Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 405: 阉人

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The Eight Winds God Formation is indeed indestructible, which means that it is difficult to break the formation from the array. It is not so difficult if a strong person launches an attack outside the formation and wants to break the formation.

Ji Gonggong is called the No. 1 master in Taichi. Martial arts are unpredictable and have reached the seventh level of the state of respect.


The dry and yellow palms were wrapped by martial arts vitality, a frosty ice burst out of the palm, the fingers became longer, blue scales grew on the skin, and the nails became like sharp blades.

With a wave of the arm, the cold martial arts vitality condensed two huge ice beast claws.

The Frozen Beast Claws are all three meters in size, seemingly crystal clear and infinitely powerful. Just when they touch the banner, the entire banner is frozen.

"Frozen miles."

Ji Gong's mouth roared loudly. Above the sky, the leaves were flying and the cold wind swept over, blowing the world into chaos!

This is a kind of martial arts power of Ji Gonggong, which can affect the weather cycle and seasonal seasons. The cold currents rush out of the body, like a cold air river rushing into the sky for nine days and crashing into the clouds.

The clouds became cold.

The air becomes cold air.

Dirt, turned into frozen ground.

It's like the winter moon is coming, the weather is freezing and the snow is flying.


With Ji Gong's body as the center, one meter thick of ice and snow condensed on the ground, spreading towards the Eight Winds Gods array.

After the first flag was frozen, the second flag was frozen, and the third flag was frozen ... The cold air is still spreading, and even the "fire" used in the formation method to incinerate Cui Tao "Divine wind" is weakening.

Once Frost's vitality freezes all the flags, the Eight Winds Gods array will inevitably break and break, and Cui Tao, who has already been made into a skeleton by the Vulcan wind, will also run out of the formation.


Cui Tao's flesh was refined by the Eight Winds, and there was only a huge black skeleton twelve meters high.

His strength and strength have been refined into the bones, and even the blood and heart are hidden in the thick bones. Even if the flesh is refined, he is still not dead.

As long as the ancient giant bone cannot be broken, no one can kill him.

Each bone is like a dark black jade, which contains ancient and strong power. Even the Eight Winds God array cannot refine the bones in a short time, and everyone is facing the formation. Alas, I think he is just like a Shura bone emperor from hell. If you escape from the formation, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Gongzichuan, if you let this seat be killed, you must kill your nine families."

The twelve-meter-high black skeleton roared, his face was bleak, and his strength was endless. He held a more than twenty-meter-long battle sword and collided in the Eight Winds God Formation.

The eight winds swayed, and many of the flags seemed to be bombarded, and many of them were blocked by ice to suppress their strength.

If the two of them are really allowed to break through the formation and combine the power of the seventh heavy martial arts with the two, the people in Ghost Villa will be in bad shape.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally would not allow such a thing to happen, summoning the black-haired ghost bat beast and the two-headed stone beast, and let them replace the position of the master of the Huanhua and himself.

He finally freed his hand, centered on the eyebrows, and countless flames escaped, and the whole person became a fireman.

With a wave of the palm, a fierce wind blew out immediately, the ice on the array of flags melted again, and the lightning flashed out again, so that the power of the Eight Winds God array was restored as before.

Ning Xiaochuan called out the magic sword and killed him.

"Shit, the owner is here to take your life." Ning Xiaochuan was all wrapped in magic and flames, a pair of sharp eyes exposed under the golden mask, and a sword slashed down at Ji Gong.

"Gongzichuan, you are just a child with a yellow mouth, dare to fight with my generation?" Ji Gonggong did not take Gongzichuan at all. The court had the best intelligence agencies. According to Gongzichuan's record of several shots, They calculated that the martial arts practice of Gongzichuan should be between the second and the fourth place in the state of respect for the earth.

This level of martial arts seems quite remarkable to ordinary people, but it is still not enough to see Ji Gonggong who belongs to the top in Wu Zun.

Although Cui Tao looks miserable now, Ji Gonggong doesn't think this is the power of Gongzi Chuan, but the power of formation is too strong.

Without the power of formation, in his eyes, Gongzi Chuan is an ant that can't turn waves.

Ji Gonggong punched out a dish-shaped piece of mystery. The surface of the dish had a lot of textures in it, and a layer of white light emerged, turning it into a huge copper shield with a diameter of ten meters, supporting it on his head.


Ning Xiaochuan slashed the bronze shield of Liupinxuan level, and the blood-red sword was cut off from Ji Gong's shoulder, and a large piece of flesh was split down.

Ji Gonggong was shocked by the sword's sword strength and backed away dozens of feet away. He looked at the bronze shield in his hands and saw the ghost sword in Gongzichuan's hand. The instruments are all broken, isn't Ghost Sword's ghost sword a Jiu Pin Xuan Qi? "

At this time, Ji Gonggong finally woke up and realized that Gongzichuan was powerful.

This is not the power that can be exerted by the third and fourth fighters!

In his view, the martial arts of Gongzichuan is not inferior to the seventh-ranked martial artist.

"The people in the intelligence system are simply a group of pigs. The martial arts of Gongzichuan is so terrible. How can it be the third and fourth place of respect for the land? The sword palace is not as good. It seems that the "Arms Ranking Spectrum" of the Excalibur Palace is the most accurate. The "Ghost Sword" can really rank 47th in the world. "

Ji Gonggong scolded the ancestors of the court intelligence agencies for eighteen generations.

"If Gongzi Chuan really holds a Jiu Pinxuan, he is definitely not his opponent. Cui Tao has been beaten into a skeleton. If I continue to die with Gongzi Chuan, wait until the master of the ghost village refines and kills Cui Tao. I'm afraid it's just my death. "

Ji Gong's old man calculated that after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, he finally decided to retreat immediately and report the incident to the emperor Yu Lan.

Gongzichuan owns Jiu Pinxuan, and martial arts are not lower than him. Even if he flees back, I believe that Emperor Yulan will not punish him.

Ji Gonggong said he would retreat, his body bounced off, jumped on the back of Thunder Eagle, glanced at Cui Tao trapped in the formation, and said coldly, "You can't blame me for not saving you, you can only blame Ghost Villa Strong. "

The thunder eagle's wings spread, and a fine electric pattern was flowing on each feather, flying towards the clouds. As a seventh-class mysterious beast, the speed is naturally quite fast, and it flew to the void of 400 meters high in an instant.

"Where to escape?"

Ning Xiaochuan could not allow Ji Gongfu to flee and sacrifice bronze ancient lanterns.

The blood of the seventh heavy martial artist in the ground burned inside the lamp, emitting a dazzling light, just like a **** star suspended in the sky!

The lights radiated in circles, forming a nine-layer halo, like the nine-layer space enclosing the wick.

"Why is this a lamp? You ... You ... Are you ..." Father-in-law Ji stood on the back of the Thunder Eagle, his old face became twisted, his lips kept twitching, and the whole person was shaking, already Guess the identity of Gong Zichuan.

This magic lamp was originally found by Yue Wuyang from the Temple of Heaven Emperor. After his death, Yue Wuyang fell into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

Now that the lamp appeared in the hands of Gongzichuan, Gongzichuan's identity came out.

Since Ning Xiaochuan dared to use the bronze ancient lamp, he proved that he had every confidence to kill Ji Gong.

The bronze ancient lantern was more powerful than when Yue Wuyang offered it. Ning Xiaochuan directly activated the third strength of the bronze ancient lantern. Ninety-nine flame dragons flew out of the wick and converged into a three-legged firebird.

This three-legged flamingo is almost like the legendary **** bird Jinwu. The flame on his body can melt everything in the world, and he can turn into the sun to light up the earth and the sky.

The three-legged flamingo catches up with the Thunder Eagle.

Just in a flash of time, this seven-pin mysterious beast was burned into a fly ash by the flame of the three-legged flamingo, without even making a scream.

Ji Gonggong uttered an unwilling shout. When he encountered Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, even if his martial arts cultivation had no force to resist, he was eventually swallowed by the three-legged firebird.

The three-legged flamingo flew back to the bronze ancient lamp and turned into a thumb-sized flame.

Ji Gonggong's body became the size of an ant and was wrapped in a flame, but he was not refined and his body was still healthy.

He propped up the strong strength of martial arts in his body, forming a vital cocoon, and was struggling to support it.

"It is indeed the seventh most powerful Xeon in the world, and the bronze ancient lanterns can't even die you in a short time." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The power of the bronze ancient lanterns is indeed comparable to Jiu Pinxuan, but other warriors who cast their Jiu Pinxuan will use Shou Yuan as their price in exchange for powerful power. It can be said that killing a thousand people has caused 800 damage.

However, bronze ancient lamps are different.

Bronze ancient lamps burned kerosene, which did not consume much of Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts vitality. As long as Ning Xiaochuan can find a sufficient amount of lamp oil, he can safely use the bronze ancient lamps without fear of consuming Shouyuan.

Therefore, the bronze ancient lamp is more precious than other Jiu Pinxuan, enough to be worth several Jiu Pinxuan.

If it is possible to obtain the blood of the ninth-ranked warrior of the dignified state, and use it as a varnish for bronze ancient lamps, once the third-strength power is exerted, the seventh-ranked warrior of the dignified state may be burned to ashes instantly.

Ji Gong was wrapped in the wick, with a roar in his mouth: "Ning Xiaochuan, please be proud of yourself. Someone will come and pack you."

Since his identity had been known to Ji Gong, Ning Xiaochuan didn't want him to live for another second.

Kill as early as possible, lest night long dreams.


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