Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 290: Invitation from Mrs. Silver Pool

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"Da da!"

In the darkness, heavy footsteps sounded.

Holding the **** sword, Luo Mufeng came out of the darkness, with a murderous look in his eyes, and said coldly: "Houye, don't call me! The surroundings are forbidden by my martial arts, even if you call No matter how loud, no one will hear. "

"Luo Mufeng, how brave you are! Can you dare to kill Ben Hou?" The aristocrat stood on the car with no fear in his eyes.

Wearing a heavy armor, Luo Mufeng burst out of his body, condensing behind him as a vicious image of a fierce beast, Shen said: "If it weren't for you tonight, my third brother, fourth brother and fifth brother would not die. It's because of you that let us have a heavy loss in Houfu, Yunzhong, and damage to the three generals. Do you think you should die? "

The aristocratic boy laughed.

"what are you laughing at?"

"I laughed that you dare not find revenge on your son Chuan, but instead killed me. Is there anything more funny in the world than this?" Said the nobleman.

Luo Mufeng grinned and said, "What is Gongzi Chuan? We are coming from Hou Ye, isn't he about to run away? It's all right if he isn't found by me, if I find ..."

Luo Mufeng's voice stopped suddenly, and when he felt someone behind him, he turned around.

A man wearing a golden mask, I do not know when to stand behind him!

Luo Mufeng's face changed slightly.

"General Luo is really arrogant. If I were found by you, what would you do?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Seeing the appearance of Gongzichuan, the aristocratic boy was immediately overjoyed, and was very excited, not like seeing the evil giant, but like seeing the hero in his heart.

Luo Mufeng knew that Wanwan was not Gongzichuan's opponent. He looked around. He bit his teeth and projected the sword in his hand. Then he kicked his feet and soared over an ancient building on the side of the street. He stepped on the ancient building. The top fled towards the distance.

Ning Xiaochuan flicked his finger and broke the flying sword into nine pieces.


Ning Xiaochuan caught up with Luo Mufeng's head almost instantaneously, condensing a mysterious sword, chopped down with a sword, and cut Luo Mufeng's body into two halves.

Luo Mufeng's body fell and smashed the roof of a house!

Another tiger in the cloud will fall!

Ning Xiaochuan put away the Xuanqi Sword and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute! Gongzichuan, Gongzichuan, can you take me as an apprentice?" The aristocratic boy limped after him.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped and stared at the still-noble aristocratic boy, frowned slightly, and said, "How old are you today?"

"Thirteen years old," said the nobleman.

"At the age of thirteen, I practiced to the third level of mysterious realm, and you are still the grandfather of Houfu. You definitely don't lack the resources for practice. In the absence of resources for practice, it is such a low practice, which shows that you There is no talent for Xiuwu. Why don't I accept you as an apprentice without talent for Xiuwu? "Ning Xiaochuan said.

The nobleman said: "Because I hate Yunzhonghou, I can see that you also hate him. You accept me as an apprentice, and I can help you deal with him."

Ning Xiaochuan was surprised and said, "You can see that I hate him?"

The nobleman said: "If you don't hate him, why should you kill the four generals of Yunzhonghou? Even if you are a giant of evil, you don't need to offend such an enemy like Yunzhonghou because of a trivial matter. You are right wrong?"


Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Why do you have to worship me as a teacher? A court prince Hou actually worshiped a wicked giant as a teacher. Are you afraid of being excluded by the seniors in Hou's house?"

The aristocrat clenched his fist tightly, bit his lip, and said, "I didn't want to go back to that Hou government, and I didn't want to be this waste Houye."

Ning Xiaochuan saw a bit of his own shadow on the aristocratic boy, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Little devil, are you always ridiculed and despised in Hou's house? As a prince, you can't get the respect of others? "

The aristocratic boy's eyes were bitter, saying: "It's not just in Hou's house. People in the entire imperial city are afraid to laugh at me."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The main reason is because your martial arts practice is not high enough. If you have a strong enough practice, who dares to laugh at you? Who dare not respect you?"

"So you promised to accept me as a disciple?" Said the aristocratic boy with great joy.

Ning Xiaochuan neither agreed nor disapproved, and said, "Leave here first, I feel that some experts dare to come over."

Ning Xiaochuan heard a blast of wind breaking in his ears. The speed was extremely fast, and he jumped a few miles away in almost an instant, an absolute top master.

"It must be someone from Houzhong's house to hunt you down. Go to my house, even if you have the courage, you won't dare break into my house," said the nobleman.

Ning Xiaochuan lifted the aristocratic boy and flew into the misty night as soon as his body moved!

Before long, the aristocratic boy took Ning Xiaochuan to the outside of a magnificent mansion. On the top of the door of the mansion, there was a gold inlaid plaque, which cast four golden characters—Qi Tianhou House!

Ning Xiaochuan stared at those four big characters, stopped and said in surprise: "Are you the grandfather of Qi Tianhou House?"

Qitian Houfu, also one of the hereditary palaces of the Thirteenth National Congress, has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, and it is on the same level as Jiange Houfu.

In some periods in history, Qi Tianhou's mansion even devolved in power, which could deter the emperor's throne at that time, and he was regarded as the top power in the big mansions.

Of course, what shocked Ning Xiaochuan most was not this, but the identity of the boy.

If he was the grandfather of Qitianhoufu, wouldn't his mother ...


Just then, Hou's door opened, and a group of guards wearing black heavy armor rushed out of it. There were 80 martial arts masters standing in two rows, staring at Ning Xiaochuan.

The entire Qitianhou House became dead.

Immediately, surrounded by a group of maids, a 20-year-old woman in a palace dress came out from the inside, wearing a ribbon of Miluo, bright and beautiful, graceful and luxurious, almost glamorous to the country!

She has an elegant and rich atmosphere on her body, more beautiful than the Royal Heavenly Daughter. She is as slender as a winding moon, with a hazy beauty.

"Famous! You're back, who hurt you like this?" Mrs. Shi Shiran from Yinchi came over, her eyes full of concern, full of woman's tenderness.

She stretched out a pair of jade white hands, twisting a silk silk, and was about to wipe the wound of the same name.

"I'm fine, don't worry about you!"

Qi Mei gave a stern glance at Mrs. Yinchi, pulled Ning Xiaochuan, and went to Qi Tianhou's house.

Mrs. Yinchi's hand paused in the air, her lips pursing her red lips gently, tears swirling in her eyes. She lifted her slender neck and stared at the bright moon in the sky, trying to keep her eyes wide open and tears back into her eyes.

"Ma'am!" A beautiful maid followed with concern.

"It's all right, back to Houfu."

Mrs. Yinchi put away the sadness in her heart and stared at the back of Ning Xiaochuan. A pair of bright apricot eyes showed a doubtful look. Why was Gongzichuan with Minger?

The situation in the imperial city was changing. In one day, the twelve tigers in the cloud were about to die. The madness of the ghost villas angered many princes in the court.

Yunzhong Hou dispatched troops to guard the gate of the city, looking for Gongzichuan everywhere, making the city stormy.

Ning Xiaochuan temporarily stayed in Qi Tianhou House, want to see the situation of the imperial city in front of him, and also want to find out whether the millennium ancient demon has left the imperial city?

The millennium ancient demon is Ning Xiaochuan's biggest threat now. If he did not leave the imperial city, Ning Xiaochuan would not dare to appear in the sight of everyone in real life, and could only hide in secret.

Whether it is Guanyu Tower or Qi Tianhou House, it is a good place to hide.

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the bed and began to comprehend the eighth important tactic of "Sky and Earth".

Once you become the eighth weight, you can have one hundred and twenty-eight times the speed of absorbing the mysterious energy, exert the power of the magic sword, and even devour the blood of a Wu Zun.

If Ning Xiaochuan had not cultivated to the eighth weight, it would only have 64 times the speed of absorbing the mysterious energy. If he dared to use the magic sword to devour the blood of Wu Zun, it would be a dead end.

In other words, if it is the eighth weight of "Tianqi Xuanqi", Ning Xiaochuan has the strength to kill a Wu Zun in an unexpected situation.

Of course, every aspect of "Heaven and Earth Mystery" is extremely difficult to practice. If the opportunity is not reached, even ten years of cultivation may not be able to give the eighth emphasis to cultivation success.

The eighth weight of "Heaven and Earth Xuanqi" is more than ten times harder than the seventh, and Ning Xiaochuan has been enlightened for two days without understanding the meaning of those phrases. It is too bitter and hard to understand.

"My son, my wife wants to see you." The voice of a soft young girl rang outside the door.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped practicing, opened his eyes, and stared at the sunlight coming in from the window.

Practice for another night!

Ning Xiaochuan had long anticipated that Mrs. Yinchi would definitely meet him.

For Madam Yinchi, Ning Xiaochuan was a little bit worried, and faced her with more pressure than a Wu Zun.

Since living in Qitianhou Mansion, she will face her sooner or later.

Ning Xiaochuan brought the golden mask on and opened the door. "Did your wife want to host a banquet for me?"

The waitress smiled and said, "You saved Hou Ye's life, and the wife will treat you naturally!"

The maid led Ning Xiaochuan to a fresh and elegant courtyard, planted plum blossoms, and walked along a pond into a vermilion attic!

Mrs. Yinchi was wearing a thin silk gauze. She was sitting on a wooden chair halfway through the gauze and could be seen faintly. She was also wearing a pink undershirt.

On the ground, there was a table case, a jug of wine, and two wine glasses.

The breeze blew over, with a fragrance of pine plum.

"Sit down!"

Mrs. Yinchi's voice is delicate, her eyebrows are like willow leaves, her eyes are like amber, her skin is as delicate as jade, her arms can be broken, her arms are like lotus roots, and she smiles.

The smile is so charming that it can upside all beings.

Ning Xiaochuan pursed his lips slightly and sat down. "Ma'am, is this?"

Mrs. Yinchi smiled and waved gently, and the two maids in the attic retreated.

Ning Xiaochuan had seen a lot of big scenes, but at this moment, he couldn't help but get a little nervous, and a few beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

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