Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 377: Ruxing River

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Yu Ningsheng showed a hint of coquettishness, so don't overdo it immediately, Fangxin jumped in the "smoothing".

This is indeed the answer that she also wants to know. How does Ning Xiaochuan give her a future?

One is the young prince of the court, and the other is the sage of the magic gate. Each is their own master and each has their own camp. Is it really true that this has never been clear.

Ning Xiaochuan was very cautious about feelings and did not dare to make a decision easily. He said, "Senior, I want to think again."

"Need to think about it? Ning Sheng has already moved into Hou's house. Could you drive her out?" Dark King said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Now is the turbulent situation in the world. If the children are long-term, the hero must be short-lived."

"Good sentence," Children have long love, heroes are short-lived. "Since you talk to me about the current situation, then I will talk to you about the current situation." The Dark King said: "The Yulan Empire has been passed down for 864 years and has experienced 60 years. An emperor, on the surface, the empire is a scene of prosperity and prosperity. However, the interior of the imperial court has long been corrupted by long-term stability. The kings Houjiao are extravagant and extravagant. In the court, various factions were struggling and interests were being contested, even the Emperor Yulan could not contain it. "

"Do you know why Emperor Yulan was in a hurry to abolish the prince and seize the military power in his hands? In fact, the emperor Yulan was also aware of the crisis in the empire and wanted to centralize the power and collect all the military power into his own hands. The stability of the empire. However, by doing so, he is destined to touch the interests of the major princes and accelerate the division of the empire. "

"You can also see that now the major prefectures of the Yulan Empire are smoky, and rebels have sprung up everywhere. Everyone wants to stand on their own feet. In fact, this crisis happened a century ago. It should have arrived, but the Lord of the Xuegong repressed the national movement of the Yulan Empire with a strong practice, and postponed this crisis of the empire by a hundred years. Now that the Lord of the Xuegong leaves, the Yulan Empire can still Stop the attacks of the major forces in the world? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The Yulan Empire can be passed down for more than 800 years without declining. It has its own reason. The children of the princes' palaces have indeed been corrupted by the wealth accumulated by their ancestors. There are a lot of talented people. If the court really wants to fight, I am afraid that it only takes three years to uproot the magic gate and the major gates. How powerful the court is, I believe the seniors know better than me. "

The Dark King said: "If the imperial court is really a piece of iron, no matter how powerful the magic gate is, it is impossible to shake the foundation of the Yulan Empire. However, the imperial court is really a piece of iron?

"Take the Jiange Hou House, secretly establishing the" Ghost Villa ", don't you want to control the imperial city from the dark? Establish the" Sacred Sword Palace "and compile the" Weapon Ranking Spectrum ". Isn't it you want to control the forging of weapons? And the deal? Ning Qiancheng is buying the ranch on the frontier and cooperating with the major mystic lords. Isn't it about wanting to cultivate war horses? "

"Doesn't Jiangehoufu want to fight the court?"

The voice of the Dark King is loud and loud, with a strong aura.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed and he said, "Jiangehouhou only wants to protect himself."

"Whether it is self-protection or rebellion, it can only explain one thing. The major princes in the court have their own thoughts. Many of them actually want to break away from the court and build a country. In this way, how can the imperial court achieve an iron plate? It can be said that as long as the imperial city is breached, the entire Yulan Empire will fall apart. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What do seniors mean? Momen is going to attack the imperial city?"

"We only talk about the current situation today, not the future situation. I just want to ask one question, when the national movement of the Yulan Empire ends, without the constraints of imperial power, will you marry Ning Sheng as his wife?" Wang Tiandao.

Yu Ningsheng's fingers squeezed the corner of the clothes tightly, and a pair of bright eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

It is indeed quite difficult to make a decision. Once something is said, it is impossible to take it back. Once something is said, it means an inescapable responsibility.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was struggling, thinking, and hesitating, but he could not come up with the answer for a long time.

There was a gloom in Yu Ningsheng's eyes, saying, "Dad, the relationship between me and Ogawa, I hope that we will make the decision ourselves. Ogawa hasn't figured it out, actually ... I haven't figured it out yet. We They are still young now, and the road to the future is far away. How do they know if the other party is really willing to accompany you to the end without going through time?

The Dark King stared at her deeply and said, "Okay! This is a decision you made yourself, and I hope your decision is correct."

In the night sky, the wind of "rustle" came.

"Gongzichuan, the lord finally found you!"

A bright brilliance flew from the sky, passed by the moon, and landed on a cliff not far away.

This is an old man looking sixty years old, wearing a white jade crown on his head, a lot of wrinkles on his face, well-dressed clothes, and each button is neatly clasped.

With a sword on his back, his body exuded a sharp momentum, and he could not see the slightest old age.

The Dark King stood at the bow of the ship, staring at the old man on the cliff, his eyelids shrunk, "the monarch of the Yuan Sect, Ru Xinghe."

Ruxing River is coming!

Soon after, a large number of martial artists from the Yuanzong followed, almost all riding mysterious beasts, with more than forty people, all masters of martial arts.

"Oh my god, the master of Yuan Shengfeng was actually killed by Gongzi Chuan. Lord, this revenge must be reported!"

"Gongzichuan, our Yuanzong and you never die." A Wu Zun of Yiyuanzong stood on the back of the mysterious animal, sacrificed a piece of mystery, and shouted at Ning Xiaochuan sitting on the boat.

The warriors of the Yuanzong were extremely angry and their mouths were crooked.

Gongzi Chuan was too brave and bold, first broke into the mysterious mountain, killing the swordsman heir. Now there is a peak master who killed Yiyuanzong. This is against Yuanyuanzong. If he is not removed, Yiyuanzong cannot restore his face.

Ru Xinghe's eyes also became gloomy. As the monarch of the Sect of Yuan Dynasty, he had to capture Gongzi Chuan and bring back Wanxuanshan broken corpse Wandan, in order to give an explanation to the disciples of the entire Zongmen.

"Ru Xinghe, hasn't seen you for a long time!" Dark Heaven Wang Lang said.

Ru Xinghe noticed the Dark King long ago. It wasn't until the Dark King's voice came out that he recognized the Dark King, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and sneered: "No wonder Gong Chuan's courage is so big. support."

The Ruxing River is already a hundred years old, and it is a famous Taishan in the martial arts. In addition to the sword sage, he is the most noble in the monarchy. Martial arts cultivation also reaches the peak of nature, which is unfathomable.

The Dark King is only half the age of Ru Xinghe, but his martial arts practice has prevented Ru Xinghe from being underestimated.

Ten years ago, the Dark King and Ru Xinghe fought.

At that time, the Dark King was younger than now, but the martial arts cultivation was not weaker than the Ruxing River. The battle between the two did not really start. As soon as they fought, it ended. They just tried to find out what their opponents were doing.

"Everyone thinks that only the Sword Emperor is the strongest in the Yuan Dynasty, but few people know that Ru Xinghe is also the supreme sage of martial arts." Dark Heaven King Road.

Hearing this, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help looking at Ru Xinghe and looked carefully at the old man with a war sword. Can be called the Supreme King by the Dark King, the monarch of this monarchy seems to be more than just a name.

You know, the Dark King's combat power, but he can overcome the inanimate Taoist.

The martial arts practices of the incompetent Taoist masters are at least seventh in the respect of the land. The martial arts practice of the Ruxing River is naturally impossible to go to.

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the power of the magic heart of Qi Qiao to sense the martial arts practice of Ru Xinghe. Want to see how powerful he is?

After the power of the Qiqiao Demon heart radiated, an endless stream of information was returned. Ru Xinghe seems to be just an ordinary old man, but his heart is like a vast ocean, with endless resources. power.

There is a **** in his body that is capable of bursting into the mountains and rivers.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't judge how powerful his cultivation was, but according to the breath emanating from his martial arts heart, it can be judged that his martial arts cultivation should be stronger than the inanimate Taoist master.

Just then, Ru Xinghe noticed that someone was peeping at his martial arts heart, and a cold humming sounded from his mouth, and a burst of blood burst out of the martial arts heart, condensed into a sword, and stabbed at Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

This is not an attack by martial arts, but an attack by the mind, which is not noticeable to outsiders.

In Ning Xiaochuan's view, it was almost like a blood-red sea pressing over, wrapping his body tightly, squeezing him almost to suffocate.


Just then, a blood-red battle sword flew over the ocean and pierced his brows.

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth, his body exuded colorful brilliance, seven circles flew from the heart, crimson blood flowed in the ring, and he blasted towards the **** red sword.


The war sword was immediately repelled, and the sea of ​​blood wrapped around Ning Xiaochuan's body was also torn.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly regained his heart, and he was soaked with cold sweat. It was too dangerous just now, and he was almost killed by Ru Xinghe. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Seven Magic God Demon Palace showed a powerful power to transform Ru Xinghe. Repulsed.

Under the counterattack of the Qiqiao God Demon Heart Palace, Ru Xinghe is definitely uncomfortable.

Ru Xinghe also regained his heart, and his heart felt a little pain. His eyes were surprised, he stared at Gongzichuan, his lips moved, and he said to himself: "Qigongshen Demon Heart Palace. Gongzichuan has such talent , Then we must kill him today, or it will be a disaster in the future. "


The battle sword on the back of Ru Xinghe flew out of the sheath and turned into a bright sword mark. A sword pierced the sky and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The speed of the battle sword was too fast, and friction with the air burst into flames.

The sword body is full of flames, and the space follows the depression, as if to be penetrated by the sword gas.

The two words in the Dark King's mouth read: "Shaoyang!"

His body suddenly rushed out of four images of the gods and beasts, namely the blue dragon shadow, the white tiger shadow, the phoenix shadow, and the basalt shadow, suspended in the four directions, forming the form of the four elephant reincarnation.

Qinglong's body is more than thirty meters long. His body is covered with blue dragon scales, sharp claws, sharp dragon horns, and bright dragon eyes, just like a real blue dragon rushing out of the Dark King's body.

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