Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 437: Murderous

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You must know that the Langya stick itself weighs thousands of pounds, plus Lu Heng's arm force, falling gravity, and the inertia generated between the swings. The force on the mace stick is already terrifying.


The mace bombarded the old man's sword, and immediately burst into a large spark.

The old man's arm trembled, his tiger's mouth cracked, and his sword flew out of his hand.


The mace smashed the old man's skull directly, his head broke, and blood kept pouring out, and then he fell to the ground with a bang.


The sergeants were horrified and killed a martial artist who was out of the ordinary with a single stick!

"Everyone goes up and takes down this brute." Yu Qianqian didn't panic and ordered calmly.

At the same time, more than 20 masters in the army drew their swords and rushed towards Lu Heng.

Outside the city gate, sword lights were flashing everywhere, shouting and killing.

Across the moat.

"So many masters in the army besieged Uncle Lu Heng together. Should we support him?" Asked a young disciple of Yiyuanzong.

Cui Yan shook his head gently and smiled: "Why did your uncle Lu Hengxiu's martial arts stand so high? He didn't use his full strength from beginning to end, just playing with them."

A warrior next to him laughed: "Yes! It is the waste of the imperial court that can stop senior Lu Heng. But the woman outside the gate is really beautiful, just like a painting. Sure enough, they all have the appearance of being all over the country. "

At the time when everyone in Yiyuanzong was laughing and laughing, Lu Heng had killed more than 20 army masters. All the dead bodies on the ground were horribly dead. Each of them died terribly and his body was beaten thin. Some heads were smashed in half, some chests made a big hole, and some were torn directly in half.

Yu Qianqian's face also became a bit pale, and the brutal man's combat power was too scary. Perhaps only Ning Xiaochuan's shot could suppress him.

"Ogawa, Ogawa, wake up soon! Wake up soon!" Yu Qianqian used her strength to communicate with Ning Xiaochuan, hoping that Ning Xiaochuan could wake up quickly.

Lu Heng laughed loudly, "Stop the county, don't call it, it's no use calling anyone today, follow me obediently!"


On the city wall, hundreds of dragon tendons bowed to Lu Heng, firing arrows constantly.

Each arrow carries a one-meter-long mystic tail.

Lu Heng raised his head, snorted, and kept waving his arms, swinging the mace like a windmill, and gave Zhen Fei all those arrows.

The arrows shot by the dragon's bow are not weak. Each arrow hits the ground, and it can blast the ground into a large pit.

However, hundreds of dragon bows could not hurt Lu Heng. He approached Yu Qianxi and leaned his arms toward Yu Qianxi's waist, trying to capture Yu Qianxi.

As soon as his arm was stretched out, it seemed as if he was pierced with a needle, making a strange noise and backing like lightning.

However, it was useless for him to retreat. Numerous sword qi gathered in the air, followed him to form a sword qi cage, and wrapped him in the sword qi cage.

Lu Heng's face was embarrassed. The blue tendons in his temples swelled and looked towards Ning Xiaochuan, only to find that the man who had been sitting on the stone had opened his eyes. It was almost as if a king had awakened, and Lu Heng's heart was shaking.

Ning Xiaochuan's finger point out and spit out a word, "Dead!"


Lu Heng's body was instantly shattered by the sword gas in the air, turning into a mist of blood, and he died of a scream without a scream.

The essence of blood in the corpse turned into crimson blood mist, flowed towards Ning Xiaochuan, drilled into Ning Xiaochuan's body, was absorbed by the magic sword, and turned into the nutrition of the magic sword.

After a full day of enlightenment, Ning Xiaochuan has realized the most basic sword meaning of "The Extermination Sword Prison", which is quite a gain. If you change people, even if you give him ten years, it will be difficult to understand the introduction of the "Siege of World Extinction".

Ning Xiaochuan stood up and immediately felt that the speed of the earth bead in the martial arts heart palace was remarkably accelerated, and the martial art vitality in his body rose rapidly.

This is the sixth sign that we are about to break through to the divine realm!

On the other side of the moat, the warriors of the Yuanzong were shocked, staring blankly at the man who stood up from the stone.

Just by moving his fingers, he killed Lu Heng. Who is he? Lu Heng is a disciple of the suzerain.

"He ... he just absorbed the blood of Uncle Lu Heng, absorbed the power of others, and turned it into his own power. Is it ... he was the cruel man in the court who practiced" Bei Ming Shen Gong "?"

"The cruel man in the court ... Ning Xiaochuan!"

"It must be him! Among the younger generation of the imperial court, Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts were the most terrifying. Even Yunzhong Hou died in his hands. He can be called a juvenile supreme."

"He is a well-known murderer! Even the Emperor Yulan didn't look at him, and several Wu Zun of the Demon Gate died in his hands, and it was just as evil, it was just a headache for the court and the Demon Gate. Character. He is at the gate of the city, and it is difficult to break through it! "

Ning Xiaochuan is now known for his reputation, whether among the offspring of the court kings, or among the disciples of various ancestors, he is called a murderer.

The warriors of the Yiyuanzong were very taboo about the name "Ning Xiaochuan", and no one wanted to be an enemy with him.

Yu Qianqian saw Ning Xiaochuan wake up, and her eyes suddenly turned red. She walked over and waved her fist in Ning Xiaochuan's chest. "If you have the ability, you can practice for a lifetime! Why do you wake up? Why not die yourself?"

Although she was beating Ning Xiaochuan, she did not have much strength on her fist. She could not hurt Ning Xiaochuan at all, but she seemed to be coquettish.

Ning Xiaochuan allowed her to slap and laughed: "If I die, there will definitely be many girls who will be sad. His Highness Lord may shed tears for me. After the pain, I will follow him!"

"The lord of the county won't show love for you," Yu Qianxi said.

"I didn't say you again."

"Apart from me, who can see you?"

"There are so many lords in the imperial city. There must be many people secretly in love with me. Even if some of them love me, it is not impossible." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Ning Xiaochuan, how did you become so slick, it must be that Yuqing's guy has broken you, right, it is Mrs. Yinchi, she must have broken you!" Yu Qianxi concluded.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that Yu Qianqian must have been frightened, so she deliberately joked with her and wanted to make her happy. However, his tongue ran too fast, and he said something wrong, and suddenly Yu Qianqian's eyebrows were crooked.

It seems that I really don't make girls happy!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The drums of war sounded.

On the other side of the moat, Cui Yan sat on the back of a top five mysterious beast and led hundreds of mysterious beast knights towards the gate.

Hundreds of mysterious beasts uttered a scream at the same time, and many of them were sore that the weaker warrior's head hurt.

"Ning Xiaochuan and our Yuanyuan Zong have no common hatred, either he died or we died. While he couldn't return to the Imperial City, we killed him!" Cui Yan yelled, with a look in his eyes Strong hatred.

Although those warriors were reluctant to fight against Ning Xiaochuan, they could not disobey Cui Yan's order, and could only bravely attack Ning Xiaochuan.

"Even if Ning Xiaochuan is strong, after all, he is only one person. If we can kill him together, the people who kill him will be famous."

More warriors joined in, rushing towards the gates of the imperial city.

Dozens of pieces of mystery flew out of the warrior group, and a dazzling Guanghua broke out, launching an attack on Ning Xiaochuan.

Staring at the Yuan Zongwu who rushed over, Ning Xiaochuan's mouth showed a cold smile: "I just use your blood to help me break through the sixth place of respect."

Ning Xiaochuan's physique is far beyond that of ordinary warriors. To break through the realm, he needs a lot of blood and resources.

Just now, he absorbed Lu Heng's blood, and he just increased the strength in his body, which is far enough to break through the sixth respect!

"Wait here!" Ning Xiaochuan patted Yu Qianxi's shoulder gently, and smiled brightly.

Even in the face of thousands of troops, Ning Xiaochuan's brows did not frown, but he was very pleased that the blood in the body was running at a rapid speed, and the stream of light was killed.


Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the power of the extinct sword prison, hundreds of thousands of swords rushed out, and shattered dozens of warriors into thick blood to destroy them.

The blood gas condensed and did not dissipate, but turned into a plume of blood, swirling around Ning Xiaochuan's body, and then poured into his body.

Although Ning Xiaochuan only realized the sword meaning of "The Extermination of the Sword Prison", he still gave this skill of skill very skillfully.

He not only used the blood of the enemy forces to attack the realm, but also used them to practice swords.

Ning Xiaochuan was standing on the surface of the moat, killing the Quartet. Even if a mysterious beast rushed over and a mystery smashed down, he would be crushed by the impenetrable sword gas and turned into a strand of essence and absorbed by him .

Standing on the wall and looking past the moat, you can see a shocking picture, with Ning Xiaochuan's body as the center, forming a huge sword air barrier, relying on his own strength, even blocked the Yuan Sect. Army.

The court sergeants were dumbfounded. Is this something that humans can do? They were all ready to fight, and tens of thousands of crossbow were in place, ready to fight with the rebels of the Yuanzong. However, the rebels of the Yuanzong were actually blocked by Ning Xiaochuan alone, with countless deaths and injuries, almost like being slaughtered.

In just half an hour, the warriors of the Yuanzong war killed thousands of people, the moat was dyed red, and corpses were everywhere.

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