Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 424: Little Red Returns

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Ning Xiaochuan said: "Now that she has agreed to your request, don't hurry up. Now, let's break the bag of the heavenly machine!"

"A broken bag!" Tiandi Blade sneered.

Ning Xiaochuan joined forces with His Holiness the Void Emperor to motivate the eight-matrix formations in the first field of Heavenly Emperor Blade. The light of the Tiandi Blade skyrocketed to more than one hundred meters and turned into a huge blade shape.

An emperor's virtual shadow rushed out from the back of Ning Xiaochuan, carrying a divine dignity.


Daoguang hacked down!


The heavenly cloth bag that was carried on the back by Wan Yinxian was instantly torn up, turned into pieces of rag, and flew out like butterflies.

Ning Xiaochuan and Sovereign Lingxu turned into two streamers and flew out of them, swiftly and rapidly.

Wan Yin Xianxi is still fighting with Daomen Jiuzi, and she did not expect that the bag of the heavenly machine would be opened. After she hesitated for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan and the Emperor Lingxu had fled hundreds of meters away.

"Give me back!"

Empress Wanyin was very angry. How could the captives who had already arrived let them escape?

She made a big handprint, gathered the heavens and the earth, and broke through the Jiu Gong Sword Formation of Jiu Zi of Dao Men, like a Wuzhi Mountain rushing to the top of Ning Xiaochuan!

You know, this is the true deity of Wanyin Cassiopeia.

Even if it is just a handprint made at random, the power is extremely horrible and can flatten a mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't avoid it at all, because he was locked in by the breath of Wanyin Cassiopeia.

Can only be hardwired.

He yelled, "The burning sun burns the sky!"

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the vitality of the martial arts in the whole body, and the eyebrows condensed an extremely bright light, just like a magic lamp flashing in the eyebrows.

White bone beads flew out of his brows.

Suddenly the sky was full of flames, just like a meteorite wrapped in flames, bombarding the fingerprints of the Queen of Sounds.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan wrapped in the handprints of Empress Wan Yin, Dai Lingmei wrinkled slightly, hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped.

She stood in the void, sacrificed the Heavenly Emperor Bell, flew out, and hit the huge handprint.

"The grace of dripping water should be reported to Yongquan; others respect me, and I respect him."

This is the cultivation principle of the Supreme Master Xu. Ning Xiaochuan did help her just now. Since Ning Xiaochuan is in a difficult situation at this moment, she can't stand idly by.



The strength of the two people, He Ning Xiaochuan and the Emperor Lingxu, barely tore apart the handprints of the queen of Yin Yin!

"Thank you!"

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the Emperor Lingxu and turned into a colorful streamer flying towards the sky.

"Thank you Mao! As an apprentice to help the master against enemies, this is the right thing to do. Ning Xiaochuan, don't lose your momentum. You are now her elders, and the elders must look like their elders and ask her to kneel. Down, she can't stand; tell her to lie down, she can't sit; tell her to take off her pants, she can't just undress. We will overwhelm her in momentum, and then psychologically conquer her, In the end, she was destroyed directly with her body. "Tiandi Blade Xie laughed.

"Ogawa, Lingxu, you leave here first, and we will naturally deal with her." Haimingzi said.

Daomen Jiuzi stood in the Jiugong Sword Formation, turning his body into a sword. There are a total of nine swords. The sword and the human are integrated into one.

They continued to attack Queen Wanyin, making her flawless and hunting down Ning Xiaochuan and Lingxu.

The Jiugong Sword Formation arranged by Dao Men Jiu Zi is indeed powerful, enclosing dozens of miles in the array. Sword Qi, forming a huge global, wrapped Wan Yin Xianxi in the center, hundreds of sword gas attacks will be issued in an instant.

If Ning Xiaochuan was placed in the sword array, I'm afraid he would be killed in a flash.

"Want to escape! How easy?"

Ning Xiaochuan and the Emperor Lingxu walked away in two directions, but the Empress of Wanyin condensed two minds and pursued them.

The Empress of Wanyin previously could only condense a mind. However, now she has condensed two at the same time, indicating that she really has two ideas in her body.

Queen Wanyin was taken away by her!

The soul of the queen of all sounds, although no longer. However, martial arts thoughts are not extinguished and have been controlled by Nie Lanxin.

Ning Xiaochuan unfolded the wings of the rage, with thunder and lightning on the wings. After flying, the sky was chopped with electric light.

The idea body of Empress Wanyin chased behind Ning Xiaochuan, and Shen said, "Ning Xiaochuan, who is the enemy of this, do you still want to escape?"

"Nie Lanxin, when are you going to pretend?" Ning Xiaochuan sneered.

There was a hint of wonder between Wanyin's eyebrows, and her face had a stronger intention to kill. With a wave of her arm, a big handprint condensed, and she suppressed it towards Ning Xiaochuan.

This handprint is formed by the condensed clouds in the sky, which can clearly see her palm prints, more than thirty meters long, and each finger is like a pillar.

"Destroy the Soul!"

There was a huge shadow of a demon behind Ning Xiaochuan, holding the magic sword in both hands, and flew towards the sky. A sword pierced the large handprint made by the fairy Wanyin, and flew out from the back of the hand.

After breaking the palm print, Ning Xiaochuan fell above the clouds.


Ning Xiaochuan shot the flag of 333 formations, suspended in the void, forming an array of eight winds, and trapped the queen of all sounds in the center of the formation.

Fish stings, two-headed stone beasts, and black-haired ghost bats rushed out of the mysterious beast book, each defending an array and attacking Wanyin queen at the same time.

The queen of Wanyin's idea is very powerful. With Ning Xiaochuan's current martial arts as her opponent, she can only use the power of the Eight Winds God array to restrain her.

Empress Wan Yin, no, exactly, Nie Lanxin.

She is standing in the middle of the formation, without any emotional fluctuations on her face, and said lightly: "Ning Xiaochuan, although your formation is brilliant, but the formation is not complete. You must think that it can trap me. ? "

"Nie Lanxin, I have no resentment against you. On the contrary, I have saved you. Why do you have to be aggressive?" Ning Xiaochuan stood above the platform, holding a blood-red magic sword, his face was quite cold.

Sometimes, you don't want to kill her, but she wants to kill you.

As a normal man, if you hate women, you will always fail.

Nie Lanxin was silent for a moment and laughed, "I'm afraid the grievances between us are not just as simple as salvation and being rescued. Honestly, you are indeed a talent. If you promise to surrender to me, at the same time, from now on, If there is any other attempt to my sister, I can't kill you. "

"Subordinate to you? It depends on whether you have that ability!"

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the strength of martial arts in his body, rushed into the sword body of the magic sword along the arm, and the brilliance of the sword rose sharply, and ancient inscriptions on the world appeared.

"Don't be delusional with me. I have many ways to deal with you."

After Nie Lanxin had enough powerful power, he no longer needed to bear it anymore, and could rely on his own strength to solve all the enemies.

With the mobilization of Ning Xiaochuan, the speed of the eight-wind sacrifice array became faster and faster, and there were three hundred and thirty-three huge suspended flints in the formation, attacking Nie Lanxin at the same time.


How powerful Nie Lanxin is, but with a wave of his sleeves, all flints are broken into pieces.

She accurately found the four flaws of the Eight Winds, and pointed her finger at one of the flaws, and spit out a word in the rosy lips: "Break!"


More than two dozen flags were blown up.

Too strong!

The Eight Winds stunned her.

The power of Nie Lanxin's consciousness is comparable to that of the ninth-ranked warrior. Even the Eight Winds of God array can only block her for a moment. Once she rushes out of the formation, Ning Xiaochuan simply No chance.


She nodded again, dozens of flags were blasted out, and the Eight Winds God array was broken by her.

"Otherwise ... you'll follow her! After all, a couple of days a day, I can see that she doesn't really want to kill you, but just wants to force you to submit to her." Tiandi Blade advised: "This woman's possessiveness is very strong, so you pretend to surrender to her. When your martial arts practice exceeds her in the future, then slowly pack her up. The ancients said it well: the man does not eat the immediate loss, the big husband can bend and stretch!"

"If you can fight, why should you give in?"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were firm, he would never flinch, and he ignored the words of Tiandi Blade directly.

He took out the bronze ancient lamp, and ninety-nine flame dragons flew out of the lamp, and at the same time he rushed towards Nie Lanxin in the formation.

The ninety-nine flame dragons came together and turned into a great three-legged firebird, stretching out a kind of flaming flame claws tearing at her.


Nie Lanxin's power was more powerful, but the three-legged Firebird was torn apart by her.

Her body rushed straight up, just like Bai Hong Guanri, hitting Ning Xiaochuan's chest with one palm!

It's over!

If hit by her palm, even the Bronze Man will become a waste.


A dragon chant sounded!

A red brilliance flew from the clouds and wrapped Ning Xiaochuan's body!

In the time of the electric light flint, a layer of scarlet dragon scale armor was covered on Ning Xiaochuan's body, all covered with scales, burning flames, and there was an extra sword in his hand that exuded dragon air.


A huge dragon head protruded from the back of Ning Xiaochuan, staring at the dragon's eyes and making a deafening roar to Nie Lanxin.

Ning Xiaochuan held the battle sword in both hands, chopped it down, and resisted Nie Lanxin's palm.

"Shenlong cub!"

Nie Lanxin stared at the changes in Ning Xiaochuan's body. When the slender and delicate body flickered, she retreated back to ten feet away, and did not immediately begin. Her eyes were looking into the clouds to the northwest, what had she found?

In the clouds of the northwest wind, a Qipin White Crane Beast flies!

Yu Ningsheng and Xiao Linger both sat on the back of Baihe, flowing dust, like a white spirit lotus standing in the void. Her eyes were looking far away from Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanxin!

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