Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 178: The seventh floor of the sky bridge

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Demon!

Ning Xiaochuan arrived at Tiandi City, and the famous sheep had already entered Tiangong to practice, so he went straight to Tongtian Bridge!

After a year of penance and the guidance of a mysterious woman, he wanted to see how much his potential was inspired?

What level of genius can you reach?

"After a year, Ning Xiaochuan actually came to Tiandi City again and went directly to the Tongtian Bridge!"

"The famous sheep crossed the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge yesterday. Ning Xiaochuan is also here to challenge the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge."

"There is a good show here, it will be a battle of dragons and tigers."


The warriors in Tiandi City are boiling!

After a year, both the famous sheep and Ning Xiaochuan's reputation in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace are not as good as before, but they are the characters of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. The arrival of Ning Xiaochuan naturally caused a greater sensation, and many students came outside the Tongtian Bridge.

The leader of the Yunzhong Alliance "Xiao Cheng" and the leader of the law enforcement team "Han Fu" came in person, which shows that they attach great importance to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan has walked into the Tongtian Bridge, crossing the first five floors at a very fast speed!

The beam of light on the Tongtianqiao lights up almost every three breaths. Less than a quarter of an hour, five beams of light lit up, and the light went straight to the sky!

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge and met the sixth white-robed man.

When the white robe man saw Ning Xiaochuan, a little flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes became dignified, saying: "Kill me, cross the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge."


This is the second time Ning Xiaochuan has come to the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. There is no unnecessary language, and the colorful movement is directly launched. The skeleton of the legs emits colorful light. The body is like a ghost, like the colorful light in the air Flashing.

The next moment, it appeared behind the white robe man!

On the palm of your hand, a purple tadpole is condensed, turning your palm into a knife.


The head of the white robe man flew out!

Just a trick!

The body of the white robe people turned into a light rain, condensed into a bright beam of light, rising from the sky on the Tongtian Bridge!

"Congratulations on breaking through the sixth floor of the Tongtian Bridge!" In the beam of light, the voice of the white robe man came.

Ning Xiaochuan walked straight past the beam of light and walked towards the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge.

The seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge is a watershed. Once you break through, it proves that you have achieved success in martial arts and can be called a master!

There is also a rule in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, and anyone who crosses the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge can enter and exit Emperor's Market at will, and even apply for graduation.

All students who can graduate in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace have a special status in the Yulan Empire. They can enter the barracks directly as generals, or they can choose to enter the dragon elephant camp, or they can go to a major town as an official. Of course, Many students chose to stay and continue to practice martial arts in the Xuegong.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge at this moment and met the seventh white robe man!

The man in white robe stood with his hands on his back, standing in the middle of the bridge, staring at Ning Xiaochuan like a torch, saying leisurely: "The seventh body of the **** can break into here. It has been a long time since I met a genius like you. Really I hope you can get past me. "

Ning Xiaochuan also had his hands on his back and made his body stand upright, and said, "Based on my current practice, what level of genius can I become if I cross the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge?"

"At least they are all geniuses that are" unusual for eight hundred years. "White Robe Humane.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "That is to say, as long as I defeat you, I can go to the bell and ask the master of the palace to go out?"

"If you really have that strength, the Lord of the Academy will definitely meet you in person." White Robe Humane.

"Fight then!"

Ning Xiaochuan was also cautious, because the breath of this white robe man was much higher than that of the white robe man on the sixth floor, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

The body of the white robe man squatted slightly, and a mass of mystery emerged from behind, condensing into a twelve-meter-high basalt, the tortoise's body, the dragon's and snake's head, and the martial art's mystery was thick and solid!

Ning Xiaochuan's hands spread out, and the ribs in his chest became brighter, bursting out a hundred swords, condensing a hundred purple ancient swords, suspended above his head!


Ning Xiaochuan's body was stabbed at the same time with a hundred ancient purple swords, turning into a torrent of sword gas.

The white robe man's arm was lifted, and at the same time, the basal body flew up, turning into an ancient armor shield, resisting the devastating sword atmosphere!


One hundred purple ancient swords crumbled, turned into purple mystery, and returned to Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan's castration continued unabated, and the forefinger's fingertips bombarded the basal armour with a harsh impact.

Although the basalt armor was not crushed, the Baipao people were shocked back.

Ning Xiaochuan greeted and killed him, and the right palm was constantly bombarded on the basalt armor, hitting the ghosts of lightning beasts, the sky full of thunder and lightning, and the white robe people kept back.




The momentum of Ning Xiaochuan's body was compelling, and he shot seventeen palms in a row. Each palm had the power to pull the river and mountains, and the white robes could only be passively defended.

"Break me!"

Ning Xiaochuan once again condensed a sword spirit, gathered into a sword wave, and bombarded the basalt armor, and immediately shattered this layer of unbreakable armor.

The sword qi bombarded the white robe man and flew the white robe man directly.

The white robe man's chest was penetrated by sword gas, but it was not fatal, it only injured him, "Xuanwu's Wrath!"

The white robe man's neck became longer, and scales appeared, and the scales were filled with bloodshot blood, like a dragon and snake, and a hot fireball spewed out of his mouth.

The diameter of the fireball is one meter.

Ning Xiaochuan began to move colorfully, his body became unpredictable, and the fireball spit by the white robe man could not hit him at all!

Of course, the destructive power of the fireball is not trivial. I passed Ning Xiaochuan several times and burned Ning Xiaochuan's hair!

"Scorching sun!"

Ning Xiaochuan, while avoiding, gathered strength, gathered to the eyebrow, turned into a purple light spot, and played a purple flame!


The purple flame smashed through the fireball and bombarded the white robe man's chest, making the white robe man's entire body burn!


The body of the man in white robes burned to ashes.

The seventh beam of light on the Tongtian Bridge rose, and the light was quite dazzling, spreading almost throughout the entire city of Tiandi.

"Congratulations, you crossed the seventh floor of the overpass."

The students and teachers outside the Tongtianqiao were shocked to add, and each one looked at each other and was talking about it.

"How could Ning Xiaochuan be so powerful? Yun Zhonghou's 'Yue Wuyang' was far worse than him then. Was he really a reincarnation of the emperor?"

"It's so difficult for famous sheep!"

"I'm afraid that Ning Xiaochuan's talents have already entered the level of` `thousand years of hardships '', and they can go to the sky clock and become the first person to be unprecedented. In the future, it will be just around the corner.

Yu Qianqian stood on the ancient street outside Tongtianqiao, her eyes were bright and her skin was soft and beautiful. Although she felt that Ning Xiaochuan returned this time to be different from before, when Ning Xiaochuan crossed the seventh of Tongtian Bridge, Still violently surprised.

Ning Xiaochuan's performance can no longer be described by genius, which is almost a match with the true gods in his youth.

Princess Lan Fei wore a turquoise skirt, black hair, and a pearl the size of a longan around her neck, making her skin extremely white and delicate.

She walked into the crowd, red lips slightly tickled, and smiled: "Princess has long seen that Ning Xiaochuan is not in the pool. Today's performance did not disappoint Princess. It is indeed the princess' horse."

Princess Lan Fei's eyelashes are long and slender, and Xing Yan's eyes linger, a slight glance at Yu Qianqian!

Yu Qianqian tightened her five fingers and bit her lips deeply, knowing that Princess Lan Fei had deliberately provoked her, because Yu Qianqian and Ning Xiaochuan should have been engaged to each other long ago. A marriage was cancelled.

Now Ning Xiaochuan's talents are amazing and talented, and she has become the treasure that women in the entire Yulan Empire want to snatch. Princess Lan Fei once again said that she was deliberately ridiculing Yu Qian.

At the same time, Princess Lan Fei had already stated her attitude long ago. She was going to ask Emperor Yu Lan to marry her and Ning Xiaochuan. If Ning Xiao Chuan really became the pony of Princess Lan Fei, she would be picked up by Princess Lan Fei. Sisi had to cry over her quilt.

Yu Qianqian hated itchy teeth, but she had no choice but to help her to ask the Emperor Yulan to cancel the marriage. Now she regrets it, yes, she regrets it! Not because Ning Xiaochuan's talent is amazing, but because she finds that she really falls in love with Ning Xiaochuan and it is already difficult to extricate herself.

If she was given another chance, even if she knew that Ning Xiaochuan liked Yu Ningsheng, she would never ask the Emperor Yulan to cancel the marriage. She just wanted to occupy Ning Xiaochuan and did not want to share it with any other woman.

Ning Xiaochuan came out of the Tongtian Bridge, without any injuries on his body. He seemed calm and indifferent, but he exuded a dazzling temperament, which made people convinced.


Yu Qianqian turned into a scent of incense and greeted directly, holding Ning Xiaochuan's arm and protecting him. While guarding Princess Lan Fei, she seemed to be afraid that Ning Xiaochuan would be snatched by Princess Lan Fei.

"Yu watermelon, what's wrong with you?" Ning Xiaochuan felt that Yu Qianqian was a bit wrong.

Yu Qianqian pursed her lips and said, "Don't call me watermelon, it's too earthy, call me Qianqian!"

Ning Xiaochuan felt that she was really having a problem, and coughed twice, saying, "I just crossed the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge, and I want to hit the sky clock above the Tiangong."

"Okay! OK! Why are you hitting the bell?" Yu Qianxi blinked her eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I promised Yu Ningsheng to redeem her and let her enter the Heavenly Emperor's Palace to practice. But she is a criminal and the Emperor Yulan has the decree. And I want to let the Emperor Yulan take back the order. To re-examine the public case of that year, the master of the palace must come forward. In order to fulfill this promise, I must go to the bell. "

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, Yu Qianqian's cheeky face became pale instantly!


The fateful year is really difficult, and I firmly believe it again. Yesterday, the sorrowful Lao Jiu should have dressed like a thief, was handcuffed by police and brought into the police station for questioning, and was not released until the afternoon.

Damn, I just went out to buy a breakfast, and when I encountered this kind of thing, I was speechless, and I was hit by a disaster.

Ok! I was reluctant to tell everyone about such a shame, but after all, it was not updated yesterday, so I will explain it to everyone. Lao Jiu really got lucky at home recently! Excited, excited!


Ok! Lao Jiu's sad experience is a history of blood and tears, handcuffs and fetters can be considered to have been brought, my first time! First time! It's gone! Stop talking, talk too much, all tears.

I feel that I still have a catastrophe recently. I must find an old temple in the mountains to hide out. If it is a good place, I hope that all kind book friends will introduce it!

In the end, I hope that every book friend will be poor and poor, and you will get more monthly tickets!

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