Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 572: To Fengshen Cave

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Ning Xiaochuan returned to Jiangehou House and did not see Ning Xin'er.

I learned from Laohouye that Ning Xin'er was also taken to Tiandi Mountain, and it is likely that he will become a disciple of Tiandi Mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan also got a lot of news about Tiandi Mountain from the old man.

It turned out that after the Emperor Lingxu went to Tiandi Mountain, he was named the goddess of Tiandi Mountain, and also brought valuable news to Tiandi Mountain.

"The Emperor's Shrine was once opened, and many geniuses were born in the Yulan Empire. More than ten geniuses were born in the millennium, and other talents with endless talents are emerging."

After learning this news, Tiandishan naturally immediately sent a master to the Yulan Empire to bring these talented handsome men back to Tiandishan!

Among them are Yu Qianqian and Ning Xiner.

Of course, that's what happened half a year ago!

Ning Xiaochuan took out ten sets of Hei Jinkai and gave them to the old Houye, saying, "These ten sets of armor are all treasures. As long as a top-quality basalt is set on the armor, the warrior can play his seventh respect. Heavy combat power. "

"Isn't Jiangehoufu able to immediately add ten strongest men to the seventh place? In the Yulan Empire, who else can compete with us?" Ning Qiancheng was very excited, staring at the ten sets of Hei Jinkai. It was like staring at ten peerless beauties.

He is a soldier who commands the army of Jiangehoufu. Naturally, he is most interested in weapons that increase the strength of the army.

The ten strongest men with the seventh highest respect in the army are just like ten pins of the sea god, enough to sweep all opponents!

"Erbo, we should have a longer-term vision. If we only dominate the Yulan Empire, Jiangehoufu will not be an ancient tribe inherited forever." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Qiancheng Road: "Do you mean, want us to fight against other human civilizations?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook and said, "Instead of conquering other civilizations, it is better to create a more prosperous civilization. As long as it has strong strength, the Yulan Empire can continue to expand outwards and grow into an intermediate-grade fifth-grade civilization. It ’s possible that product civilization can happen. Of course, this will take generations to create, not just in a few years. "

Ning Xiaochuan just mentioned it casually, and never thought that he would really create a civilization.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the "Jiuyang True Fire Classic" and handed it to the old master.

This is a complete volume of Martial Arts. I believe Lao Houye will understand its preciousness!

After reading the "Jiuyang True Fire Sutra", the old man suddenly felt shocked and rejoiced. He carefully closed Wu Jing and said, "Xiaochuan, what are your plans next?"

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment and said, "Should go to Tiandi Mountain!"

Lao Hou nodded and said: "Your talent is very high, you should indeed go to a higher civilization to practice. After going to Tiandi Mountain, remember to take good care of your sister. When you come back again, maybe ... maybe Grandpa is gone! "

Martial arts cultivation is a long way. The Yulan Empire and Tiandi Mountain are also separated by millions of miles. It is not easy to come and go. When Ning Xiaochuan returns to the Yulan Empire again, it is estimated that it will be decades later. May be hundreds of years later.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Grandpa! What did you forget about me? I'm a mind-raiser! When I reach the realm of the legendary" Shen Nong ", you can't even die if you want to die!"

Ning Xiaochuan's goal is to become the legendary Shennong. The refined elixir can live and die, and live bones. By that time, his relatives and friends can live at least hundreds of years. That was Ning Xiaochuan's biggest wish!

"Okay! I hope you reach your goal soon and become the legendary Shennong." Lao Houye is also very happy, because he can see the future from Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan lived in Jiangehoufu for a few days before rushing to the wilderness again.

However, before Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the Yulan Empire, he was robbed by King Qingyu.

Qing Qing Wang was very angry, pulling her sleeves high, revealing two white Sensen wrists, slender fingers, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, Wang is really angry!"

"King, what's the matter with you?" Ning Xiaochuan was standing on the edge of the tree-lined road, and could feel the anger on King Qingyu, so he opened a long distance from her.

If she was going to kill herself, she would have time to fight back.

Qing Qing Wang put his hands on his hips, and said, "You tell me, you were originally from the Yulan Empire?"

"I was originally from the Yulan Empire." Ning Xiaochuan said calmly.

The King of Qinghua said, "Why did you lie to me?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "To survive."

"Then you tell me again that you tricked me into the Yulan Empire, that you want me to help you get rid of the Emperor Yulan?" Qing Qing Wangdao.

Ning Xiaochuan thought for a moment, and said, "I lied to you to the Yulan Empire. I just want you to help me get rid of the Emperor Yulan."

"Ning Xiaochuan! Ning Xiaochuan! The king is really sincere to you, but you are so deceiving me, your character is really bad! To tell you the truth, I hate others to deceive me, do you kill yourself, or Do you do it yourself? "

Wang Qing is really angry and feels that he has been turned around by Ning Xiaochuan. If he doesn't show his power, he really thinks he is a little sparrow!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Actually, this has nothing to do with my character. The main reason is that the king is too simple, his character is too straight, and he is too righteous, so he will ..."

"I'm simple? You better not make me angry, I tell you, if the king is insidious and cunning, even I am afraid of myself." Qing Qing Wang urged: "Don't be jealous, you can start! Go and clean up the portal. "

"Actually, I still have a way to choose?" Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

"There is no way! Either you kill yourself or I kill you, these two ways!" Qing Qing Wang said with certainty.

"I know the location of Fengshendongfu!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The king's eyes suddenly lighted, but he immediately became alert and said, "What do you want to do?"

"My Xuanshi puppet was forged from the bones of the Black Bone Giant. The bones of the Black Bone Giant were dug out of Fengshen Cave." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Qing Qing Wang said: "To tell you the truth, my king will not be fooled by you anymore, no matter how eloquent you are, today, you will surely die."

Ning Xiaochuan continued: "The exercises I practice, that is, the heaven and earth mystery, have been practiced to the tenth level."

"Really?" Qing Qing Wang said with some confusion.

"of course it's true."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Actually, I wanted to tell the King about the location of Fengshen Cave House. However, my family is in danger. If it were not for the King to kill Yulan the Great, my grandpa, My sister, I am afraid that they will all die in the hands of Emperor Yulan. The king has great gratitude to me. I naturally want to report this kind of kindness and tell the king the place of Fengshen Cave, which is naturally a matter of course. "

King Qingyu nodded slightly, very satisfied with Ning Xiaochuan's remarks, which sounded very comfortable, but she responded and said, "Hey! Don't let your blood blow out, the emperor Yulan was clearly killed by you. Don't rest on me, I never thought about killing him. "

"Yes! Yes! It was my slip. Of course, I wouldn't have killed him if the king had severely wounded him." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Qing Qing Wangdao: "Do you really know the location of Fengshen Dongfu?"

"I can take you there now!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Don't be so anxious, accompany me to drink first. It's really strange recently. As long as I go to a place, everyone says I'm a thief and don't give me a drink. Are you strange or strange?" At the front, she felt depressed when she touched the white chin.

"It's really weird, right, did you drink money for money?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

"No!" Wang Qing said.

"Uh ..." Ning Xiaochuan finally knew who the unscrupulous stealing thief was, and finally understood why no one drank the wine of the Qing Dynasty King.

"Everything in the hundreds of thousands of miles around the Desolation Ridge is mine, and everything in the Yulan Empire is naturally mine. Why should I give money?" Qing Qing Wang said for granted.

Ning Xiaochuan was speechless. In the days of Jiangehou House, he had heard of the name of a thief, and the princes of the imperial court had shot against her. As a result, she was beaten into a pig's head and fled away.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't take this matter too seriously, but he didn't expect to run into this thief!

If I had known, I shouldn't have taken her to drink.

Once alcohol addiction develops, it is not easy to quit.

"Ning Xiaochuan, my king will temporarily let go of your life." Qing Qing Wang said.

"Thank you ..."

"Let's kill you when you find Fengshen Cave Mansion." Qing Qing Wang said again.


Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a little bit embarrassed. It seemed that he could only go to Fengshendongfu and find another chance to escape.

After Ning Xiaochuan accompany Qing Wang to drink, he rushed to the wilderness and came outside the sealed ancient cave again.

There was still a little drunkenness on the face of King Wang Qing, without any scruples, and he smashed out with one palm to break the seal of the ancient cave!


The seal was ripped open, and a series of abnormal noises were emitted inside.

A black brilliance flew out of the ancient cave. In the light, with the roaring voice of the injustice, it is almost like there are tens of millions of ghosts wrapped in a black brilliance, exposing sharp claws, bloodthirsty teeth, and a stingy body!

The whole world became dim, cold and chilly, just like it was to Shura Hell.

Being touched by that cold air, the Qing Wang was all excited, woke up most of the drunk, and fired a blue flame, forming a huge flame ball, burning those black brilliance to "哧哧" Ringing.

In the black glory, the sound of wailing sounded, and returned to the hole!

"Sure enough, there is an ancient breath coming from the cave. Maybe it is the legendary Fengshen Cave Mansion!" The King of Qingyan was not afraid of it, but was very pleased. He gave the Supreme Master from Yulan the Great to take out.

"King, since it is Fengshendongfu, then you have to go in sooner, maybe you can find psychic medicine in it, find the treasure left by the gods, and find the secret of becoming a god." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that Fengshen Cave House must be extremely dangerous. As far as he knows, in Dongfu, there is at least a powerful ghost of the heavenly ghost!

If the King of Qingyu is entangled by the ghosts of heaven, he will naturally have a chance to escape!


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