Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 217: Ugly mother-in-law

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Sapphire fan, Jiu Pinxuan, the treasure of Fox Fairy Road.

A jade fan, a strong hurricane swept out, lifted the yellow sand, brought the clouds together, and it was suddenly dark. The powerful force moved the ancient city of Tiancheng to the fan.


In the air, the sound of tearing winds broke out, and in the dark clouds, lightning and thunder formed.

The fox fairy Taoist stood among the lightning thunder, his body was white and fluttering, his legs were long and slender, his peaks were plump and plump, his body was fluttering and dancing, and he continued to wave the sapphire fan, sweeping a large area of ​​sand.

She is not like a mother-in-law, but more like a charming young fox fairy, even when fighting, she exudes seductive taste,


Duanmu Linye rushed out of the bowl with two thick iron chains, like two steel dragons, entangled the dead body.

This is an iron chain condensed by martial arts supernatural power, condensing the "golden force" between heaven and earth, and respecting the spiritual will of martial arts soldiers.


The power of the corpse was terrifying, shattering the two iron chains, speeding tenfold, and rushing beyond the scope of the jade fan.

The location of the heart formed a huge vortex, and blood-red veins rushed out of it, wrapped around the arms of the fox fairy Taoist and Duanmu Linye, pierced into their skin and absorbed the blood in their body.

"Cut me!"

The fox fairy Taoist's heart was shocked, and he quickly called out the jade fan, and cut off the blood.

At the top of Duanmu Linye's head, a gold knife was condensed, and the blood was cut off with one knife, and the body stepped back three steps.

The corpse's fighting power was beyond imagination, and it drove the two demon Tao masters into a panic.

"Cough!" An old cough sounded.

The cough was very low, but it was not swallowed by the sound of wind sand, but it was still clear.

Both the fox fairy Taoist and Duanmu Linye stopped and looked in the direction of the coughing sound.

On the dim horizon, slowly came an old woman holding a cane.

She was quite thin, bending over, arching her back, like a gust of wind would blow her away.

She was extremely ugly and intimidating, and if no one passed by Duanmu Linye, walked towards the dead body.

"Old man, that dead body ..."

Duanmu Linye originally wanted to remind the ugly mother-in-law that the dead body is dangerous, but only half of the words, she saw that the ugly mother-in-law used the language to communicate with the dead body.

Moreover, the dead body could understand.

The ugly mother-in-law said a corpse, but did not agree with the dead body, but aroused the anger of the dead body, a paw bombarded the ugly mother-in-law.

The ugly mother-in-law sighed, and swung her sleeves to take off the dead body and hit the wall.


The walls were knocked down and turned into rubble.

The corpse crawled out of the gravel, wailed in his mouth, and attacked the mother-in-law again.

This time the attack was even more fierce, and thousands of yinsha spirits burst out of the body, just like thousands of troops and horses.


The ugly mother-in-law slammed the cane on the ground, and a stream of air rushed out, shattering the evil spirits into a plume of smoke.

She stretched out a dry finger, put it on the corpse's brows, and hit a white light into the corpse.

The violent dead body suddenly became quiet, and he knelt in front of the ugly mother-in-law, respectfully respectfully hoeing her head.

"Let's go!"

The ugly mother-in-law faltered, carrying the dead body, just left, and disappeared on the horizon.

From beginning to end, she didn't say a word to Duanmu Linye and Fox Fairy Taoist, didn't even look at them, completely ignored them.

"So powerful Xiuwei, why have you seen her before?" The fox fairy Taoist looked solemnly.

Duanmu Linye nodded and said: "This old man is definitely a hermit master, go back and ask the Emperor, maybe his old man will know."


Ning Xiaochuan, Zi Luoer, and Duanmu Linger all sat on the backs of the two-headed stone beasts and hurried toward the ancient city of Tiancheng. The speed of the two-headed stone beast is naturally inferior to that of Wu Zun, and it was left far behind by the two magic gate masters.

Ning Xiaochuan sits on the back of the stone beast, and uses dragon and tiger mystery to heal the wounds. The mystery on the skin swallows and spits like a tortoise resting and a whale dormant.

"Well! Someone came up ahead."

Duanmu Ling'er stood on the left skull of the double-headed stone beast, two black rays shot out from her pupils, and she saw two black dots in the distance, walking slowly in this direction.

Closer, I finally saw that they were two people.

In front of it was an ugly-looking old man with yellowish skin and thin hair, holding a wooden staff in his hand and bending forward with a hunched back.

An old man followed her with a veil, like a leather monkey, jumping forward, exuding a touch of death.

Duanmu Linger felt dangerous and was alert.

Ning Xiaochuan also felt an unusual breath, opened his eyes, looked at the two old men in front, stared at the ugly old woman, his face showing a happy look, and shouted from a distance: "Ugly mother-in-law, how come you To the Mossat Desert? "

This ugly mother-in-law is the weird old woman Ning Xiaochuan encountered in the Huo Mo Shan.

The ugly mother-in-law was just rushing to catch her head, and when she heard Ning Xiaochuan call her, she looked up.

That ugly face startled both Duanmu Linger and Zi Luoer, and her heart was so full of panic that it was scarier than Li Gui.

"Ning Xiaochuan!"

The ugly mother-in-law carefully looked at Ning Xiaochuan, nodded, and said, "Have you encountered a great opportunity recently?"

Ning Xiaochuan smiled suddenly and said, "Yeah! It's a great opportunity, and it was almost killed."

"Fart! Your kid has already melded Zhending, and has been trained to the level of a high-level psychologist, and his physique is much stronger than before! If you haven't encountered great opportunities, in just one year, can you have your current achievements?"

Ning Xiaochuan knows that the martial arts of the ugly mother-in-law is very high, and she must not hide her from her current physical changes.

The ugly mother-in-law's old eyes looked at Duanmu Linger and Zi Luoer, and said, "Why are you alone, Sissi? You are not fighting with her fiercely?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Qi Qian ... She is practicing in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace ... I and her are actually just ... ordinary friends."

"Man! It's all three and four. See one and like one."

The ugly mother-in-law shook her head gently, then walked over from the side of the two-headed stone beast, carrying the dead body, and was about to leave.

Zi Luoer said a little unpleasantly: "Hey! Ugly old lady, don't allow you to say brother Ogawa, he will not go to San Mi Si, it's not what you say! I think you are jealous, this girl is born with beauty, beautiful appearance ..."

The ugly mother-in-law suddenly stopped, exuding a chill.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly covered Zi Luoer's mouth and quickly apologized: "Ugly mother-in-law, childish words, childish words ... Falling off, don't pay the ugly mother-in-law, hurry up!"


The old man behind the ugly mother-in-law suddenly raised his head, revealing a dry, scorched face, two fangs, and staring at the purple pendant closely, making a husky, husky voice.

This is an extremely scary face, even more embarrassing than Li Gui!

Ning Xiaochuan clearly saw that there was a blood hole in his heart, which was empty inside.

He has no heart!

Zi Luoer shuddered in shock, a pair of slender * leaned tightly on Ning Xiaochuan's body, his arms were tightly hugging Ning Xiaochuan's neck, and they were all crying.

The ugly mother-in-law said: "Even if the crime is paid, anyway, what she said is the truth, the wife is really old and ugly!"

Ning Xiaochuan sneered at the ugly mother-in-law and stared at the unintentional old man, saying, "Ugly mother-in-law, are you the corpse slave you made?"

"Fart! I made all living people, real living people, real living people. When did you make a corpse slave?"

"It's a corpse slave! Princess Lan Fei ..."

"Get off! There are no half-dead slaves. I repeat, it's a living person, it's a real living person."

The ugly mother-in-law was so excited that she was about to strike the wooden staff in her hand towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly said: "Yes! Yes! Ugly mother-in-law is a great mind-raiser, and it is naturally impossible to make corpse slaves and half-corpse slaves. Will mother-in-law, where did this dead corpse conquer?

The ugly mother-in-law put away her anger and said, "It's not your kid's job!"

"What does it have to do with me?"

"A year ago, the huge heart in the Devil's Palace swallowed the elixir in the ancient medicine tripod. Now, it ran out."

Ning Xiaochuan's face changed greatly. "Which heart escaped the suppression of the magic palace?"

The ugly mother-in-law nodded and said, "That is a big devil. Long ago, someone was crushed by the human body, and only one heart was left. It was suppressed in the magic palace. Now it escapes to seize others' The heart, to restore its own strength. Moreover, it also picks people who are martial arts masters, and the stronger the heart, the more likely it is to be killed by it. "

When Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, according to the ugly mother-in-law, the Taoist lord of the annihilated Dao Road was probably the one who took the heart away.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes stared at the dead body without a heart in front of him, and he secretly said, "Is he just a broken army?"

This is a terrible crisis. Any warrior in the Yulan Empire may become its hunting target.

Even a strong man such as Peng Bajun has been taken away from his heart. Can others survive?

No wonder the puppet army will suddenly violently violently at home, originally met this evil.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Where is that heart now?"

The ugly mother-in-law shook her head and said, "I have tracked it down for some time, but it has taken away the flesh of others, and it is now hidden again. However, the breath on it can't be hidden, you fight If you do encounter it, you should be able to sense its existence. If you do encounter it, then you should run away! Although ... not necessarily escaped. "

After saying this, the ugly mother-in-law left with the dead body and disappeared on the horizon of the yellow sand!

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