Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 411: Golden Needle Seal Heart

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Mrs. Yinchi was undressing, and when she heard the footsteps behind her, she immediately turned around, facing Ning Xiaochuan's four eyes, a pair of sparkling eyes with a hint of surprise!

Why is he coming in? Can't wait anymore? Or ... did he want to bathe with me?

There was a hint of coyness on Mrs. Yinchi's face, and a pair of round and straight * slightly tightened, she even gave birth to a kind of shyness, and said diligently: "When you come in, you don't have to say a word in advance, you must scare the slave family ! "

Ning Xiaochuan was also quite embarrassed. She had never experienced such a scene. She had originally planned to tell her to leave. However, due to her stimulation, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't explain it.

If he leaves at this time, I am afraid Mrs. Yinchi will look down on him all her life.

"This ... I ... I'm going out ..." Ning Xiaochuan felt unbearable, and the blood in his body was flowing faster and faster.

As soon as he turned around, Mrs. Yinchi hugged him from behind, and the naked jade body was attached to Ning Xiaochuan's back. She was graceful, exuding a faint body fragrance, and her face was attached to Ning Xiaochuan's back. Youyou said, "Don't go?"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at her toes. She could feel the warmth, softness, and smoothness of her body across her clothes. Even if she didn't see her insane face, it was still exciting.

"Stay, okay?" Madam Yinchi whispered.

"Hmm!" Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes and felt like he had fallen.

The corners of Mrs. Yinchi's mouth are slightly tilted, and her eyes are bent down like two beautiful crescent moons. She pulls Ning Xiaochuan into the bath and uses a pair of delicate jade hands to lift water drops and petals from the water. Dao: "Ogawa, do you know? This water is made of snow melted with icebergs. This petal is also a blood safflower that has been grown for 300 years. It can only be used in the palace of Wanghou, which can maintain the elasticity of the skin and increase the body's Blood circulation. "

"I'm not that particular!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Mrs. Yinchi took off Ning Xiaochuan's coat and said with a smile: "That's because you are missing a woman who is waiting for you attentively. Today I will be your maid. What does the master have to tell you? Should I rub my back first, or rub my shoulders first? Or slavery ... other wait? "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Mrs. Yinchi's chest.

Her twin peaks are white and round, her shape is perfect, and she draws rounded arcs. Although she hasn't touched them yet, she can definitely be full of elasticity, redder than cherry and more delicate than bud.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were not attracted by the two groups of Yufeng, and he frowned deeply, suddenly grasping Mrs. Yinchi's shoulders, and said, "Why do you use 'Golden Needle Sealing Heart'? You have concealed it. what?"

At the position of Mrs. Yinchi's chest, there were five subtle blood holes, and a faint golden brilliance escaped from the blood holes.

Mrs. Yinchi was like a frightened rabbit. She quickly covered the snow-white twin peaks, turned around and said, "Don't ask! This ... it doesn't matter ..."

She bit her lips tightly, and the smile on her face was gone.

Ning Xiaochuan forcibly pulled her pampered body to her side, and a crimson martial arts vitality appeared on the palm of her hand, gently on her chest.

The martial arts vitality formed a vortex and sucked a gold needle as thin as a cow's hair out of her body, which was as long as ten centimeters, with a trace of blood on it. When taking the gold needle, Mrs. Yinchi seemed to endure great pain, her body was shaking slightly, and she almost screamed in pain with the martial arts of her state of honor.

A total of five gold needles were taken out of the body by Ning Xiaochuan and thrown into the bath.


Finally, Mrs. Yinchi spit a bit of blood, her fingers clinging to her heart, kneeling in the bath with pain, and the whole person was shaking.

Ning Xiaochuan had the strength to martial arts and wanted to relieve her pain, but she shook her head and said bitterly, "What is this pain? The pain in the heart every night is ten times, hundred times more than it is now. It ’s like **** on earth. "

Ning Xiaochuan knew that she was telling the truth, because this is the characteristic of "Golden Needle Sealing Heart".

The Golden Needle Sealing Heart is an ancient form of torture, which is specially used to deal with those who have high strength and strong will.

Once the "Golden Needle Seals the Heart" is carried out, every night will experience tragic inhuman pain. It is like a million bites of heart utterly tragic. Most people will never survive and will die.

Cold light appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, and said, "The golden needle planted by Emperor Yulan?"

Mrs. Yinchi shook her head. The white forehead was full of sweat. "No, it's me!"

"Why?" Ning Xiaochuan couldn't understand.

Mrs. Yinchi smiled bitterly.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately grasped Mrs. Yinchi's wrist and injected a vitality into her body to investigate her physical condition.

After a long while, Ning Xiaochuan regained his strength and said, "You ... you have been poisoned by a beast? And it has been at least ten years, and I will help you refine the toxins."

Ning Xiaochuan finally understood why Mrs. Yinchi became a full-fledged woman. Woman, the beast venom in her body is so powerful that she almost eroded Ning Xiaochuan's vitality.

You should know that Nie Lan's heart was only a trace of beast poison, and she could no longer control her feelings. Desire, and now the beast venom in Mrs. Silver Pool is more than ten times stronger than her.

Mrs. Yinchi shook her head tragically, "No, it's useless. This is the most overbearing" Dragon Poison "among beast venoms. Even the Great Yangxin Master can't heal Long Su. If you forcefully heal me, I Afraid that the toxins will invade your body and affect you. "

"I'm afraid you will be involved if you lift it?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Mrs. Yinchi smiled bitterly: "Even if you are not afraid, it's useless. I know you want to use the 'yin and yang fire' to refine dragon poison, but it's useless! Dragon's poison is overbearing, and the yin and yang fire is very refined It ’s difficult. It wo n’t be possible to clean the dragon poison in my body for decades. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "But a beast poisoning occurred, you ..."

Mrs. Yinchi laughed: "It is necessary to be happy with the man ... this is my life ... for ten years, I struggled through the pain every day, until I met you a year ago, I will use ' The Golden Needle Sealing the Heart 'seals the five hearts, so ... Pain can overcome love every night. Desire, although the pain in the body makes people feel like purgatory, I will never be used as cheap myself, never again Waiting for those men will never be looked down upon by you and Minger ... Actually, this is also very happy ... "

Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes tightly and said, "Stupid! This will only overdraw your life, you know that the source of your life has begun to dry up? At most, only one year of life is left? You ... you could have Tell me, I can help you ... "

Mrs. Yinchi raised her head and smiled, and said, "How can you help me? Sleep with me every night? Do you really hate me? You will, you will. I know when you broke in just now It's because you regret it and want to leave! Your heart can't hide from me! "

She was really smart, and she could easily see through the mind of Ning Xiaochuan.

Mrs. Yinchi continued: "This is my life. If I were Yu Qianqi, how good it would be to have a noble identity, beautiful appearance, and a father who could shield her from the wind and rain. No one would hurt her. No one will spoil her. However, I do n’t have everything she has, so I can only be planted with beast venom, I can only become a communicative person who can do all I can, I can only sell my body, I am not at all Not even the right to choose. "

"Actually, I also admire Yu Ningsheng. Although she has no right to choose, and her status is humble, but she has you who truly love her and protect her. For a woman, this is quite Happiness. But she does n’t have me, because ... you do n’t love me at all, you look down on me, you abandon me ... ”

Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his hands tightly and hurriedly walked forward. He grabbed her slender waist with both hands and kissed them on the rosy crystal lips. The noses of the two were almost next to each other. .

Mrs. Yinchi's heart fluttered, never thinking that there would be such a day, Ning Xiaochuan would take the initiative to hug her and kiss her?

Is this ... is this true?

She couldn't believe that Ning Xiaochuan didn't dislike her, thinking that this was a dream!

Before she could remember the feeling at this moment, the beast venom in her body started to attack, and her eyes became blurred and red. Naked badger. The body also became hotter and hotter, and the red lips became more and more dry. To ask for more, he pushed his fingers into Ning Xiaochuan's placket.

She rubbed her body against Ning Xiaochuan's body to ease the needs of her body, her lips opened slightly, and she screamed. Moan.

The venom awakened!

She has always been relying on the "golden needle to seal her heart" to suppress the beast poison in her body. When the gold needle was forced out by Ning Xiaochuan, the beast poison in her body became extremely fierce, and she began to madly fight back.

Ning Xiaochuan grabbed her arm and slapped her heart, and a reddish vitality came out of her palm.


The magic sword in Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into a suction, and a trace of beast poison was extracted from Mrs. Yinchi's body and flowed into him.

However, the veterinary poison in Mrs. Yinchi's body was really terrible, and almost completely blended with her body and could not be peeled off at all. Ning Xiaochuan could only help her share the toxins, and could not completely absorb the beast poison in her body. Otherwise, when the beast poison was cleaned up, Madam Yinchi would have disappeared.

After half an hour, Mrs. Yinchi gradually returned to peace, relying on her own cultivation to be able to temporarily suppress this wave of animal poisoning.

Ning Xiaochuan retracted his palm, forced the beast venom into his heart, and used the yin and yang flames in Yangxin Zhending to refine the toxins. "Are you better?"

"Huh!" Mrs. Yinchi nodded slightly, snuggling into Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

Both calmed down and sat by the bath.

Mrs. Yinchi lay in Ning Xiaochuan's arms, pillowed on his chest, and slept slowly and quietly, feeling unprecedented stability and happiness, and a slight arc of a curvaceous corner of her mouth did not know that her dream had happened What a wonderful thing?

Ning Xiaochuan was very uncomfortable, holding a peerless stunner in his arms, the blood in his body was boiling, but he could only sit still, and did nothing else.

He didn't want to disturb her good dreams. Maybe she hadn't slept so much in a long time, and hadn't dreamed in a long time!

Just go quiet and peaceful like this, just hope that the sky will never light up!

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