Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 223: Killer

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Chopping the Dragon Sword can cut the dragon scales and chop the dragon's tendons.


Ning Xiaochuan furiously struck the blade on Lin Zhirong's neck, and a fire broke out, making a sound of metal attack.

Lin Zhirong's neck, just like that made by the Vajra **** iron, even chopped the dragon sword.

It was just a white mark on his neck, not even a trace of blood.

Many people were shocked by this scene. Has Lin Zhirong already become a godlike body?

The Dragon Sword is a forbidden device in the army and can cut through all magical powers. Even cutting black iron is as easy as cutting tofu.

However, it did not cut off Lin Zhirong's skin?

Ning Xiaochuan's complexion changed slightly. Even if Lin Zhirong had the fourth realm of secularism, the physical body would never be so powerful.

No matter how strong it is, can it be too strong for Shenlong?

The blade was still on Lin Zhirong's neck, and Lin Zhirong's face showed a disdainful sneer. "Even my nine lives can't be broken without breaking the armor. Are you still qualified to fight me?"

Lin Zhirong is not physically stronger than Shenlong, but because he is wearing a peerless leather armor-Jiusheng Unbreakable Armor.

This type of leather armor is made from the nine layers of vulgar skin, and the nine layers of vulgar skin are smelted together into a piece of armor.

Jiusheng does not break armor, and can blend with the skin of the warrior, melt into the body, and form a whole.

It is also because Lin Zhirong is wearing nine unbroken armors, so even the Dragon Sword cannot cut his skin.

Unless Wu Zun takes the shot, otherwise the general attack will not hurt Lin Zhirong's skin.


The palm of Lin Zhirong's palm glowed with golden light, the mysterious energy burst out from the body, turned into a golden dragon claw, and a claw hit his chest.

This is a moment of extreme crisis. If it is touched by the golden dragon claw, the body will suffer severe damage even if it is not torn.

"Sun and moon are the same!"

A moon and a scorching sun fly out of Ning Xiaochuan's heart, turning into a yin-yang sun-moon picture scroll, rotating at a high speed, forming a huge vortex, pulling the golden dragon claws into the vortex.

With this brief delay, Ning Xiaochuan finally won the opportunity to shoot again.


Ning Xiaochuan condensed the power of lightning, and the palm of his hand almost turned into a thunder ball, which bombarded the palm of the golden dragon claw and broke it.

Lin Zhirong's palm was hit, his entire arm was paralyzed, his bones became painful, and his body's mystery was shaking.

Although the Dragon Sword can't break the "nine lives without breaking armor", the powerful force can attack Lin Zhirong's body through the leather armor.

He stepped back quickly, stepping on the seven-star step, falling out of ten feet, into a defensive posture!

"Jiusheng's unbreakable armor is not unbreakable. The absolute strength is enough to shock you to death through a layer of leather armor."

Ning Xiaochuan put away the dragon-knife, pressing it step by step, running the yin and yang sun and moon maps with both hands, suppressing towards Lin Zhirong.

This is the ninth supernatural power born in Ning Xiaochuan's body. The power is extraordinary. The sun's light is very dazzling; the moon's light is extremely cold.

The two extreme forces meet together, just like the sun and the moon in the dark universe are rotating, and they have the power to shake the world.

Lin Zhirong naturally has no fear, even if Ning Xiaochuan's magical power is no matter how powerful, after all, only the second-most cultivation of secular realm.

The difference between the two realms is a huge difference.

Lin Zhirong once again appeared in the World Treasure Wheel, condensing the virtual images of dragon elephants, gold-winged ghost king scorpions, earth lizards, and dragons.

To cultivate this martial arts supernatural power, he has swallowed the blood of these four creatures, and can use the power of these four creatures.


Two powerful superpowers were fighting, completely destroying Lingqi Pavilion, and all the platforms fell down.

"Who is this guy? He can actually fight with the young master."

"He is holding a Dragon Sword, most likely from the court, maybe from Tushen Camp."

"I heard earlier that Miss Duanmu called him Ning Xiaochuan. Why is this name so familiar? It seems to have been heard somewhere."

"I feel the same way, and I do know it."


Both Ning Xiaochuan and Lin Zhirong were extremely quick, killed Lingqi Pavilion, fought on Xiaoyao Peak, chopped the ancient giant wood, chopped the mountain stream, and rolled down the rocks.

Lin Zhirong's body emits a gold-colored beam of light, condensing into a dragon-shaped magical power, and the light collides on the cliff wall, chopping off a huge cliff stone.

Ning Xiaochuan once again played the martial arts supernatural power of "Sun and Moon on the Same Day", with a scorching sun and a full moon floating above his head, crushing all the magical powers that Lin Zhirong played.

From the battle of supernatural powers to the physical confrontation, the two are like two ferocious mysteries.

They have endless power in their bodies, which can never be consumed.

"It's bad! Ning Xiaochuan's injury hasn't healed yet. He and Lin Zhirong have to fight hard, and they will definitely suffer." Duanmu Linger was a little worried.

Duanmu Linger looked up and saw a slender white figure standing on the top of the treetop.

She has a golden mask on her face, black long hair like a tassel waterfall, a dragon-shaped mystery flowing around her body, and a body of mist covering her body, making her look extraordinarily mysterious.

"Her Majesty, stop them from fighting." Duanmu Linger said.

Now, only those who have the power to stop Ning Xiaochuan and Lin Zhirong are the sages of the magic gate.

The sorceress of Mormon has been staring at the battle between the two of them.

With a wave of the palm, a white magical exercise was performed, which turned into an ancient bridge connecting the heavens and the earth, to separate Ning Xiaochuan and Lin Zhirong.

"call out!"

Just then, in the darkness, a sword light was cut out, and the ancient bridge was cut off.

A slightly tall and thin old man walked out of the woods with a shawl, and above his head was suspended a serpentine sword.

His face was full of wrinkles, and he slightly bowed to the maiden of the magic gate, saying, "Our young master, this is revenge for his wife. I hope that Her Royal Highness will understand the sadness of the young master at this moment, and let him handle the enemy. "

The Mormon maid whispered: "Camel, dare you do something to me?"

This old man is called "Camel" and is already eighty-nine years old. He is a lifeless elder who has become a powerful elder and has high prestige in the magic gate.

"Don't dare! My husband would dare to fight with Her Royal Highness, but I begged Her Royal Highness not to mix it up." Camelzi's pupil flashed a hint of fierceness in his eyes, and deep inside, to the young lady. There is not much respect.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Don't dare! It's just ... this is indeed a lifeless thing. If Her Royal Highness had to step in and the Taoist would hold it down, we wouldn't be able to bear responsibility."

Camel's heart sneered, a small woman, prestige without prestige in the magic gate, or merit without merit, just because you want to calm people?

What a joke.

How clever is the sage of the magic gate, how can you not hear it? Camelzi is pressing the name of a deadly Taoist to press her, trying to shrink her.

After all, she stayed in the imperial city all year round. Although she was a sage of the magic gate, she did not establish her own prestige.

In the magic gate, if there is no strong power, these old devil will not obey you at all.

The maiden of the magic gate came to Nine Dead Cliffs, and originally wanted to find an opportunity to establish her prestige in the magic gate. Zhengchou could not find a suitable candidate, but she did not expect that Camelzi would come to her door.

When people are trying to die, they ca n’t stop it.

"You are really overbearing, you dare to threaten this virgin. This is the following crime, and you should be guilty of sin."

The breath on the maiden's door was cold, and the air between heaven and earth became cold, and the temperature dropped rapidly, like a big ice cellar.

The moisture in the air condenses into ice crystals and fuses into snowflakes.

The arm of the demon maiden was covered with white flower rain, gathered into a torrent of snowflakes, and chopped towards the camel.

"Since Her Royal Highness wants to ask for some martial arts, the camel is ugly."

Camelzi has a cultivation practice close to the ground, and the combat power is comparable to half a martial arts. Naturally, the little girl of the magic gate maiden will not be put in the eyes, and with a sneer, she will cut out the snake-shaped war sword.

The sword was suffocated like a tsunami, forming a huge snake head, emitting a bright and dazzling light.

The battle sword shattered the snowflakes, and struck the heart of the maiden of the gate with a sharp momentum.


A white figure flew down and fell directly in front of the camel, a white and beautiful palm, pinching the serpent-shaped sword in his hand.

Hold mysterious war sword with your hand!

So fast.

The camel's face changed slightly, and he would retract his sword.

However, the serpent-shaped sword in his hand was taken away by the sage of the magic gate. She pinched it in her hand, cut it with a sword, cut off one of Camel's arms, and a trickle of blood flowed from her shoulders.


The camel's mouth made a deep scream, and he recoiled, and his heart was shocked to the extreme. Why is this little girl so strong?

The sorceress of the magic gate fell to the ground, holding the snake-shaped war sword in her hand, stepping it up, placing the war sword on the camel's neck, cutting out a scarlet bloodstain, and coldly said, "What are you Status? My maid, do you have the right to teach me what to do? "

"Don't ... don't ..." Camel's eyes looked terrified, holding back the pain in his shoulders, and his body kept receding.

The battle sword was placed on his neck, the sword gas was swallowing on the blade, and his head could be cut off at any time.

Mormon maiden said: "Kneel down!"


Camel's heart felt humiliated, his teeth clenched tightly, without kneeling.

He is the big man of the magic gate, even if he meets the inanimate Taoist, he does not have to kneel and salute.

"If you don't kneel, you have to die."

The sorceress of the magic gate was very strong, and a frightening cold broke out on his body, and the camel's blood was frozen, making his body tremble.

The battle sword stabbed into the camel's neck and penetrated an inch deep, dripping with blood, and gathered into a small blood pool in front of the camel's body.


The camel finally bowed his legs and fell to the ground.


As soon as the sword of the sorceress waved, the camel's head flew out and fell into the grass like a ball.

Skull, when flying out. Camel's eyes were still very wide, and he didn't understand the death. He was already kneeling. Why was he killed?

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