Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 434: Talent and Constitution

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"Yes! That's right. I did stay alone with Mrs. Yinchi for one night, but ..." Ning Xiaochuan seemed calm and did not intend to hide.

But before he finished speaking, another arrow shot down!

"Asshole, scum, like a young man. Lou Mei's son is nothing. Even a woman with a bad reputation like Mrs. Yinchi also likes it. Are women better than them dead?"

Ning Xiaochuan caught the arrow again and dropped it on the ground. He said, "You watermelon, don't be entangled. It has nothing to do with love. Open the gate and I will return to Houfu."

"I'm stubborn? Okay! Very good!"

Yu Qianqian pinched her fingers fiercely, feeling like she was pinching Ning Xiaochuan's neck, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, then you can stay outside the city gate for a lifetime! Huh!"

Yu Qianqian was really enraged. There are so many good women in the world, Houmen Qianjin, Wangfu County Lord, and Princess Gongzhong. As long as he wants to marry, absolutely many people want to marry him. But he's better. He actually likes Yu Ningsheng and Mrs. Yinchi!

"It's so annoying!" Yu Qianxi stepped down the city wall and stomped hard.

"Her Royal Highness, don't you really open the gate for Xiao Houye? What if the Demon Army advances to the city in advance?" A general who guarded the gate bowed to Yu Qianxi.

"What to do? What to do? It's all he deserves. It's a good thing to let him suffer." Yu Qianqian calmed down gradually, her eyes lighted with wisdom: "Wait a minute. You can tell him, as long as He promised to be rehabilitated, and would no longer be affiliated with such ill-known women as Mrs. Yinchi and Yu Ningsheng, and the lord of the county gave him a chance to let him enter the city. "

"But the martial arts practice of Xiao Houye, if he wants to break through, we can't stop it!" That general said.

Yu Qianqian said: "Okay! If you can't stop him, then all heads fall to the ground."

The general stunned and said quickly: "Yes! His subordinates will tell Xiaohouye."

That general returned to the top of the city gate, secretly grieving, on the one hand, the sissy county lord, and on the other, the little prince, who would offend anyone if he offended anyone. What a crime!

He respectfully said to Ning Xiaochuan: "Little Houye, Your Highness said that as long as you don't deal with Yu Ningsheng and Mrs. Yinchi, you will immediately open the city gate."

"Yu Qianqian really thought that a gate could stop me?" Ning Xiaochuan said with interest.

The general and the soldiers around him were immediately scared to kneel on the ground and begged: "Don't! Lord Hou, once you cross the city gate, we can land on our heads."

A sergeant next to him said, "We all have old men and young men, and once we die, what can they do?"

"I beg Lord Hou to look at the face of the 80-year-old mother at home and give us a way to live!"


Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, and said, "Let's get up! How can you guard the imperial city now? Go back and tell the Qianxi County Lord, and say that I have a Diwudan here, as long as she opens the gate. And I gave her Diwudan. "

"Diwudan!" Hearing the name of the elixir, the general's body shook slightly.

Diwu Dan, but senior Dan, even Wu Zun will fight to **** the treasure.

The general rushed down the city wall and quickly smashed the news to Yu Qianqian.


Yu Qianqian was still very emotional, but said deliberately annoyed: "This guy is becoming more and more dishonest, and he knows that she can use the elixir to cheat girls. I must have given it to Yu Ningsheng and Mrs. Yinchi. Don't need his panacea, let him wait outside! How long can the county owner see him?

Ning Xiaochuan knew that Yu Qianqian was just a little girl's temper, but she wasn't really angry with her. She believed that she would obediently open the city gate if it didn't persist in the dark.

Even if she does not open the gate, I am afraid that King Jinpeng will order to open the gate.

After all, with Ning Xiaochuan's current martial arts practice, he has reached a point where King Jinpeng has to pay attention, and no one wants to really offend Jiangehoufu.

Ning Xiaochuan found a two-meter-square smooth big stone at the gate of the city. He walked up to the stone, sat down and started practicing.

Anyway, Momen's army has not attacked yet, and Ning Xiaochuan is not in a hurry to enter the city.

Before fighting with Nie Lanxin and condensing the magic sword, Ning Xiaochuan's strength in martial arts has now recovered one or two layers, just to take advantage of this opportunity to restore the strength that was consumed.

After the ninth annihilation of the world was born, the magic sword was completely activated, condensing the demon blood sword body, giving birth to a very weak spirit.

The sword body and Ning Xiaochuan are completely integrated.

Ning Xiaochuan condensed the Wuhun into an adult form, transformed it into a light spot, flew into the body, shuttled through the blood, and finally came to the position of the heart.

If this light spot is enlarged ten thousand times, it will be found that it looks exactly like Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the heart of blood and stood under the magic sword, surrounded by a blood-red chaotic space, almost endless, without seeing the end.

The sword body of the magic sword looks extremely huge, like a mountain inserted in the ground. Ning Xiaochuan stands under the sword body, just like a tiny sand dust, and can only look up at it.

There are many blood-like meridians on the magic sword. It seems to have life, wisdom, and emotions.

"Wow!" Guanghua flashed.

The shadow of the year-old Hanyu emerged from the top of the sword, with eyebrows like willows, eyes like a cold pond, long black hair all the way down to the waist, and a horror of magic flowing on his body, just like a **** Of the Queen.

In fact, Han Yu had already transmitted a projection to the magic sword before the age of one year, but the Emperor and Nie Lan were both at the time, afraid to be noticed by the two powerful men.

Therefore, she hid the projection in the magic sword, and it was not revealed until then.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you have cultivated nine ways of extinction, and now you can officially be regarded as the fourth generation of descendants of World Extinction." Sui Hanyu's voice was very cold, extremely cold, and said: "Take your current martial arts cultivation Because I have the initial ability to cross the wild Osawa, I hope to start immediately. "

"Departure? To leave the Yulan Empire?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Sui Hanyu nodded his head and said, "Yes. After all, the Yulan Empire can only be regarded as the primary civilization of the Five-Class Civilization. It has limited cultivation resources and a limited number of talented geniuses. The competition you can encounter is relatively small. Your cultivation is useless. There is only one fish in the pond, and the fish will never know the pressure. If there are many fishes in the pond, this fish will become stronger. "

"You reached the fifth level of respect for the land at the age of twenty. It seems to be quite remarkable in the Yulan Empire. But among the intermediate civilizations, advanced civilizations, and even sixth-grade civilizations in those fifth-grade civilizations, you are now It ’s nothing to do. ”

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly: "But I have now cultivated a talent level that is hard to come by for thousands of years. Shouldn't there be more people in my generation than me?"

"This is the typical rat-eye view, sitting on a well and watching the sky. Do you think you can be invincible to your contemporaries when you reach the talent level of` `Unusual forever? ''

"Achieving the level of talents of 10,000 years will definitely be able to cultivate to the level of the sub-god? If you do not want to make progress, even if you have a level of 10,000 years of rare talents, you cannot reach too high achievements. The pride of many high-level races has reached a talent level that is rare for thousands of years at a young age, but because of the inability to succeed, it finally turned out to be no one at all.

Sui Hanyu continued: "The martial arts cultivation is endless. The talent level that is difficult to encounter for many years can only represent the potential deep in your body. If you cannot continue to cultivate hard, the potential that is inspired will be It will freeze again, and it will be difficult to realize its potential again in the future. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I see! This is like building a ship. The talent level that is hard to come by for ten years represents the" keel "of a ship. The stronger and stronger the" keel "is, the more ships it builds. It is huge, solid, and magnificent. Even if you fly into the universe, you are not afraid that the hull will be broken. However, to build a large ship, the keel is only the foundation. If only the keel is strong and the hull is too fragile, it still cannot withstand the wind and rain. The keel and hull are tough and thick, but the sails are very broken, so they still cannot sail to the other side. "

Sui Hanyu said: "Your understanding is very high, which is probably what it means! Deciding the strength of a warrior is important in every realm of cultivation. In addition, the level of strength depends on five aspects."

"First, martial arts cultivation. This is a decisive factor. If martial arts cultivation is not strong enough, even if you are strong in other aspects, it is useless."

"Second, practice exercises. Before Heaven and Human Realm, your practice exercises only absorbed outside mysteries to strengthen yourself. After reaching Heaven and Human Reality, the exercises will become more important and many wonderful changes will be born. "

"Third, magical martial arts. In martial arts, once some advanced martial arts martial arts are successfully cultivated, they can even cross several small realms to cut and kill enemies. Your destiny magical art 'Wanjianhuayu' has this potential, but now It's too weak. "

"The next level is the talent level. A warrior with a talent level that is rare for 10,000 years is indeed very dominant in the same realm, which is called invincible in the realm."

"Fifth, constitution."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Physique? Isn't 'every year in the future' still not called constitution?"

"A thousand years of misfortune represents a level of talent. And when I say 'physical constitution', I mean an innate constitution. Just like the jade beauty tribe, the black bone giant tribe, they are all senior races, with distinguished blood , At the same level of talent, their fighting power is stronger and their cultivation speed is faster. "

"And the people of the Yulan Empire are all the lowest‘ first people ’, and they are far inferior to those of the higher people in terms of blood lineage.”

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