Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 171: Lose on the starting line

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Within one year, smelt Zhending?

Hearing this, Ning Xiaochuan froze slightly, feeling that this was impossible!

Not to mention Ning Xiaochuan, even a highly respected big cultivator will find this matter extremely crap!

For the cultivator, "melting the true tripod" is an extremely important step.

Intermediate mind-raising master's heart-earing tripod is made from mysterious medicine and can only be called "heart tripod".

However, Yang Xin Ding is extremely unstable and can only train intermediate Dan.

It is impossible to train a higher level of Xuan Dan by relying only on raising the heart.

Intermediate mind keepers must look for materials and cast the real Dan Ding, the medicine Ding made of gold, stone, steel, and iron. This is called "True Ding".

Only by integrating the "Ding Yang Ding" in the body and the "Ding Zhen Ding" in the body can we become a high-level mind-raising master and refine the Xuan Dan that is more precious than the intermediate Dan.

Reaching the state of a high-level mind trainer, when refining alchemy, you can put the medicine tripod out of the body and use external fire to make it. You can also collect the medicine tripod into your body and use your heart to bring it to life.

This is called "melting true tripod"!

Generally speaking, if the mind-raising master wants to "melt the true Ding", at least he needs to cultivate himself from the vulgar world. He also needs to have an in-depth study of the medicine that cultivates the mind!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Is the senior a mind trainer?"

The mysterious woman asked back, "Do you think I don't know how to cultivate my heart?"

"I don't mean that, but I think that even if you want to melt Zhending, at least you have to find the materials first to make a medicine tripod that suits your physical attributes. If you do n’t even have a medicine tripod, it is just a joke to want to melt Zhending. . "

Ning Xiaochuan did not show humility because the other party was high, but was very casual, and looked very stable and calm.

"Yinyang furnace, isn't it the best true tripod?"

The mysterious woman again said: "Yin and Yang meet and self-generate 'Minghuo'. Using 'Minghuo' to refine the alchemy can also automatically increase the yin and yang properties of the elixir. The most important thing is that you have recovered the monghuo, and the yin and yang furnace can already be with your body. Fit! "

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, she called out the yin and yang furnace, floating in the palm of her hand!

This small stove is very exquisite and exquisite. It is only the size of a teapot, which can expand and shrink. It has three feet, two ears, and looks like a stove and a tripod!

The body of the Yinyang furnace is seven meters high and weighs 86,000 kilograms.

Ning Xiaochuan has already conquered the yin and yang furnaces. It would be much easier to make the yin and yang furnaces into true dings. If you search for the material yourself and refine the true tripod, the grade is definitely not as good as the yin and yang tripod, and the probability of second failure is quite large!

Many intermediate mind-keepers have failed in smelting Zhending, causing their own heart to break, and eventually their bodies are semi-waste!

Therefore, the number of high-level psychologists is scarce. Another reason is that intermediate psychologists dare not try to melt Zhending easily. If they are not careful, they will fail and become wasteful.

And if Ning Xiaochuan uses the yin-yang furnace to smelt the true tripod, the success rate will increase a lot.

This made him tempted!

The mysterious woman again said: "With your physical strength now and my help, there are at least eight levels of opportunities to help you melt the yin and yang furnace into a true mind. But this also means that you will lose something, How you choose is up to you! "

The yin and yang furnace controlled the 10,000 blood warlords in the tomb of the emperor. This was a huge force, comparable to a million troops.

And if Ning Xiaochuan refines the Yin Yang furnace into a true heart ding, it means losing the control of these blood shamans, and the Yin Yang furnace will become a medicine ding from now on!

Now it depends on how Ning Xiaochuan chooses?

One side is to improve your own strength.

On the other side, there is great power.

Just your own power? Or does it require outside power?

Ning Xiaochuan's heart is also engaged in a battle between heaven and man. It is too difficult to make a decision, and it requires the courage of a strong man to cut his wrist.

In the end, he made a decision and said, "Melting true tripod!"

Deep in the eyes of the mysterious woman, a little flash of surprise flashed, but soon it was calm, and said, "Why? Don't you know the power you have in your hands that can make you a prince immediately?"

Ning Xiaochuan said calmly: "Three points. First, for a warrior, blindly relying on external forces, it must not last long. This is like a wealthy child with millions of homes. He already has endless wealth. I will lose my will to continue fighting! "

"Secondly, although the blood sacrifice's combat power is strong, after all, they are blood soldiers. Even if the yin and yang furnaces can control them for a while, they will never change their blood-sucking nature. Eventually their nature will Also brought into the fallen abyss. "

"Third, and the most important point. Even if I control the yin and yang furnace and become the master of 10,000 blood shamans, I will definitely not live long, and I will be killed soon."

Taking Ning Xiaochuan's current practice as an example, even if he has the blood evil family and the blood evil dragon, if there is a Wu Zun who wants to kill him, it will be an easy task.

The blood evil dragon and the troubled witch king battle, Ning Xiaochuan was almost dead. If the mysterious woman did not appear in time, the result of that battle would be Ning Xiaochuan's defeat.

How strong you have the power to have, otherwise it is just a puppet controlled by someone or killed by someone at any time.

Many people understand this truth, but few people can make decisions like Ning Xiaochuan.

Because, even if you know that you will be killed by the right in your hand, there are still many people who will hold their rights tightly and refuse to let go.

Between the rights of the outside world and his own force, Ning Xiaochuan chose to strengthen himself.

As long as you can become a senior mind trainer, you may get more.

The mysterious woman nodded and said: "You can make such a choice, which shows that you are still a buildable material, you may become the ultimate master of martial arts, and you will not waste your excellent talent!"

"The biggest temptation in the world is: money, color, power. People who love money can't become the ultimate masters of martial arts, and can only become rich people in the world."

"Love for women. Those who have **** can't become the ultimate masters of martial arts, and their own will will eventually be destroyed by women. Sex can be exhausted, and at most they can be wives and concubines, happy."

"People who are greedy for rights cannot become the ultimate masters of martial arts. At most, they become emperors of one party. After a hundred years, they will return to dust and soil."

"Of course, as a human being, almost no one can pass these three levels. The reason why you give up 10,000 blood is just because the temptation of power is not big enough!"

Ning Xiaochuan did not argue with her, and her heart was more certain. She was not a human, and she was probably a mysterious beast!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Dare to ask seniors, what is the ultimate master of martial arts in your mouth?"

The mysterious woman shook her head and said, "I don't know, but you have the Seven Demon Magic Heart Palace, and your talents are far beyond ordinary people. If you are not tempted by money, power, and color. Confusion is a seedling qualified to explore the ultimate martial arts. .But you started too late and lost on the starting line. Your current cultivation is not worthy of your talent. "

Ning Xiaochuan's current revision is at the same age, which is invincible. In the same realm, there are almost no opponents.

However, she was evaluated as, "Your start is too late, you lose on the starting line!"

This is a big blow to Ning Xiaochuan, who has always been confident!

Ning Xiaochuan said, "Senior, how do you know that I started too late?"

The mysterious woman said: "What you have is the Qiqiao Demon Heart Palace. It should have been a natural wizard. Flesh and bones should have decayed into magic. At least it should reach the genius level of" three thousand years. " The genius level of 'Four Hundred Years', which means that you have missed the best time to practice martial arts. I guess that you have n’t cultivated martial arts in less than a year! "

Her eyes were like she could see through Ning Xiaochuan completely. In front of her, Ning Xiaochuan had almost no secret.

"Really missed the best time for cultivation?" Ning Xiaochuan seemed to have been poured with cold water.

Mysterious woman said: "The previous woman, who is similar in age to you, has a 'Chaos Heart Palace' and your 'Seven Magic Demon Heart Palace' is between Bo Zhong. However, she is now able to compete with Wu Zunyi Fight. And how far have you missed her? "

"If you haven't missed the best time for cultivation, you can cultivate from an early age, and a famous teacher teaches that cultivation of mysterious medicine, your current cultivation is definitely not lower than her."

The mysterious woman was not polite at all, and in a merciless blow to Ning Xiaochuan's self-confidence, he took Ning Xiaochuan's pride as a martial art practice and devalued him.

She wants to see how strong Ning Xiaochuan can withstand the blow. Will she be crushed by this blow?

The talent of the warrior is important, so is the will and spirit.

From the beginning, she was testing Ning Xiaochuan to see if he was a seedling that could be shaped?

Ning Xiaochuan knew that the woman she was talking about was the "Spiritual Emperor", the same powerful heart and the same age. The Emperor already possessed the power to fight Wu Zun, and had left him far behind. .

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment and said: "Budo is not a one-time event. Even if I lose on the starting line, as long as I have doubled the effort than others, there is still the possibility of overtaking the opponent. Although I am only 'four hundred years difficult Yu's talent level, but I still have room to improve. As long as I work hard, I may not lose. "

"Okay! You are best if you have such determination." Mysterious woman said: "The next year, you will stay here! I will teach you for a year to help you refine the true tripod. From then on, I will No longer owe you anything. "

Unless Ning Xiaochuan was very talented, the mysterious woman wouldn't have said so much to him, let alone teach him for a year.

You know, even Wu Zun wants her advice, but she has no chance!

For Ning Xiaochuan, this is indeed a great opportunity, benefiting a lifetime, more valuable than getting any magic medicine.


I recommend the masterpiece of the mouse and the cat, Chaos Emperor. At the same time, the old nine continue to tirelessly ask for monthly tickets! For the first time on the monthly ticket list, I always feel like I am cute! Unlimited energy!

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