Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 558: Helpless

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The second ground stone is installed in the position of the heart of the black skull, and the blue light flows out.

The black skeleton resumed its combat power again, the cyan glory filled the whole body, every bone was ringing, both arms and legs became extremely powerful, holding the magic sword, heading into the palm print pit more than ten meters deep, check out Nangong Ming is Life or death?


Suddenly, Nangong Ming turned up and repelled the black skeleton with one palm.

He spit out a red crimson little tripod from his mouth, which was only the size of rice grains and very compact.

However, after Tianwu's vitality was injected into Xiaoding, the side of Ding swelled up to thirteen meters, the whole body turned red, the surface was cast with the imprint of the flying bird and the beast, and three thick tripod feet stood below.

Hit it.

The black skull was knocked out by the "three-footed red cloud tripod", rolled down to the ground, and hit a humanoid pit on the ground.

"Three-legged red cloud tripod" belongs to Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, which contains a total of three market worlds.

Jiu Pin Xuan Qi was sacrificed by the heavens and men. The power is naturally terrifying, and it is simply invincible!

Nangong Ming was bathing in blood. Although he was seriously wounded by the palm prints of two heavenly men, he was still furious, holding a huge red cloud tripod, constantly bombarding the black skulls, and the black skulls continued to retreat.

The real celestial beings are terrifying in strength. Without reaching the celestial realm, it is impossible to compete with them.

Besides, Nangong Ming is not a warrior who has just reached Heaven and Human Realm. He has been practicing in Heaven and Human Reality for nearly sixty years and is about to break through to the Realm of Heaven.

Even if the Black Skeleton has the power to fight against Heaven and Earth, it is difficult to match him.

"Situ Beiling, Situ Yu, do you really think that a junior can pick up my Nangong Ming?"

Nangong Ming was very angry. He pinched Chi Yunding with both hands and spit out the real fire of Jiuyang, making Chi Yunding burn more vigorously!

Chi Yunding is completely wrapped in flames, and in the flames, a portal is opened, which emits a huge suction, which turns into a swallowing vortex, and the black skull is to be taken in.


The suction of Chiyunding is quite strong. The ancient trees were pulled up from the ground. The temples in Nangong Palace all flew from the ground. The gravel on the ground, the water in the pool, the vegetation in the garden, all were Into the Chiyun tripod.

Once taken in, even black iron must be refined into fly ash.

The black skull squeezed the magic sword with both hands and injected all vitality into the magic sword, making the magic sword emit blood red brilliance.

On the sword body of the magic sword, a blood-red vortex also formed, bursting into a stronger sucking force than Chi Yunding.

A blood-red swirl condenses!

The sixteen dying spirits revolved around the sword body, spreading towards Nangong Ming and Chi Yunding.

Nangong Ming's face changed slightly, being affected by the demise of the world, feeling that the blood in the body seemed to be washed out of the pores and absorbed by the magic sword.

"So scary sword!"

Nangong Ming clenched his teeth tightly, pinching Chi Yunding with one hand, and rushed forward, smashing the flames into the black skull.

at this time……

Above the sky, a white flying sword stabbed down, dragged a tail more than ten meters long, and hit his head that was screaming towards Nangong.

It was another Stuart's heavenly man who shot Jiupinxuanfei Feijian and set Nangong to death.

If Nangong Ming continues to smash Chi Yunding to the black skull, he will be pierced by the flying sword. There is no other way but to stop and use Chi Yunding to resist the flying sword.


The Feijian and Chiyun Ding collided, causing a large flame to burst, making a loud sound of Hong Zhong being struck, and the earth shuddered.

Half of Nangong Ming's body was hit into the ground, and blood spit out again in his mouth.

Without giving him a chance to breathe, a large handprint fell from the sky and hit him again.

He just flew out of the ground and was beaten back to the ground again.

The hair crown on his head fell, his long hair fell down, his face covered with blood, and he was extremely embarrassed.

However, his body was still full of zeal, his eyes seemed to be able to emit flames!


The black skull waved the magic sword and cut across Nangong Ming's waist, breaking his protective vitality and tearing a foot of blood.

If it wasn't for Nangong Ming's forcible removal of his body, that sword would have cut him off.

If only facing a black skull, Nangong Ming has every confidence to suppress the black skull.

However, after adding the two celestial beings of the Situ tribe, he has no chance of winning at all.

"Today, I admit that Nangong Ming has planted it. However, the offense of your Situ tribe is not far off when you offend the Demon Temple."

Nangong screamed, his body rushed into a pillar of fire, broke through the blockade of the black skeleton and the Situ tribe, and flew out of the Jiuyu Heavenly City.

Nangong Ming has been injured and does not want to continue fighting, preparing to escape first.

Wait for the injury to be healed, and then come back to clean up everyone.

If a heavenly man wants to break away, even three heavenly men will be difficult to stop him.

There is no way. Heaven and Earth have been able to fly freely, and there must be many escape methods. As long as there is a loophole, the encirclement can be broken out.

The two celestial beings of the Situ tribe also shook their heads and sighed, so that Nangong Ming escaped.

When Nangong Ming thought he could escape, a cloud of purple clouds rose to the sky, cutting off the way he was about to escape.

A "blue sky and red sun map" unfolded, it was like an illusory world presented in purple glow, sweeping past Nangong Ming.

"Zizu ancestor!"

When Nangong Ming's face changed, he immediately urged Chi Yunding to hit the huge picture scroll.


A red brilliance flew out in the "Blue Sky and Red Sun Map", and both Nangong Ming and Chi Yun Ding flew back and fell into Nangong Palace again.


Nangong Ming just fell to the ground, smashed a wall, and fell into the rubble.

At this moment, the black skeleton immediately lifted the sword and cut it.

Nangong Ming avoided the sword's edge and avoided the fate of death, but was still shot out by the sword body.

Nangong Ming really had no choice but to fight with the black skull again, it was difficult to fight with the black skull.

Every time a sword was received from the black skull, a mouthful of blood spit out.

The blood of celestial beings is where the essence is. Every time a spit of blood is spit, the blood on the body will drop by one point.

Those monks outside Nangong Palace naturally saw the fighting just now.

Many people look towards the sky, but there are only clouds above the sky. How can there be flying swords? Where is the purple glow?

"Surely it was the old ancestors of the Situ and the Purple ancestors that shot Nangong Ming back, and he was not allowed to escape. However, the old ancestors of the two races were not convenient to shoot on the bright side, so they secretly opposed Nangong slammed the killer. "

"On the bright side, it seems that only Ning Xiaochuan is fighting with Nangong. In fact, the ancestors of both clans are helping in secret."

"Is today the day of killing the heavenly people? In Jiulongjiang, no heavenly people have been killed for a long time."

"Nangong Ming is also deserving of bad luck. By the prestige of King Wang, he has offended people everywhere, and now he finally swallowed the evil. There are too many offenders. There is even one who rescues him! Helpless. "

"I guess that secretly trying to kill Nangong Ming's heavenly people is definitely not only the old ancestors of the Situ and the Zi people, but maybe the old ancestors of other big families are also ready to shoot at any time. As long as Nangong Ming wants to escape, there are definitely people who will Hit him back. "

"This is where everyone pushes down the wall. The ancestors of the clans and Taoism will definitely not miss this opportunity, and it is impossible for Nangong Ming to escape."


Nangong Ming's body was getting worse and worse. He showed a trick to knock back the black skull.

Without hesitation, he plunged into the ground and planned to escape from the ground.

In Jiuyi Tiancheng, a white-haired old man standing on the street, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his feet slammed on the ground.

A circular aperture rushed into the ground, condensed into a Taoist mark, and attacked Nangong Ming.

Nangong Ming only fled for thousands of meters under the ground, was hit by the huge road mark and flew out of the ground, fell into Nangongfu again, and rolled down directly at the feet of the black skull.

Just now, a heavenly man from Daomen shot in the east position of Jiuyu Tiancheng and beat Nangong Ming to fly back.

After using this method, the white-haired old man immediately disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

They are unwilling to take action. After all, killing Nangong Ming is a big deal, and maybe he will provok him. Once the matter is thoroughly investigated, the power of anyone who strikes will be devastated.

However, Ning Xiaochuan is different.

He was just an lonely widow. After killing Nangong Ming, he would have to leave Jiuyijiang. Even if he pursues it in the future, he will not find him.

It can be said that the emergence of Ning Xiaochuan provided an opportunity for the major ethnic groups in Jiulingjiang to kill Nangongming.

Without Ning Xiaochuan, no one would dare to kill Nangong Ming, and can only continue to endure being oppressed by Nangong Ming.


The black skull cut his sword and cut Nangong Ming's head in half. A large piece of his skull was dropped.

There was a muffled sound in Nangong Ming's mouth, with both hands on the ground, his body shot out, avoiding the second sword of the black skull.

He stood up and shouted, "You are so hateful! Since you have to put me to death, don't blame me for being with you all."

Nangong Ming cut his wrist open, and the blood of heaven and human was flowing in it, dripped on the ground, and poured into the soil, turning the earth into blood red.

A piece of blood radiated from his body, and a spell was in his mouth.

Those spells penetrated his blood and dipped into the ground, as if to wake up?

"No! He is going to awaken the puppet by blood sacrifices!"

The Situ king immediately transmitted a message to Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Run away! I want to wake up!"

The heavenly men who had previously shot at Nangong Ming also immediately hid their bodies and did not dare to expose them.

Some of them even escaped from Jiuyi Tiancheng and did not dare to stay in Jiuyi Tiancheng.

Ning Xiaochuan did not immediately run away, but mobilized the black skull and continued to kill Nangong.

This is the best chance to kill Nangong Ming!

Even if you want to escape, you must get rid of him first.

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