Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 525: Princess Moon

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Situlian's heart was very unpleasant, because, as a result of Situ's realm, which had already become waste, Xiuwei Wudao had even recovered.

"We also rushed to the source of the Ghost River and looked for opportunities to get rid of that kid. We must not let him live back to the Situ tribe." Mrs. Luan's face was cold, and she used her heart to send a voice to Situ Lian.

Both of them cast themselves and raced towards the top of the Black Mountain.

"Situlian and Mrs. Luan rushed to the source of the ghost river, they must be trying to take the water of life."

"The major races of mysterious beasts may have a chance to win the water of life, which is worth the risk."

"In the event that a psychic pandemic is caught, it will be a blessing!"


Situ Lian and Mrs. Luan took the lead. Naturally, other human monks also wanted to share a cup of glutinous rice, exerted their body skills, and flew towards the black mountains.

The black mountains are very tall, with cliffs everywhere.

If it is not strong enough, it may fall into the cliff at any time and fall to pieces.

Some of the higher-ranking mysterious animals ambush in the crevices of the cliff, unexpectedly attacking Ning Xiaochuan.

"Two-Headed Stone Beast!"

The two-headed stone beast flew out of the mysterious beast book and lay on the cliff. The four stout hoofs of the stone beast almost merged with the cliff.

The four Ning Xiaochuan jumped to the back of the two-headed stone beast, stood in the place where the stone was sunken, and fixed their bodies.

The two-headed stone beast steadily climbed quickly towards the cliff top, and the speed was fast, like running on flat ground.

The high-end mysterious beasts hidden in the cliffs, who wanted to sneak attack on the four of Ning Xiaochuan, had not had time to shoot, and they were noticed by Ning Xiaochuan, mobilizing the sword of extinction, the magic sword flew out, and penetrated the body of the high-end mystery .

Within half an hour, they reached the top of the Black Mountain.


The two-headed stone beast jumped up, and its tail fluttered, like a huge stone whip, flying out three-headed seven-level mysterious beasts and falling down the cliff.

Ning Xiaochuan flew from the back of the two-headed stone beast and fell to the ground.

The top of the black mountain is like being cut off by a celestial sword, revealing a huge mountaintop platform, which is as wide as a few hundred miles, and can be seen at a glance without seeing the margins.

How does this look like a mountain? It's almost like a plateau!

To the left of the mountain top platform is a black lake in the shape of a "crescent", covered by black mist. Vaguely, black fog dragons can be seen rolling in the lake.

On the right is a "sun" shaped white lake covered by white mist. On the lake, a stream of white mist flows, forming a fairy bridge.

As long as you explore with your heart, you will find that the two lakes are slowly rotating.

However, their speed of rotation is too slow to be distinguished by the naked eye.

Between the two lakes, a river flows and the river surface is 100 meters wide.

The water flowed from the top of the mountain to form a black waterfall, which turned into a ghost river where people talked about it!

"This ... This is a black and white Tai Chi map?" Situ Jing looked at the two huge lakes in shock, and could feel a mysterious power breeding in the lake, making people feel a sense of awe!

This is simply impossible to form naturally, it is definitely a map of heaven and earth arranged by someone.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The two lakes, where the sun and the moon meet, condense the essence of the heavens and the earth, will have the general vitality of a newborn fetus and become a 'spring of life.' The black moon lake gave birth to a negative spring of life; The white sun lake gives birth to a positive spring of life. "

"But when life is exuberant, it will turn into death. So, the ghost river flows from between the two lakes, condensing the water of hell, 湟 湟 水."

"This is definitely a black and white lake built by human beings, which can absorb the vitality of life in the entire Burial Gods Mountain and continuously turn into the water of life."

The monk Tangan stared at the two lakes in front of his eyes, nodded his fingers, and nodded, and said, "It seems that the legend is true. When the dying Zijin emperor built a 'Yin and Yang Gua Pan', he condensed the water of life. , Want to rebirth with the power of heaven and earth! "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is the Yin and Yang Gua Pan built by the Zijin royalty?"

The monk Tangan nodded and said: "Although the Emperor Zijin has cultivated to the sub-god realm, the martial arts cultivation is the ultimate invincibility, but it is still invincible, but he still dies in the old age. He naturally does not So willingly, he disappeared into the world, so he wanted to live another life and be born again. "

"The ancestors of the nine major tribes thought that the body of the Emperor Zijin was buried in the main mountain, but they were in the wrong direction. If the poor monk did not guess wrong, the body of the Emperor Zijin should be buried at the bottom of the two lakes. "

Situ Jing stared at the two big lakes in front of him and said, "He hasn't survived for so many years. I'm afraid even his bones have been ruined. A generation of emperors will eventually be unable to fight with the sky and sleep in the ground forever."

"There is a small boat on the Black Crescent Lake. A pink-painted girl sits on the boat." Zen Toad's eyes stared at the young girl in the boat tightly, her eyes were about to pop out, and her mouth drooled continuously.

No way, that girl is too beautiful!

Even after the monk Tangan took a look, he also blushed and quickly lowered his head, reading the sutra in his mouth.

The dark red boat floats like a maple leaf on the black lake.

The young girl's body seemed very petite, wrapped in a ray of pink mist, and she couldn't see what she looked like? However, she seemed young, only sixteen or seven.

Her skin was exceptionally fair, like a body shaped by ice-skinned jade skin, wearing a pink tulle, and she could dimly see the moon-white corset wrapped inside, sketching a seductive curve.

"She should be the Princess of the Moon of the Canghu tribe!" Situ Jing exhaled deeply, almost choking out internal injuries.

The pink-clad girl's whole body was full of enchanting air, even if she just sat in the boat and remained still, it also made people feel **** and uneasy.

The high-end mysterious animals attached to the Canghu clan are guarded by the Black Crescent Lake, and there are more than one hundred beast celebrities.

Some weak seventh-level mystics are collecting the fountain of life in the lake.

The powerful mysterious beast turned into the body, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and others who came to the top of the mountain.

"Human boy, stop your steps, if you dare to take a step forward, be careful to be swallowed by this seat." A huge white bear stands beside the lake, covered with white hair, his arms are as thick as pillars, and his mouth is thick Make a deafening howling.

Ning Xiaochuan walked over and said, "We are the subordinates of the King of Qing, and are ordered to come to take the fountain of life. If anyone stops me, I will devour it."

"Ha ha! Sisters, you see that this little human brother not only looks handsome, but even speaks so prestigiously, it makes me feel a little tickled! Son, what's your surname? Would you like to join us in the Canghu tribe?" The flamboyant fox girl flirts with a wink at Ning Xiaochuan.

Among these mysterious beasts, the highest status is the more than ten charming women of the Canghu tribe. The other orc powers respect them very much, like their servants.

Situ Jing whispered in Ning Xiaochuan's ear: "You have to be careful! Fox women seduce human men quite well. Some of the supreme figures in humankind have left romantic legends with Fox women."

Zen Toad said: "The fox clan is different from other mystic races. If they want to succeed, they will look for excellent human men. After combining with human men, a new generation of fox girls will be born. The more talented the human genius, the more It is easy for them to be selected. However, the fox woman is also the easiest to forget. After the birth of the fox girl with a human man, she will forget all the feelings about that human man. If you want to have a second fox girl , They will look for a second human man. "

"Amitabha! You are all too young, don't be fooled by them, or let the poor monks come to get rid of these evils and open the way for you." The monk Tangan looked solemn and discouraged.

He sat on the ground, took out a Buddhist scripture, and put it on his knees.

The golden verses spewed out of his mouth, turning them into sheets of runes, lighting up the dark crescent lake.

The scriptures actually have a counterfeiting effect on the fox girls of the Canghu tribe. Once the scripture runes touched them, they would stick to their skin, suppressing them from moving.

"Wipe! Master ... Master ... I'll learn this ..." Chan Tou was very excited, and blood was flowing from his nose. I felt this trick was most useful. Later, when I met a beautiful female mysterious beast, I read a scripture to them, and they Can't move.

What a wonderful thing!


The mysterious beasts were already angry, roared, and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan and others.

Ning Xiaochuan ignited the bronze ancient lamp, calling out 24 huge three-legged firebirds, like 24 huge stoves, swept all the way, blasting more than ten mysterious beasts, and the fur on his body was The flame ignited and turned into more than a dozen fire lanterns.

"Dare to disturb Her Royal Highness's cultivation and die."

A huge white bear rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan, with fists and feet the size of a grinding disc, and burst a three-legged flamingo into a fire and rain.


The white bear's body keeps expanding, like a giant!

It opened a big mouth of the blood basin, sucked sharply, sucked the remaining 23 three-legged firebirds into its mouth, and swallowed it.

"Great!" Ning Xiaochuan was surprised.

Other nine-level mysterious beasts, even the flames from the three-legged flamingo, are difficult to resist.

However, this white bear actually swallowed more than twenty three-legged flamingos into the body, and used the flesh and blood to refine the three-legged flamingos.

"Grandma's must be the Devil Bears. They are the guardian race of the Foxes. They have low wisdom, but the physical body is extremely scary. The ancestors of the Devil Bears can fight with the dragons with their bare hands," said Zen Toad.

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