Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 333: God blood

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The slice of lotus leaves in the lotus pond exudes the fragrance of lotus and is full of vitality.

Ning Xiaochuan shouted, "The nine palaces and eight winds-Vulcan refines the wind."

This is the wind of destruction in the eight winds!

A trace of crimson flame was scattered in the palms of his hands, condensing a mass of crimson flames, slowly moving forward, forming a hot wind of flames.


Wind gathered by flames.

The lotus leaves on the lotus pond were burned to ashes by flames, and black dust fell into the water. The original clear pool water gradually became blood red.

This is actually a pool of blood!

This is an illusion. Only those who know how to crack the illusion can see the true appearance of the blood pool.

A pool of blood and water gradually gathered together, condensed into a drop of bright blood, flying from the pool, suspended in the void.

Ning Xiaochuan was so excited that he quickly put away this drop of blood.

To him, this is the most precious treasure in the Temple of Heaven.

Compared with this drop of blood, other treasures can only be regarded as ordinary goods.

Just as Ning Xiaochuan stowed the blood of the gods, Master Baici chased him up and blasted his vest with a palm.

Ning Xiaochuan unfolded a pair of dragon wings, soared, and did not fight hard with the **** master, drawn an arc, and flew to the eaves of a shrine.

Ning Xiaochuan held the sword in both hands, chopping out the sword energy.

"Wow ..."

A blood-red dragon-shaped sword flew out, chopping to Master Baici.

Ning Xiaochuan is now the ninth peak of martial arts practice, even if he does not use the magic sword or the power of the red dragon, he can completely fight against Wu Zun.

Now, Ning Xiaochuan merges with the red dragon, turning into a "Dragon Fighting Holy Dragon Envoy". The combat power has soared several times. The power of each sword is shocking, enough to fight the courts of those older princes in the court.


The Beaver Master's power is very terrible. The axe bombarded, tearing a hole in the space.

Ning Xiaochuan leaped from the eaves of the shrine, unfolding a pair of huge dragon wings, flying through the air.

The **** master chased after him, his body swelled up and became more than one hundred meters high, turning into a giant who stood on top of the earth, and struck the palm of the sky.

"Master Baici, if you continue to fight hard, the treasures in the shrine will be taken away by others, which is not good for us." Ning Xiaochuan didn't want people to know that the blood of God was taken away by him, so he said it intentionally.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan had no interest in other treasures in the Emperor's Shrine.

Because he knew that the real treasures in the Heavenly God's Palace could not be taken away at all. The blood of God should be the most precious treasure.

Little Beaver Master sneered coldly: "Even if I don't need any treasure, I must take your life first. Then there is Ye Nantian and Nie Lanxin, you can't escape one of them."

"Master Baitan, do you want to return to the Yulan Empire?" Ning Xiaochuan's voice sank.

"Do you know how to return to the Yulan Empire?" Master Bai's attack slowed a lot.

"Of course I know." Ning Xiaochuan said confidently.

"Then I will catch you first and wait to return to the Yulan Empire before I chop you." Master Bai Tan didn't mean to stop his hand, stretched out a large hand, slap on Ning Xiaochuan, and defeat Ning Xiaochuan. Flew out.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan was wearing a dragon armor, otherwise he would have to be hit hard.

It seems that Master Beaver turned not only his body into stones, but also his head.

Ning Xiaochuan wanted to refine the blood of the gods now, and smash into the realm of the earth, and turn the **** master into stone residue.

However, this idea only emerged slightly in his mind, and he restrained himself rationally. It is not yet possible to refine the blood of God.

The existence of "God Blood" must never be known to anyone. Otherwise, even if he refines the blood of the gods and reaches the state of esteem, there will definitely be countless experts who come to the door and want to drink the blood in his body.

It is estimated that there will be someone who will capture him as a mystery to worship.

For the sake of the blood, I am afraid that even a figure of the level of the sword master will definitely shoot Ning Xiaochuan.

Therefore, the blood of God can only be secretly refined, and must not be known to anyone.




The chaotic space is constantly breaking open, and many people have broken into the Temple of Heaven, and are collecting treasures that can be taken away.

This is the place where the emperor once lived. Even if it is only a copper lamp, it is definitely a great mysterious treasure.

While everyone was looting the treasures in the Emperor's Shrine, Ning Xiaochuan and Master Baiju were fighting, and they were inseparable.

There are eighteen shrines, some of them have books, some are mysterious, some are elixir, some are mysterious stones ... Although most of the palaces cannot be taken away However, they still found a lot of rare treasures. Every warrior returned with a load, and got at least one strange treasure.

Not long after, all the treasures that could be taken away in the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor were collected and all the warriors gathered outside the seventh shrine.

Here is a dry lake with a fine formation carved on the bottom of the lake. Everyone guesses that the formation on the bottom of the lake is a teleportation formation that returns to the Yulan Empire.

Only a drop of blood from Venerable Void can open the teleportation array.

In fact, this dry lake is the lotus pond that once held the blood of God. When Ning Xiaochuan collected the blood of the gods, he discovered the formations on the bottom of the lake, so he was so confident that he knew how to return to the Yulan Empire.

"Ning Xiaochuan and that stone man were still fighting. They really fought from beginning to end and never stopped."

"Ning Xiaochuan was also sadly reminder. He originally broke into the shrine first, but encountered an enemy and was forced to fight. As a result, no treasure was obtained. Hehe!"


Many warriors are complacent. Many treasures are hidden in Qiankun's cloth bags, and they think they have gained a lot.

"There was a battle between Yunzhong Hou and Jindu Shizi, and they each took half of the river's heaven and earth." A young warrior said enviously.

Above the emperor's shrine, there are a total of three rivers formed by the essence of heaven and earth. Among them, the most massive one was taken away by the lord of emptiness; the demon maiden also took one.

Yunzhonghou and Jindu Shizi were one step behind them, taking away the third river of heaven and earth.

"I heard that Nie's Shuanglu teamed up to capture a mysterious ancient war weapon, at least at the level of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, and maybe even half of the Supreme Emperor."

Everyone was surprised, and said, "How is this possible? The treasure of Taizong Zong," Tai Xuan Qin, "is also a nine-pin Xuan Qin. Because of the existence of" Tai Xuan Qin, "Tian Yin Zong Standing for thousands of years, it has become one of the few major gates to deter the world. Now, Tian Yinzong has added another nine-pin mystery, isn't it more powerful? "

"If half of the Supreme Emperor is born, I am afraid that Tianyin Zong will surpass the Yuan Yuan Zong and become the first gate in the world, which is enough to deter the court."


Almost everyone got great treasures, but some people hid them privately, while others were accidentally exposed and found.

"Look, Nie's twins are here."

Everyone stared at Nie's double-headedness. Among them, some martial arts practitioners were arrogant and arrogant, with a greedy look in their eyes.

Nie Lanxin's gaze was like a torch, a martial arts body rushed out of the body, condensed into the shape of a purple guqin, suspended above his head.

"Oh my god, Wu Hun's body, she broke through to the divine realm."

The warrior who wanted to take the plunder immediately pressed his mind.

A Wu Zun's combat power is quite terrible, people are taboo and dare not act lightly. In addition, Wu Zun's life-saving skills are also very strong, want to kill Wu Zun, unless you have ten times more fighting power, you can do it.

It is easy to defeat Wu Zun, but it is difficult to kill Wu Zun.

"Sister, you can save the little prince, he is chased and killed by big stones." Nie Lanzhi also knew the greatness of the stone beast giant and was very worried about the safety of Ning Xiaochuan.

A pair of Nie Lanxin's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she could clearly feel her sister's affection for Ning Xiaochuan, which made her uneasy, and could not make Langzhi and Ning Xiaochuan have any entanglement in any case.

She said softly: "Relax! The strength of the stone beast giant is indeed very strong, but Ning Xiaochuan has a Shenlong body and is not so easy to be killed."

"But, Xiao Hou Ye is already injured! If you don't help him, I'll help him." Nie Lanzhi's heart was anxious, and there were crystals in her big eyes, as if tears were coming.

Ning Xiaochuan rescued her more than once, and took good care of her, and the two spent a year together. Nie Lanzhi has long had a love affair with Ning Xiaochuan. This is a true love, not pure worship and respect.

Nie Lanxin used martial arts supernatural powers to settle her down, and would not allow her to continue to be entangled with Ning Xiaochuan.

Almost all warriors came to the dry stone lake.

Naturally, someone helped Ning Xiaochuan, and Yu Qing was quite enough to stand on the top of the seventh temple, took out the mystery, and bombarded the stone beast giant.

Yu Qing also benefited from the Emperor's Shrine, breaking through the level, impacting the dignity, and the repair increased several times.

He unleashes the martial arts body and fights insanely. At the same time, he shoots eight pieces of mystery, posing a huge threat to the stone beast giant.

"Thank you, Lord Wang, for helping." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Why do our brothers say so much? When you return to Huangcheng, you must invite me to visit Yulou to have a good drink. It is better to ask Yu Ningsheng to sing a song. That's wonderful." Yu Qing's There was a loud laugh in his mouth, and it seemed that he was not afraid of the revenge of Master Beaver.

The three masters turned upside down, and the mysterious vessels and martial arts supernatural powers filled the sky.


The Emperor Lingxu flies in the air, surrounded by a layer of misty white mist, and is very graceful in posture, standing above the dry stone lake.

A drop of blood dripped from her fingertips, fell to the bottom of the stone lake, and immediately activated the formation at the bottom of the stone lake.


A blood-red light flew up from the bottom of the stone lake, emitting a dazzling brilliance, wrapping the Venerable Emperor.

The light flashed.

The Venerable Emperor disappeared from above the stone lake.

Afterwards, Yunzhonghou, Jindu Shizi, Ye Nantian ... and so on, all left through the teleportation array.

After half an hour, in addition to Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Qing, and Bai Jue, who are still fighting, only the masters of the magic gate have not left, and they stand by the dry stone lake to watch the battle.

The sorceress of the magic gate stared closely at the battle of the three masters, with an anxious expression in her eyes, and after everyone had left, she said, "Ning Xiaochuan has shot and helped us with the magic gate, and I cannot stand idly by. Linger, you take the others first, and I will help him. "

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