Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 273: Ying Shijing

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"Captain Han, do you want to capture me in person?" Ning Xiaochuan didn't like Han Fu at all.

When Ning Xiaochuan left the Heavenly Emperor Academy, Han Fu dispatched a master of the law enforcement team to capture him in order to capture "Beijing Divine Gong".

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's breakthrough in the realm defeated the masters of the law enforcement team, otherwise he might not be standing still!

Han Fu raised his neck and rubbed his fists, his eyes sharp, and said, "I just want to tell you that no one can violate the laws and disciplines of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. If you know the current affairs, you should follow me obediently to the Law Enforcement Hall. Otherwise, once I shot, if I hurt you, don't blame me for being too hard. "

Ning Xiaochuan did not reveal his weakness at all, and said, "Then Captain Han really has the ability to win me?"

Han Fu smiled coldly, the martial arts spirit in his body burst out, turned into a flame, and wrapped his legs!

He stepped forward, and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan in an instant, slap in the past with a palm, hit a hot and dazzling flame!

Han Fu cultivated the five-element **** body and was able to control the "fire force". The body seemed to turn into a round of sun, and every inch of skin appeared a grain of Mars, which made the air crackle.

Ning Xiaochuan's legs sank, the slate under his feet cracked, and a beast roar issued from the arm of his right hand. Dozens of lightnings flew from the arm and gathered into a beast in the position of his fist!

Han Fu didn't expect Ning Xiaochuan to dare to fight with him, and smiled, "I really don't know the heights and heights!"

He no longer kept his hand, the strength on his arm suddenly increased by another three points, and strengthened the momentum to attack the past.


The two fought hard, and the ground shook violently, cracking the gap. The buildings on both sides of the street collapsed and the walls were crushed down, causing huge damage.

Yu Qianqian stood in the distance and was still worried about Ning Xiaochuan, but saw that he was able to fight hard with Han Fu without falling into the wind, so he felt a little relieved.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Yun, I also ask you to practice Taoism, arrange arrays, and settle the surrounding space, otherwise the battle between the two of them will definitely cause great damage to the Emperor City." Princess Lan Fei said.

Two old men in robes performed the Royal Wind technique, their bodies soared and suspended in midair. A piece of black stone was shot in their hands, set in the void cave, arranged in a matrix method, and sealed the entire space.

"Yu Lanfei, what do you mean by doing this?" Yu Qianxi said a little displeasedly.

Princess Lan Fei Shi Shiran said: "The martial arts of the two of them are so powerful. If they fight hard, they will certainly destroy many areas of Tiandi City. I am protecting Tiandi City."

Anyone with a good eye can see that although Ning Xiaochuan has made rapid progress, it is true that Buddhism is not as good as Han Fu. Now that the space is settled, if Ning Xiaochuan was defeated by Han, wouldn't he have no chance to escape?

If it is the seventh heavy martial artist in general, it would not pose a threat to Ning Xiaochuan at all, but Han Fu is not the seventh heavy martial artist in general. It has an amazing physique and has the ability to kill people across the realm. pressure.

"Fire Phoenix!"

Han Fushi exhibited a marvelous martial arts supernatural power. A ten-meter-long fire phoenix feather was condensed in his hand, like a magic flame sky sword, and it was cut dangerously from Ning Xiaochuan's waist.

Ning Xiaochuan displayed a rainbow move and wanted to move out, but found that the space was occupied by the Tao, and his proud speed was suppressed.

Han Fu smiled with a deep voice, and once again waved the phoenix phoenix to cut it over, forcing Ning Xiaochuan into the corner, to put him to death.

"Xingyue is on the same day!"

On the side of Ning Xiaochuan's body, a star light was shot in the palm of his hand, which dazzled Han Fu, forcing him to recover the passive defense of Huo Fengyu.

"Wow ..."

Inside the starry sky, a round of silver crescent blade was cut, crushing Han Fu ’s magical power, and bombarding Han Fu ’s chest, leaving a **** blade mark.

After Ning Xiaochuan had the opportunity, he immediately attacked, and a annihilation sword wave stabbed Han Fu's heart.

Ning Xiaochuan's fingertips flew out a thick sword air, wrapped the space within ten meters in diameter, and became like a mirror, shattering a piece of black stone suspended in the air into powder.

Han Fu felt a tingling in his heart, and was frightened, and immediately punched his body into the heart.


Han Fu's heart flew a silver light, blocking the annihilation sword wave, but his body was still shocked by a strong impact, and fell outside Qi Zhang Kai.

A silver-clad mirror wrapped in a silvery light fell into Han Fu's hands.

Turns out to be a goggle!

This protective goggle is rarely said to be a fifth-grade mystery, with yellow mystery flowing on the surface, with a simple charm.

Han Fu waved the goggles with his hand, the light on the mirror reflected, and immediately burst a three-story wooden building beside Ning Xiaochuan, and the wooden room beams burned.

"This mirror is a Qipinxuan, I ordered it!" Tiandi Blade's voice sounded in the Xuanshoujian and seemed very excited.

Qi Pin Xuan Qi!

Even some Wu Zun do not have Qipin Xuanqi, how could Han Fu master Qipin Xuanqi?


Han Fu was the chief of the third session, and he must have been a man of the times, and it was reasonable to be able to get a Qipin Xuanqi as a reward.

"Ning Xiaochuan, your cultivation is able to grow to this point, which is really beyond my expectations, but in the presence of 'Ying Shi Jing', all your martial arts supernatural powers will become vulnerable." Han Fu said confidently.

"Really? Then you try it?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Han Fu kicked his feet and fell to a towering tower, taking a picture of Ying Shijing facing the building behind Ning Xiaochuan, and the mirror instantly showed the image of that building.

The most terrible thing is that this image flew out of the mirror and smashed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

An urban area similar to the building behind Ning Xiaochuan, flying out of the mirror, blocking the sun from the sky, squeezing Ning Xiaochuan under the building.

Ning Xiaochuan finally understands why this mirror is called "Ying Shi Jing", which means that as long as what this mirror illuminates can be displayed on the mirror, it can be used to attack opponents.

It really deserves to be a seven-pin mystery, mysterious and unparalleled, powerful, and has the power to destroy the city!

Although Ning Xiaochuan could not use the magic sword, nor could he summon the shadow of the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, but there was no trace of fear in his heart, and the magical power of "10,000 swords and rain" was cast. The sky was covered with clouds, and a rapid rain fell.

Water and gas condensed into a sword, rushed up, and blasted the urban area that landed overhead.

Ning Xiaochuan's feet suddenly kicked on the ground, his body ejected and flew out of the cracks in the urban area, condensing thousands of water swords into a giant sword more than thirty meters long, and one sword cut to Han Fu.

On the top of the building, Han Fu stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan with Ying Shijing. In the mirror, he even flew a giant sword more than 30 meters long and chopped towards Ning Xiaochuan.


The two huge swords collapsed at the same time, turning into a ray of fragmented sword gas.

"Even the martial arts superpower can project reflection."

Ning Xiaochuan did not believe in evil, and played the martial arts supernatural power of "the same sky and moon", just like the lights of Wanjia to illuminate the dark city of heaven, and a round of silver crescent was chopped out.

The mirror surface of Ying Shijing also presents the "Xingyue same sky" scene, crushing the martial arts magic that Ning Xiaochuan played!

"Ning Xiaochuan, the mystery of Qipin Xuanqi is not something you can imagine!" Han Fuyi smiled, and illuminated Ying Shijing in the direction of Tongtian Bridge, and a huge stone bridge appeared on the mirror.

The over 100-meter-long Tongtian Bridge flew out of Ying Shijing and chopped towards Ning Xiaochuan, crushing buildings and turning them into ruins.

Ning Xiaochuan wants to unfold "Wings of Fury". If he can fly, he will be at least invincible in the battle with Han Fu.

However, when the wings were spread out, they found that the space was fixed and could not fly at all.


Ning Xiaochuan stared fiercely in the direction of Princess Lan Fei. If she hadn't ordered to settle the space, Ning Xiaochuan would have the advantage of speed and flight, and she would not be afraid of Han Fu's Ying Shijing.

After packing up Han Fu, go and pack her up!

Although Han Fu reflected the sky bridge on the mirror, the sky bridge that flew out was far less powerful than the real sky bridge, just relying on the matrix method in the mirror, using the mysterious air and earth to condense the sky bridge. form.

Ning Xiaochuan can be sure, there must be a small market in Ying Shijing, which provides material resources for Ying Shi Jing, used to consolidate the "urban area" and "Tiantianqiao" attack methods.


Ning Xiaochuan split a Tongtian Bridge with his palm, stepped on the broken bridge, and a world-defeating sword wave flew from his fingertips, hitting Han Fu's brows.

Han Fu once again held up Ying Shijing, and wanted to project the annihilating Jianbo on the mirror to counter Ning Xiaochuan.

However, this time he miscalculated, Ying Shijing didn't show the annihilation sword wave at all.

In a hurry, Han Fu can only use Ying Shijing to resist the annihilation of Jian Shi.


Jian Shi Jianbo, bombarded on Ying Shijing!

A huge force was introduced into Han Fu's arm from Ying Shijing, shaking his arm to numbness, and backing up more than ten steps in a row before he unloaded that power.

"How is this possible? Ying Shijing can't project your martial arts magical power!" Han Fu's heart was shocked. This is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing since he mastered Ying Shijing.

Ying Shijing is a mystery, powered by Han Fu's own mystery.

Whether it is a warrior or a Taoist monk, the practice is all mystery. Therefore, Ying Shijing was able to project the magical powers and Taoism they exhibited and counterattack back.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's "Apocalyptic Sword Wave" is not a martial arts supernatural power, nor is it a Taoist method, but the first form of the Apocalyptic sword.

It is not the mysterious spirit that supports the "annihilation sword wave", but the spirit of extinction.

Neither Ying Shijing nor Han Fu has the demise of the world, so naturally it is impossible to project the "extermination sword wave".


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