Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 189: Feast

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When Ning Xiaochuan and Sun Haixing played against each other, the other four strong law enforcement teams with black iron masks entered the inn and went to capture Yu Ningsheng.

Wanting to ask Ning Xiaochuankou about the practice method of "Beijing Divine Power", he can only use Yu Ningsheng to threaten him.

Therefore, we must capture Yu Ningsheng.

In the eyes of the strong of the four law enforcement teams, Yu Ningsheng is just a woman in a blue house. She is weak and deceived, and naturally she can capture it and take her down.


A white blizzard, like a sharp blade, flew out of the inn, and with Ling Zhi's cold air, gave out a strong ninth-level law enforcement team strong man to Hong Fei, and fell from the second floor to the ground.

The other three law enforcement teams were slightly surprised and stopped at the same time.


Yu Ningsheng turned into a white shadow, smashed the inn's tiles, and flew to the top of the inn.

She stood on the beam of the house, her long black hair fluttered in the wind, like a strand of filaments, a veil on her face, covering her stunning face, making the whole person look like a dream, like A Limbo fairy.

When the strong men of the four law enforcement teams saw the white woman standing above, their hearts were slightly swayed. It was too beautiful. No wonder it was called "the first beauty in the imperial city".

"Ice and snow!"

The temperature in the air became cold.

In the strong wind, a white snowflake flew out, quickly covering the city, as if it suddenly turned into a cold winter moon.

I do n’t know when Yu Ningsheng had an ice sword in his hand, and a sword stabbed at the strong one of the law enforcement team.

Sword Qi, curled up a piece of snow, like a piece of white pear.

The strong men of the four law enforcement teams quickly converged their minds and immediately went up to the battle to make a quick decision and win Yu Ningsheng.

Above the sky, a fierce battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Sun Haixing is taking place.


Ning Xiaochuan mobilized a hundred sword qi empty shadows, gathered into a sword qi long dragon, stabbed towards Sun Haixing, pierced Sun Haixing's body Xuanzang, leaving three sword qi scars on him.

Sun Haixing quickly retreated, knowing that fighting in the sky was not as flexible as Ning Xiaochuan, and was quite disadvantaged.

Then, he drove the mysterious beast toward the ground, and shot a shot at Yu Ningsheng's back. Sun Haixing is a practice of secularism. If this shot is stabbed, Yu Ningsheng will surely kill the jade.

"call out!"

Ning Xiaochuan launched a rainbow move, turning his body into a rainbow bridge, falling directly behind Yu Ningsheng, and clamoring in the direction of the ghost gun.

Sun Haixing's smirk appeared on his face, and he used his palm to stop the ghost gun of the fifth grade Xuanqi level.

"Xingyue is on the same day!"

In the palm of Ning Xiaochuan's palm, he burst out of the starry sky, flying a bright moon in the starlight, and chopped directly on Sun Haixing's chest, leaving a foot-long bloodstain on his chest.

Sun Haixing's body fierce and then retreated, feeling a fierce mysterious rush into the body, channeling in the blood. He felt that his whole body's blood had become slow, his body was shaking, and he quickly supported him with a spear.

The other four martial arts masters of the law enforcement team quickly retreated behind him, staring at the two Ning Xiaochuan.


Sun Haixing didn't know what happened to his body, but he knew that Ning Xiaochuan had done something. If he went on fighting, let alone Ning Xiaochuan, maybe he would be killed here.

The five of them retreated quickly and quickly into the darkness.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng really intended to catch up. In the darkness, a scream came suddenly, splashing crimson blood and spilling it on the street.

Something happened!

Both of them quickly stopped.

In the darkness, a group of warriors in strange costumes came out. There were more than thirty people, all of whom looked fierce and fierce.




The five law enforcement team masters who had just retired turned into corpses, and they were dragged out and thrown in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

The black iron masks on the faces of the five bodies have been lifted, and they can see what they look like.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the face of one of the corpses, recognized the person, and met him in the Temple of Law Enforcement. Standing next to Han Fu should belong to Han Fu's confidant.

Sure enough, it's the law enforcement team!

"Well! Han Fu, wait to return to the Emperor's Palace, and then slowly pack up." Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

When Ning Xiaochuan noticed the five corpses, Yu Ningsheng stared at the group of fierce warriors facing the opposite.

These five warriors with black iron masks are not simple characters. Each one is a person who can stand on his own, but they will be killed cleanly in just one moment!

Who are they? Why did they kill these five people?

Bailong City gathered a lot of demons, which made Yu Ningsheng feel taboo, and stared at the group of people opposite them. They must be the demons!

People from the magic gate also joined in!

Now how to do?

Her eyes glanced at Ning Xiaochuan!

Ning Xiaochuan gave Yu Ningsheng a look of "all peace of mind", raised his head, and stared at the more than thirty people standing opposite!

Among them, three people over half a year old stood at the forefront, with burning eyes and raised temples. They just stood there casually, but they already gave a strong oppression.

The old man standing in the middle, facing Ning Xiaochuan's slightly arched hand, smiled kindly: "On the opposite side is Master Ning in Jiangehoufu?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Who are you?"

"Old decay is the elder of the demise, Qiu Guild."

Ning Xiaochuan pointed at the five corpses on the ground and said, "Elder Qiu, what does this mean?"

Elder Qiu twisted his smile and said, "Master Ning is the future heir of Jiangehoufu. What honorable status came to Bailong City, our Heavenly Destruction Dao should have received Master Ning as the landlord's friendship. However, we did not expect that When five assassins appeared, even Master Ning dared to assassinate them. Now they died here, their retribution. "

Ning Xiaochuan understood it. It turned out that the five corpses were a gift for themselves.

Now that they had given the meeting, they must have asked for something.

I just do n’t know. Are they all the same as Elder Han Yu and the others they saw during the day with Ning Xiaochuan?

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to have too much trouble with them, so he said, "Thank you Elder Qiu for killing the assassins."

"Master Ning doesn't need to thank me, this is what we should do." Elder Qiu condensed his voice into a ray, and directly passed into Ning Xiaochuan's ears, saying: "This is the ghost messenger of Ghost Mountain Villa." The Lord ordered us to do so. "

No one else heard this sentence, only Ning Xiaochuan heard it.

A different color appeared on Ning Xiaochuan's face, and he glanced at Elder Qiu.

Elder Qiu nodded his head slightly, and smiled: "Will Master Ning go to Tianmida Road as a guest, we must treat Master Ning as a VIP."

"Since Elder Qiu is so sincerely inviting, how can Xiaochuan refuse. Elder, lead the way!" Ning Xiaochuan had a lot of doubts and wanted to ask a courtier to ask.

The courtier is the ghost messenger of Ghost Mountain!

Yu Ningsheng naturally found that Elder Qiu secretly transmitted a message to Ning Xiaochuan just now, of course, she did not hear the content of the message.

With Elder Qiu, Ning Xiaochuan walked into a huge mansion, with red walls and jade pillars, cornices hanging on the feet, and small bridges flowing water, decorated like a palace.

In the hallway, in the courtyard, there were beautiful maids everywhere, holding fruit trays, drinks and food in their hands, but when they saw Elder Qiu, they immediately knelt on the ground. It can be seen that this elder Qiu should have an inferior status in Tianmian Dao.

The annihilation of the Tao is a magic path that has been passed down for thousands of years. It has a strong foundation and a large number of congregations.

Although they are all called "elders", but the elders are also called "three, six, nine, etc.", their status and status are different, and martial arts practice also varies greatly.

Ning Xiaochuan followed, saying, "Elder Qiu, it seems that the government is hosting important guests."

Elder Qiu laughed: "Yeah! It's old, it's just to invite Master Ning to the banquet. This is an invitation letter from our nine girls."

"Who is Nine Girls?" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was more puzzled.

"Oh!" Elder Qiu sold Guanzi, and said, "Go, and you will know."

The banquet was set in a splendid palace, and the twelve directions of the palace were lit with black stone lamps, which illuminated the whole hall.

Hundreds of guests have gathered in the hall, some like Confucians, some like businessmen, and some like old beggars who have already entered the coffin with half a foot, but without exception, they are quite outstanding, absolutely Overlord.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart secretly said: "These people are estimated to be either the heads of the big family or the heads of the ancestors."

Ning Xiaochuan inspected the temple and found no courtier. The old guy did not know where he was hiding at the moment?

Elder Qiu walked into the hall and immediately attracted the attention of all the powerful men, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and then whispered.

"Nine girls really have the means, but they really invited Ning Xiaochuan!"

"Ning Xiaochuan was a hot character today. I heard that the lord of the academy has passed him the imperial order. He is likely to take the class of the academy and become the next master of the emperor's school."

"If Nine Girls tied Ning Xiaochuan to her chariot, then if they want to become the new Taoist master of Tian Meng Dao, the grasp will be even greater."

"A young boy with a stinky hairy hair! In the Demon Gate, he can walk casually with a master and be able to beat him to find teeth all over the place." .

Ning Xiaochuan looked in the direction of the left corner, and saw an beautiful back. She was wearing a dark green shirt, long black hair, and a string of emerald conch on her neck. She was sitting alone drinking and there was nothing at all. I saw Ning Xiaochuan squarely.

The warrior in the previous hall had never noticed her, and it was not until this moment that she found such an extra figure.

Her face was like a goose egg, with crystal clear, fine eyelashes, round eyes, and a seductive charm. The chest of the dress was very low, revealing a seductive snow-white ditch, and two full-bloomed Yufeng, which seemed to burst from the inside of the shirt.

Why is such a **** and charming woman never seen before?

When did she enter the hall?

None of the strong martial arts in the hall was a good kind. Staring at this woman, his tongue softly added his lips, just like the wolf saw the lamb and wanted to eat her!

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