Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 358: Make people up

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Among the four ancestors, one of the ancestors said: "Sixty years ago, our four brothers and eight other strong men, a total of twelve Wu Zun, followed the previous generation of" Jiangehou "to slaughter evil dragons. Others All of them were poisoned by dragons, and soon they all died. Only our four brothers were the least poisoned, and served the heart of the dragons, and fortunately saved their lives. However, all four of our legs were also abolished, only Can stay here to guard the 'Jiange' and Hou's 'treasury'. "

Another old man said: "Everyone thought we were dead sixty years ago, so our names have long been forgotten."

Time is the most ruthless, let alone sixty years, ten years is enough to forget a person.

Sixty years ago, Jiangehoufu was several times stronger than it is now. Even compared with the current Dajinpeng Palace, it would not be much weaker.

The "Jiangehou" at that time was hailed as the first strongman of the court, and even fought against the then master of the academy, and took the twelve moves of the master of the academy. Although they lost, they were defeated. . You know, at that time, the master of the Xue Palace was invincible to the world, and there were only a handful of people who could catch him.

Sixty years ago, the martial arts masters at Jiangehoufu were extremely numerous. His Majesty's generals were countless. Even many martial arts came to Jiangehoufu and became the generals of Jiangehoufu.

It was also at that time that Jiangehou led twelve strong men of Wuzun level to kill the evil dragons. Although the evil dragons were killed, the twelve Wuzun were completely annihilated. Jiange Hou was also in the body of the evil dragon poison, relying on strong cultivation and ten years of hard support, but eventually fell.

It was also at that time that Jiange Houfu gradually declined, relying on the old Houye alone to support the entire Houfu.

However, no one knows that Jiangehoufu was not really the strong one who died. In fact, there were still four ancestors who did not die under the poison of dragons and survived by chance.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Since the four ancestors are all at Jiangehoufu, why did you ...

An old ancestor said: "It's not because we don't want to take a shot, but because we have no time to split up and have to deal with another enemy."

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed and he said, "Is there still a Demon Strong?"

The old ancestor nodded and said: "Just when Jiangehoufu was attacked by the Momen, the" Tomorrow King "of the Momen came here, and the four of us joined forces with him to fight him back. Otherwise, the evil dragon ball will fall into his hands. "

"Actually, there is a King-level figure coming down. Fortunately, there are four ancestors sitting in the town. Otherwise, Jiangehoufu may really be destroyed by the magic gate overnight." Ning Xiaochuan also pinched a cold sweat.

There are three great kings of the "monster and star" in the magic gate, namely: the king of tomorrow, the king of darkness, and the thirty-six star kings.

The three great kings rank second only to the Emperor in the Demon Gate, and are superior to the Sixth Avenue Master.

Every emperor is an unfathomable figure. The four ancestors of Jiange Hou's House can even block a person of the level of the emperor. From this we can see that the four ancestors are definitely not fuel-saving lamps.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Why did you tell me all these secret things?"

Old Houye's face was a bit pale and still imposing, but as long as he looked carefully, he would find that the blood in his body was already weak, as if he was about to run out of oil. He squeezed out a kind smile, and said, "Because you are about to become the master of Jiangehoufu, it's time to let you know the secret and tell you."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Hou Ye is the heyday of his heyday, and he can still be a marquis for at least fifty years."

The old man shook his head and said, "Fighting with the inanimate Taoist and Shura Taoist Lord, my body has suffered incurable wounds, and my life span has decreased sharply, with only a maximum of four years left. It is time for you to come Succession of Jiangehoufu, I believe you will be able to lead Jiangehoufu to create greater glories. "

Lao Hou Ye no longer has the unshakable momentum, but has become a bit lonely, knowing that his life is about to die soon, to transfer Jiange Hou House to Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

No wonder when Ning Xiaochuan saw the old man at the first sight, he felt that the old man was weak and far worse than before. How many traumas did it take to make a powerful Wu Zun exhaust his life?

In Ning Xiaochuan's opinion, there are only two relatives in Jiangehoufu, one is Ning Xin'er and the other is Laohouye.

Both of them are really kind to themselves, so that Ning Xiaochuan truly feels the existence of family.

Now, the old man is going to die, and Ning Xiaochuan's heart is very sad, he shakes his head hard and says, "No! There must be a way to continue his life! I'll go to Master Huo, he is a great mind-raising teacher. , Surely he can heal Hou Ye's injury. "

Lao Hou shook his head and said, "Before returning to Hou Mansion, I went to Huo Shi, and he could only help me to continue my life for four years."

"There is still a way." Ning Xiaochuan said: "Master Huo can't help you renew your life, just because Master Huo can't find rare medicines. In fact, physical wounds and potential overdrafts can be made up with 'Tiandi Jingqi' . As long as enough heaven and earth essence can be found, not only will Hou Ye be able to recover his injuries, but he can also help Hou Ye break through and stand up to a higher level. "

Any martial artist is born out of thin air, and must be conceived by his parents. From innate to acquired, and finally grow into a martial arts power, in fact, the entire process is inseparable from "world spirit".

Heaven and earth, land legal person, human law, Taoism is natural. Nature is heaven and earth.

Heaven, earth, and people are fundamental to each other.

People can use their bodies to make up for the sky, and heaven and earth can make up for the lack of the human body.

Lao Houye thought that Ning Xiaochuan was comforting himself and smiled bitterly: "'Tiandi Jingqi' is harder to find than psychic medicine. Hou Fuzhong does store a few bottles of 'Tiandi Jingqi', but the quantity is too small. Not enough to repair the injuries in my body. "

"I may be able to find enough heaven and earth essence." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the golden hall.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the courtyard where Yu Ningsheng lived and saw Xiao Linger playing with Xiao Hong barely with two white and tender feet.

Xiao Hong was originally seriously injured, but it was a different kind. She hadn't taken any healing medicine at all, and her injuries had recovered.

Yu Ningsheng walked beside the turquoise pool, with a flower basket in his hand, and was picking petals in the flower garden. There are many butterflies flying around her body, some fall on top of her head, and some fall on her shoulder.

Her attraction to butterflies seems to be greater than the gorgeous begonia flowers.

Ning Xiaochuan stood outside the flowerbed and stared at her. It felt like a flower fairy walking among the flowers. The green silk was fluttering in the wind, and her skin was as delicate as ice and snow. .

Ning Xiaochuan sometimes wonders, is a beautiful woman like Yu Ningsheng really a mortal woman? Is she really passionate about herself?

In Ning Xiaochuan's view, she should be a fairy who does not eat fireworks on earth. If she is really emotional, then this man must be the happiest man in the world.

Yu Ningsheng naturally knew that Ning Xiaochuan was here, so he stopped and stood among the flowers, staring at him quietly.

Although she was wearing a veil, Ning Xiaochuan was still able to see the smile in her eyes, as beautiful as a star, as bright as a bright moon.

"Old man is injured?" Yu Ningsheng held the flower basket and stepped out of the flowers. A long white dress was dragged on the grass and covered with many petals.

Ning Xiaochuan walked alongside her and said, "How do you know?"

Yu Ningsheng said, "Your eyes have already told me."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at her.

She smiled and said: "Old man Hou forced to sacrifice the" Sword Pavilion "by himself, and at the same time fought against the two masters of the magic road, must have been consumed by Jiu Pinxuan's power to consume a lot of life?

She is smart and careful with snow and ice, and can see a lot from Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile, intending to say what he least wanted to say.

However, Yu Ningsheng already knew the purpose of his coming. Before he could say anything, he took out a sixth-grade jade-like jade tripod and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "The jade tripod is inside the emperor's shrine. The Heaven, Earth, and Spirit River that was collected inside it, I was going to keep it in the future to impact the "Heaven and Human Realm". Since you need it now, I will lend it to you first. "

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath. For the first time, I felt understood and someone helped to share the pressure was such a wonderful thing.

No matter how strong a man is, and if his mind is firm, he will need a harbor in his heart.

This is like a towering mountain. If there is no mountain stream, it will definitely not give birth to life, it will only become a dead dune.

Men are "big mountains" and women are "brooks."

Ning Xiaochuan received Yu Ding in his hands, and his mood was very complicated. He stared deeply at her bright eyes and said, "Thank you!"

"Don't thank me, I just lend it to you. In the future you will have to return me a river of heaven and earth." Yu Ningsheng's eyelashes are slender and her eyes are rippling, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched his nose and said, "Are you sure you just borrow?"

Yu Ningsheng slightly leaned to her side, her lips pressed slightly, and smiled: "The young prince of Jiangehoufu, what a heroic young talent, is he willing to accept the alms of a weak woman?"

"Okay! I'll owe you a favor. I'll send the" world spirit "to the old man, Ning Sheng, thank you very much. I will return it to you ten times or one hundred times in the future. "Ning Xiaochuan was concerned about the old man's injury, and immediately left the other hospital with" world spirit ".

Ning Xiaochuan was able to walk to so many heaven and earth spirits of a river, which made all four ancestors excited, and felt it was too unreal. It wasn't until Ning Xiaochuan asked the source of the essence of heaven and earth that they suddenly realized, and they sighed. Only in the heaven and earth shrine could such a large amount of heaven and earth essence be bred.

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