Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 517: Black Stone Doll and Lei Ao

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"Then why did it kill me?" Chanad said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is the graveyard of the sub-god. Anyone who comes here should be with pious heart and awe of the gods. When you fly above the graveyard of the gods, you are offensive to the gods, and the will of the gods is naturally to be kill you."

"Then we can only walk on foot? But, I think this dense forest is too weird, and I always feel that I have been stared at?" Zen toad felt hairy, and every hair stood up.

Ning Xiaochuan also felt the same, it really looked like something was being targeted, and it was very close to them.


Suddenly, the boulder above their heads shook, and many cracks cracked in the ground.

"Grandma's is a stone beast!" The Zen Toad screamed, lifted the mace, and waved at Stone Beast's arm.


Stone Beast's arm shook slightly, and was smashed out by a blow from Zen Toad.

However, its stone arm could not be broken, only a few pieces of rubble fell, without much damage at all.

Just now, in order to avoid the giant eyes above the sky, they hid under a boulder. However, I did not expect that the huge stone turned out to be a human-shaped stone beast, more than one hundred meters high, and half of its body was buried in the ground.

At this moment, it is awake!

He climbed out of the ground and was fighting with Zen Toad.

The stone beasts that were bred in the Burial God Mountain are more terrible than the stone beasts outside.

Because its body is more rigid, every stone is like fine iron. If it is hit by it, even the warrior who climbed the first step ladder will be shot dead.

Zen Toad is also very powerful, but compared with humanoid stone beast, it is much worse.


The humanoid stone beast's thick arm struck the toad's chest, flew it out, and smashed a large human-shaped pit on the ground.

"Grandma ..." Chan To cursed in the pit, spitting a beast blood.

Ning Xiaochuan began to move colorfully, changing seven directions in a row, moving to the side of Zen Toad, pinching his fingers into a sword, and pointing towards the palm of the humanoid stone beast.


A blood-red sword light flew from Ning Xiaochuan's fingertips, crushing the humanoid stone beast's palm and turning it into rubble.

Jianguang flew back again, fell into Ning Xiaochuan's hands, and turned into a **** magic sword.

The monk Tangan shot at the humanoid stone beast, and pulled out a book from the bag on his back, and pressed it to the top of the humanoid stone beast.

Thousands of golden verses flew out of each page of the scripture book, turning into a golden buddhist garment formed by the scriptures, suppressing the humanoid stone beast.

Each scripture was as heavy as a mountain, and it pressed the humanoid stone beast to the ground and no longer had the ability to attack.

Both Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing felt so surprised that a single book could overwhelm a giant. Is it really a scripture written by a Buddhist monk?

Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing stared at the huge baggage on the back of the monk Tangan, all of which were scriptures, wouldn't every book have such great power?

"What do you see? Do you have to **** even the family?" The monk Tangan took a step back and held his baggage in his arms, for fear of being snatched by Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up the scripture on top of the humanoid stone beast. When the scripture was removed from the top of the humanoid stone beast, all the golden verses covering the humanoid stone beast flew back into the scripture and re-formed into one. Sanskrit characters

Although the scriptures have disappeared, the humanoid stone beast seems to have suffered a heavy blow, and still lies on the ground and cannot stand at all.

"Master, I think it has a lot to do with this book. Should you sell it to me?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Yes! One million pieces of black stone." Monk Tangan said.

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that the monk Tangan would not agree with his life, but he did not expect that the monk Tangan actually intended to sell it to him.

This monk is really not an ordinary greedy money. Even the scriptures are sold. If you place an order in a Buddhist temple, you will surely sell the entire Buddhist temple soon.

This book can easily suppress the humanoid stone beast. Needless to say, the power is certainly a scripture written by a Buddhist monk.

Spend a million pieces of black stone to buy, of course, the value for money.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't frown, so he threw a Qiankun sack to the monk Tangan, and at the same time he put the scriptures into the chest placket.

After buying this book, Ning Xiaochuan spent all the black stones on his body and began to look at the humanoid beasts on the ground.

After looking at the number of black stones in Qiankun's cloth bag, monk Tangan smiled like Maitreya, as if he had never seen so many black stones.

He quickly put away the bag of Qiankun, for fear of being taken away.


Ning Xiaochuan sacrificed the true heart tripod, collected the humanoid stone beast on the ground, and refined it with the flames of yin and yang.

It didn't take long for him to call the two-headed stone beast out of the mysterious beast book, and put it into the heart of the true heart.

Yang Xin Zhen Ding has become nine meters high, burned red by flames, two stone beasts inside the refinery.

"Master, what is Brother Ning doing?" Situ Jing asked.

The monk Tangan touched his chin and said: "It should be smelting two stone beasts to make his mystic beast pet even more powerful. This is all a means that the mind master can understand. Just look at it."

After a long while, Yang Xin Ding gradually became smaller, only the size of a fist, and flew back to Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

If you want to integrate the two-headed stone beast and the human-shaped stone beast, it will not be able to do it at one and a half. At least you must refine the "yin-yang fire" for half a month. Integration.

After half a month, the combat power of the two-headed stone beast can be improved to at least the level of nine mysterious beasts, which is enough to fight the sky ladder warriors.

"Let's go! The noise caused just now is too loud, and it will soon attract the foreign bodies in the burial mountain." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Let's go?"

In the jungle, a burly man came out, stepping on leaves, wearing thick armor, and being covered with lightning. He couldn't see what he looked like?

However, just by his breath, Ning Xiaochuan recognized him.

Under the ancestors of the Lei tribe, Lei Ao, one of the top ten strongest.

Lei Ao stepped in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan and others, with each step falling, lightning scattered on the ground.

Footsteps shook, and the heart seemed to shatter.

Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing's faces became dignified. I did not expect to encounter Lei Ao so soon.

Once the martial arts soldiers of the earth respected them, once they were followed by such strong men, they had no chance to escape.

Lei Ao's face had a cold smile, saying: "I know that you will definitely enter the Burial God Mountain and have been waiting for you here for a long time. The nine-pin mystery in your hands will surely belong to our Lei people."

Situ Jing also knows that Lei Ao is powerful, and it is not that they can resist, saying: "Lei Ao, you can also be regarded as a century-old Lei celebrity. Shooting at some of our juniors is not a shame for your reputation."

"It doesn't matter! As long as you can get that piece of Jiu Pin Xuan, all means can be used. Besides, in the buried mountain of God, who would know if you were killed?" Lei Ao's voice was overbearing, like a person without The king is looking down on his subjects.

The strength of martial arts in Lei Ao is like a sea of ​​oceans, and he has already learned martial arts to a very deep level, almost reaching the realm of the fifth step ladder.

Zen Toad has always been arrogant, but under the pressure of Lei Ao's gas field, the atmosphere dare not come out.

The gap between Xiuwei's realm is too big, and he can only wait for death.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes sank, and he said, "If you are so aggressive, you will only bring disaster to yourself!"

Lei Ao laughed and said, "Boy, you might be overestimating yourself! Last time, there was a Buddhism strong man secretly helping you, so that you escaped. Now in the mountain of burial gods, this seat wants to take you. Life is just a breeze. Did you surrender the Jiu Pin Xuan Qi by yourself, and this block kills you? Or does this block kill you first, and then take the Jiu Pin Xuan artifact from you? "

"No need to bother, I'll take you on the road! Get up!"

Ning Xiaochuan punched out the "Xuanshi Doll", and the white top-quality Xuanshi automatically flew into the chest groove of the Xuanshi Doll.

The energy of the top-level Xuanshi escaped, flowing through each bone meridian of the Xuanshi doll, filling the whole body.

The palm-sized black stone figure was wrapped in white light and turned into a huge twelve-meter-high skeleton.

The black bone hand chopped down towards Lei Ao.

At the moment when the Xuanshi Doll flew out, a huge breath followed, exposing the ground within a few dozen meters, and the huge shock wave sent Lei Ao to Zhenfei.

Lei Ao's face changed drastically, he quickly hit a martial arts supernatural power, a pair of huge arms propped up, toward the bone hand blocking the Xuanshi doll.

However, he still underestimated the power of Xuanshi Doll.

Just as soon as he touched it, Lei Ao's arm was broken and half of his body was photographed into the ground.

With his body as the center, a huge sunken fingerprint formed on the ground.

If you change to another warrior, at this moment it has become fly ash, and the gods are destroyed.

"No! This is heavenly power ... how could it be ..."

Lei Ao clenched his teeth, rushed out of a blood line above his head, and madly turned into a huge array of 100 meters in diameter.

Countless electric light shuttled through the array, shredded the surrounding trees, and the whole earth followed.

Ning Xiaochuan and Situ retreated immediately, for fear of being swept up by that blood array.

Zen Toad took a step back because his arm was stained with a trace of blood. The entire arm suddenly turned into blood mist, and even the bones turned into powder.

The monk Tangan escaped very quickly. He clamped the Zen toad under his armpit and ran away madly, escaping for dozens of miles before he was slightly relieved.

This is also because of the solid material structure in the Burial God Mountain. If it is outside, it is not safe to escape even hundreds of miles.

The power of Lei's level is too terrifying.

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