Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 311: A good man, but not a saint

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An ancient tower of the Wupin Xuanqi level was beaten strangely, like a big cylinder.

There are fine cracks on the wall of the ancient tower, and white brilliance emerges from the cracks.

"So strong?"

Nie Lanxin's strength was beyond the expectations of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan pulled Nie Lanzhi back quickly and flew to the top of an ancient pine tree, watching from a distance.

"What's wrong with my sister? What's wrong with her?" Nie Lanzhi was anxious, and felt that her sister's current state was very wrong. If she continued to evolve, she might endanger her sister's life.


The ancient pagoda was torn apart and turned into pieces, and a thousand rays of light were shot inside, like a round of hot sun breaking through the clouds.

The two-meter-long cyan hair was swaying in the glow, and Nie Lanxin's body was full of ecstasy, soared out from Limen, with a pair of holy light wings on her back, and she was bombarded by Ning Xiaochuan's head.

Ning Xiaochuan was standing on the top of Gu Song, not moving, the magic cloud over his head was rolling, the lightning thundered, and a huge, asphyxiating force passed from the magic cloud.


A lead-black monument was revealed from inside the demon cloud, and a thick iron chain ran across the void, dragging a loud noise.

The entire jungle became quite suffocated, and all mysterious beasts felt panic, like the end of the world.

The monument to the extinction of the world was suppressed, and Nie Lanxin was crushed under the monument.

Nie Lan's heart-broken light spot flickered faster, and the light became brighter and brighter. Xiu Wei also kept climbing, and wanted to destroy the monument to the world.

Ning Xiaochuan has long noticed the light spot on her brows. In normal times, the light spot will be hidden and not visible at all. The light spot will only become visible when she is running mysterious energy.

There is either a secret hidden in her eyebrow, or she has cultivated a martial arts power that stimulates her physical potential.

However, in the presence of the monument to the world, all resistance was futile. In the end, Nie Lanxin was suppressed by the monument to the world, passed out, and fell to the ground softly.

"Little Hou, what's wrong with my sister? Is she okay?" Nie Lanzhi held Nie Lanxin in her arms and asked with great concern.

"The fighting just now was too fierce, and it must have been discovered by the strongman of Xuanju Tushenying Camp. Leave here first."

Ning Xiaochuan opened the road in the front, and Nie Lanzhi hugged Ning Lanchuan and followed behind Ning Xiaochuan.

She couldn't think of any other way now, and she could only choose to believe in Ning Xiaochuan, or she would just have to die.

After a day and night running in the Muten Forest, the warriors of the Xuanju Tushen Camp were finally thrown away, and came to a wild mountain covered with cliffs.

Ning Xiaochuan placed Nie Lan's long and tender body on the ground, pressed her fingers on her wrist, and struck a ray of mystery into her body.

I have to say that Nie Lanxin is really a peerless beauty, fresh and refined, elegant and temperament. If only appearance is considered, it is enough to compare with Yu Ningsheng and Mrs. Yinchi.

Although her temperament is very similar to Yu Ningsheng, she is full of aura, beautiful, and talented, but she is different. After all, she practiced the orthodox martial arts methods, dreamy and soft, and sheer Qinglian rather than demon, making it difficult to develop a sense of trance.

However, Yu Ningsheng is different. She practiced the magic gate method. If you do n’t see her face, it ’s okay. Once you see it, you may never forget it forever. Therefore, on the whole, Yu Ningsheng's beauty is indeed better than that of Nie Lanxin and Mrs. Yinchi. Let people take a look and feel affection.

"The veterinary poison in her has invaded the martial arts palace and merged with the mysterious air in my body. I can only use the power of" Yin Yang Ming Huo ", and maybe I can refine the veterinary poison in her body." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Little Houye, I beg you to rescue my sister. We must have a good report from Tianyinzong." After all, Nie Lanzhi was just a little girl. She had long forgotten Ning Xiaochuan's identity as a junior in the court. Ping Ning Xiaochuan to save people.

"Let's try it! However, using" Yin Yang Ming Huo "to save people is very dangerous. If you are disturbed a little, Ming Huo may burn your sister to ashes. You guard me outside and no one is allowed to come in and disturb."

Ning Xiaochuan was still a bit uneasy. He awakened the red dragon and threw it in front of Nie Lanzhi, saying, "Xiao Hong is very alert and inspirational. It should help you."

Nie Lanzhi's eyes widened, he quickly hugged the red dragon, and nodded hard to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan went into the cave holding Nie Lanxin, and arranged a layer of enchantment outside the cave.

Ning Xiaochuan's rescue never looked at the identity of the other person, only to see if the other person was an enemy. Although Nie's Shuangluan and Ning Xiaochuan had some festivals, they were not life or death.

After careful consideration, Ning Xiaochuan's heart, if he could save their lives today, would be considered a good relationship with Tian Yinzong.

In the future, if Zongmen's forces are really strong enough to defeat the imperial army and break into the imperial city, then Ning Xiaochuan can also rely on today's kindness to save them and leave a backward path for Jiangehoufu.

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the ground and mobilized the body's Xinding Ding. In the true Ding, a yin and yang flame flew, floating above Nie Lanxin's body.

"Minghuo" is a flame formed by the collision of two forces of yin and yang. The yin and yang are conserved, and the power of the flame is also between "yin and yang rigid and soft". The flames have just risen, and the mountains and rivers can be incinerated; the flames are softened, and they can penetrate the blood pores of the warriors, cure the disease and save people.

However, just after the yin and yang flames flew out, the light spot of Nie Lan's heart was also brightened, and even began to devour the "yin gas" in the open flames.

This was something Ning Xiaochuan hadn't expected, and he was so shocked that if the yin and yang were out of balance, he would probably be hit hard.

The light spot on the brow's heart, after absorbing the yin in the open flame, passed the yin into her martial arts heart.

The shape of her martial arts heart palace is like a winding moon, which is a heterogeneous heart palace, "Mingyue Heart Palace", but an extremely cold heart palace that can absorb the essence of the sky and moon and turn it into its own power. .

The essence of the moon is the purest and cleanest force between heaven and earth. Only the legendary sub-god can reach this state, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and finally break away from the world and become a god.

Of course, Nie Lanxin's "Mingyue Heart Palace" is far from as powerful as the sub-god, and can only absorb very little moon essence.


The yin and yang imbalance of the yin and yang flames suddenly exploded, and a burning recoil force rushed to Ning Xiaochuan, instantly burning Ning Xiaochuan's robes to ashes. Fortunately, even if he mobilized the power of the magic sword to guard his body, Otherwise, it will definitely suffer.

Nie Lanxin's eyes opened, and he stood up from the ground, and glanced at Ning Xiaochuan. "Wow," he even lowered his belt gently, Luo Luo slipped to the ground, exposing a white and attractive body. .

The clothes on her body were not taken off, Shuangfeng was wrapped in a layer of moon-white tulle, and the full Yufeng was looming under the tulle, full of hazy beauty.

A pair of slender beautiful legs are exposed outside, straight, rounded and slender, a 7-inch golden lotus-like jade foot, a calf with no trace of fat, a round and tight thigh, at the root of the thigh, wearing a light cyan skinny fragrant fur .

Ning Xiaochuan just took a glance and was sure that the fur pants on her body were the same color as her sister's fur pants, and the patterns on the fur pants were almost the same.

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled deeply, making it difficult to remove her eyes, and the blood in her body began to boil.

There was a beast poison in his blood. At this moment, I saw a beauty such as Nie Lanxin standing in front of her. She was as beautiful as a fairy, but she had her clothes off like a fairy falling into the dust.

Naturally, the blood in Ning Xiaochuan's body was boiled and bathed. The fire was burning intensely.

The beast venom in Nie Lan's heart was deeper than him. After consuming blood and manic, he fell in love again. In the desire, a delicate hand pulled off the last layer of white gauze on the chest, exposing the white and seductive spring light on the chest.

She is still semi-conscious and semi-sexual. Desperate state, beautiful eyes with a struggling look, apparently she knew what she was doing now, but she couldn't control the beast poison, and eventually she fell on Ning Xiaochuan's body. together.

It's stabbing!

Between her legs, pale cyan fur pants were torn by Ning Xiaochuan into a piece of cyan flying butterfly!

Ning Xiaochuan separated her pair of *, squeezed into the warm and narrow suffocation path, and slammed into it, making the most primitive sound.

The smell of sweat blends with the fragrance of the female body.

The most tempting cricket. The sound of groaning and heartbreaking wailing intertwined into a beautiful movement.

Originally Ning Xiaochuan's willpower was able to restrain his inner bath. Fire, reason tells him that he must not have a relationship with Nie Lanxin, because Nie Lanxin has a marriage contract with another man and is a fiancee of another man.

Ning Xiaochuan's reason does not allow himself to do such an extraordinary thing.

However, in order to save Nie Lanzhi, Ning Xiaochuan previously absorbed the veterinary poison into his body, but it has not been fully refined. At this moment, the spread of veterinary poison in Ning Xiaochuan also caused Ning Xiaochuan's will to decline.

Therefore, when Nie Lanxin took off his shirt and rushed up, he didn't even resist and even took the initiative to cater.

This may also be a long-destined thing, and fate cannot escape at all.

If Ning Xiaochuan does not save her sister, she will not absorb the beast poison into her body. Then, her sister is likely to die, and she is likely to fall into the hands of Xuanju Tushen Camp, and it is estimated that she will not escape. .

But Ning Xiaochuan rescued her sister, the beast poisoned her body, and her willpower decreased, which caused her to give herself to Ning Xiaochuan *.

No matter how Ning Xiaochuan chooses, in fact, Nie Lanxin's fate has long been doomed, and he will lose his virginity today.

Nie Lanzhi naturally did not know that Chunchun was infinitely good in the cave at this moment, and her sister's snowy white body was being pressed down by Ning Xiaochuan, and continuously pushed high. tide!

She sat on the grass and gently stroked the red dragon's wings and said, "Xiao Hong, can you say that Xiaohouye can heal my sister?"

She pondered her head and nodded, and said, "Actually, Xiao Hou is also a kind person, but he is worse than Brother Ye. If he can refining the beast poison in his sister's body, he will save his sister. I believe Brother Ye will be very grateful for his life. "

The red dragon's consciousness was quite sharp, and he seemed to notice something strange happening in the cave. His eyes were wide and he stared at the direction of the cave.

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