Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 397: Three Corpses Beheaded

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In the Hou Fuzhong, there is a clear water pool beside the vermilion loft, swimming with silver mysterious water fish.

Ji Hanxing stood by the pool without going far.

Wearing red armor, she stood upright, holding a spear in her hand and staring at the ripples from time to time in the water.

Ning Xiaochuan walked slowly.

"I still didn't fully survive in the end, did I?" Ji Hanxing's eyes did not blink, a pair of cyan pupils were as clear and beautiful as jasper.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to lie to her, Shen Ning said for a moment, "In fact, everything has life. Life and death are just a narrow statement. As long as you have your own thoughts, vitality is extremely strong."

Ji Hanxing stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes and said, "But I clearly remember that I once had an affection for you, but now I can't give you a trace of affection for you. I try very hard to force myself to approach you, but I Can't do it. Do you dare to say that this is really alive? "

This feeling is really uncomfortable. I clearly remember that I once loved a person, but when I met again, I found that he had become a familiar stranger.

Maybe she has lost some passions and resurrection is only a flesh and blood body.

As long as there is a trace of corpse in the body, the body will be missing.

It's like a broken ceramic. Even if you reattach it, there will still be cracks on it. Even if it is put back into the kiln and fired again, it will still be different from the original ceramics after being fired.

Ning Xiaochuan took out a palm-sized jade and handed it to Ji Hanxing.

Ji Hanxing immersed his mind in the jade, and could clearly perceive many small words carved on the jade, as if he had recorded a secret code of exercises.

Ning Xiaochuan also stared at the water in the pond and said, "This is a practice method left by the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, called 'Three Corpses Beheaded.' It is said that this type of exercise originated from Tao Zu "Taozu Ancient Scriptures", cut off the three corpses, can prove the mixed Yuan Avenue. "

"It is said that the ancestor of the annihilation of Dao had been cultivated into the realm of sages at that time, and it was lawless and innocuous. He finally defeated Dao and defeated him. After thousands of years, the ancestor's soul was immortal and his body was immortal. Perseverance, perseverance, and corpse testimony to achieve the supreme deity in heaven and earth. "

"Now, I'll give you this volume of exercises. If after thousands of years, you can also cut off the three corpses and testify to the mixed Yuan, then the future achievements may be able to catch up with the ancestors who destroyed the world."

In fact, is there any magic and power in this volume of exercises, and Ning Xiaochuan has no knowledge at all.

He only hoped that Ji Hanxing had a better life as much as possible. If she succeeded in cultivation, in the future, they might meet in a higher civilization.

The ugly mother-in-law left Ji Hanxing.

The ugly mother-in-law originally came to learn the medical technique of heart transplantation from Ning Xiaochuan. Now that the medical technique is available, she will not stay in Jiangehou House again.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan suspected that the ugly mother-in-law was the peacock king?

However, all signs show that the ugly mother-in-law cannot be the peacock king at all.

Ning Xiaochuan thinks that the ugly mother-in-law should be the rumored guardian of the imperial palace, and it must have an extraordinary origin with the thousand-year-old ancient demons once suppressed in the imperial palace.

If there is a fate, I hope to meet again in the future.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the glazed tiles of Jiangehouhou's highest palace. A bright full moon was suspended above his head. He watched the ugly mother-in-law and Ji Hanxing walk out of the imperial city and disappeared into the vast field.

Imperial Palace.

Emperor Yulan stood in a magnificent hall, his face was very cold, exuding an abundance of imperial majesty.

The court maids and eunuchs guarding the hall are all embarrassed, and they dare not even come out, for fear of disturbing the emperor.


In the air, waves like water ripples are emitted, and a black mist is emitted, condensing into an adult form, and transformed into an old **** wearing a green dove-colored palace costume.

Inside the first master, Ji Xinhai.

Ji Gong kneeled on the ground, his voice was very sharp, as if the male duck was screaming, and said, "The ugly old man has left from Jiangehou Mansion, and the old slave saw her out of the imperial city. Holy, is it possible to do it now?"

When Ning Xiaochuan killed Yue Wuyang, the Emperor Yulan identified Ning Xiaochuan as a major confidant that must be removed immediately.

Yue Wuyang's talent level has reached "seven thousand years of rare encounters", and Ning Xiaochuan can kill him by two levels lower than him. Then what level of Ning Xiaochuan's talent level has reached?

Ning Xiaochuan's growth rate is too fast. In just a few years, he has cultivated to the local state. If he is given a few more years, I am afraid that no one in the entire Yulan Empire can rule him.

This is why Emperor Yulan desperately wants to kill him!

Since he could not kill him in the chapel, he could only assassinate him.

The emperor Yulan said: "The martial arts of that ugly and old-fashioned man is very unusual. Even the millennial ancient demon was taken away by her. If she stayed in Jiangehou Mansion, the emperor would not dare to send someone to kill Ning Xiaochuan. .Now that she has left, Ning Xiaochuan's death will not be far away. Ji Xinhai, if you take a trip in person, pass on the secret mission, and let the dragon elephant Hou and Cui Tao go to take Ning Xiaochuan's life, if it is within three days They ca n’t take Ning Xiaochuan ’s head, so they do n’t have to come back to see him. ”

Ji Gong's heart was extremely shaken, saying: "The martial arts practices of the Dragon Elephant Hou and Master Cui have been extraordinary. Anyone who shot Ning Xiaochuan will be absolutely secure. Why use two bullswords to kill chickens?"

The Emperor Yulan shook his head and said, "He used to despise him so much that he was allowed to live to this day, so that even Yue Wuyang died in his hands. He can no longer be given any chance, not only the two of them If you do, you can go too! The strength of the three of you should be foolproof. "

Ji Gong has never seen Emperor Yulan spend so much time dealing with an enemy, and he is still a young man, even if Ning Xiaochuan died, it is a very glorious thing.


Ning Xin'er went back to picking mysterious medicine and returned, spending a lot of coins, and finally bought the "eight-pin colorful cheese" that Ning Xiaochuan wanted.

However, she did not find another rare mysterious medicine, Jiu Pin Gan Lin Cao, when she traveled throughout the Imperial City.

The main medicine for refining "Diwudan" is still bad.

"Xin'er, you have worked hard." Ning Xiaochuan put away the eight-pin colorful Qizhi and was able to find the main medicine, he was quite satisfied.

If the mysterious medicine could be found so easily, Diwudan would be worthless.

Ning Xin'er was very distressed and said, "Originally, the Shenyang Yangxin Temple had a nine-grade sweet-lin grass, but it was bought just yesterday. Brother, are you angry?"

Ning Xiaochuan's look moved and said, "Have you asked who bought it?"

Ning Xin'er said, "Ask, I heard that he is a very handsome boy. The third deacon of Shenyang Yangxin Hall spoke highly of him, claiming that he has read countless people, but he has never seen such a handsome man. It is the first beautiful man in the Yulan Empire. "

Ning Xiaochuan only smiled slightly, and felt that Ning Xin'er must have been deceived by the deacon of Shenyang Yangxindian. Perhaps there is no Jiupin Ganlincao in the Shenlu Yangxindian, and a handsome man is deliberately fabricated to raise the value of the Shenlu Yangxindian.

I just want to tell you that our Shenyang Yangxin Temple is not without Jiupin Ganlincao, it just happened to be bought.

Just then, a blushing maid hurried in, because she ran too fast and almost tripped over the stone on the side of the road.

Ning Xin'er asked, "Quer, what's so urgent?"

Quer was even more embarrassed, and said shyly, "Outside ... there is a very ... very ... very handsome boy outside, and he wants to see Xiaohouye."

Ning Xin'er's beautiful eyes were slick and round, and she stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

The corner of Ning Xiaochuan's mouth was raised, and he smiled, "I want to see how handsome a man is?"

Ning Xiner's heart was also curious, and after Ning Xiaochuan, he planned to glance at the handsome man. Is it really the first beautiful man in the Yulan Empire?

Ning Xiaochuan had just walked to the entrance of Houfu House and saw that the handsome boy's back felt something wrong, and his heart jumped slightly.

Back view, too familiar!

The fairy Wanyin wore a bright red robe, with dragons and phoenixes embroidered on her placket with gold threads on her lap, and a ring-shaped pendant on her waist. Her dark black hair was combed extra neatly, and her hair was tied with a white scarf .

Holding a sapphire folding fan in her hands, her skin is as delicate as beautiful jade ice muscle. Although the woman is dressed in men's clothing, she is still extraordinary, with a cold and aggressive attitude on her body. The exquisite features, handsome face, and tall posture definitely make countless men in the world feel ashamed.

Not to mention those maids in Jiangehou House, even Ning Xin'er, who has always been above the top, saw a flush of cheeks on her cheeks, holding Ning Xiaochuan's arm tightly with her hands.

If the queen of Wanyin is really a man, I am afraid that no woman in the world can resist her charm.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was frightened, but she did not expect that Queen Wanyin actually came to the imperial city, but also came to Jiangehoufu initiatively.

What is she doing here?

Such a character like the Queen of Yin will never appear for nothing. Once it appears in the imperial city, I am afraid there will be earth-shaking events in the imperial city.

Ning Xiaochuan invited Queen Wanyin to enter Jiangehouhou, and then all the servants retreated.

Ning Xiaochuan did not arrange a soundproofing enchantment, because the moment the queen of Wanyin stood in the lobby, the entire lobby was isolated by a layer of invisible sound waves.

The two of them seemed to be standing in an independent space, surrounded by a chaotic and empty mist.

"The queen queen came to the imperial city so soon. I don't know what's important?" Ning Xiaochuan asked tentatively.

Wan Yin Cassiopeia said: "Ning Xiaochuan, I heard that you have built a Divine Sword Palace. This is the first holy place for holy warriors today, and you will receive the treasures of the world. . "


The explosion time, Nine is not sure, you have to wait for the editor's notice and say sorry.

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