Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 400: Nine Diwudan

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A sergeant at Xuanju Tushen Camp said: "Since his means have been exposed, the next time he casts the figurative power, he will never want to hurt the leader again."

Cui Tao nodded gently, his eyes became extremely deep, saying: "Ning Xiaochuan secretly came out of the imperial city, definitely not out of the mountains and rivers. At such a crucial time, he actually secretly came out of the imperial city, in the end is to what?"

"Is Jiangehoufu cooperating with the magic gate and preparing to attack the imperial city inside and outside ..."

Cui Tao slapped the sergeant to the ground with a slap, cursing: "Stupid! Jiangehoufu and Momen only battled you alive not long ago, how could they collude together again? Really pig brain."

"The commander said so much, and said ..." the sergeant kept saying.

Cui Tao pondered for a moment, and said, "The greatest force in the imperial city today is Ghost Mountain Villa, and Ning Xiaochuan must know that the Holy Spirit is going to kill him, so he must seek allies. Do you think he will find Ghost Mountain Villa? ? "

"It is very possible. Once allied with Ghost Villa, Jiangehoufu can withdraw from the Imperial City at any time. If I am Ning Xiaochuan, I will definitely make alliance with Ghost Villa," said a female sergeant.

Cui Tao smiled coldly and said, "If Ning Xiaochuan really went to meet a certain big man in Ghost Villa, then this time I'm afraid we can not only kill Ning Xiaochuan, but also uproot the entire Ghost Villa. Root. Wonderful The pursuit of the breath left by Ning Xiaochuan must not let him escape. "

Ning Xiaochuan launched a rapid body movement, quickly shuttled through the jungle, and did not immediately go to Haitang Villa, but shuttled in more than a dozen edge sets, running farther and farther away from the imperial city.

Since the Xuanju Tushen camp can intercept him outside the imperial city, there must be quite a clever tracking method. In order to prevent them from finding Haitang Villa with them, Ning Xiaochuan must find a way to lead them farther.

After Ning Xiaochuan erased all traces, he entered Haitang Villa through a secret passage.

"Where did the two right-hand protectors go?" Ning Xiaochuan was sitting at the top of the Palace of Justice, with a golden mask on his face, disguising himself.

The martial arts vitality in his body was exhausted, and after sitting down, he immediately took out a top-quality basalt and pinched it in his hands, and began to recover quickly.

Kneeling below are two swordsmen in white clothes, Situ Fengwu and Huo Shiyin.

Their looks are beautiful, with bright eyes and teeth, long hair like a waterfall, wearing white robes, brocade waistbands, and ancient swords. They are like female disciples coming out of Xianmen. dust.

However, these two beautiful heavenly pride girls are just Ning Xiaochuan's maids, kneeling in front of him, saluting respectfully.

Huo Shiyin said: "The false accusation to the landlord, the two masters of the Dharma Protector were both injured."

"Wounded? They are all realm of the esteem, who can hurt them?" Ning Xiaochuan foresaw something happened.

Huo Shiyin and Situ Fengwu looked a little awed, and didn't dare to continue.

Meng Ying walked in from outside the Hall of the Council and said, "It was the Emperor Langya of the Dark Empire who shot and wounded them."

The Dark Empire was originally intended to support the ghost villas against the invasion of the imperial city. However, there was news of a war in the One Yuan Realm. "The host of the ghost villa, Chuan, turned out to be a disciple of the evil monarch."

This news set off a huge storm in the imperial city, and all the spearheads pointed at the ghost village.

The Dark Empire is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

The Lord of the Undead City became furious and worked hard to support and grow the Ghost Villa, which is to expect the Ghost Villa to be able to fight against the magic gate, but did not expect to let the magic gate pick up a big deal.

Recently, the Dark Empire launched a crazy attack on the Ghost Villa. Murong Hua and Lin's three fingers were also seriously injured by the Langya Emperor of the Dark Empire in one of the battles.

There are three great kings in the magic gate, and three great emperors in the dark imperial city.

"Langya Emperor" is one of the three emperors of the Dark Empire.

The four ministers of "Xuan Di Xuan Huang" are in charge of the economic turnover, the deployment of mystery, the training of talents, the judicial management, etc. within the dark imperial city. Therefore, although the rights of the four ministers are great, martial arts cultivation is not too strong, which is equivalent to the civil servants in the court.

The three emperors are the three most terrifying people in the martial arts of the Dark Emperor City, equivalent to the military princes in the court.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately rushed to investigate the injuries of Mu Ronghua and Lin three fingers. Fortunately, they were not badly injured. After taking Ning Xiaochuan's healing senior Dan, he recovered completely within an hour.

For senior psychologists, it is quite easy to heal the warriors in the state of respect.

After Mu Ronghua and Lin's three fingers were cured, they immediately knelt in front of Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Thank you!"

Ning Xiaochuan hurriedly said, "The two seniors invited me, the younger can't afford such a gift."

Muronghua said stubbornly: "It's worth it. The owner killed Yue Wuyang and avenged our brother for revenge. Our brother swears to follow the owner."

"Sworn to follow the owner." Lin Sanzhi also said that he was stubborn.

"Let both seniors get up first! Let's discuss how to deal with the current predicament. Ghost Villa is now surrounded by enemies on three sides. It is not easy to kill a way out." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The situation of the Ghost Villa is indeed very critical, not only to deal with the attack of the Dark Emperor City and the court, but also to deal with the enemy of the Empress Wanyin.

It's hard to break the game.

Ning Xiaochuan asked: "Meng Ying, you were the first killer of the Dark Emperor. You should have a good understanding of the internal situation of the Dark Emperor! Can you find the headquarters of the Dark Emperor within three days?"

Ning Xiaochuan had an idea in her mind and planned to use a sword to kill people. She was looking forward to if she could lead Wan Yin to the Dark Emperor City and use her martial arts practice to give the Dark Empire a heavy blow?

In Ning Xiaochuan's view, if they can make good use of it, Wanyinxian will be an ace. If you do not make good use of it, it is likely that you will be slapped to death by the queen of Wanyin.

Mengying pondered for a moment and said, "It's difficult. The headquarters of the Dark Empire is quite secret. Unless it is a figure of the level of the four ministers, otherwise no one knows the true location of the Dark Empire. I am only the gold killer. There is only one person, and there are Wu Zun killers on top of the gold medal killers. Even many Wu Zun killers do not know the location of the Dark Emperor City. And ... the leader of the gold medal killers and Wu Zun killers is Langya Emperor. "

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched his chin and said, "How high is the Emperor Langya's martial arts practice?"

Mengying said: "I have only seen the Emperor Langya once, and it gives me the impression that his martial arts cultivation will not be weaker than the six avenue masters of the magic gate. The landlord, do you want to do something to the Emperor Langya?"

"The characters at the level of Langya Emperor are really terrible. Even if the masters of Ghost Village are all out, I am afraid that they are not his opponents." Murong Hua only met with Langya Emperor not long ago, and he knows that the martial art of Langya Emperor is terrible.

"Not always."

With a deep light in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, he asked, "How many people have reached the exalted state of the Ghost Village?"

Meng Ying said: "In addition to the owner and the second ghost messenger, there are a total of eight people. Of the five hall masters, the law enforcement hall master 'Han Fu', the flying eagle hall master 'Wan Xue', and the gold jade hall master 'Jade' "Manlou", after serving the earth alone to respect Dan, they all achieved the state of respect. "

"Eight. Okay, just right." Ning Xiaochuan's mouth showed a smile.

Meng Ying said: "Is the landlord already able to deal with the Emperor Langya?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded his head. This time, he will arrange the Eight Winds and the full array of powers.

After everyone retreated, Ning Xiaochuan let Situ Fengwu stay.

Ning Xiaochuan engraved a volume of the "Calm of Qimen's Armor" on the surface of a piece of crystal jade, and handed it to Situ Fengwu, saying: "Send this jade to the Excalibur Palace and give it to Yue Mingsong and let him Personally help me refine the 333 array flags. If I can refine all the array flags in two days, I will give him more chapters. "

Situ Fengwu knows that Yue Mingsong is the master forge of the Excalibur Palace.

After receiving Yujian, she immediately left Haitang Villa and rushed to the Excalibur Palace.

In her opinion, refining so many banners is definitely related to dealing with the Langya Emperor, and it is absolutely important to the owner.

Situ Fengwu has now fully surrendered to Ning Xiaochuan. Even the Situ family has become an affiliate of Ghost Villa. Since they cannot resist, they can only choose to obey.

Ning Xiaochuan has long wanted to refine a set of formation flags, so that the time to arrange the formation can be saved, and the formation of the formation will be stronger and more powerful.

Ning Xiaochuan not only had to deal with the Langya Emperor with the Eight Winds, but also against Cui Tao.

Ning Xiaochuan sat under the blood toad tree, released the mind, passed the thoughts on, and began to call the slaves.

As long as Ning Xiaochuan is a servant who has been made into a slave by heart, you can hear Ning Xiaochuan's call even if she is thousands of miles apart.

Mu Honglai, Iron Armor Death, and Huanhua, who were far away from Yuanyuan, heard Ning Xiaochuan's call and rushed towards the imperial city.

In fact, with the number of Wu Zun of the Ghost Village, plus Ning Xiaochuan's two land-respected level beasts, it already has nine Wu Zun levels of combat power, which can fully let the Eight Winds God array to exert its most powerful power.

However, Ghost Villa is now the most critical time. Ning Xiaochuan must summon all the powerful men who can be used for a big matchup with the Dark Empire.

Once the war begins, it must be a heavy blow to the Dark Empire.

The next day, Diwudan was successfully refined, and a total of nine elixir was refined.

Diwudan is an invaluable treasure for the warriors in the state of respect, which can help the warriors in the state of respect to advance to a higher level.

Only Ning Xiaochuan can refining nine at one time, and other senior mind trainers can only refining one or two high-grade elixir at a time!

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