Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 428: Earth Heart Bead

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This ball is suspended in the center of the martial arts palace. It is crystal-like and emits light. It is like a bright sun to illuminate the sea of ​​qi. If you look closely, you will find that there are nine paths on the surface of the ball. The thin line was spinning fast.

Obviously, the nine thin lines are transformed from the previous nine vortexes and are attached to the surface of the sphere.

The ball is spinning fast.

It can make one rotation every second.

As it rotates, it naturally drives the heaven and earth mystery around Ning Xiaochuan's body, absorbing the heaven and earth mystery into the martial arts heart.

This made Ning Xiaochuan think of a natural phenomenon in the universe-planet rotation!

The mass of the planet is huge, and it can naturally absorb other matter and transform it into its own matter, thus making itself more and more huge.

The transparent ball in the heart of Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts palace is like a star spinning, absorbing the surrounding heaven and earth mystery all the time.

In other words, Ning Xiaochuan ’s martial arts are increasing all the time, and the rate of absorbing mysterious energy has reached 256 times!

This is the realm of the ninth layer of "Sky and Earth".

The speed of absorbing Xuanqi seems to be only twice as fast as before, but Ning Xiaochuan's practice speed is several times faster than before.

In the past, only when Ning Xiaochuan operated the exercises could he absorb outside mystery and transform it into his own strength. But now it's different. He doesn't need to practice deliberately at all. Xuanqi will automatically drill into his body. Whether fighting with people, eating or sleeping, cultivation is improving rapidly.

"This should be the" Earth Heart Bead "recorded in" Sky and Earth Xuan Qi ". Only when you practice to the ninth level can you condense the" Earth Heart Bead ". The power of the" Earth Heart Bead "can urge the warrior to absorb Xuan The speed of gas reaches 256 times. "

"Oh my god! Two hundred and fifty-six times!" Ning Xiaochuan himself felt quite incredible. To know that the first amazing work of the Yulan Empire, "The Dragon Tactics", had been practiced to the speed of Mahayana's absorption of mystery, it also reached 100. Eight times.

Neither King Jinpeng nor Emperor Yulan practiced "Balongjue" to Mahayana.

"If you can increase the rotation speed of the‘ earth bead ’ten times, reaching ten revolutions per second, you can build the tenth layer of the Heaven and Earth Xuan Qi, and the speed of absorbing Xuan Qi will reach 512 times.”

"With the difficulty of the practice of" Tian Di Xuan Qi ", without ten years of hard work, it is almost impossible to practice to the tenth level. However, the speed of the ninth level of" Tian Di Xuan Qi "is already quite considerable. Absolutely more than everyone in the Yulan Empire. "

Now that he has cultivated to the ninth level of "Sky and Earth", Ning Xiaochuan no longer has to worry about the speed of cultivation, and can continue to practice figurative magic with confidence.

Figurative magic is also very important, it can increase the combat effectiveness of warriors, and even kill people across several realms.

"The magical skill of" 10,000 swords and rain "is now melting three swords. If four swords and five swords are smelted, will the power become stronger?"

Ning Xiaochuan took out a giant sword more than 20 meters long!

This huge sword is Cui Tao's sword. If you buy it, it will be worth more than three cities.

After Cui Tao's death, this sword fell into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, which was regarded as a rich trophy obtained by Ning Xiaochuan.

"I'll make it!"

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth, banged, and directly inserted the giant sword into his chest. A pain in the heart rushed to the brain, which almost made Ning Xiaochuan faint in pain.

However, Ning Xiaochuan tried to keep himself awake, controlled the strength of martial arts in the body, contracted the muscles at the wound, and tried not to let blood flow out of the wound.

You know, Ning Xiaochuan is now the fifth-ranked Wu Zun in the state of dignity. Every time the blood is extremely precious, comparable to a mysterious strain.

If you lose a drop of blood, you only need to take a high-level mysterious medicine to make up for it.

Ning Xiaochuan began to control the magical skill of "10,000 swords and rain", and used the power of magical powers to smelt the eight-level sword.

It took three days for Ning Xiaochuan to refine this eight-pin Xuanqi-level war sword into the body, blending with the magical skill of "10,000 swords and rain".

Supernatural powers are like tricks to warriors.

The more powerful the magical power, the more powerful the power that erupts.

"come out!"

Ning Xiaochuan gave a loud shout, the whole suspended mountain was thundering and thundering, the rain was pouring, the rain wrapped his body, and his long hair and clothes were wet.

His chest radiated light, and immediately flew out four war swords, automatically arranged into a simple sword array!

That eight-pin Xuanqi-level giant sword flies in the center, and the other three-hand seven-pin Xuanqi-level battle swords follow behind it, spinning and flying, showing the tendency of horns.

The four-handed swords complement each other, and their strengths are superimposed on each other, and they have become stronger than before.

The power of a sword with a grade of eight grades is more powerful than that of a sword with a grade of three grades and seven grades. It can be said that Ning Xiaochuan's magical power is more than double.

"Now there are only four-handed swords. If you can melt 10,000-handed swords into your body and turn into a sword array. How horrible is the power displayed?" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was agitated, and he thought secretly with a wave of his hand. Then they played tens of thousands of magical swords, absolutely killing God when encountering God, killing Buddha when encountering Buddha.

Even in the face of thousands of troops, I am afraid that they will be completely killed by Wan Jian.

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "Heaven Emperor Blade, have you followed Emperor Heaven for many years. Have you seen anyone melt thousands of warriors in a magical power?"

"No! However, it is rumored that, in ancient times, an ancient ancestor smelted 360 swords in the body and cultivated into a peerless supernatural power. Once the supernatural power is exerted, it can fight against the sub-God." Tiandi replied.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed and he said, "If I can melt the Nine-Handed Sword into the body and burst out of power, I am already able to compete with Wanyin Xianxi. However, with my current cultivation, at most only It can melt the five-handed sword into the body, and if more, it will break the body. "

Ning Xiaochuan practiced for another three years on the suspended mountain. The cultivation still stayed at the fifth place of the land respect, but did not break through to the sixth place of the land respect.

However, it is already a huge gain to be able to cultivate the "sky and earth mystery" to the ninth level. To break through to the sixth level of the state of enshrinement, you only need to have an opportunity to break through the bottleneck of the realm at any time.

"Now even if I meet Nie Lanxin's consciousness, there is still a battle!"

After Nie Lanxin gave up the Wanyin fairy, he has become a strong person who realizes the "ladder of the sky", even if only a conscious body can respect the ninth-level Wu Zun. Characters of this level can walk side by side in the Yulan Empire, let alone Ning Xiaochuan, even the Emperor Yulan dare not easily provoke him.

Encountering such a big enemy, Ning Xiaochuan's pressure was not ordinary.

Ten days have passed. Ning Xiaochuan left the suspended mountain and went to Jiu Cai Shen Lake to reunite with the Dark King and Yu Ningsheng.

The Emperor Lingxu has left Jiucai Shenhu, and it is clear that she has cultivated the Wuhun Seal, breaking through to the seventh place of the earthen state, and I do not know where she went?

"Tiangong" is Tiandi's cultivation dojo. The world inside is quite vast. Ning Xiaochuan has only been to the tip of the iceberg in Tiangong. After the breakthrough of the Emperor Lingxu ’s cultivation, he has gone to other dense places in Tiangong to find cultivation opportunities.

Although it has only been the past ten days, the martial arts practice of the Dark King has entered a higher level, and the body has a feeling of being a queen of thousands of sounds, which makes people completely invisible.

That's the breath of a warrior who realizes the "ladder".

Yu Ningsheng's martial arts practice has made great progress, breaking through three realms in a row to reach the sixth place of respect for the land.

She was able to cultivate to the sixth level of the dignity, which was completely expected by Ning Xiaochuan.

If Ning Xiaochuan did not spend most of his time on the ninth floor of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi", in fact, he also had the opportunity to reach the sixth level of the land respect.

However, even if she reached the sixth place of the dignity, she would definitely not be Ning Xiaochuan's opponent.

Ning Xiaochuan's current martial arts practice is that even if he encounters the ninth-ranked martial artist, he can fight for several rounds, even if he cannot win, but he still has a certain degree of confidence to escape.

"The nine-colored magical water in the lake is a treasure. Each drop is equivalent to a sublime basalt, which is very helpful for cultivation. It can only be encountered in the dojo left by the emperor, and other more advanced civilizations. It may not be possible to find such a fetish. We all collect more and keep using it slowly. "Ning Xiaochuan said.

Anyway, the spiritual lord is absent, no collection, no collection.

Both Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng took out containers to collect Jiu Cai Shenshui. This kind of opportunity is impossible to find and may not be encountered in the future.

Even the Dark King was so enthusiastic about Jiu Cai Shen Shui that he took out a red gourd and took away more than 80 square Jiu Xuan waters. He did not stop until the red gourd was full.

"Now, let's go out!"

Ning Xiaochuan also took away a lot of nine-colored mysterious water, took out the tower-shaped mystery again, and the light flashed, and the Dark King and Jade Ningsheng were taken in, and he left the Emperor's Palace of Heaven.

The situation in the imperial city is changing, and ten days is enough time for many things to happen.

After Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the Tianmen, the Dark King and Yu Ningsheng left. They could not stay in the imperial city. Once they were discovered by the princes of the Central Government, the consequences were unthinkable.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately returned to Jiangehou House.

"Not right!"

Ning Xiaochuan came to the outside of Jiangehou Mansion and noticed a dangerous atmosphere in the house, smelling a familiar taste.

The breath of Nie Lan's heart.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that Nie Lanxin would come to Jiange Hou Mansion. After possessing the martial arts practice of the Empress Dowager Wanyin, she had no regrets, and she could repress all those who dare to oppose her.

"Daomen Jiuzi did not suppress her. She came to Jiangehou Mansion. This is a big trouble." Ning Xiaochuan's heart sank to the bottom. With her cruel character, would Ning Xin'er and Laohou Ye have already suffered? Got her poisonous hand?

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