Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 229: Dark king

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The eyes of the incompetent Taoist chilled, with a spirit of self-defence, saying: "Girl, your authority is really not small, do you think you are already the second person of the magic gate?"

The inanimate Taoist masters are all powerful in Wu Zun. Even if only the blood in the body runs, they can make the sound of big rivers flowing. Once the shot is taken, it is the power of splitting mountains and rivers.

"Don't you agree?" The sorceress of the magic gate was fearless, squinting at it with her own pride.

A living treasure wheel condenses in the palm of the deadly lord, twisting the air into a whirlpool and smiling coldly: "If you can take the three moves of this seat, this seat will leave immediately."

"Lin Tianyi, if you want to fight, why should you fight with the children. I'll take you three moves and try to see how much you have grown in the past ten years?" A mighty voice sounded in the sky.


The sky became dark instantly.

The sun's rays became dim, day and night.

A dark purple lightning struck the sky and fell to the ground.

The lightning disappeared, and a black shadow appeared on the ground. This is a real projection of the martial arts strongman!

It's just a shadow, you can't see the human body at all, it gives people a strange feeling, like a ghost.

The blessed Taoist's face sank slightly, and then he smiled again and said, "No wonder Her Royal Highness didn't even give the old man's face. It turned out that the King of Heaven had returned. King of Heaven, have we not been together for ten years? To what extent has the "Four Elephant Wuhun" practiced? "

The voice of the Dark King came from the shadow on the ground, as if it was integrated with the earth, saying: "I also want to know, has your" Nothingness "really reached the ninth level?"


A different time opens, and a portal appears in the void.

The inanimate Taoist and the Dark King disappeared from the same place at the same time, and entered into different time and space, and a turbulent air flow fluctuated out of the air.

This is Wu Zun level confrontation, which is unfolding in different time and space. Although ordinary people cannot see it, we can think of the horror of this battle.

"Thank Your Royal Highness. If Her Royal Highness had not shot, I am afraid that the two of us are fierce today." Duanmu Linger's face showed joy, if it was not for the inconvenience of her legs, she would have to salute the Holy Virgin.

This is the magic gate rule!

The sorceress stared at Duanmu Linger, lying on Ning Xiaochuan's back, hugging Ning Xiaochuan's neck tenderly with both hands, and gently pursing her lips, her eyes moved away immediately, and said, "Are you injured?"

Duanmu Linger nodded and said: "Lin Zhirong wanted to kill us in the iron prison, but unfortunately it was him who died in the end, really retribution."

The maiden of the magic gate took out an ice jade bottle and handed it to Duanmu Linger, saying, "This intermittent Dan should heal your injury quickly. Since the King has returned, even if there is no energy of the Taoist master, Large, no matter how high it can be, it can't turn up any big waves. You can rest assured. "

The demon maiden stared at Ning Xiaochuan without leaving a trace, but found that Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were very indifferent, and she did not look at her at all.

She felt that Ning Xiaochuan was hostile, and her eyes were rejecting her.

The sorceress of the magic gate and the king of the dark came at the same time, and they had already made those masters of the magic gate panic, and they all knelt on the ground, even the atmosphere was afraid to come out.

The masters of the magic gates all returned to Nine Dead Cliffs, and even the king-level characters returned, and the army of the imperial court may retreat without fighting.

After a long while.

There was a ripple in the air.

The lifeless lord wolf flew up from inside, the hair crown on his head had fallen, his hair was scattered, blood was flowing from his eyes, and he resentfully said, "I won't just be so good about this thing ... Hehe! Look at it! Come on! "

The lifeless master forcibly lifted a breath, suppressed the injury, turned into a residual image, and disappeared into the misty mountains.

"call out!"

In a different time, a cold wind blew out.

On the ground, another person's shadow appeared.

The shadow suddenly rose from the ground, the body condensed from illusion into a solid body, and turned into a man in a black robe with a half golden mask on his face, covering the face above the bridge of the nose.

However, I still can see a sharp lips, scum on the chin, and a pair of shaking eyes.

I can imagine that this is definitely a majestic and powerful man.

This is the mysterious Dark King in the magic gate?

The Dark King stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan, his thoughts revealed, and then he said, "Follow me!"

Ning Xiaochuan still stood still, and did not intend to follow him.

"Ning Xiaochuan, let's go with the Dark King! I believe he will help us." Duanmu Linger gently pushed Ting Xiaochuan with his elbow, and his rosy lips whispered in his ear.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were deep, and he was silent for a long time. He said, "I've seen Qi Chong in the iron prison. I don't know if Lord Tianwang has a reflection on him?"

The King of Darkness stopped and sighed in his mouth, and stared again at Ning Xiaochuan, saying, "What did he tell you?"

"So, are you really General Zuo Duwei? Mo Longting, Master Mo!" Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his fingers tightly, his eyes were cold.

Hearing this, the maiden's fingers also moved slightly, under the golden mask, her lips squeezed tightly, and there was a hint of intimidation in her pupils.

Ning Xiaochuan yelled at him: "Master, would you like to deny it?"

"Do not deny."

The King of Darkness's spine is upright and said, "Since you have already checked this step, you must know what you should know."

"But I still don't know a lot." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The sorceress of the magic gate stood aside, and five slender jade fingers clasped her palms tightly, and the nails were directly embedded in the flesh, bleeding.

Although Ning Xiaochuan did not talk directly with her, the pain in her heart was not what ordinary people could imagine.

The Dark Lord said: "I and your father are best friends and have brotherhood of the opposite sex. When you were born, I had proposed that the two of us would form a son-in-law family and marry my daughter to his son. However, your father strongly disagreed, because at that time you were pregnant with fetal disease, which was no different from a wasteful man. He didn't want to hurt my daughter. But I didn't think so, so I made an agreement. If one day your fetal disease Healing, we are still in-laws. "

"I don't want to hear you say this, you should understand, what do I want to know?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

If anyone dared to talk to the Dark King like this, he would have been lying dead.

However, in the face of Ning Xiaochuan, the King of Darkness was quite patient, saying: "Unexpected circumstances, no one expected that Emperor Yulan would send your father to be the commander of the three armies, lead the 700,000 army, and encircle the magic gate. Your mother It is the sage of the magic gate, and your father will lead the army to conquer the magic gate. "

"I discussed this with your father and mother. At first we thought that Emperor Yulan wanted to test your father's loyalty to the court. But then we found ourselves wrong. Emperor Yulan wanted to use your father Special status against Jiangehoufu. "

"At the moment of the expedition from the army, it was destined that 700,000 troops would be sacrificed and become the pawns of the emperor Yulan's reduction of the princehood. These pawns had to die."

"The culprit of the death of the 700,000 army was the emperor Yu Lan."

Ning Xiaochuan already knew these things and didn't want to listen anymore. He said, "Why are my father and mother dead, but you are still alive? Do you dare to say that you have no responsibility at all for this?" You are my father's best friend, but unfortunately the person who stabbed the knife behind you is still you. Lord, have you not blame yourself in these years? "

The Dark King was silent and did not explain.

In his capacity, there was no need to explain something.

The maiden of the magic gate said: "Ning Xiaochuan, the one who really stabbed the knife behind is not my father, but now the cloud Zhonghou, Yue Wuyang who is as powerful as he is now."

"Why should I believe you? Are you still worthy of me?" Ning Xiaochuan had already guessed who was the maiden of the gate, and her original goodwill for him had disappeared.

Hearing this sentence, the sorrow of the sorceress felt a severe pain in her heart, like a stab in the heart, blood dripping, and she was anxious. She clenched her teeth tightly and said, "My father is the Dark King of the Demon Gate, and your mother is the maiden of the Demon Gate. They are both the top of the Demon Gate. Do you think your parents will not know my father? identity of?"

The Mormon maid said again, "Your father and mother died not because of the 700,000 army, but because of Jiangehoufu."

"What do you mean?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Mormon maiden said: "Eleven years ago, the entire army of 700,000 troops was annihilated, shocked the country and the country, and the world was a sensation. This is not who has treasoned the enemy and who has betrayed the court. He just wanted to use the influence of this incident to get rid of Jiangehoufu, reclaim the military power of Jiangehoufu, and disintegrate the power of Jiangehoufu. "

"At the same time, use this to deter other princes, thereby reducing the power of the prince and concentrating all rights in his own hands."

"It can be said that dealing with Jiange Houfu was the most important move he played. If eleven years ago, Jiange Houfu was really chopped by the door, then the emperor Yulan has already controlled the army and became Emperor Yulan is really emperor. How can those princes still be so beautiful now? "

"Unfortunately, the layout of Emperor Yulan did not come true. Lord Modi brought masters of the magic gate and killed as many as possible into the imperial city. At that time, the demons gathered and approached the imperial palace."

"Master Mo Di personally entered Jiangehoufu and took your mother back to Momen, but your mother refused. Because, once your mother leaves, the entire Jiangehoufu will be hacked by Emperor Yulan, and the chicken and dog will not stay. . The nine clans of Jiangehoufu will be killed, and there will be thousands of people dead by then. "

"So, at the cost of life, your mother forced the demons to save Jiange Hou's house. Your mother hanged herself in front of the demons and fell into a pool of blood. Your father died on that day too. They all died because of Jiange Hou's house. Was indirectly forced to death by Emperor Yulan. "

"Later, the Lord Emperor negotiated with the Emperor Yulan. The Emperor Yulan had to let go of the Jiangehou Mansion, and the Warriors of the Demon Gate could not step into the Imperial City for ten years."

Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his fist tightly and said, "This is the contract signed between the Emperor and Yulan the Emperor. Is this the truth?"

The maiden of the magic gate said: "Otherwise, why are the Mo men ’s men allotted to the frontiers, and the women are sold as prostitutes, but your Jiangehoufu are intact? Do you really think that the emperor Yulan has shown kindness? It ’s all because of the death of your parents that gave Jiange Houfu a chance of survival. To say that the biggest victim is not Jiangehoufu, but the Mo family. "

Sometimes it ’s more cruel than I thought!


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