Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 481: Ancient blood soil

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When Ning Xiaochuan dissipates her strength, the Tianzun Seal will also disappear.

"Three martial arts seals! What's going on?"

Ning Xiaochuan has never heard that a warrior can cultivate multiple martial arts seals. This phenomenon is really weird!

He can clearly feel that he has indeed reached the seventh level of dignity, and Xiu has improved a lot.

"The Wuhun Dingyin!" Ning Xiaochuan called out.

A tripod-shaped martial arts seal flew out of Xinqiao and was suspended in the left palm of Ning Xiaochuan. It is very small and exquisite, and can clearly see the fine text on tripod.

"Sword of Wuhun!"

A small palm-sized sword flew out, hovering in the palm of Ning Xiaochuan's right hand, resembling the shape of a magic sword, showing a bleeding red shape.


Ning Xiaochuan pointed his finger upwards, and the Wuhun Sword Seal suddenly turned into a blast of blood, and bombarded the top of Dongfu.


The whole mountain shook a bit.

If it weren't for the imprisoned array method arranged by the King of King Qing, the power of the Wuhun Sword would definitely break the whole mountain.

"Wuhunyin's attack power is really strong. If Wuhun's sword seal can be integrated with the magic sword and become the sword spirit of the magic sword, will it become more powerful?

If the Wuhun Dingyin and Yang Xin Zhen Ding are integrated, will I directly reach the level of Da Yang Xin Master? "

Although Ning Xiaochuan has not tried to do so, he still feels excited.

He also has a third martial arts seal, the Tianzun Seal.

The Celestial Seal was originally one of the oldest imprints in the mythology of Daomen.

However, since the white bone beads were incorporated into the eyebrows, Tianzun's mark has been inseparably linked with Ning Xiaochuan, and now one third of Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts souls have become "Tianzun mark".

Ning Xiaochuan is still curious about Tianzun Yin, and moves his power to the position of eyebrow.

Suddenly, the mysterious Tianzun Seal was revealed from his brows, giving a sacred feeling, like a true **** sitting there.


A white brilliance flew out of the Seal of Heaven, striking towards the entrance of the cave.


The white Guanghua broke through the imprisonment array set by the King of Qing, rushed more than a hundred miles away, and hit a huge mountain.

The mountain shook violently and was penetrated by the white brilliance, leaving a huge hole ten meters in diameter. Giant caves lead from this end of the mountain to the other end of the mountain.

The power of the Celestial Seal is far beyond Ning Xiaochuan's imagination.

He had only wanted to test the power of the Celestial Seal, and had no idea that he could smash the imprisonment arrays arranged by the King of the King of Heaven.

Of course, a shot from Tianzun Yin also consumed one third of Ning Xiaochuan's vitality!

You know, Ning Xiaochuan has now reached the seventh level of the state of respect, and the vitality of martial arts in his body has become deeper.

If it is still in the sixth place of the divine realm, the vitality in the body may be drained by the seal of heaven.

"The power of the Celestial Seal is terrible! But I do n’t know anything about its origin. What exactly are the white bone beads and the mysterious beasts? It seems that in the future, you must go to Tiandi Mountain, where the gate is. Sacred place, there may be records of white bone beads and mysterious beasts. "Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

When the imprisonment array laid out by the King of Qing Dynasty was broken, Yu Ningsheng stopped practicing, and he was happy, saying, "Your realm has broken?"

"Hmm!" Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

"Why did I just see three Wuhun marks from your cultivation? This was absolutely impossible." Yu Ningsheng was very curious.

"This is also the thing I'm most puzzled about now." Ning Xiaochuan stood up and said, "Let's get out of here quickly! The imprisonment matrix is ​​broken, and it will surely alarm the King of Qing, and she will soon come over."

The King of Qingyan must have arranged special means in the black cliffs. Once the formation is broken, she will definitely feel it.

"Master, do you want to take the saffron?" Said the white-headed seven-claw eagle.

"No. Once the red safflower leaves Lingchi, it will not grow again. It can only become a half-miracle medicine, which is of little use to us. Secondly, if we escape, the king of blue scorpion will send at most mysterious animals to chase Kill us. However, if we take the red safflower, she said she would not be ashamed and angry, and anger will be on Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong. We should not offend her for the time being. ”Ning Xiaochuan said after careful consideration.

Ning Xiaochuan brought the white-headed seven-claw eagle into the mysterious beast book, and he and Yu Ningsheng quickly flew out of the cave, fled towards the south, and soon disappeared into the desert jungle.

He immediately rushed to Jiuyujiang to look for the top quality black stone.

Not long after, a cyan streamer flew from the sky and condensed into a young girl in Tsing Yi.

She stood under the black cliff, looking at the direction of the cave entrance, and frowned slightly. "These two human servants are really powerful. They actually broke my imprisonment array and repaired it."

She walked into the cave and saw the saffron crocus still suspended above the Lingchi, and she was slightly relieved!

"King, those two humans fled south."

A thick, round, short man walked in, took out two maces in his hand, his mouth was half the size of his face, and looked very honest and honest. He knelt respectfully and respectfully behind King Qing.

Qing Qing Wang gently touched his chin and said, "It's a shame that two powerful servants were lost! And they are still Xiaoling's father and mother, what if Xiaoling thinks they should do it? Zen toad, go and bring them back. "

"Okay, King!"

Zen Toad stood up and walked out of Dongfu.

Outside the cave stood a huge one-horned rhinoceros.

Zen Toad's legs were bent, his body bounced like a bow, and landed on the back of an eight-meter-tall one-horned rhinoceros, squeezing the one-horned rhinoceros slightly.


The one-horned rhinoceros has a thicker shell than the iron skin, and it is strong enough to carry the mountain, move the four hoofs, and rush out to the south to smash a large row of trees.


Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng sat on the backs of the two-headed stone beast and ran at the fastest speed.

For nine days and nine nights, he escaped more than ten thousand miles away and entered a dark black mang.

This vast area is extremely vast, full of black giant trees, shrubs, and long grasses. The air is filled with black smoke. In addition, no living beings can be seen, giving a feeling of lifelessness.

"We have escaped more than ten thousand miles away, and the King of Qing Yan should not chase after him!" Yu Ningsheng said.

"Perhaps!" Ning Xiaochuan was not so relieved.

The King of the King of Qing Dynasty is the leader of one party in the great wasteland. He controls countless strong people, billions of mysterious beasts, and the subordinates of the nine-level mysterious beasts.

They can only be regarded as temporarily safe.

The great wilderness is truly endless. There are no crowds seen for tens of thousands of miles. Instead, it encounters many powerful beasts.

If someone had broken in, I would have died in the mouth of the ferocious beast long ago.

"This black mangyuan is very weird. It always gives me an ominous premonition. Let's spare it from the edge of mangyuan!" Yu Ningsheng stared forward, feeling a bit restless, and a lot of horrible pictures appeared in his mind. .

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This reckless plain is boundless. If you go around, it will probably be more than 100,000 miles, or even hundreds of thousands of miles. For the sake of life, it's okay to rush for a month, but I'm afraid of getting lost in the wilderness Direction, we will never reach Jiulongjiang. "

Whether at sea or in the desert, getting lost is a terrible thing.

For the warrior, it would be even more terrifying to lose his way in the wilderness.

"Whether to go around, or directly through the Black Mangyuan?" Yu Ningsheng said.

Ning Xiaochuan jumped down the two-headed stone beast, dug up a small piece of black dirt from the ground, put it on his mouth and sniffed, his face became more dignified, "This is an ancient blood soil."

Yu Ningsheng moved slightly, and said, "I have only heard of **** soil, which is red soil stained with blood. Sediment, stones, and trees will turn red. Once **** soil appears, there must be a lot of ominous buried underground. Things. The mud here is all black. Why is it bloody? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What color is the blood when it dries?"

"Black!" Yu Ningsheng's face changed.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Ancient blood soil is more terrible than blood soil, at least tens of thousands of years old."


In the distance, there was a sound of a large beast running.

There are pythons with thick buckets, explosive apes as high as hills, and dense golden scorpions.

After these mysterious beasts rushed over, the ground became bare, and even the giant tree with a diameter of five meters was eaten clean.

A chunky man sat on the back of the unicorn rhino, rushed to the front, waving a mace in his hand, and laughed: "Escape fast, grandma, and finally caught up with you two. .The king has orders to call someone to take you back. "

The one-horned rhinoceros stopped, and the sturdy iron hoof hit two huge grooves on the ground.

The mysterious beasts behind the chubby men also gathered around, showing a semi-enveloping form, exposing sharp claws and Bai Sensen's teeth, and uttered a scream.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the chunky man, only to see that the man's mouth was surprisingly large, and his lips were quite thick. The entire mouth occupied most of his face, exposing his white fists as big as his fists.

"His Excellency, please go back and tell King Qingyu that I have more things to do, and let her go to find two other servants!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Hey! Brothers, you are the people who work for the king, don't make the relationship too rigid. Tell you the truth! Even if you travel all over the north. Xinjiang can no longer find the kindness of his subordinates like the kings Beast King. If you do n’t trust the King, who do you want to trust? The King of the Fish? The King of the Black Ape? The King of the Three Tailed Fox? Run carefully to their place, then the ball is dead! "The chubby man advised.

Ning Xiaochuan's brow frowned slightly and he said, "This is not South. Xinjiang? How did it become North. Xinjiang?"

Yu Ningsheng also noticed this problem just now, but thought that the tongue of the chunky man was too big and didn't speak clearly, so he didn't ask it.

The chunky man's tongue is indeed very large and long. He has wide eyes and a big voice: "What? South. Xinjiang? Brother, you can't distinguish between North and South! Who doesn't know that this is North. Jiang Dahuang, It is the territory of our mysterious alien. "


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