Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 237: Before the seal

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In the past two years, for the development of the Ghost Village, it really did a great deal to kill and make the entire imperial city bloody, and everyone was at risk.

Among them, the most striking is the "Zhenxi Houfu Destruction Case". A whole Houfu, thousands of people were beheaded and blood-stained on the long street.

This is the battle for fame of Ghost Villa.

After this battle, Ghost Villa completely entered the eyes of everyone, and did not pay attention to the major forces in the imperial city.

Murong Hua said: "Once you are successful, if you want to become strong, you must step on the bones of others. If you want to develop, Ghost Villa will definitely cause killing, but it will definitely not be excessive killing. .I have long since enacted regulations prohibiting indiscriminate killings. "

"The massacre of Zhenxi Houfu was also a decision that was made after me and Zuo Hufa and the ghost messenger. After many discussions, weighing the pros and cons, the decision was finally made. , You can take it down. "

"Second, the Ghost Village has just been established. To gain status, you must establish your authority. It is the best way to operate with a Hou House."

"Third, the background of Zhenxi Hou Mansion is not clean. By virtue of his princehood, he bought and sold girls in secret, forcing them to become a coward, and cultivated a large underground slave trading market in Huangcheng Ji. . Of course, this slave trading market now belongs to our ghost village. Any slaves who have been forcibly arrested have been trained as martial arts, and some have left them. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "I will leave you to take charge of the affairs of the Nether Village. I am afraid I will stay in the Imperial City for a long time and will come here often. I will bring Yue Wuyang back this time. A great gift. "

"Oh! What a gift?" Muronghua suddenly became interested.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Secret!"


In the early morning, a brilliant car parked outside the Houfu House in Yunzhong.

This big car came here from a green deer horse. There are no drivers, but there is a large coffin of Yunmu on it, with sacrifices on it and an incense burner.

Many sergeants in armor were all around the cart.

"Who is so brave, dare to send the coffin to Yunzhonghouhou?"

"Lin Zi, go and open the coffin and see."

A slightly thin young sergeant carefully walked to the coffin, removed the corner of the coffin cover, and suddenly frightened his legs, saying: "There is a dry body inside ..."

The faces of those sergeants all changed slightly. Among them, a high-strength warrior stepped forward and covered the coffin with a palm, and the dry corpse was completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

"Who is this body? How could it be parked outside the Houfu House in Yunzhong?"

"Look, there's a word on the bottom of the coffin. Xiao ... City ... of ... Coffin ... Who is Xiaocheng?"

The warrior who had been repaired as a high-powered man changed his face, and quickly walked to the side of the coffin, carefully identified the body in the coffin, confirmed the identity of the body, and rushed into Yunzhonghoufu immediately.

Something big!

Some sergeants who have heard the name of "Xiao Cheng" are quite horrified and can predict that a big earthquake will happen in Houzhong, Yunzhong!


When Xiao Cheng's body was transported to Houfu House in Yunzhong, Ning Xiaochuan also returned to Jiange Hou House.

The return of Ning Xiaochuan naturally caused a big sensation in Jiange Houfu, because many people know that Ning Xiaochuan is already the true heir of Jiange Houfu, the future grandpa.

A large group of servants and maidservants came out to greet him, and he was greeted by the front and back.

Ning Xiaochuan's buttocks haven't gotten hot yet, so a niece came to sue: "Master, there is a girl named Duanmu outside looking for you and saying it's your friend."

"I went out to see her in person."

In order to deal with Xiao Cheng, Ning Xiaochuan let Duanmu Linger stay in Bailong City temporarily. Later, Ning Xiaochuan went to kill Xiao Cheng again, so she did not worry about her for the time being.

Duanmu Linger stood outside the gate of Houfu, carrying his hands on his back, wearing a bucket bucket, and staring at the magnificent Houfu's gate. His heart secretly said that he was indeed a noble of the court, and the house was comparable to the gate of the Momen.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the door, smiled apologetically at Duan Muling, and said, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm watching, how good is this imperial city? Actually, Master Ning gave up his beautiful cousin and kept running. But the imperial city is really prosperous and beautiful." Duanmu Linger laughed Road.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Actually, I know that with the wisdom of Miss Duanmu, it is quite easy to find Jiangehou House."

Duanmu Linger did not continue to contend with Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Don't invite me in?"

"Come in."

Ning Xiaochuan was quite a gentleman. He invited Duanmu Linger to Hou's house and settled in the courtyard where she lived.

It didn't take long for the old man to return from the imperial palace and walk into Jiangehou House. He was in a good mood and laughed: "It's a retribution!"

Ji Bo greeted and laughed, "Houye, what happy event?"

"Yue Wuyang's big disciple was killed by someone in the Demon Gate. Others also sent the corpse to the gate of Houfu House in Yunzhong. This incident spread in the early morning. You did not see it. Yue Wuyang's expression at that time was the same as that of his dead son. "Of course, the old Houye was still quite happy, so he had no party to celebrate.

Xiao Cheng is not an ordinary character. He has a very special identity. He is an important chess piece arranged by Yue Wuyang in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, helping Yue Wuyang to buy people's hearts, gather talents, and manage the Yunzhong League.

It can be said that the value of Xiao Cheng is comparable to the captain general who leads a million troops.

As soon as Xiao Cheng died, Yue Wuyang's power in the Heavenly Emperor's Academy would soon be disintegrated. This is foreseeable.

Therefore, it is a great event for Jiangehoufu and Dajinpeng Wangfu. The celebration without the gongs and drums has already given Yue Wuyang a face.

Ji Bo laughed: "Tell Hou Ye another good thing, Master Ning is back."

Lao Hou immediately put away a smile and pondered for a moment, and said, "The news of the young master's return was immediately blocked, and no one was allowed to pass. In addition, let him come to see me immediately, I will wait for him in the study."

The reason why Yue Wuyang determined that Xiao Cheng was dead in the hands of the master of the magic gate was because the blood in Xiao Cheng's body was drained, which was quite similar to the symptoms of being swallowed by the blood demon magic power.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan's "Beijing Divine Gong" can also devour the warrior's blood. Only Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts practice was so different from that of Xiao Cheng, so no one connected this matter to Ning Xiaochuan.

When the old master learned about Ning Xiaochuan's return to Jiange Hou's house, he immediately became aware that it might be related to Ning Xiaochuan, otherwise how could it be so coincidental?

Xiao Cheng's body was returned to the imperial city, and Ning Xiaochuan also returned to the imperial city. It was a strange thing to not cause people to doubt.

Therefore, he ordered the news of Ning Xiaochuan's return.


Ning Xiaochuan knocked on the door of the study.

"come in!"

Old Houye sat on a rattan chair and glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, his heart was slightly surprised, and said, "Are you out of vulgarity?"

Ning Xiaochuan still has great respect for the old man, and regards him as his relatives, respectfully saying: "The fourth place is the secular realm."

The shock of Lao Hou ’s heart was even more severe. It only took a long time for Xiu to reach such a terrifying level.

Qiqiao God Demon Heart Palace is really powerful.

The old man attributed all of this to the "Seven Knowing Gods and Demon Heart Palace" and said calmly: "Did Xiaocheng die in your hands?"

Ning Xiaochuan did not conceal and said, "Yes."

Lao Hou stared at him deeply for a moment, then laughed and said, "Good! Well done, it is indeed the future successor of my Jiange Houfu. Your father is still young when you are young now. You are so strong. Sending Xiao Cheng's body to Houfu in Yunzhong really killed the power of killing Yue Wuyang fiercely. Body. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Even if you suspect it? This time I left the imperial city and went to Nine Dead Cliffs. I have seen all the blood and rain. Sooner or later I have a battle with Yue Wuyang. Now that the hostile relationship has been determined, why bother with him? Secretly fighting? I returned to the Imperial City to tell him that Xiao Cheng had been killed by me. Now, how does he do it? "

The old gentleman gently lifted his beard on his chin, stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, and said, "Did you find out the truth of that year?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded!

"How much do you know?" Old Houye solemnly said.

"Everything you know, you know. You should know most of what you shouldn't." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Old Houye said: "Then you have to check it?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Hou Ye rest assured, I know how to do things, and can deal with Yue Wuyang with a strong force. However, for some people who should not touch, I will not touch them easily."

The old Houye nodded and said, "You can understand this truth, that's the best. Well! Now that you are back this time, choose a good day to officially enclose your future heir to Jiange Houfu House! These days you will Stay in Jiangehoufu for the time being, don't go anywhere, and when the limelight passes, officially announce this. "

Ning Xiaochuan knows that if he wants to survive better in this world, he must get more cultivation resources and become stronger.

If he becomes the young master of Jiangehoufu, he will definitely get a lot of cultivation resources. This is good for his cultivation, and he naturally did not refuse.

In the next few days, Ning Xiaochuan stayed in the small courtyard where he once lived, and practiced with all his strength, refining the remaining blood in his body, consolidating the fourth state of the world.

Until the twelfth day, Laohouye announced the news of Ning Xiaochuan's return to Jiangehoufu in high profile, and sent invitations to the major princes and teachers of third grade and above, and invited them to gather in Jiangehoufu to witness Ning Xiaochuan Coronation ceremony.

This incident not only exploded in Jiangehoufu, but also shocked the entire imperial city.

It was also in the evening of this day that the first beauty of the imperial city, Yu Ningsheng, returned to Guanyu Tower alone, which also caused a lot of sensation.

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