Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 176: go away

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Ning Xiaochuan ran out of the valley, into the dense jungle, rushed forward, smashed a large tree, and slashed a mysterious beast.

Everywhere you go is messy!

Ning Xiaochuan continued to punch against a cliff. With each punch, he could punch a large pit and shatter the stone.

After spending half a day, he just opened a cave under the cliff, penetrated the whole mountain, and rushed out from the other side of the mountain.

Excessive energy.

If there is a group of beautiful women around him, he now has the full courage of the Ten Royal Women.

For three days, this jungle was not peaceful. Many mysterious beasts were beheaded, and the air was filled with blood. It scared all the creatures in the jungle and thought that there was another mystic king.


Ning Xiaochuan stood under a waterfall and let the cold water slap on his head, and the whole person slowly calmed down.

Ning Xiaochuan sat and practiced under the waterfall, running the heavens and the earth to calm down the blood in the body, soothing the essence, qi, and spirit in the body, so that they reached a balance and fully fit his body.


The body of the mysterious woman resembles a beautiful remnant, flying out of the woods and floating above the waterfall. The delicate body stands upright, with a mysterious cloud under her feet, like a fairy Lingbo!

When Ning Xiaochuan noticed her arrival, she opened her eyes suddenly, and a faint layer of purple awns flashed in her pupils, and she stood up immediately.

Take a white robe from the Qiankun cloth bag, put it on your body, and tie a belt.

He unfolded a pair of shining feathers and flew over the waterfall, standing opposite the mysterious woman, with a strong momentum on his body, like a Wu Zun standing in the void.

The mysterious woman said: "Yes, in just six months, it has been transformed once. Next, you can start to refine the magic!"

"Refining magical powers? All seven magical powers born in my body have reached Mahayana, and it is difficult to refine them!" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

The mysterious woman shook her head and said: "Cultivation of‘ Budo magical powers ’is the most important symbol of the martial arts martial arts warrior and the biggest treasure of the martial arts warrior. Can you tell me where are your seven magical powers?”

"The magical power is naturally in the body, invisible and untouchable. Only when it is actually displayed, will the shocking power erupt." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The mysterious woman said, "Then I want you to refine the magical powers one by one, so that you can see them at any time."


The mysterious woman said: "I think this is impossible to accomplish, right? But you must know that the original source of magical power is 'sacred source'. Since warriors can see 'sacred source', why can't they see their 'sacred power'? You show a martial arts superpower, let me see! "

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out a palm, and the palms overflowed with purple lightning, gathered into a huge purple electric beast, and rushed into the jungle.


The purple electric beast crushed the trees along the way, and the electric light appeared on the leaves, stones, and grass.

These leaves, stones, and blades of grass have turned into powder!

The purple electric beast ran for a circle, then flew back to Ning Xiaochuan's palm, turned into a ray of lightning, and merged into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

"Do you think this kind of magical power has reached the extreme?" Said the mysterious woman.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "At least in my current state, I can only let it exert such a strong power."

"But in my opinion, you can double it with your current state."

The mysterious woman grasped Ning Xiaochuan's right arm at lightning speed, and white black light appeared between the five fingers, directly hitting Ning Xiaochuan's body, causing Ning Xiaochuan's arm to ache and crack, as if to fall off her shoulder.

"Run" World of Heaven and Earth "!"

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth tightly and began to slowly move mysterious energy. The electric light in the body was collected into the arm of his right hand and drilled directly into the bone marrow.


Ning Xiaochuan's right hand bone was completely covered by lightning.

These lightnings are forced into the bone marrow, and the pain makes people want to scratch the scalp!

After half an hour, the mysterious woman slowly released Ning Xiaochuan's arm.

Ning Xiaochuan was sweating all over, and felt that his right arm weighed tens of thousands of pounds. He couldn't lift it at all, and was completely wrapped in lightning.

"I have incorporated your first magical power, the Lightning Beast, into the bones of your right arm. I hope you can fully integrate it within a month, and after a month, I will help you condense the second Kind of magic. "

Having said this, the mysterious woman left.

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth and fell to the ground. He sat next to the waterfall and ran "The Heaven and Earth Xuan Qi" to melt all the electric light into the bones of his right arm.

It took a whole month for Ning Xiaochuan to let the electric light fully integrate into the right arm bone.

If Ning Xiaochuan's right hand flesh is cut, you can see that his hand bones are full of animal-shaped lines, and a trace of lightning flashes!

The lightning beast is fully integrated into his body.

Ning Xiaochuan punched out, and a phantom of the paw of the beast naturally appeared on his fist, leaving a large pit two meters deep on the cliff!

"The martial arts supernatural powers can still be refined this way, and their power has doubled." Ning Xiaochuan admired the mysterious woman, and her knowledge of martial arts far surpassed herself and even surpassed those of the supernatural martial arts.

Ning Xiaochuan returned to the valley and went to find the mysterious woman again.

"The martial arts supernatural power is not the same layer. When you become stronger in the future, you can realize more changes from one martial art supernatural power. One supernatural power becomes two supernatural powers; two supernatural power becomes Three kinds of magical powers; three kinds of magical powers become hundreds of thousands of magical powers. "

This is what the mysterious woman said to Ning Xiaochuan very carefully!

This time the mysterious woman helped Ning Xiaochuan condense the second magical power "Tianlei Hongzhong".

Ning Xiaochuan spent another month to integrate the "Tian Lei Hong Zhong" into the throat knot, turning it into a part of the throat, which not only made the throat tougher and full of divinity.

Moreover, once the magical power is displayed, a huge sound like a thunder can be spit out of the mouth!

Now even if someone takes a knife, it may not be able to cut off Ning Xiaochuan's throat. Instead, he may be injured by the force of "Tian Lei Hong Zhong".

The mysterious woman incorporates the third magical power, "Wanjianhuayu", into Ning Xiaochuan's rib cage, and each rib has a sword pattern on the surface.

Bring the fourth kind of magical power "Wings of Fury" into Ning Xiaochuan's backbone.

The fifth kind of magical power "burning the sun to burn the sky" was merged into Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows and turned into a light spot.

The sixth kind of magical power "Rainbow Removal" was incorporated into Ning Xiaochuan's legs, making the bones of both legs become colorful.

After half a year, more than 70% of the bones in Ning Xiaochuan's body have been integrated with Shentong. Not only has his physique become stronger than before, but also the power of Shentong can be stronger.

Although Ning Xiaochuan suffered a lot during this period, he was still enjoying it and could clearly feel that his potential became bigger and bigger.

After Ning Xiaochuan completely smelted the sixth kind of supernatural power, he turned into a colorful rainbow light, fell to the side of the pool, and looked at the golden silk nest suspended above the pool. "Please help me gather the seventh kind of supernatural power."

The mysterious woman did not show up again, and her voice came out from the golden lair, so that the water pool appeared a fine ripples, saying: "I have helped you to smelt six supernatural powers, and the next seven supernatural powers should be you I melted myself! And, one year has passed, and the kindness I owe you has been paid off, and I will not teach you any more, and you can leave. "

Ning Xiaochuan behaved calmly, clenching his fists in both hands, and saluted in the direction of Jinsi Lair, saying: "Thank you for your guidance over the past year, Ning Xiaochuan will remember it."

The mysterious woman does teach Ning Xiaochuan a lot of things, so that Ning Xiaochuan respects from the heart.

The voice of the mysterious woman came again in the golden lair, saying: "Budo martial arts is a long road, there will never be the ultimate. Your current combat power can be called the seventh extreme of the **** body, even if the **** is young The sevenfold realm is probably not much better than you. Of course, your current martial arts path is just beginning, if it is a little slack, it may be surpassed by others. Fighting with people, the joy is endless; with God Fighting, its joy is endless; Fighting with heaven, its joy is endless. "

Ning Xiaochuan left Xiao valley with Xiaohong.

Ning Xiaochuan is still the seventh peak of the **** body, but compared with a year ago, it is no longer the same.

In his current state, he can break through to the eighth weight of the **** body at any time, and even reach the ninth weight of the **** body.

But he is not in a hurry to break through, he will completely smelt the seventh magical power to the extreme. With each step, you must lay a solid foundation and do your best.

The little black tiger sent Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong to the ghost dream barren forest.

This little tiger is not an ordinary tiger, but the "Xiaotian Tiger", the mysterious king of the ghost dream barren forest. With its personal escort, other mystic beasts had to evade.

When he walked out of the ghost dream forest, the black little tiger waved his paw at Xiaohong, and he reluctantly bid farewell.

Ning Xiaochuan's return to the Third Military Academy caused a huge sensation, and many students came to watch, among them, there were many second and third veteran students.

One year ago, what happened in the forest of Tiandi's tomb has already spread throughout the Tiandi Academy.

Ning Xiaochuan, Ji Hanxing, Yu Qianqian, and Yue Mingsong became heroes of the Heavenly Emperor Academy, not only saving the lives of hundreds of students, but also breaking down the plot of the indigenous people and preventing a catastrophe.

Among them, Ning Xiaochuan also made great contributions. Some people said that he used his own strength to fight against the indigenous Wu Zun, and some people said that he was possessed by the spirit of the Emperor of Heaven, and he was very brave!

Anyway, there are various rumors about Ning Xiaochuan in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, and it is getting more and more exaggerated, and some people even say that he is the reincarnation of Heavenly Emperor.

One year ago, Ji Hanxing, Yu Qianqian, and Yue Mingsong all received generous rewards from the Emperor's Palace of Learning, and Ning Xiaochuan was taken away by those mysterious masters, so he had no chance with those rewards. Otherwise, his reward must be better than the other three People are richer!

Many people are curious, what has Ning Xiaochuan done this year?

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