Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 528: The ninth place

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A white scale grows in the skin of the scholar in white, and wraps the body, like wearing a white scale battle armor to isolate it from the outside temperature and resist the flame suppressing force of the bronze ancient lamp.

"White electric sword core!"

A white scholar's mouth spit out a white thin sword, only one meter long, thin like a needle, and extremely fast, like a white lightning bolt toward Ning Xiaochuan.

"call out!"

The sword core is like a white mark, as fast as a streamer, like a magic shuttle!

Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to have any reservations. He called out the "Single Round Star Ball" and the "Magic Sword", controlled two pieces of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, and launched an attack on the scholar in white, blocking the white electric sword core.

The gap between his cultivation and scholarship in white is too great. Only by using all the means can he win a chance to win.

That's right!

Even if all the cards are given out, there is only a slight chance that they will die here if they accidentally.

Simultaneously controlling two pieces of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, which consumed Ning Xiao Chuan ’s vitality greatly. Fortunately, he swallowed a bottle of Blood Spirit and a bottle of Nine Level Xuan Beast in advance, otherwise he would have 512 The speed of absorbing mysterious energy will surely lead to overdraft death.

487 drops of the blood of the eighth-level mysterious beast and 351 drops of the bone marrow of the nine-level mysterious beast are like explosions of ammunition in his body, releasing countless forces When it came out, it was quickly absorbed by Tianxinzhu and transformed into Tianwu's vitality, supporting the operation of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi.

It is precisely because Ning Xiaochuan was so desperate that he had evenly matched the scholars in white with the help of two pieces of Jiu Pinxuan.

"Oh my God! He still has two Jiupinxuan, no wonder he dares to fight with Yujingshu's Shushu."

"Why is there so many nine-pin myths on his body? No, even if he owns three nine-pin xuans, using his eighth-ranked martial arts as his state of worship, how can he put three nine-pin xuans at the same time? All the power burst out? "Those high-level mysteries were stunned.

The strong ones among the remaining human monks were also shocked. There was no way, Ning Xiaochuan had too many treasures!

Actually, he respected the eighth realm of the realm and blocked the strong stepladder in the third step.

Princess Yueyue also had a pair of beautiful eyes widening, and a hint of doubt flashed in her pupils, saying, "How do I feel the vitality he exerted ..."

"It's Tianwu's vitality!" Yu Jingshu stood on the water, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, his eyes sharply.

Even he and Princess Yueyue have not cultivated the strength of Tianwu, but a young human warrior has cultivated the strength of Tianwu, which is incredible!

Princess Yueyue touched her chin gently, and said, "His talents are so high, and he has several Jiu Pinxuan on his body. It's absolutely not as simple as the servant of King of the Qing Dynasty."

"No matter who he is, he can't stop my will. If I want him to die, he must die!" Yu Jingshu's eyes were extremely firm, he was full of self-confidence, and full of self-confidence, without a trace of fear.

The battle with scholars in white drove Ning Xiaochuan to the Jedi, and every moment wandered on the line of life and death. A little carelessness would kill him on the spot.

The blood flow in the body is getting faster and faster, and each drop of blood turns into a sword shape, like a blood sword with billions of handles flowing fast in his body.

The Supreme Power was born, rushing out of the blood, permeating into the muscles and bones, flowing to the internal organs, from the spine and bones all the way to the brain.

He can clearly feel that the realm of breakthrough is imminent, and he will break through the bottleneck at any time.

"Break me!"

Ning Xiaochuan controlled two pieces of Jiupin Xuan, smashing wildly at the scholar in white, and each hit had the power to crack the mountain.

By the power of attack, Ning Xiaochuan's vitality in the body was quickly consumed, while the blood spirit and the bone marrow of the nineth-level mysterious creature quickly made up for consumption, forming a delicate balance!

As Ning Xiaochuan's attack intensity increased, the balance between the two was broken, and Tianxinzhu moved faster and faster.


There was a loud noise in Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts heart palace, as if it opened up a world. The entire heart palace was filled with martial arts vitality. Then, it began to compress slowly, condensing a golden droplet.


This is the ninth realm of land respect!

Ning Xiaochuan knew that he had broken the bottleneck and entered the ninth place of respect for the land!

Finally entered this realm!

Of course, he has only just entered the ninth place of the state of enshrinement, and his realm is still unstable. He must transform all the heavenly strength in the palace into a liquid to consolidate his realm.

If the realm is unstable, it may be returned to its original form at any time and fall back to the eighth level of respect.

He has now condensed a drop of primal fluid, and it takes at least three days to convert all the vitality of martial arts in the body into primal fluid.

Ning Xiaochuan fought with the scholar in white in order to use his oppressive power to shock the ninth place of respect.

Now, he has entered the ninth weight of the land, and if he continues to fight with him, it is likely that he will fall back to the eighth weight of the land because of instability.

He just wanted to consolidate his state sooner, so he immediately put away the bronze ancient lanterns, magic swords, and single-wheeled stars, retreated to the island, sat on the ground, and ran the "Aura of Heaven and Earth" to consolidate his state.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's sudden withdrawal, the scholar in white chased after him and said coldly, "Boy, have you given up so soon?"

Ning Xiaochuan just sat on the ground and practiced exercises. He didn't look at him at all. He said, "I originally wanted to use your shock to honor the ninth place. Now that the state has broken, we no longer have to fight.

The scholar in white chuckled for a moment, then laughed, "If you don't fight, you won't be allowed."

His hands turned, condensing a white brilliance, and a stream of metal blade-like air flowed through the white light, and he would attack Ning Xiaochuan at any time.

"If you want to survive, I advise you to return. This island has been occupied by me, and whoever breaks through is a dead end!" Ning Xiaochuan said calmly.

Naturally, the scholar in white would not be intimidated by a word from the other party, but felt that Ning Xiaochuan was too arrogant. With a wave of his arm, he threw the white brilliance, hundreds of metal blades rushed out, and pierced Ning Xiaochuan's body at the same time.

No matter how many swords the outside world has, Ning Xiaochuan still sits like an old monk and stays still.

The black skull standing behind Ning Xiaochuan bent down and guarded his body.


The metal blades hit the body of the black skull, making a sound of metal impact, and sparks burst out.

The scholar in white uttered a frivolity, staring deeply at the black skull, his body soaring like a big white bird, and hitting the head of Xiang Ning Xiaochuan with one palm.

He didn't believe the black skull, and he could block the full blow of the warrior on the third step!


The movement of the black skull may seem slow, but in fact, it is surprisingly fast. Before the palm print of the scholar in white hits it, it first bombarded his fist and hit it on the chest of the scholar in white.


The sound of broken bones.

The scholar in white only felt that his chest was hit by a hammer, and the internal organs were broken, and a mouthful of blood was spitting out. Residues of organs were also carried in the blood.


The scholar in white flew out and fell directly to the shore dozens of miles away, smashing a deep pit on the ground, and the ground was torn apart.

He climbed hard out of the mud, staring unbelievably at the black island in the distance, spitting blood again.

With just one punch, he not only beaten his chest with flesh and blood, but also nearly shattered all the bones in his body. Had it not been for the strength of the high-ranking nine-level mysterious beast, I am afraid he is now dead.


The scholar in white persisted for a while, but eventually fell to the ground and passed out.

Ning Xiaochuan sat quietly on the edge of the island, the black skeleton was still guarding him, and a pair of black holes in his eyes looked at the high-level mysterious beasts. The whole world seemed to be quiet.

Those human monks and high-level mysterious creatures could not describe the shock at the moment with words, and with just one punch, they hit a high-ranking nine-level mysterious creature with serious injuries and dying!

"No wonder ... no wonder he dared to occupy the island and challenged the Princess of the Moon and the four princes of the Holy Fish Clan, even with such a powerful hole card!" Xuan Qingguan's Jinshui Fairy exhaled deeply, and was also black skull just now The power of that punch was startled.

If she were replaced with her, I'm afraid she would be broken by that punch.

The faces of Princess Yueyue and Yu Jingshu also became dignified. They no longer despised Ning Xiaochuan as before, but instead faced a big enemy and did not dare to act rashly.

"I'll try it, how strong are you!" A huge golden holy fish ghost rushed out of the back of Yu Jingshu, and reattached to his body. The warfare and momentum on his body rose rapidly, and soon Reached the zenith.

Yujingshu has incorporated martial arts into the martial arts seal, condensing the "sacred fish law", and practicing the power of martial arts to the extreme.

As soon as the law comes out, there is no match under heaven!

The five-step ladder refers to: the ladder of human realm, the ladder of realm, the ladder of realm, martial art body, martial art phase.

Yujingshu is the realm of the fifth step ladder, so we can condense the "holy fish law".

Of course, even if you practice the Fa-phase, it will be difficult to ascend to heaven and earth.

Take Yu Jingshu as an example. Nowadays, his cultivation has reached the point of reaching the peak, but only 40% of the chances have hit the heaven and earth. Moreover, this is only in the case of the water of life, only 40% chance.

If there is no water for life, he estimates that there is only a 10% chance that it can impact the heaven and earth.

For more warriors, the level of the fifth step ladder is the extreme, and there is no chance to impact the heaven and earth. Just like the Yulan Empire, every one hundred years, a celestial person can be born, and other warriors are always blocked under the celestial realm.

Don't look at Yu Jingshu and Princess Yueyue have already begun to impact the realm of heaven and earth, but they want to succeed, maybe how many years they have to wait.

Yu Jingshu naturally knows that the power of the black skull is horrible. Therefore, it is also the most powerful force that can be used to show the power of the law. .


Three chapters are changed every day. The first chapter is updated at 0 am, the second chapter is at 12 noon, and the third chapter is at 6 pm. Lao Jiu has a lot of recent affairs, and I have used some for the saved manuscript, so I did n’t explode the chapters enough. Let me say sorry first.

However, this month Lao Jiu will try to keep three chapters, and do your best! I hope everyone understands that the speed of the old nine code words is really slow, only one chapter in two hours, and three chapters in a day are already betting on all spare time. If there is any unexpected situation, let alone three chapters, please understand.

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