Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 163: Power gap

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The High Priest Heilai passed the bronze dagger in hand to Ning Xiaochuan, and let Ning Xiaochuan first eat the meat of Ji Hanxing.

This is a deliberate test of Ning Xiaochuan to see if he really dares to eat human flesh?

The high priest of Heilai exudes a powerful field force, like a mountain of millions of pounds pressed on Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing, with a cold smile on his face: "Hurry up! You are not very edible Human flesh, show me now. "

Ning Xiaochuan took the bronze dagger and winked slightly at Ji Hanxing!

Even if you are facing a character of Wu Zun level, you ca n’t just sit back and fight, but you have to be careful about strategy to have a chance to win.

Ning Xiaochuan's bronze dagger fell towards Ji Hanxing's arm, and the bronze dagger fell directly into Ji Hanxing's hands, while Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into a colorful rainbow, speeding to the extreme, and rushing towards the Black Rai High Priest!

"call out!"

Ning Xiaochuan's body looks like a rainbow!

Hei Lai high prince smiled: "I know you are not honest, why do you have to struggle to dying? Shock the big tree, do not control yourself!"

He stretched out a crumpled palm, and grabbed at Ning Xiaochuan at will, with a trace of vitality flowing on the palm, with a twist of force, forming a vortex.

The whole space seemed to be twisted, let alone a person, even a single fly would not want to escape from the vortex.

"call out!"

In a critical moment, Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into a colorful streamer again, and his body position constantly changed, like shadows of ghosts, to escape the hit of the High Priest of Heilai!

A high-pitched light from the mouth of the High Priest Heilai, a juvenile in the realm of spirits, was able to escape Wu Zun's palm, which is simply a miracle!

The difference between the state of dignity and the state of deities is like the difference between an elephant and an ant.

No matter how fast the ants are, they never want to run to get an elephant's blow. But at this moment, this ant had a miracle to escape.

"Now, let's go!" Ning Xiaochuan's mouth uttered a long howling, the sound was like a thunder, and the tremor shook the void gently, countless lightnings intertwined, forming a stunning picture!

The magic sword in the heart runs fast!

Ning Xiaochuan bombarded the vest of Hei Lai High Priest with the palm of his hand, and used the power of the magic sword to start madly absorbing the blood and earth power of Hei Lai High Priest!

The high priest of Heilai only felt that the blood in his body began to flow backwards, and the Diwu vitality showed signs of dispersal, and his heart was shocked. Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei was not strong enough, otherwise he felt he would be drained by Ning Xiaochuan.

"Go to death!"

The high priest of Heilai was calmed by the power of the magic sword for a moment, and immediately contracted the pores, regained control of the earth's vitality in the body, and emitted a layer of black **** mist, turning into a tens of meters of claws toward Ning Xiaochuan's head went down.

This is the wrath of Wu Zun!

The Hei Lai High Priest has been thoroughly enraged by Ning Xiaochuan, but a dignified Wu Zun was sucked away by a young man in a divine state, which is simply a shame!

Ning Xiaochuan's heart sighed, or he cultivated so much that he was too different from Wu Zun. He could only absorb his little blood, and he regained his autonomy and cut off the connection with the magic sword.

But in such an instant, Ji Hanxing has given enough mobile phone meetings.

"call out!"

Ji Hanxing pinched the bronze dagger into a cold light, pierced Wu Zun's vitality, and pierced the body of the High Priest Heilai.


However, the bronze dagger stabbed only half an inch deep and was resisted by the High Priest Heilai. No matter how hard Ji Hanxing tried, he could not pierce a point.

The flesh and blood of the High Priest Heilai is transformed into black iron, unbreakable!

"Abominable, you have irritated me completely!"

The black priest's eyes turned completely black, and even the white eyes became ink-like colors. A huge vortex condensed around the body, engulfing Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing and flying into the sky!

High Rai's lips became bigger and bigger, teeth became curved and sharp, and the whole skull was like a giant that became a beast.

He took a deep breath, and Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing flew towards his mouth.

He really wanted to devour two living people!

Ning Xiaochuan has done his best, but there is no way. The gap between the realms of cultivation is too great. It is not wisdom and strategy that can make up for it. It seems that it is impossible to escape today.

As Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing both flew into the High Priest's mouth, a ripple came from the air, like a ripple hitting the High Priest.

A white streamer flew from a distance, as fast as a shooting star, hitting the chest of the High Priest Heila with one palm, and shook the mystery of the High Priest's body, and the body burst back more than ten times. Meters away.

Losing the pull of that vortex force, Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing flew out at the same time and landed on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan was half-knelt on the ground, palms supporting the ground, blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, staring at the white figure, slightly relieved, knowing that the savior was coming.

"Who are you?" The High Priest Heilai stared at the white figure, his eyes were vicious and fierce, and he shouted, shaking the earth and stones, all flying towards the white figure.

It was a woman in a robe, all covered with white mist, a ray of ray of light lingering around her body, her long hair flying like catkins!

However, you can't see her body completely. She doesn't seem to be in this space, but exists in another time and space!

"Sovereign spirit!" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the mysterious woman wrapped in white mist.

The entrance to the Heavenly Emperor's Tomb has been sealed. Even Wu Zun can hardly break in, and only those who are able to control the power of time and space can come and go freely.

The High Priest Heilai turned directly into a black storm, killing the lord of the spirit, and a force overwhelming the area swept the area, just like a demon.

The Sovereign is like a pin of the sea god, no matter how strong the storm outside, her body is motionless.

But when her body moved, she disappeared directly from the eyes of everyone, and when she appeared again, she was standing above the High Priest Heilai, and a white immortal flew out of her sleeve, like a bridge of heaven and earth. Bombing at High Priest Haley.

The high priest of Hei Lai grew a piece of scale armor into a huge claw that was tens of meters long, like a giant beast in the sky, able to tear the stars.

This is the fighting method of two Wuzun-level characters. Their destructive power is extremely strong. Everything within hundreds of meters and even thousands of meters is destroyed, and no creature can survive.

Four people, including Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing, fled the area quickly.

This is the battle of Wu Zun level, they are not at peace and cannot enter. Wu Zun's random magic tricks can kill them.

"The Emperor Lingxu is so powerful that she can fight with Wu Zun. It is rumored that she is no more than 20 years old. Is Yue Wuyang's youngest Wu Zun title so snatched away so quickly!" Yu Qianqian Shocked in his heart, they are also geniuses, and the cultivation of the Emperor Lingxu seems to be too strong.

Ji Hanxing said: "It's not easy to want to become Wu Zun! We quickly fled here. Although the Emperor of the Spiritual Emperor is against the sky, it is impossible to defeat Wu Zun."

"Go to the underground woods!" Ning Xiaochuan was sitting on the back of the two-headed stone beast, his blood gas rolled inside his body, and bleeding mist was flowing around his body, forming a blood-red smoke wave.

Yue Mingsong said, "Why go there? Where is the gate of the blood world? Maybe a lot of blood will be used to gather there. Going there is to find my own way."

"The most dangerous place is the safest place."

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the strength of the whole body to suppress the blood in his body. Although he only absorbed a small amount of blood of the High Priest Heilai just now, but that blood contained an immense amount of energy. .

Ning Xiaochuan's whole body was almost broken by that blood, almost backwashed by the power of the magic sword.

This is a very dangerous thing, and you can die at any time!

Ji Hanxing asked: "What does the gate of the blood world mean?"

"The blood evil will be poured out from the gate of the blood world, is the killing machine made by the indigenous strongman using the yin and yang furnace."

Yue Mingsong immediately told Ning Xiaochuan and everything he had encountered, and told Ji Hanxing and Yu Qianxi.

After listening, both of them changed their faces. They did not expect that the indigenous warriors were planning such a big thing. If they succeeded, the entire Heavenly Emperor ’s Palace may be destroyed, and all the warriors from the Yulan Empire would be given by them. Expulsion from Emperor's Market.

"To control so many blood warlords, they must still use the power of the yin and yang furnace. The yin and yang furnace must now be in the blood world. As long as we can take the yin and yang furnace, we can become those who control the blood This is our only chance now. "Yu Qian Qian said.

This plan was unanimously approved by Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Qianqian, and Ji Hanxing. Yue Mingsong had no choice but to go with them to break into the blood world.

Although he knows how dangerous it is, he has no choice.

Once it fails, it is a dead end.

Once successful, it is the hero who rescues the entire Heavenly Emperor Xue Palace, and will likely receive a huge reward from Xue Palace.

Is it success or failure?

They can only rely on four of them!

Reaching the edge of the underground woods, all four jumped off the back of the two-headed stone beast, carefully sneaking into the woods.

Yue Mingsong once entered the underground woods, so he led the way.

Walking through layers of trees, stepping on thorns, you can see a blood-red hole in the distance, which emits strong blood, just like a big **** mouth, waiting for the prey to actively drill into it. Mouth.

Teams of ghost knights, ghost soldiers, and corpses continue to pour into the gates of the blood realm and disappear into the blood!

"Here is the gate of the blood world? Where is the gate?" Ji Hanxing felt that it was just an ordinary cave, not like the extremely dangerous portal of the blood world.

"There are two portals in the blood world. The one on the outside is made of black stone and chim iron. It is worth a lot of money ... Hehe, I pulled it down." Yue Mingsong pulled a huge door from The Qiankun cloth bag was taken out and carried on his back to make a large shield.

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