Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 443: Holy Great Heart Trainer

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In order to help Ning Xiaochuan repel the raccoon ancestor, Da Jinpeng took the wounded body to participate in heaven and earth's discourse, which can be said to be unpredictable.

The transfer of the imperial order to Jindu Shizi can also be regarded as compensation to Da Jinpeng's palace.

Moreover, if Jindu Shizi is strong enough, it is also a protection for Yu Qianqian.

After resigning from Yuqing, Ning Xiaochuan went to Da Jinpeng's palace and planned to visit Jindu Shizi.

When Ning Xiaochuan came to Dajinpeng Palace, Jindu Shizi was not in the palace, and he had already taken troops outside the city to meet the enemy. However, Ning Xiaochuan met with Princess Ximu, Yu Qianqian and Guo Shidao.

"The younger generation met the princess and the lord of the palace." Ning Xiaochuan stood in the middle of the lobby, holding his hands, bowed slightly, and worshiped Princess Ximu and Shidao separately.

Although Dajinpeng Palace is still splendid and full of prosperity, Ning Xiaochuan can see that the faces of Princess Ximu and Yu Qianqian are a little worried.

Guo Shidao seemed very calm. Sitting on the sandalwood purple wood chair, he carefully looked at Ning Xiaochuan, gently rubbed his white beard, and smiled, "Xiaochuan, you have smelted Zhending and become a senior mind trainer. Anymore? "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart is not surprised. After all, Guo Daodao is a big mind-raising master. He can see that his state of mind-raising is very normal. He calmly said: "Return to the Lord of the Temple, the disciples have indeed become senior spiritual trainers."

Although Guo Shidao had long felt the breath of Ning Xiaochuan's heart-building spirit, he heard Ning Xiaochuan himself admit that he still moved slightly, nodded, and said, "Great! It's worthy of being in the" seven tricks " Genius is too dominant in the cultivation of the mind trainer. When he was only in his early twenties, he became a senior mind trainer. His future achievements are unlimited and will definitely surpass me. "

"The master of the palace is a great mind-raising master. It is difficult for younger generations to surpass the heavens." Ning Xiaochuan said humblely.

"Don't be arrogant, I was only a junior mind trainer at your age."

Guo Shidao was very optimistic about Ning Xiaochuan. He took a one-foot-long piece of black animal skin from the Qiankun cloth bag around his waist, and carefully handed it to Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan must keep it safe.

"Dear Lord, this is ..."

Ning Xiaochuan held the black animal skin, feeling quite heavy, not ordinary black animal skin, at least all the skins of the seven-pin black animal, if carefully preserved, even if stored for a thousand years, it will not be damaged.

The back of the animal skin is engraved with many small texts, which are all painted with the power of the mind. Only the mind can see the text above, and only a blank space can be seen with the naked eye. Hundreds of words were etched on the skin of the animal, in a small area the size of a fingernail. The text on the entire mysterious animal skin adds up to hundreds of thousands of words. Some texts are circled, others are crossed out.

Obviously every word on the black skin is carefully portrayed.

There was a faint smile on Master Shidao's face, saying: "This is some of my experience from a high-level psychologist to a big psychologist. I believe it will help you."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the text on the skin of the mysterious animal, and immediately became excited, wrapped the animal skin, carefully stored it in the Qiankun cloth bag, and thanked Master Shi continuously.

The text recorded on this animal skin is simply an experience manual for Guo Shidao's cultivation of a large mind-raising master. Other mind-raising masters cannot have such an opportunity even if they practice for a lifetime.

Ning Xiaochuan is indeed having a bottleneck in the cultivation of the mind trainer. There is a blank space in front of me. I don't know how to cultivate to the level of the mind trainer? The cultivation experience of a great spiritual master is more helpful to Ning Xiaochuan than any medicine classics and Danfang.

If it wasn't for the juniors who really valued it, who would pass on his cultivation experience to him?

Yu Qianqian was a little bit upset and said with a flat mouth: "Master, I'm your personal disciple. You didn't pass on your cultivation experience to me, but to an outsider."

Guo Shidao smiled lightly and said, "Qi Qian, you are now an intermediate mind trainer, and there is still a long way to go to become a high-level mind trainer. You ca n’t use this article for the time being. Wait for you to become a high-level mind trainer in the future. After the teacher, the old man believes that Ogawa will surely pass on this experience to you, saying that it may not be the case, and he will personally instruct you how to cultivate to the level of Da Yang Xin Master. "

"Master ... I don't want him to point ..." Yu Qianxi said a little bit shyly.

Guo Shidao and Princess Xi Mu both laughed.

Naturally, Ning Xiaochuan knew that Master Tao had something different to say, so he calmly said, "When Xixian County master trains to the level of a high-level psychologist, the younger generation must pass on this experience to her."

"Actually, there was always a question in the minds of the younger generation who wanted to consult the owner of the palace." Ning Xiaochuan suddenly looked right.

"Oh! What's the question?" Master Shidao also became serious.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The junior met an old woman under the Devil Mountain in the depths of the Huo Mo Mountain. She is also a great spiritual master. She seems to know the master of the temple. I wonder if the master knows the identity of the old woman?

Yu Qianqian naturally knew the ugly mother-in-law, so she stared at Guo Shidao with a look of doubt.

"Momo Mountain, Devil Mountain, Laoyu, Da Yangxin Master ..." Guo Shidao's mouth lightly read, revealing the look of memories. After a while, his eyes showed a spirit, and he suddenly stood up, saying "Have you ever seen that old lady?"

Yu Qianqian was also startled, and never had Shi Tao Guo so morbid, saying, "Master, what is the origin of that ugly mother-in-law?"

Guo Shidao's face was full of astonishment, and he realized that he was dysfunctional. He slowly sat back and calmed down, saying, "More than 150 years ago, I was only a teenager in my teens. Becoming a mind trainer, I just want to go to the edge of the Fire Demon Mountain and dig for mysterious medicine to exchange some food. But, once, I lost my way in the Fire Devil Mountains, went through an underground cave, and accidentally broke into the Fire Demon In the depths of the mountains, there was an old man. "

"The old man saw that I had the qualifications to become a mind trainer, so he passed me a medicine classic, and then sent me away, so that I would not be able to go deeper into Huo Mo Shan in the future."

"I relied on the medicine classics passed to me by the old man, and set foot on the path of mind-training. After spending a hundred years, I finally practiced to the level of mind-training. After I became stronger and stronger, I gradually understood the fire. What is Magic Mountain? Later, I went to the depths of Huo Mo Shan many times and wanted to find a teacher. But every time I returned without success. "

"I thought at the time, after all, the teacher was very old when he preached the medicine classics, and it is estimated that he is no longer alive. Therefore, he gave up and continued to look for, and concentrated on the research of Danli Yaodao. Later, after being invited by Wang Ye, he became The house owner of the Jinpeng Yangxin Hall. "

Guo Shidao said, but his heart was constantly feeling, and he never thought that he could get the news of that senior one hundred years later.

Although the predecessor had only one side with him, and he never said that he would be accepted as an apprentice, he already regarded the predecessor as his own teacher.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Qianqian were stunned!

You must know that Shidao Guo's age is close to 170, and he has seen the ugly mother-in-law when he was young. At that time, the ugly mother-in-law was so old, so how old is the ugly mother-in-law?

Guo Shidao lamented: "Everyone in the world says that the most powerful mind-giving teacher in the Yulan Empire is Guo. In fact, Guo is even less than 1% of his teacher! The teacher is the greatest mind-grooming teacher in the Yulan Empire. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "In fact, the ugly mother-in-law is just a big educator, and the master of the palace is now no worse than the ugly mother-in-law."

Guo Shidao shook his head and said, "The same are all great mind-raising masters, but the gap between them is one in the sky and one in the ground. One hundred and fifty years ago, the teacher has begun to study the medicine of rebirth and has made breakthroughs. The progress of that is an area that can only be touched by the holy spiritual master. I have practiced for more than 150 years, and I have only reached the level of the "source-level grand spiritual master" at the first level of the great spiritual master. . "

"The gap between the two is really too big. Even if it gives me another 500 years, it won't be possible to reach the level of a holy spiritual master. In fact, I will never live for less than 500 years. Realm, my life is less than thirty years. "

Guo Shidao asked again immediately: "Oh, teacher, did she refine the medicine to recover the dead?"

Ning Xiaochuan thought for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said, "No, but it should be fast!"

Every time the medicine made by the ugly mother-in-law is almost alive from death. Therefore, the deceased can only be made a corpse slave.

However, even this method has been very shocking to the world, and it is not far from the real resurrection.

Guo Shidao said, "Xiaochuan, do you know what it means to regenerate medicine?"

The means of resurrection is simply the means of the gods. It is an act against the sky. It has changed the law of life and death, destroyed natural rules, and it is estimated that it will not be tolerated by heaven and earth.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at it and said, "If you can regenerate the rebirth medicine, you should completely go beyond the scope of the great mind-raiser."

Teacher Guo nodded his head and said, "Yes. The cultivators who can regenerate the dead medicine are all called 'shennong', that is the highest honor of the psychologist. However, that realm is too far away from us. As long as you can become a big mind trainer, even if you just wait for the first big mind trainer, it will be a great thing to go to any civilization, you will be respected by everyone. "

"Ogawa, I may only be able to stay at the level of a source-level big minder in my life, but you and Qian Qian are both very talented, and my future achievements will definitely surpass me. If so, some of you will be in the future. To be a holy spiritual master like a mentor is what pleases me most. "

Yu Qianqian murmured her lips and said, "Sacred-level great mind-raiser, that is a legendary existence. I have only seen words in ancient books. It is simply unattainable. It took us a century to reach the source. Senior psychologists have been used for a lifetime. "

"We will definitely work hard and will not let the owner of the palace disappoint." Ning Xiaochuan was full of fighting spirit, and then said: "Actually, I came to Dajinpeng Palace to have something to give to Jindu Shizi."

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