Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 159: Blood Gate

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Demon!

The remaining three indigenous warriors, one is the ninth-level cultivation of the **** body, and two are the eighth-level cultivation of the **** body, all entering the category of masters of martial arts.

The ninth-level indigenous warrior of that deity was the elder among the indigenous people, known as the "white elder", and an old man who had practiced for more than sixty years.

The three of them are more powerful than Ning Xiaochuan and are several times older than Ning Xiaochuan, but at this moment they are all taboo about Ning Xiaochuan. I think this boy is not easy. They formed a formation and joined forces to defend Ning Xiaochuan.

"Elder Bai, he is only the seventh-best practice of the deities. Why should we be afraid of him?" An indigenous warrior was puzzled.

"You must be cautious. The contents of this forest must not be lost!" Elder Bai is a cautious person, even in the face of even the weakest opponent, he will not take it lightly.

Ning Xiaochuan condensed a mysterious sword, his body burst into a shot, holding the sword with both hands, and cutting it down.


On the surface of the battlefield composed of three indigenous masters, a dazzling light appeared, breaking the mysterious sword, and three fists bombarded Ning Xiaochuan's chest at the same time.

"Yunxia returns to strength!"

Ning Xiaochuan's body burst out of martial arts, forming a circle of Caixia barrier, turning into a ball to wrap the body!

The three indigenous masters followed closely, forming a fifteen-meter-high vortex wind, making a loud noise of the tiger, sweeping everything under the ground, flying a thousand pounds of rock to the sky, and breaking it into loquat powder.

In front of the huge whirlpool, Ning Xiaochuan's body is as small as an ant, and he starts to move colorfully and flees!

"Hey! You weren't very hard just now, but now you continue to be hard?" An indigenous warrior punched a big handprint from the vortex, leaving a huge deep pit at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan, forcing Ning Xiaochuan into danger.

The three masters form a battle line, which can be called an unbreakable castle and an attack chariot!

It turned out that Yue Mingsong, who was lying on the back of the double-headed stone beast, saw Ning Xiaochuan lead away the three indigenous masters, his eyes suddenly flashed, he turned over and climbed up, riding the double-headed stone beast and slipped into the underground woods.

The three indigenous masters naturally saw this scene, and their faces changed dramatically.

"It's bad, they were attacked by the East." Elder Bai will immediately rush back to stop Yue Mingsong from entering the underground woods.


Ning Xiaochuan and the red dragon combined into one body, wearing a blood-red dragon scale armor, holding sharp swords in his hands, a pair of huge dragon wings on his back, to intercept the white elders!

Yue Mingsong still broke into the underground woods and disappeared into the jungle.

All three indigenous masters knew how to win the Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong's schemes, and howled!


The head of the little red dragon protruded from the back of Ning Xiaochuan, and a red flame spit out from his mouth. The rock on the ground became blackened, and the long hair on the white elder's head was burned. If not, he retreated quickly. I'm afraid the flesh and blood on my body is burned.

In the woods, the cry of a two-headed stone beast!


Not long after, Yue Mingsong escaped from the forest on a two-headed stone beast, carrying a seven-meter-long iron sheet door in his hand, and the door was like a city gate. I wonder how many kilograms it weighed.

There are many mysterious lines recorded on the door panel, and at this moment Yue Mingsong was carrying it on his head.

"Run away!"

While yelling at Ning Xiaochuan, Yue Mingsong looked behind, with an anxious look on his face, as if a group of wild dogs were chasing behind him.

After seeing the door panel in Yue Mingsong's hands, the three indigenous warriors changed their faces, "Oh my God! What the **** did he do?"

The three of them glanced into the woods underground, as if they were taboo, and then fled immediately.


In the woods below, a blood mist flew over. There was a creeping screaming body, one by one, the blood evil will burst out from the blood mist, a huge number, hundreds, like a blood army in the underworld!

Each blood shaman will be five meters high, wearing armor, like a giant warrior, holding a blood blade, opening a large basin of blood, and becoming blue-faced and fangs, very scary!

A blood warlord has the power to kill the ninth heavy warrior of the **** body, but there are hundreds of blood warlords here. It is simply a group of messengers of hell, possessing the power of God to block God and Buddha to block Buddha.




A blood evil dragon rushed out of the underground woods, and the body was also assembled by blood evil. The body was more than 80 meters high, covered with blood scales, and huge like a blood mountain!

There was a roar in Xueshalong's mouth, shaking the whole tomb of Tiandi.

"I'm going! What the **** did you do that hurt you?" Ning Xiaochuan turned over and fell on the back of the two-headed stone beast, driving the two-headed stone beast to flee.

The blood behind him will keep up.

Yue Mingsong, carrying a huge iron door plate, smiled bitterly: "Escape first and then say, in fact, there is not much, not much!"


Beside, a scream came!

An escaped indigenous warrior was caught up by the blood evil, swallowed into his mouth, and when it was spit out, it had become a bone.

Before long, another scream came.

Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to look behind him, someone must have died again!

The two-headed stone beast ran across the pool, rushed into an underground canyon, and ran towards a wasteland.

The escape was in the middle of the night, and the two of them eventually threw off all the blood.

Ning Xiaochuan also completely lost their direction and didn't know where they fled?

"What the **** is going on here, where is there so much blood?" Ning Xiaochuan dragged Yue Mingsong from the double-headed stone beast and pressed him to the ground. He felt that this guy was in trouble again!

Yue Mingsong wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Calm! Calm! Seeing that there is no door panel in my hand, this is the gate that closes the blood world, and I pulled it down."


"So, you let those blood evil generals out of the blood world?" Ning Xiaochuan was speechless.

Yue Mingsong said: "Calm down! Calm down! Have you ever wondered why there is so much blood?"

Ning Xiaochuan calmed down, and he was puzzled, and said, "Yeah! Even the blood world is unlikely to have so many blood warriors. The combined power of these blood warriors is comparable to a million troops. Sweep everything inside the imperial market. "

"Then if these blood evils would all rush into Tiandi City?" Yue Mingsong said.

Ning Xiaochuan's face changed slightly, saying: "The entire Heavenly Emperor's Palace may be uprooted and the entire army will be overwhelmed."

Yue Mingsong nodded and said: "Remember those ghost knights, ghost soldiers, and corpses we saw outside the corpse cave. They entered the corpse in groups, entered the underground forest, and then went into the blood. Gate of the world. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Do you mean that after the ghost knights and invaders entered the blood realm, they were transformed into blood evil generals? No, it is impossible. Although they all belong to evil evil, their will shapes are different, not at all. May transform at will. "

Yue Mingsong knew more about Yin Sha than Ning Xiaochuan, shook his head, and said, "No, there is a mystery that can transform Yin Sha to each other and cause qualitative changes. These mysteries are called 'Yin Yang furnace' 'It is a legendary ancient artifact that can help Yin Sha to cultivate, and also help Yin Sha to change. This is a Bapin mystery, a treasure between heaven and earth. Unfortunately, it has been missing for many years.'

Worlds, full of wonders.

Any wonders may appear in the heavens and the earth!

Yue Mingsong continued: "In fact, we were wrong from the beginning! The sky phenomenon of" One Hundred Ghosts Night Walk "appeared in the sky above the tomb of the emperor. We always thought that it was the emperor's tomb to be opened. Attracted. In fact, this is not the case. The reason why the "100 Ghost Night Walk" astronomical phenomenon appears is that the indigenous strongmen opened the door of the blood world, and they spurred this astronomical phenomenon. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "They got the yin and yang furnace, came secretly to the emperor's tomb forest, opened the gate of the blood world, and converted the ghost knight, the warrior, and the corpse to the blood sacrifice. As long as they got enough blood sacrifice, they You can counterattack the city of Heaven and kill all the warriors in the Palace of Heaven. In this way, they will become the masters of the emperor's market again! "

"That's right! If I didn't guess wrong, there must be a Witch King character in the aboriginal people's tomb." Yue Mingsong's mood became heavy.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I'm curious. Isn't there any undercover sent by the Emperor Tiandi Xuegong among the indigenous people? Such an important thing, the Tiandi Xuegong didn't even notice it?"

Yue Mingsong said: "Among the indigenous peoples, there are naturally the Emperor's Palace. However, such an important matter will definitely be kept strictly secret. Only the characters of the Witch King level will know the true purpose of entering the emperor's grave forest, other indigenous peoples. The warrior may not even understand what is going on? This matter is too important, and it has a bearing on the life and death of the entire Heavenly Emperor Xuegong. We will immediately go back and tell this matter to the elders of Xuegong. "

There is a master of the Witch King level in the tomb of the emperor. This is not a character that the two of them can compete with. They must immediately return to rescue the soldiers. If the indigenous masters master a large number of blood warlords, it will be a huge for the emperor of the emperor. Disaster!

Those blood evil generals have disappeared without a trace, as if they have never appeared, it seems quite strange, and Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong immediately went to find the exit of the Emperor's Tomb.

After walking in the Tiandi tomb for a long time, I still could not find a direction. Instead, I encountered a group of mad warriors, a total of eight people, all wearing the school robes of the Emperor Xuedi.

Among them are the second-time veteran students and the first-time new students. There are handsome men and beautiful female students.

Their expressions were quite weird, their hair was messy, their bodies covered with blood, and they were fighting each other, like crazy.

Ning Xiaochuan saw an acquaintance among the eight people, and it was the little prince of the Kirin Palace. Royal enemy.

The eyes of the Royal Enemy were red, murderous, holding Fangtianhua halberd, killing the Quartet, and fighting with other students of the Heavenly Emperor Academy.

"They were stained with the filth in the emperor's tomb, lost their minds, and were firing on their companions." Yue Mingsong found eight Jiuyang beads and blasted them out at the same time, and fell on the eight emperors of the emperor's palace .


There will be a chapter later, keep asking for monthly tickets!

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