Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 166: Open fire

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The blood pool is broken!

The three old indigenous folks were mad with anger. However, after decades of hard work and hard work, Ji Hanxing was crushed by a blow.

It wasn't just a pool of blood that was broken, it was the dream of the indigenous two generations!

"Give me to die!" One of the old men from the vulgar world mobilized the power of Thunder and Lightning into a cloud of electricity and blasted at Ji Hanxing!

Another old man from the vulgar realm turned directly into an eight-foot-tall xuanling wood, his legs turned into a trunk, his hands turned into branches, and hundreds of branches and leaves were hung on the trunk, chopping past Ji Hanxing!

The three old-world veterans shot at the same time, hitting their strongest magical power, let alone Ji Hanxing who was badly injured. Even Ji Hexing during the heyday may not be their opponent.

Ji Hanxing's armor was cut by a tree branch, and the vest was struck by lightning.

This place has become completely chaotic, the blood evil will confront the indigenous warriors, and the strong men from the vulgar realm are also fighting fiercely!

Ning Xiaochuan and the red dragon are integrated into one body. The body is covered with a layer of crimson red armor, and the wings of the dragon on the back are fanned, carrying the dragon claw sword, and also killed towards the blood pool suspended in the void.

"Yunxia returns to strength!"

Ning Xiaochuan propped up a spherical mask with a diameter of nine meters, and a cloud of strange patterns emerged, emitting a golden light.

The light ball crushed the past, knocked down three indigenous warriors, and came to the bottom of the Yinyang furnace!

There are three feet and two ears in the yin and yang furnace. The upper part is hot and bright, and the bottom is dark and cold. The yin and yang gas converge in the furnace and become an eternal "open flame"!

Ning Xiaochuan held the furnace foot of the yin and yang furnace with both hands and wanted to lift the 86,600 kg of yin and yang furnace, but his finger just touched the furnace foot.


An ice-cold force burst out, freezing his two arms into ice crystals, and spreading across his body, freezing him as a whole.

"Fortunately, I have been prepared to fit with the little red dragon and have dragon scale armor to guard the body."

The red dragon's mouth spit out a flame, melting the ice crystals on Ning Xiaochuan's arms!


The two blood savages rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan madly, his body was five meters high, and the sword in his hand fell at the same time, chopping on the top of Ning Xiaochuan.

The power of the blood shoguns is too horrible. Ning Xiaochuan's "Yunxia Return to Vitality" will be broken. If it were not for the war sword in their hands being resisted by the furnace of the yin and yang furnace, Ning Xiaochuan would surely become the soul of their swords.

Each blood warrior has a sword to kill the ninth heavy warrior of the **** body. The two blood warriors will shoot at the same time, and Ning Xiaochuan can only escape.

But now Ning Xiaochuan has no place to escape at all. He will be sealed by blood in both directions, without a gap.

Escape into the Yin Yang furnace!

When the two bloodshakers would wave their swords again, Ning Xiaochuan began to move colorfully and flew directly into the yin and yang furnace.


Upon entering the furnace, a force of alternating heat and cold shuttled through the yin and yang furnace, hitting Ning Xiaochuan's dragon scale armor, half of his body was covered by ice, and half of his body was wrapped by flames.

This is not like a place where people should be treated. Even if it is only for a moment, the body must endure the torture of purgatory.

If it wasn't for wearing the dragon scale battle armor, Ning Xiaochuan suspected that his body had become powdered!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The two blood evil spirits will constantly attack the yin and yang furnace, but the yin and yang furnace is unbreakable, and the battle sword in their hands can only hit a piece of spark on the furnace.

The dragon scale armor covering the surface of Ning Xiaochuan changed, and a pattern formed by small dragons appeared on the scales, forming a cloud covering Ning Xiaochuan's body.

When Xiangyun appeared, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that his body was completely isolated from the outside world, he could not feel the cold and scorching heat in the yin and yang furnace, and the temperature returned to normal.

"I see! The red dragon has the ability to withstand high temperatures and extreme cold, even if it shuttles in the **** magic fire, the body will not be burned by the fire. And now this ability is transferred to the dragon scale armor, So that I can withstand the refining power of the Yin Yang furnace. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked around, looking for a way to control the yin and yang furnace.

However, in the yin and yang furnace, there is nothing else except just a flame!

"call out!"

The mysterious beast book in Ning Xiaochuan's arms flickered with Baiyingying's light, flying out automatically, floating in mid-air, and a white light beam flew out of it, falling to the ground, forming a female corpse.

The female corpse actually flew out of the mysterious book!

The clothes on her body had already been worn out, standing in the yin and yang furnace naked, her skin was shiny, her hair was silky, her peaks were plump, her jade waist was slender, her body was rugged and flawless.

Looking at her body, there was no trace of evil thoughts in her heart, just like watching a white-carved beauty!

"call out!"

The yin and yang qi in the yin and yang furnace automatically gathered towards her body, like two rivers, pouring into her brows.

The breath on her body grew larger and larger, all suppressing to the short knife in the heart.

Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed, and Ning Xiaochuan found himself suspended in the sky.

On the left, a **** tower as high as a mountain stands; on the right, a huge sword is inserted.

The power of the pagoda, towering and heavy, gives people a sense of chaos!

The sword exudes demonism and sharpness, as if one sword can cut a world.

The "God Tower" represents the martial arts heart of the female corpse.

"Battle Knife" represents a short knife inserted in the heart of a female corpse.

They have fought for more than two hundred years, regardless of the outcome, and turned the female corpse into a living dead.

Now entering the yin and yang furnace, the power of the **** tower has become more and more powerful, and it has gradually overwhelmed the power of the sword.

"How did I appear here?" Ning Xiaochuan's mind was puzzled, feeling like he was entering another spacetime.

That one-hundred-meter-long sword made a strange sound, "This is different time and space. It is my strength that summons you here. The time and space here are the same as those of the outside world, but they are also separated. Now it ’s for you. Explain, you wo n’t understand at all. When you cultivate to reach a certain height, you will naturally understand what kind of existence exists in different time and space. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You brought me here, what do you want to do?"

"Make a deal with you! As long as you overthrow that **** tower now, I can lend you my body for half an hour, which will be enough for you to get the power to kill all the powerful enemies in the emperor's tomb." With a confused voice.

"Can't believe it. Once you get it out of the trap, all the creatures in the tomb of Tiandi will be killed by it, including you." In the **** tower, a woman's voice was worn.

Sword: "Don't believe her words, I can't kill you. You have to know that I am the sabre of the emperor when he was young. It represents the will of the emperor, and will not do anything to harm the soul."

The God Tower argued fiercely: "You have been abandoned by the Emperor for thousands of years, and evil thoughts have long been in your heart, turning into a demon sword. You dare to say that you entered the Emperor's tomb, not to avenge the Emperor?"

Ning Xiaochuan yelled and said, "Don't make a noise. I don't want to fight with you. I just want to know how to control the yin-yang furnace?"

Sword sighed: "Why do you have to stick to a broken furnace? If you help me to push down the opposite tower, my power will be stronger than the Yinyang furnace."

The voice of the woman from the **** tower said, "The hub of the yin and yang furnace is‘ minghuo ’. As long as you can control the‘ minghuo ’, you can control the yin and yang furnace.”

What is an open flame?

"Ming" is composed of the moon and the sun, which respectively represent the two forces of yin and yang.

The open flame is the flame produced by the strongest collision between Yin and Yang. It is also called "Yin and Yang Fire" and "Heaven and Earth Fire".

The flame power of the open flame is also extremely powerful. It can make the black iron into molten iron and the mountain into magma in an instant. It is not that any tire can touch.

Ning Xiaochuan asked again: "How can I overcome the open flame?"

Shenta said: "The strongest of the warriors is the heart, and the strongest of the hearts is the heart fire. Use the heart fire to sense the open flame and use the heart fire to conquer the open fire. As long as your heart is strong enough, let alone the open fire, even the **** fire is Can be conquered. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart seems to have realized!

At this moment, time and space were broken, Ning Xiaochuan appeared in the yin and yang furnace again, looking at the open flame in the center of the furnace.

"Conquer the fire with heart fire!"

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the ground, immersed all his consciousness in the heart of Qi Qiao Shen Mo, and ran "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi" to realize the mysterious heart of Xuan Zhi.

Heart fire is not a real and visible flame. It needs to be sensed by its own mind to discover its existence.

Streams of heaven and earth flow into Ning Xiaochuan's body, just like a stream merges into the sea. In the subtle influence, Ning Xiaochuan even reaches the fifth floor of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi".

The speed of absorbing mysterious energy has doubled again to 16 times.

When Ning Xiaochuan deliberately wanted to cultivate the "Tian Di Xuan Qi", how could he not break through, but when Ning Xiao Chuan wanted to communicate the inner heart fire, he changed the "Tian Di Xuan Qi" and reached the fifth point directly. Floor.

This is already a very high level for the warriors who are practicing "Sky and Earth".

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei also broke through again, truly reaching the seventh peak of the divine body, and the eighth divine source was born in the body.

You should know that the gods cultivated by warriors have limited potential. Many warriors can only produce three or four innate magical powers, and highly talented warriors can produce five magical powers.

Seven types of innate martial arts warriors can be born, which is even more rare. One may appear in the Yulan Empire every few decades.

And Ning Xiaochuan not only gave birth to seven kinds of innate magical powers, but now he has also developed eight sources of ingenuity, which shows that he can also produce eighth innate magical powers.

In the Yulan Empire, every eight hundred years, a warrior who could give birth to the eighth innate magical power may appear. Every warrior who can cultivate the eighth innate magical powers is a character who has passed through the heavens and the earth and shocked the heroes of an era!

Once it appears, it will shake the world!

As for the legendary "Nine-Strength Great Consummation", the Yulan Empire never had such a character.

Ning Xiaochuan did not know the meaning of the Eighth God Source in his body. At this moment, he just wanted to immediately subdue the "open fire", control the yin and yang furnace, and use the power of the yin and yang furnace to fight with the indigenous warriors and martial arts and kill the world!

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