Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 168: Troubled witch king

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The tomb of the Emperor is dark and boundless, and there are many shady creatures.

To the north of the Emperor's Tomb, there is an underground forest with dense vegetation, and leaves and branches of trees are flying with a ray of shade!

Two vulgar elders fled in the woods fast, their bones were broken, sweat was dripping on their bodies, their hair had fallen down, and they were embarrassed like two beggars.


Behind the two of them, a blood mist filled up quickly!

A huge five-meter-high figure appeared in the mist of blood, wearing armor and carrying a sword.

The face in the armor was very sloppy, with large mouths of blood in the mouth, and blue-faced fangs.

More than two hundred blood warlords chased and rushed up.

Two old men from the vulgar realm will be surrounded by blood.

Among them, an old man's body turned into a towering tree, with branches like blades and leaves like iron blocks, which would be chopped towards those bloodshakes.

Around the body of another old man, there were many lightnings, interweaving thunder, and full of momentum.


The cultivation of these two old men was profound and unpredictable, but in the end they were still trapped by blood, and it was difficult to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan, Ji Hanxing, Yu Qianqian, and Yue Mingsong stood in one of the paws of Xuesha Long and came to the two old men, overlooking the fierce battle below!

One of the vulgar old men took off, his body was like the same lightning, and he made a huge palm print, staring angrily at Ning Xiaochuan, "boy, die!"

There was a cloud of mysterious air in the old man's body, and his body went straight into the sky, with a momentum that never went forward.


The blood evil dragon roared, a claw pressed down on the old man's head, crushed all the old man's magical powers, and shot the old man to the ground!

That vulgar old man fell back into the besieging of the blood evil general, and was seriously injured by a claw of the blood evil dragon, and the whole body wound on the back, if not repaired strong, the body would have been torn apart.

Another vulgar old man turned into a mysterious tree, shot a branch, and carried strands of electric locks, and chopped at the four of the dragon's paws.

The blood-sharp dragon slaps out another claw, plucks up the entire mysterious tree, and then throws it out.

Xuan Lingmu screamed, immediately turned into a human form, and fled to the sky quickly!


The vulgar old man who was injured by the blood evil dragon before was finally killed by the chaos and fell into a pool of blood.

No matter how high you are, you will encounter hundreds of blood sacrifice, but it will only be the end of five steps of blood splashing.

"Only the last one left, chase!"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to let go of any enemy, lest he be retaliated in the future.


In a valley hundreds of miles away from the underground woods, a battle was also taking place.

Hundreds of students in the Heavenly Emperor Academy will be surrounded by large-scale blood evil. They form a matrix and can only defend hard.

The five masters of the Heavenly Emperor Academy, Xiaocheng, the leader of the Cloud Alliance, Han Fu, the leader of the law enforcement team, Zhuo Yufan, the chairman of the Tianli Association, Ling Qingwu, the chairman of the Qizi Association, and Zhao Weici, the chairman of the ghost book association, guarded the five directions and raised Daoguangzhu guards hundreds of students in the palace.

These five people are all talented people. They are the most powerful group of students in the Heavenly Emperor Academy. As long as they leave the Heavenly Emperor Academy, they will surely be attracted by many powerful forces and can be easily seized. For the big general, big Sima.

Any one appearing in the imperial city will cause a huge sensation.

Although they are still in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, they have already become famous all over the world.

But who would have expected that five powerful heroes of this kind had reached the brink of collapse at this moment, and the aura in the body was huge and could fall down at any time because the aura was exhausted.

"This is not the way to go. The number of blood evil generals is increasing, and the mysterious energy in our body is getting thinner. After another quarter of an hour, I feel that the mysterious energy in my body will be exhausted." Zhao Weici's face was pale, and he still clenched his teeth.

One year ago, Zhao Weici killed the 8,000 troops of the Haiyue Dynasty by one person at the border of the Yulan Empire, rescued the people in a small town, and left the world famous name in that small town.

However, he did not expect that, a year later, he would be forced to die by a group of blood.

"The mysterious energy in my body can only support for another quarter of an hour. If the elders of the Xue Palace can't break the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven, I am afraid that it will become the burial ground for all of us." .

"I can stick to it for half an hour. After half an hour, I can only take orders." Law enforcement captain Han Fu said.

"While we still have the strength to fight now, we can cancel the formation and risk a fight." Xiao Zhongdao, leader of the Alliance in the Clouds.

Zhuo Yufan, president of the Tianli Council, said: "No, once the formation is revoked, all the disciples in it will surely die in the hands of the bloodshaker. How can we go back to deal with the elders of the Academy? Do we bring a bunch of them? Go back? "

"Women's love!"

Xiao Cheng said: "Most of these students have been poisoned by corpses. Even if the blood is not going to kill them, they will be difficult to survive tonight."

"Ning Xiaochuan is refining the elixir of anti-corpse poison. As long as the elders of Xuegong can come in time, they still have to be rescued." Zhuo Yufan insisted.

"What is Ning Xiaochuan? In front of Xue Shajiang, he is an ant, and I'm afraid he has already died." Xiao Cheng said.

Just then, twelve indigenous warriors came to the valley.

These twelve indigenous warriors are all extremely powerful. Among them, the man standing in front of him has a mighty figure, a long walk, thick eyebrows, and burning eyes, giving a powerful oppression.

He wore a Witch King armor with a black gold cape on his back, which fluttered in the wind, giving a sense of self-anger!

When he saw the man wearing the armor of the Witch King, Han Fu's face was shocked and he said, "The Witch King in troubled times!"

The Witch King in troubled times is one of the four great Witch Kings among the indigenous people. The cultivation of the land respect is the top ten characters in the "Wuzun Wanted List" of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace!

Han Fu, the law enforcement captain of the Emperor's Palace, had not seen the Witch King himself in troubled times, but he had seen the portrait of the Witch King in troubled times on the "Wu Zun Wanted List", and his memory was quite deep, and the man was recognized at a glance.

Most of the students in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace have heard the name of the Witch King in troubled times. At this moment, when they saw this demon standing in front of their eyes, all of them changed their faces, and their hearts gave birth to despair.

The Witch King in troubled times was carrying his hands and said, "Okay! The genius elite of the Emperor's Palace of Learning actually came in half. If you were to die here, I'm afraid the Emperor's Palace of Medicine would also have a great deal of vitality. God help me too!"

Zhuo Yufan said humblely: "Witch King in troubled times, do you really think that the power of the Heavenly Emperor Academy cannot kill your native people? The Heavenly Emperor Academy just uses you to train students. If you really dare to cooperate with the Heavenly Emperor Academy, The enemy, the strongest in the palace, can take your life at any time. "

The Witch King of the troubled world smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't understand the current situation! I now have thousands of blood warlords. Once they break into the Emperor's City, it will be the time when your Emperor's Palace is destroyed."

"Oh my god! Thousands of blood-shakers!"

"The indigenous people are fighting back to the Emperor's Palace, they must have planned for a long time."

All the students in the battlefield were frightened.

It is conceivable that tens of thousands of blood shakes will launch an attack at the same time. What horrific combat power will be?

At this moment, a vulgar indigenous old man came to the valley, was seriously injured, and fell directly in front of the troubled Witch King. "Witch King, something big ... no ... bad ..."

The troubled Witch King's eyes sank, and he sensed something, looking towards the mouth of the valley!

A cloud of blood came over!


A blood-sharp dragon forcibly smashed the mouth of the valley, stood in front of the troubled witch king, and uttered an angry dragon chant in his mouth, and took out more than ten indigenous warriors around the troubled witch king.

The Witch King in troubled times is like a **** iron that takes root on the ground, without moving, sharp eyes, staring closely at the blood evil dragon in front of him!

What the **** happened?

Ji Hanxing stood in the claws of the blood evil dragon, and said loudly, "The Witch King in troubled times, your indigenous plot for decades has been smashed by us, you still give your life!"

Ning Xiaochuan supported the furnace of yin and yang, emitted hundreds of yin qi, and fell into the bodies of those blood-shakers.

In the valley, hundreds of blood shamans will also be under his control.

Without the blood siege of the siege, the five masters of the Heavenly Emperor Academy also canceled the formation.

"It's them. They actually stood in the claws of a blood-shaking dragon. Why didn't that blood-shaking dragon attack them?" All the students in Xuegong saw Ning Xiaochuan, Ji Hanxing, Yu Qianqian, Yue Mingsong four.

"I just saw Ning Xiaochuan throw out a sigh of anger, and then those blood evil generals will not attack us. Can Ning Xiaochuan control the blood evil generals?"

"It's very possible! You see, Ning Xiaochuan holds a **** furnace in his hand, which is very similar to the legendary Zhibao Yinyang furnace."

"They actually crushed the big plot of the indigenous people, and now they will become the heroes of the entire Heavenly Emperor's Palace!"

Many students in the Heavenly Emperor Academy have the feeling of remaining for the rest of their lives. They felt that Ning Xiaochuan saved them and were grateful, but many students also felt jealous in their eyes, and their eyes were very resentful.

Outside the valley, more than two hundred blood warlords rushed in, plus more than four hundred blood warlords in the valley, which added up to nearly seven hundred blood warlords, forming a battle array, surrounding the troubled witch king around the center. .

This is a respected warrior. Even if Ning Xiaochuan controls the yin and yang furnace, he can only protect himself at most. He can't protect other students of the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the claws of Xuesha Long, wearing a white robe, proudly saying, "Witch King in troubled times, you have prepared for decades and spent countless manpower and material resources. You want to counterattack the Emperor's Palace. But you dream I didn't expect that you would just make me a wedding dress! Now it's all up to me! "

Ning Xiaochuan will deliberately provoke the troubled witch king. Only by letting the troubled witch king designate him as an enemy will he kill him desperately, and then other Tiandi Xuegong students will have a chance to survive.

Although Xiaocheng, the leader of the Yunzhong Alliance, and Han Fu, the leader of the law enforcement team, are not worth saving. However, there are still many people who are worthy of help, and these people may become their huge help in the future.

Rather than killing people, Ning Xiaochuan is more willing to save people!

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