally gets stuck on his neck, giving the neck all Spread into a fan shape.


The red dragon rolled on the back of the two-headed stone beast, and the mysterious beast could not spit it out, nor could it swallow it.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and caught it. He squeezed his neck and pulled it fiercely, and squeezed the Xuanshoujian from his mouth.

Ning Xiaochuan pinched the mysterious animal book, slammed the red dragon's face twice, and said, "If you don't listen anymore, I will put you in the mysterious animal book!"

The little red dragon nodded hurriedly, but his eyes were still staring at Xuanshoujian.

Ning Xiaochuan intends to conquer more and more powerful mysterious animals, and walks specifically between the dangerous mountains and valleys, looking for suitable targets for conquest.


A **** python crawled out of a cave on the cliff, and its body and feet were more than twenty meters long. The bucket was so thick and its eyes were like two big lanterns.

Ning Xiaochuan ejected from the back of the two-headed stone beast, spread a pair of wings on his back, and patted his palm against the head of the black python.


The tail of the black python draws Ning Xiaochuan in the volley, sweeping a tree and turning it into a broken wood!

"Rainbow Tri-Motion!"

Ning Xiaochuan began to move colorfully, changing his body three times in a row, falling to the top of the black python at an unpredictable speed, pressing it with one palm.

Ning Xiaochuan's palm was wrapped in lightning to form a huge lightning claw, and the black python's head was deadly pressed to the ground.

"call out!"

The power of the magic sword erupted from Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The blood of the black python's body poured into Ning Xiaochuan's palm frantically, and was absorbed by the magic sword. Soon, the huge body of the black python dried up and turned into a black snakeskin bag.

Although the black python's combat power is powerful, it is not suitable to be conquered as a slave of the mysterious beast, so Ning Xiaochuan directly killed it and absorbed its blood to promote cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan sat down on the cliff and completely absorbed the blood of the black python, and the martial art mystery in his body has been improved a lot, which is comparable to the results of ten days of independent training.

"Color moves!"

Ning Xiaochuan started the divine method again, his body turned into a colorful streamer and fell to a position more than 20 meters high on the cliff, but his body did not immediately fall off the cliff.

The body turned into a second colorful rainbow, and it was raised more than 20 meters high again!

Transforming his body four times in a row, Ning Xiaochuan's body climbed a cliff more than ninety meters high and fell to the top of the cliff. "To reach the realm of the rainbow four-moving body, one step closer to the Mahayana moving from the rainbow."

Only martial arts soldiers can use the martial arts power to jump more than ninety meters high, but Ning Xiaochuan still uses the rainbow to move, but he still climbs up the cliff and looks down the cliff.

Ning Xiaochuan's wings spread out and flew down the cliff again!

Ning Xiaochuan just climbed the cliff to observe the terrain, and found several dangerous areas. The faint smell of the mysterious king came from those directions, making Ning Xiaochuan feel dangerous.

Ning Xiaochuan collected the double-headed stone beast into the mysterious beast book, and proceeded carefully.

The little red dragon had no contraindications, walking in front of Ning Xiaochuan, sometimes flying to the treetops, and sometimes falling into the grass.

One dragon and one person walked to the depths of this gorge. The ground was no longer covered with grass, only a hard stone.


The little red dragon seemed to find something. He ran into the pile of stones and threw his claws **** the ground to dig a large pit. Suddenly, the ghost screamed and escaped from the pile of stones, hiding behind Ning Xiaochuan, and a small claw kept pointing in the direction of the pile of stones.

in danger?

Ning Xiaochuan condensed a mysterious sword, walked towards the pile of rocks, and saw a small beast full of scales in the big pit behind the pile, only half a meter high, like a pangolin , But has a unicorn's head.

The little red dragon actually dug a mysterious beast from the stone pile?

"It turned out to be just a mysterious cub!" Ning Xiaochuan was relieved.


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's voice fell, the body of the Kirin pangolin, which was only half a meter high, became more than ten meters high. With just one ear, it was as big as Ning Xiaochuan's body, and his eyes were like a tank!

Ning Xiaochuan stood in front of it, as small as an ant!

Its body was actually several times larger than the two-headed stone beast, with a roar in his mouth, which shook the whole canyon, and he stepped on Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan turned into a colorful streamer to escape this foot. The ground where he stood just now was stepped out of a big pit by the Kirin pangolin.

Not to mention a living person with flesh and blood, even if it is an iron man, being stepped on by it will become a discus.

"Little Double!"

When Ning Xiaochuan waved the mysterious beast, the white light flickered, and the two-headed stone beasts flew out, fighting with the unicorn pangolin, beating the canyon to crushed stones and flying, and the sound of "嘭 嘭" continued to sound.

Although the body of that unicorn pangolin was much larger than the two-headed stone beast, it was nothing more than a two-headed stone beast.

The two-headed stone beast can spit out the power of ice and fire, and is called an immortal body, which belongs to the top level of the Sipin Xuan Beast.

The Kirin pangolin is just a cub, and it can only fight through physical power, and its own magical powers have not been fully born yet.

"What kind of mysterious animal is this? It's absolutely extraordinary that only a cub can fight a two-headed stone animal."

"Kirin's head, pangolin's body!"

While Ning Xiaochuan was thinking, the unicorn pangolin suddenly plunged into the ground and disappeared!


Behind the double-headed stone beast, the unicorn pangolin emerged from the ground again. A tail fanned out the double-headed stone beast and hit the cliff. The stone-built body was hit and ragged.


The two-headed stone beast roared, the anger was soaring into the sky, and the hot flame was spit out in his mouth.

The unicorn pangolin plunged into the soil again, disappeared, and appeared again behind the two-headed stone beast. He flew the two-headed stone beast again and almost beat the two-headed stone beast.

However, the two-headed stone beast has an undead body, and those stones that fell to the ground have gathered on the body, expanding the body a large circle, and fighting the unicorn pangolin again.

Seeing the unicorn pangolins move freely in the dirt and stones, Ning Xiaochuan's mind thought of an ancient taboo!

"Is it the‘ too old ’? The descendant of the ancient beast royal family?”

Tai Sui is a very ancient mysterious creature who lives in the underground world, but is the master of the underground world.

The phrase "moving soil on Tai Sui's head" is to say that Tai Sui is the master of the earth. Whoever accidentally digs into the ground when he is digging the soil will be overcast.

Everyone thinks that the underground world is a dead silence, without any life, but this is not true!

The ground is also a magical world with many ancient and powerful creatures. Too old has always lived in that world and rarely comes to the surface.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan is not likely to encounter a too old animal on the surface today, mainly because the red dragon is too cheap and live, and tossed a too old animal cub out of the soil.

When others slept well, they were dug out alive, and they were naturally unhappy.

The too old beast cub wanted to get into the ground and escape, but was dragged by the red dragon and pulled out of the dirt.

That's why he completely enraged the cubs of the old beast and took the initiative to attack Ning Xiaochuan, while the culprit, the red dragon, hid in the distance and hid behind a large stone!

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