Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 505: Funeral Reserve

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"Do you think the Lei people have something wrong? Everyone is congratulating them, but they don't seem to be very happy." A young man who was somewhat indifferent said in a low voice.

The giants of other large clans have also teased one after another and said, "What do you juniors know? The Lei clans are the clans of Jiulongjiang. They are fighting for a face, and they can lose everything, and the momentum cannot be lost!"

"Rich people, wayward!"


Lei Ao drank in a loud voice, and a violent sound spit out of his mouth, making everyone in the auction room tinnitus.

The auction floor suddenly became quiet.

Lei Ao was really so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He stared at Ning Xiaochuan fiercely, raising his arms slowly, and a ray of lightning emerged from his arms.

A horrific force broke out, and the breath was so arrogant that it rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

This is an overwhelming force, comparable to Swordmaster and Da Jinpeng. Under the pressure of such terrible forces, ordinary land-respecting warriors will be directly kneeled on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan also felt great pressure and was about to release the power of Jiu Pinxuan to resist the suppression of Lei Ao.

Suddenly, the pressure was gone throughout the auction house.

At the most central auction stage, I don't know when a woman with white hair appeared.

Although this woman has white hair, her skin is very young and delicate, there are no wrinkles, and she also exudes forceful fluctuations in her body, blocking Lei Ao ’s strength back, Shen said: "No matter anyone, Nothing can disturb the order of the auction. If there are grievances, please resolve them outside the auction hall. If you dare to fight in the auction hall, don't blame me for being polite to him. "


Lei Ao also had a bit of a taboo about the white-haired woman on the auction table, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing, humming, and then returned to his seat.

Lei Yi, who was sitting next to Lei Ao, was still a little sluggish at this moment, apparently he hadn't reacted to the mutation just now.

No way, this blow is too big for him, and he will definitely be severely punished when he returns to the clan.

At the auction stage, Yan Mingzhu was also stunned, staring deeply at Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing, feeling so complicated that she didn't know how to describe it.

"Pearl, continue to host the auction," said the white-haired woman who looked a bit like Yan Mingzhu.

Yan Mingzhu quickly regained her heart, bowed to the white-haired woman, and said, "Aunt rest assured that Mingzhu must host the auction tonight."

The white-haired woman nodded, and then walked off the auction floor.

The auction continues, and the treasures that have been auctioned off have become more and more precious, and even several treasures have taken more than one million black stones.

Situ Jing touched Ning Xiaochuan's arm lightly and smiled: "Brother Ning, you acted too much just now, even I was deceived by you."

Ning Xiaochuan apologized a little: "In order to fool Lei Yi before, I slapped the palm out to shoot, Brother Situ, wouldn't I be angry?"

"No! Absolutely not! As long as I can see Lei Yi's dead face and see Yan Mingzhu's stunned expression, even if Brother Ning slaps me a few more slaps, I will be very willing! Why don't you come again? "Situ Jing was ecstatic with joy.

For three years, his heart has been like a knife twist, but today, he is very comfortable and has a feeling of revenge.

After being happy, Situ Jing's face became serious again, and said, "Brother Ning offended the Lei ethnic group for my sake. I'm afraid the Lei ethnic group won't let you off easily. Moreover, you also exposed the Jiu Pinxuan It will definitely be remembered by many people. Once the auction is over, there will be many giants who will attack us. "

Ning Xiaochuan hasn't thought about this problem, but it's not easy to cheat the power of the Lei tribe. They have to bet on Jiu Pin Xuan Qi before they can be hooked.

Ning Xiaochuan is still quite confident in his current speed. As long as he is not a strong person in heaven and earth, he will definitely not be easy for others to leave him.

Even a character of the level of Lei Ao, I'm afraid he can't kill him.

Of course, if you can get a top quality basalt from the Zi, then even if you are a strong person in the heavens and the human realm, you may not be able to get him.

The auction continued, and during the auction, Ning Xiaochuan also fancy an auction item.

This auction is black gold armor.

There are ten sets of Hei Jinkai, the starting price is one million pieces of black stone.

Because Burial God Mountain was born, the dead will definitely be sent to explore the road.

Ordinary cultivated dead, I am afraid that they will die before they have entered the Burial Mountain.

However, if the deceased can put on black gold armor, he will be able to explode with the seventh-largest combat power of the dignified state.

It is for this reason that the Yan tribe will come up with ten sets of black gold armor for auction.

"If these ten sets of black gold armor can be photographed and brought back to the Yulan Empire, wouldn't Jiangehoufu have ten extra places to honor the seventh strongest man out of thin air?" Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

"1.5 million black stones!" Ning Xiaochuan directly raised the price by 500,000 black stones.

When Ning Xiaochuan shouted the price, the atmosphere of the entire auction site became a little weird.

There were some people who were ready to bargain, and began to hesitate.

You know, the Lei people were pitted a lot. Everyone knows that Ning Xiaochuan's mind is so deep that people can't guess, so they dare not bid easily.

"1.5 million black stones, once!"

"1.5 million black stones, twice!"

"1.5 million pieces of black stone, three times! Deal."

When the auction hammer fell, Ning Xiaochuan was relieved, and he couldn't help feeling a little greasy, so it was so easy to take ten sets of black gold armor! What happened to these people? Why don't you bid?

After another round of auctions, finally the final sale tonight.

This piece of auction was placed inside a nine-level ban, escorted by two Yan elders and placed at the very center of the auction table.

The eyes of many giants who have never bid, have opened their eyes and stared at the auction floor. Obviously, this is their goal tonight!

Ning Xiaochuan also stared at it, and saw an ancient picture of a broken animal skin inside the nine-layer prohibition. The lines on the picture were blocked, and only part of the corners were visible.

"Well! How does this picture look a bit like the texture of the one that Tangan Monk sold to me?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Because the two residual pictures are engraved on the skin of the animal, and the two pictures are burned from the same animal skin.

How could there be such a coincidence?

"It's all of the same material, and some of the gaps can also be joined together. Did I misunderstand the monk Tangan? He sold it to me?" Ning Xiaochuan immediately apologized when he thought of the honest face of the monk Tangan. The monk really didn't slang and didn't deliberately lie to me.

"Master Tangan treats me with sincerity, but I think he is a liar. Hey! Next time I see Master Tangan, be sure to apologize to him."

Ning Xiaochuan really misunderstood this time!

That picture was also bought from a stall at a low price by the monk Tangan. I never thought it was a real picture.

If you let the monk Tangan know that he sold a real picture to Ning Xiaochuan for one hundred pieces of black stone, he would definitely regret his face.

Yan Mingzhu began to introduce the residual picture, saying: "Everyone knows the legend of the Burial God Mountain. Every hundreds of years, the Burial God Mountain will be born once, and every birth will surely shock the entire Jiuling Xinjiang. Since ancient times, anyone who can Those who enter the Burial God Mountain can get the timeless treasure. Some people have found the powerful Jiu Pin Xuan Qi ancient soldiers, some have dug out the psychic medicine, and some even brought out a powerful volume of martial arts. Of course, everyone knows The most precious treasures in the Burial Mountain are the "Zixia Sutra" and the "Zijin Excalibur" left by the Zijin Emperor. "

"The Zijin emperor is in the north. Many terrifying legends have been left on the land of Xinjiang. If he can find his book" Zixia Sutra ", he may not become the peerless emperor in the world in the future. 'Well, do you dare not accept it?'

"However, the funeral mountain is extremely dangerous. Every time it is born, many people will be killed in the mountain. In history, everyone who can bring treasures out of it is the person who carried the funerary mountain map."

"I believe that many people have heard of the legend of the Burial God Mountain Map. Before a very long time ago, there was a man who was cultivated as an extraordinary man who reached the depths of the Burial God Mountain and drew a map of the Burial God Mountain. After stepping out of the funeral mountain, the one who was cultivated as an extraordinary man claimed to have seen the trace of the Zijin Excalibur in the funeral mountain and marked it on the map. However, not long after that, the strong man went crazy and died , Into a dead body. "

"Then the map of Funeral Mountain came out, but unfortunately, in the First World War, the map was torn into nine parts. Fortunately for us, the Yan people got one of the nine parts of the map and were willing to take it. Come out for auction. "

Although it is only one-ninth of the map, many people still love it.

As long as there is a corner map in hand, it will be much safer to enter the funeral mountain.

If a volume of martial arts can be found in the Burial God Mountain, or a nine-pin Xuan ware, then a family may develop into a level of transcendental power at the level of the Jiu Dazu.

If you can find the "Zixia Sutra" and "Zijin Divine Sword", it will be even more terrible. It may even create a world-class civilization.

Yan Mingzhu said: "The starting price for the burial of the Remains of the Gods Mountain is 3 million pieces of black stone, and the price increase must not be less than 100,000 pieces of black stone. The auction starts."

"Three million black stones!"

"3.5 million black stones!"

"Three hundred and sixty thousand black stones!"

"Four million black stones!"


Not only are the major races clamoring, but even the elders wearing the door, the high-end mysterious beasts with arrogance are clamoring.

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