Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 465: Entering the Southern Wilderness

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Yue Mingsong shot up and fell on top of the metal ship, laughing: "Brother Ning, I just received a message from a friend and had to leave early. I believe we will see you again in the future. The rest of The Strange Men's Books are given to me. "

"call out!"

The metal ship was completely enveloped by the mist and turned into a white streamer. It flew to the south in an instant and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Situ Fengwu and Chen Jiuxuan, two swordsmen, heard the movement and came out of the cabin, staring at the big metal ship that flew away, eyes widened in shock.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's heart was also very surprised, but he still remained calm. In fact, he had long doubted Yue Mingsong's identity. This guy must not be a member of the Yulan Empire. The purpose of coming to the Yulan Empire is probably to find the emperor to stay. "Qi Men's Armor".

But, with his ability, why not directly grab the "Jimen Armor" from my hands? Ning Xiaochuan was puzzled.

"Master, who is he?" Chen Jiuxuan asked.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Neighbors to the disciples of the world's first calciner division ... wait ... are the neighbours of the disciples of the world's first calcination division the world's first calciner division?"

Ning Xiaochuan was really shocked by his own thoughts. After thinking for a while, he shook his head again. Yue Mingsong's calciner level is indeed high, but he is not like the master of the calciner at all. It's really weird if you don't care so much.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly forgot about this idea, and began to continue to appreciate the experience of Guo Yang's Da Yang Xin Dao.

At this moment, Yue Mingsong has reached a hundred miles away, standing on a fast-moving metal ancient ship, looking at the infinite world in the distance, saying to himself: "Ning Xiaochuan, a Qianlong, is finally going out of the Yulan Empire. Yiwan diving, when he appeared on the mainland, those geniuses of higher civilizations will also welcome a great enemy. Ning Xiaochuan has the luck left by a great man, I am afraid it is not just the first civilization of Wupin civilization The warrior is so simple, who will the backer behind him be? "

Yue Mingsong rubbed his temples, too lazy to keep thinking about it, and rushed out of his fingers into a metal ship, activating a main array at the bottom of the metal ship.

"call out!"

The speed of metal ships has increased tenfold again.

If you look into the sky at night, it is like a shooting star flying through the night sky.

Ning Xiaochuan's ship sailed on the Yulan River for half a month, and finally reached the southernmost territory of the Yulan Empire, Ling Ziyu.

The imperial city of the Yulan Empire and more than a dozen domains around the imperial city have already been in flames and flames, and the smoke is rising everywhere, but this domain, which is the southernmost part of the empire, is still very peaceful. Along the way, I have not seen any rebellion.

Instead, I saw a lot of refugees who fled from other domains to Lingzi Realm, forming a long line. Many people even moved to the clan. Wealth and goods were transported in several carts, and they were escorted by military soldiers.

When Ning Xiaochuan came to the domain city of Ling Ziyu, he finally met the contact person of Jiange Houfu, and learned from this contact that Ling Ziyu was actually completely under the control of Jiange Houfu.

If the Yulan empire really perishes, Ling Ziyu will become the private territory of Jiangehoufu, and even establish a country and create a fourth-grade civilization.

Ning Xiaochuan is not surprised at all. After all, the army of Jiangehoufu is stationed in the southern border of the empire all year round. Using the power of the army and the operation of Jiangehoufu for nearly a thousand years, it is necessary to control the several domains south of the Yulan Empire. It's too easy.

"Is there any news from the Imperial City?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Leading the middle-aged man from Ning Xiaochuan, said: "Back to Xiaohouhou, the senior members of the imperial court should have known about the escape of the imperial city by the Jiange Houfu clan, but they were afraid of causing panic among the powers in the imperial city. The news was tightly sealed. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said: "Jiangehouhou also contributed a lot to the imperial city, which is worthy of the court. Withdrawing from the imperial city is also helpless."

The middle-aged man said, "Little Houye led the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp to conquer the lost land of the imperial city, sealed the gap in the imperial city, and won precious time for the imperial city. Those who guarded in various domains have Lead the army to rescue the imperial city. Now, the battle between the imperial army and the rebels has become a protracted battle. The rebels cannot attack the imperial city, and the imperial army cannot repel the rebels. In the short term, this will be the case. I am afraid that the battle situation will be difficult to change. Unless ... the conclusion of the four masters ... someone breaks into the realm of heaven and man. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "That's right! The people who really decide the fate of the Yulan Empire are still the four people who are talking about it."

"In order to ensure the safety of the people of Jiange Houfu, the new mansion of Jiange Houfu was not built in Yucheng. You must ask Xiao Houye to follow his subordinates." The middle-aged humane.

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment and said, "I still have something very important. I will not return to Jiangehoufu temporarily. You tell me the address of the new mansion of Jiangehoufu. I will wait until I finish the work, naturally. Will go back. "

"I don't know how long it takes Xiao Hou to do? I'll wait to help?" Middle-aged humane.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The short term is one month, the long term ... three or five years! As for the help, even if I go there in person, it may not be fruitful, let alone you."

After Ning Xiaochuan separated from that middle-aged person, he bought a lot of mysterious medicines in the city of Ling Ziyu, all of which are commonly used in alchemy. Ling Ziyu is adjacent to southern Xinjiang and is rich in mysterious medicine. The price of mysterious medicine of the same grade is cheaper than in the Imperial City.

Half a day later, Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng sat on the backs of the two-headed stone beasts, flew out of Yucheng, and flew towards the southern Xinjiang.

The four swordsmen did not follow, but were taken by the middle-aged man to the new mansion of Jiangehoufu, leaving Ling Ziyu to continue practicing.

Ning Xiaochuan refined more than ten kinds of intermediate Dan in a row, and finally produced an intermediate Dan called "coagulant Dan", which can temporarily give Yu Ningsheng's blood a small amount of "blood coagulation", leaving her on her shoulder The wound healed, no more need to take Xue Dan to replenish the lost blood gas.

However, if she is injured again, even if it is only a small wound, the blood in the wound will still flow.

Yu Ningsheng's beauty is too horrifying to the world. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, she took a white veil to cover the glamorous face of the country, and said softly: "In fact, you don't have to risk the south for me It ’s too dangerous in Xinjiang. Even my father did n’t dare to go into the desert easily. He said it was a place where humans have no foot. ”

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head lightly, his eyes were firm, and said: "Clottan can only temporarily heal your wounds, and it can't really cure the injuries in your body. Your blood veins are incomplete. Going forward, and the blood will gradually decline, and life loss will accelerate. Therefore, no matter how much it costs, I will definitely find a magic drug to completely heal your injury. "

Three days later, the two-headed stone beast slowly flew down, entered a lush dense forest, and landed on a mountain covered with dead leaves.

A wild savage air rushed towards the face, giving people a small feeling.

Standing on top of the mountain and looking at it, there are huge peaks in all directions. The mist is permeated throughout the year, forming a white mist bridge, which turns into a sea of ​​mist for thousands of miles.

Do not underestimate these mists. Some of the mists in the valleys gather all year round, bringing together the smell of various poisonous weeds and poisonous insects. Some of these thousand-year-old drug dysfunctions, even if the warriors in the state of the realm breathe, will be poisoned and died.

Most psychic medicines also grow in this fierce environment.

"This mountain is called 'Golden Toad Mountain'. It has penetrated into the great desert of southern Xinjiang for nearly 20,000 miles. Under the mountain, there is a first-class civilization-level tribe. It lives on hunting and lives with blood. In addition, there are no other humans living within a hundred miles. "Ning Xiaochuan took Yu Ningsheng down the mountain and headed towards a valley in the shape of a" toad mouth ".

The information Ning Xiaochuan learned was the memory in Cui Tao's mind.

This big mountain really looks like a huge toad, covering an area of ​​100 miles. The trees in the mountain are extra thick. Occasionally, a big tree is seen. The diameter of the trunk is ten meters thick, even if it is just a beard. Outside, it looks like a body of dragons.


In the jungle, a black python that was more than ten meters rushed out and spit out a poisonous mist. The surrounding trees were corroded into pus. The mouth opened wide and a scarlet tongue was spit out. Ning Xiaochuan swallowed it.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the black-haired ghost bat beast from the mystery book.


On the surface of the Xuanshoujian, the light flashed.

This huge black bat made a cheerful bark, flew over the black python, stretched out a pair of scaly claws, tore the python's skull apart, and white brain flowed out.

The bat wings on its back unfolded, grabbed the python and soared, fell to a huge ancient tree, and sucked the brain plasma and blood of the mysterious beast inside the python.

This black python is a third-class mysterious beast. It is an extremely horrible existence in the eyes of the humans in the surrounding tribes. If it encounters it, it will lose its life. However, he was easily killed by the black hair ghost bat and swallowed it.

The black-haired ghost bat beast was guarded by the side, and the viper venom in the desert forest did not come to provoke Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng.

They smelled the breath of the King of the Seven Kinds of Beasts, and they retreated, and did not dare to approach.

After half an hour, the two of them finally walked outside the valley covered with white mist. The mysterious cave in Cui Tao's memory is deep in the valley, hidden in the confused white mist.

"Strange! How could I feel the breath left by Little Red here?"

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, staring at this unknown valley with some confusion, the dragon veins and Xiaohong in the martial arts palace had a sense.

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