Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 532: Out of reach

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After the light flashed, Ning Xiaochuan and others flew into a chaotic space channel, as if they had penetrated into a cloud of colorful clouds, and were transmitted to unknown places by the force of space!

This is not the first time he has experienced space teleportation, and soon he is calm.

However, the moods of Situ Jing and Zen Tou could not be calm, they were extremely excited, and they felt like they were traveling through the world space.

If you want to cross the space, not ordinary martial arts can do it.

For them, nature is extremely fresh.

"Well! That ... that's a camel ..." Zen Toe stared into the colorful clouds not far away and saw a huge blood-red camel walking slowly!

Situ Jing also stared at him with a look of horror on his face, "What a huge camel! What kind of creature is this? I'll step on it, I'm afraid I can step on heaven!"

The blood-red camel walked in layers of space, with a body of more than 10,000 meters, flesh rotten, iron chains rusted, carrying two golden boxes, walking not far from Ning Xiaochuan and others.

"That is……"

Ning Xiaochuan stared above the head of a blood-red camel. A woman in a white dress with a graceful figure sat on the top of the camel's head, her face covered with a white veil, giving a dusty temperament, like a fairy in the clouds. !!

There are thousands of blooms blooming on her body. Three clusters of brilliance are suspended above her head, showing lead, silver, and gold. The three clusters of light **** are wrapped with a seven-petal petal, and each petal is crystal clear and scattered. Brilliant light, landing a light rain!

Five more beams of light gathered from the foreign exchanges of heaven and earth, showing the light of cyan, white, yellow, black, and red. The five beams of light are connected to her heart, enclosing her in colorful light, every inch of flesh and blood in the body seems to be a colorful stone.

"Oh my God! Is that the legendary‘ three flowers, five air elements ’.” Monk Tangan showed a surprised expression.

Zen Toad stared stupidly at the woman sitting on the back of a blood-red camel, saying, "Is she the goddess of the gods, grandma! We won't really meet the true god!"

"It is really a goddess! You haven't seen Ning Xiaochuan who has always been calm and calm, and you have been scared." Situ Jing laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan was extremely shocked, staring at the white woman sitting on the top of the blood-red camel, suddenly chasing after the blood-red camel, shouting: "Yu Ningsheng! Yu Ningsheng! Where are you going?"

The monk Tangan quickly stopped Ning Xiaochuan, took his arm, and said, "Here is a space moving tunnel. She seems very close to us. In fact, it may be so far away from us. May catch up. "

"Master, master, there must be a way to catch it? Is there a way to do it?" Ning Xiaochuan grabbed the monk Tangan with both hands and shook him vigorously.

The monk Tangan shook his head and said, "Unless you have a sub-level practice!"

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a long while, and looked towards the blood-red camel again, staring at the woman in white, and said, "How could this be? How could this be?"

Ning Xiaochuan clearly remembers the blood-red camel's head, sitting in a human-shaped skeleton over a hundred meters high, but that huge human-shaped skeleton actually disappeared, and was replaced by Yu Ningsheng sitting there.

"Brother Ning, could she be the one you're looking for?" Situ Jing's expression moved.

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath and nodded, and then he and Yu Ningsheng broke into the Black Mist Ghost Plains and encountered the Scarlet Camel. However, he still couldn't figure out what happened to Yu Ningsheng? How could you sit on the back of a blood-red camel?

The monk Tangan stared at the huge camel, his eyes changed lightly and said, "If the poor monk did not guess wrong, she should be the 'guardian' of the blood-red camel, and she will follow the blood-red camel to the unknown. Destination until you reach the end. "

"Guardian?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan said: "The guardian of the previous generation of the blood-red camel should have died and turned into a corpse, and your friend inherited the power and mission of the guardian of the previous generation and continues to guard the camel!"

"Where is the end?"

The monk Tangan shook his head and said, "No one knows where the end point is. But everyone is telling that the blood-red camel has a big secret about the Fengshen era, which will probably be opened by it. The next era of gods. And, many monks are spreading recently. A big era is coming. Maybe it means the next age of gods. Young gods will come out one after another, fight with people, fight with gods, and fight with heaven. In the **** wind, there will definitely be many people who will achieve the status of gods, and many more will become the bones under the feet of the gods. "

"If the blood-red camel really heralds the arrival of a big age, then your friend, as the 'guardian' of the camel, will definitely become one of the key figures."

"So don't worry about her, for her, it might be a big opportunity."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the front, watching the blood-red camel gradually disappear into the chaotic space, leaving only a faint shadow, I wonder where it has gone now?

He had come to find her in the Burial Mountain, but when she saw her, she was already hundreds of millions of miles away and went to another distant area, which she couldn't catch up with.

After this distinction, how many years will it take to meet again?

The end of the world, the vast crowd.

How vast is the whole world? Compared with heaven and earth, two people are like two ants, like two fishes and shrimps living in the South China Sea and the North Sea, like two grains of dust under the stars. Is there really a chance to meet?

There was a touch of loss in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, but he quickly buried that loss in his heart, and replaced it with a firm belief, "Must practice hard! Only martial arts cultivation is strong enough to catch up The camel's pace, otherwise, can only be hoped forever, and can only watch her disappear from the end of the space! "


A light door in front opened, and the three beasts felt their bodies falling down, as if falling into an ice cave, and the surrounding space became extremely cold and dark.


Ning Xiaochuan first fell to the ground, immediately took out the bronze ancient lamp, ignited the wick, and a group of crimson brilliance illuminated the darkness, showing a barren land.

Black dirt, frozen peaks, and steep cliffs!

"How can this be? What is this place? A psychic medicine can grow here?" Zen Toad shivered, staring carefully around.

Situ Jing held the purple dragon gun, his eyes were cold and sharp, "I don't think there is a psychic medicine here, but a psychic ghost!"


As soon as Situ Jing's words fell, a man with a shawl emerged from the ground, his face yelled loudly, his mouth spit out a dark mist, and then he rushed towards the valley between the two cliffs.

Zen Toad was startled, staring at the flying head, and said, "My obedience, you really got it! It really is a ghost ... but why did it escape by itself?" "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the canyon, his eyes lit up, and he said, "That's not a ghost, it's a psychic medicine! Chase it!"

Ning Xiaochuan immediately unfolded and chased into the canyon.

The monk Tangan also shined his eyes and ran fast, closely following Ning Xiaochuan.

"What? That's a psychic medicine?" Zen Toad didn't respond, and the last one chased into the canyon.

After chasing into the canyon, they didn't find the trace of that human head at all, it seemed as if it disappeared out of thin air again!

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, beating around the cliff wall and the ground, still looking carefully.

Zen Toad continued to ask, "What the **** is going on? That's obviously a human head, why is it a psychic medicine?"


The monk Tangan knocked on the top of the Zen toad and said, "The psychic medicine has given birth to wisdom and spirituality, which can be transformed into trees, birds, spirit turtles, stones, and even human figures. A human head is formed by a psychic miracle! It must have heard our conversation, so it deliberately turned into a ghost and escaped. "

"Grandma, Lao Tzu actually looked away! When I knew it was flying over my head, I should catch it. It must have turned into a stone, and I'll go and punch it out."

Zen Toad was really angry, holding the mace, with full strength, and bombarded the cliff.


A stick blasted down, how horrible the power was, smashing the entire cliff wall, a boulder rolled down, filling the entire canyon.

The monk Tangan wanted to stop him, but he was still one step behind.

Before the cliff collapsed, Ning Xiaochuan took off in one step, fell to the top of another cliff, stared at Zen Toad, and said, "What are you doing?"

With a mace, Zen Toad stepped out of the pile of stones, scooped the dust off his body, and said, "Hit that man!"

Ning Xiaochuan stunned for a moment, then immediately said, "Now the whole canyon is now buried and there are rubble everywhere. How can we continue to find?"

Zen Toad also choked and immediately scratched his scalp, chuckling: "This ... hasn't been considered before, otherwise we'll look for it piece by piece?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently and said, "No need, it must have escaped into the ground!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it ..." Chan To quickly said.

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big deal!" Ning Xiaochuan patted Zen Toad's shoulder and smiled: "Since we can meet a psychic medicine, we will certainly encounter other psychic medicines. We must Remember, the psychic medicine has a strong sense of ability, and you can smell the popularity and beast gas across ten miles. If you want to get close to the psychic medicine, you must first close your cultivation and harmony! "

The monk Tangan nodded and said, "It's too big here! Otherwise, let's split up and look for psychic medicine, and meet again after a month! What do you think?"

"Okay! Just do this. If you are in danger, immediately hit a white beam of light to the sky as a signal." After Situ Jing said this, he closed the purple dragon gun and closed his breath and repair. To go north.

Tangan monks and Zen toads went east and south respectively.

Ning Xiaochuan also closed the Xiuwei in his body and walked towards the west!

Ning Xiaochuan's body is very powerful. Even if it is sealed, one arm still has a huge force of millions of pounds. A bounce can provoke hundreds of meters high, enough to span several miles.

The power of a psychic miracle is enough to allow a cultivator to cultivate a drop of mystic water. It is likely to help Ning Xiaochuan reach the level of a psychologist. Only in a place of burial gods like this can one find it Or several!

Ning Xiaochuan is naturally eager to find psychic medicine!


After the four of them left, the head of the head flew out of the stone pile, making a strange sound in the mouth, turning into a Jincancan ginseng, and drilling into the ground again, disappeared!

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