Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 196: Two bones

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In the past, Ning Xiaochuan stayed in the Imperial City and the Emperor's Palace. Even when he met his opponents, he was a young man. Now he meets the old man. He is almost dangerous every step. A little attention to the bones.

Although the speed of the dragon elephant is really fast, the two of them are still caught up.

The old man with a skull on his neck stood on the cliff halfway, staring at the fast-running dragon elephant below, his mouth slightly raised.

With the waving of a dry arm, a blue mysterious cloud appeared in the void, condensing a bucket of thick vines, covered with branches and leaves, up to 80 meters long, like a wooden dragon flying out of the clouds and directly winding around the dragon. Lift the dragon elephant around its neck.


Although the power of the dragon elephant is great, it can't match the thick vine, and its body is pulled to a height of more than sixty meters and hung up.

Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing jumped off the back of the dragon elephant for the first time, and after standing firmly, they immediately supported Xuanzang, a guard.

Above the sky, a huge vine is shaking, just like a tentacle sticking out of the sky, the picture is quite shocking.

The dragon elephant was hung in the air by the vine, and the higher it was raised, the four hoofs were constantly struggling, and the mouth spit out flames, but it was useless at all.

Ji Hanxing couldn't fly, he could only watch the dragon elephant dragged to the sky, and squeezed his hands tightly, all of them would burst into flames.

Ning Xiaochuan propped up a pair of angry wind wings, condensed a mysterious sword, and was about to cut off the vine.


The old man with a skull on his neck showed a smirk, his finger pointed at Ning Xiaochuan, and a vine full of electric light was drawn on Ning Xiaochuan's body, knocking him out.


The thick vine of the bucket was loose, and the dragon elephant fell and was sobbed with a cry, both legs had been broken, his body was bloody, and a low-pitched roar was issued.

"Damn, who the **** are you?"

Ji Hanxing's relationship with the dragon elephant is very deep. Like a friend, many times he died alive and it was the dragon elephant who saved her life.

They are not masters and servants, but comrades in arms.

Seeing that the dragon elephant was seriously injured, she was naturally sad.

"Tian Ming Road, dead bones." The old man with a string of skeletons on his neck smiled, standing on a half-hill cliff overlooking the bottom, like a **** watching a group of ants.

"The old man with pine bones." Ji Hanxing's face changed.

The old man with loose bones refers to the two old people, "withered bone" and "withered bone".

They are called Mu Honglai's left and right hands, and they are all ruthless demons who make the warriors timid.

Murderers of this level are dispatched, and today it seems difficult to escape.

"A bit of insight, it is indeed a master from the dragon elephant camp."

With a faint smile, he did not put Ji Hanxing in his eyes, looked arrogant, and stared at Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "Boy, obediently talk about the cultivation method of Beibei's magic, I not only will not kill you, I can even I've given you countless beautiful people, young and beautiful, what do you think? "

Ning Xiaochuan naturally would not believe his ghost words, smiled, and said, "If you really want to practice this magic skill, then you worship me as a teacher. I might teach you three tricks and two styles."

The smile on the boneless face froze, and snorted coldly, "Toast and not eat, eat and drink!"

"call out!"

Dry bones spread his arms, his body flew down like a big bird, hit a big handprint, and bombarded Xiang Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing.

This palm print is almost like a cloud layer, and each fingerprint is clearly visible, like each one's magic pattern.

Ji Hanxing still stared at the dragon elephant, as if he didn't see the palm print slammed from his head at all.

Ning Xiaochuan sighed. For the first time, Ji Hanxing was found to be an emotional woman, so she immediately grabbed Ji Hanxing's shoulders, unfolded her colorful movements, her body flung backwards, and then she retreated twenty feet.


The ground where the two of them stood just now was depressed, showing a ten-meter-long handprint pit.

Although Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Hanxing escaped, the dragon elephant's luck was not so good, and he was beaten to death by the blow of dry bone.

"Do not!"

Ji Hanxing gritted his teeth tightly, and the eyes of a pair of star eyes became extremely angry. Regardless of the ruthless demons standing opposite, he carried the dragon elephant halberd toward the dead bone.

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to pull her away immediately, but where could she live?

In the face of old antiques such as dry bones, she dared to fight, really a rude and brutal woman.

Withered bones, when Ji Hanxing rushed to death, a smirk smile suddenly appeared on his face. A small woman even dared to fight with her husband, but her appearance was still very beautiful. When she was captured, she was taken into a chamber. .

It was a stimulating thing to think of taking a dragon elephant and martial arts as a chamber.


However, when Bone Bone and Ji Hanxing played a trick, his heart was violently shocked. The power from the dragon elephant halberd was almost not weaker than him, and he tore his sleeves directly.

If it were not for his rapid response, Ji Hanxing would probably have been injured just now.

"Back to the Dragon!"

Ji Hanxing shot back the dragon elephant halberd. Nine circles of mystery erupted above the tip of the gun, and penetrated the dead body's protective body Xuanzang. The tip of the gun passed over the shoulder of the dead bone, leaving a blood mark.

"Good little girl! I look down on you, hehe, the more intense I am, the more I wait for my husband to conquer you in bed."

Withered bones no longer despise Ji Hanxing, a pair of old eyes became emaciated, a robe fluttered, mysterious energy condensed into a silver leaf, "Wala Lala" chopped past.

This is not an ordinary leaf. It is a "Silver Ginseng Leaf", but it is a tree that can be easily penetrated by the guard's body Xuanzhang when it is taken from the Xuanling Wood.

Every piece of silver ginseng leaves is of great value, and its strength is of no small value.



The blood of Ji Hanxing's arms and ankles was chopped by silver leaves, and blood poured out like blood.

Withered sneer, he made another big fingerprint.

Ji Hanxing's eyes were scorching, the battle was furious, the long blue hair on his head flew up, and he held up the dragon elephant halberd to slay him, and tore the big fingerprints.


Dry bones appeared behind Ji Hanxing, and a palm blasted on her vest, shattering the red armor, and a cold cold air poured into her body.


A spit of crimson blood spewed out of her mouth, and the hand-held dragon was like a halberd, and half-knelt on the ground, her fingers trembling constantly.

Although Ji Hanxing was severely wounded and his blood was about to be broken, his eyes were still very firm, and he shot a shot again with his hand.

Inside the boneless sleeve, a black black snake flew out, landed on her neck, bite on her neck and carotid artery, and began to drink the blood in her body.

Ji Hanxing felt a sting in his neck, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he could no longer hold the dragon elephant halberd.


The dragon was like a halberd and fell to the ground.

"Ji Hanxing!"

Ning Xiaochuan turned into a magic rainbow, fell in front of Ji Hanxing, grabbed the tail of the black black snake, rushed out countless lightnings, and shattered the black snake into blood meal.

Ji Hanxing's neck, centered on bite marks, has turned black, and is still spreading all over the body. She stared at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Hurry up ... run away ..."

Then she closed her eyes and fell into Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

If she didn't say the words "you run away" at last, Ning Xiaochuan wouldn't care about her at all, after all, she died and had little to do with herself.

However, after she said these three words, Ning Xiaochuan felt that it was still worth saving her.

Of course, the premise is that you can escape today.

"Ning Xiaochuan, the Xuanlian snake that you actually killed ... Okay, okay, if you talk about the cultivation method of Beibei's magic, I won't hold it to you." Live without anger.

Ask Ning Xiaochuan's mouth first for the skill of Beibei, and then slowly pack him up. The thought of the boneless mind was so.

Even a strong man like Ji Hanxing was severely wounded, and Ning Xiaochuan naturally would not go silly to fight with his bones.

"You want to know how Beibei works. I can tell you, but I have one condition." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"What conditions?"

"Come closer, I'll tell you again." Ning Xiaochuan hooked his fingers at the dry bone.

Those who are old-fashioned and scheming, naturally know what Ning Xiaochuan is thinking, sneer: "Ning Xiaochuan, although your Beibei has great powers, the old man ’s cultivation is not a little higher than you, can you eat me? "

If Ning Xiaochuan really used the power of the magic sword to devour the blood in the dead bones, then the final result must be Ning Xiaochuan's explosion.

Withered bone is precisely because of knowing this, so he is not afraid of Ning Xiaochuan's Beibei magic. Taking Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation as a threat will not be a threat to him at all.

Therefore, he had no fear and walked towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Of course, he still kept a little eye on his palms, condensing mystery in the palm of his hand, in preparation for Ning Xiaochuan, fearing that he would capsize in the gutter. ,

He walked five meters to Ning Xiaochuan and laughed, "Now you can say it?"

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Senior, you are the great figure of the magic gate. What are you afraid of? Come closer, I will tell you right away."

Withered bones clenched his fists, showing a cold smile, and took two steps forward, saying, "Did you say that?"

"Say! I'll tell you now."

Five blood-red sword qi flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body and gathered into a magic sword.

This is the body of the magic sword, with a force of evil and fierce power, which immediately caused the wind and clouds to change, the earth trembled, and yellow springs poured from the ground.

Withered face changed, and quickly backed away.


Ning Xiaochuan held the sword in both hands, chopped it down, and the blood-red sword flew out, cutting off the boneless legs, and the upper part of the body fell directly to the ground.

Withered bones never expected that Ning Xiaochuan actually had such a terrible magic sword?

Today really capsized in the gutter!

Ning Xiaochuan was holding a magic sword, all with evil spirits, his eyes turned blood red. Compared with what he was just like, he was just a different person.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped on the boneless back, pointed the magic sword on top of his head, and said, "Feng Shui takes turns and will come to my house this year. Before I die, I will also make you understand the ghost that you always wanted to get. Divine skill has never existed. The only thing that really exists is this sword. "


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