Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 579: Unlucky Yue Mingsong

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"One price, fifty black stones, can't be less! This is a treasure dug from the emperor's tomb. Don't look at it already rusted, but it is stained with the blood of the nine heavenly lords. Ten miles of mountains will collapse. "

"Come back! Let's talk about it, forty pieces of black stones! I'll tell you more about the details of the ancient bowl. The carvings on it are all drawn by the sages of the door. Don't believe it? Touch it yourself."

Yue Mingsong tightly held the woman's hand, kept bargaining, and eventually sold the rusty iron bowl for thirty black stones.

He put away the black stone, pulled down the straw hat on his head, and sighed, "Damn, business is getting harder and harder!"

"Yue Mingsong! Long time no see." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"You recognize the wrong person! I'm not Yue Mingsong."

When Yue Mingsong heard someone call his name, his legs trembled, almost like a frightened rabbit. He wrapped the straw mat on the ground, carried it on his back, spread his feet, and ran away.

However, he just ran out for a while, and suddenly, he only reacted. The man's voice was somewhat familiar. It didn't seem to be the two who wanted to kill him.

"I wipe! It turned out to be you, it scared me for a moment, I thought it was the two killing stars that caught up." Yue Mingsong stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and spit on the ground fiercely.

Ning Xiaochuan walked slowly and laughed, "It's a good business! He even sold all the broken copper and iron!"

"The key to doing business is not how good the goods are, but the perfect presentation of the personality charm. When a person's charm is strong enough, it is not the goods that are sold, but the sun and handsomeness, which makes those young girls confused. You ca n’t stop me. Do you think I have a commander recently? ”Yue Mingsong took off the straw hat on his head, exposing a face with a beard and dregs, and a pair of wretched eyes with deep inside. His eyes looked like Qiubo was rippling.

He was wearing a big red undershirt, knee-length shorts, bare feet, and dense leg hair.

Yue Mingsong's outfit reminded Ning Xiaochuan of a sunny and handsome figure in an anime in the previous life. Unfortunately, Yue Mingsong did not have that temperament. Ning Xiaochuan has always suspected that the previous woman was afraid of being entangled by him, so he gave him thirty black stones and passed him on.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You are not a master of the forge, how did you fall into the position of a stall?"

Yue Mingsong put the broken straw hat on his head again, and cut his haircut. He said melancholy, "Don't mention it! Some time ago, it caused two powerful opponents and was chased for thousands of miles. I dare not show up easily now. , Once they are found, I will definitely be divided by them to chaos. Brother, you must save me! "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Isn't your cultivation high, and there are people who can hunt you down?"

"I am high? Misunderstanding! I am an honest calciner, but the level of the calciner is at its peak. After all, I am a neighbor of the disciples of the first calciner in the world. This is not blown out. Besides, you see Which calciner division has been fighting against the sky? Have you ever seen it? "Yue Mingsong pursed his lips and felt that his saliva was extremely bitter.

"Yue Mingsong! Where do you flee this time?"

Above the sky, there was a woman's coquettish drinking, and immediately, layers of black clouds surged to form a swirling cloud.

On the ground, the heaven and earth mysterious air was shaken, forming a wave of cold winds!

In the black clouds, a huge sky eye intertwined by thunder and lightning flew, and a purple light shed, locking Yue Mingsong standing on the ground.

Two unusually powerful forces came from above. It can be clearly seen that two silhouettes flew in the clouds and turned into two flashes of light, flying towards this ancient city!

Yue Mingsong was so scared that he was full of puppets, staring at the sky above his head, and then fled.

However, that sky eye seemed to have spirituality, locking him in, and no matter where he hid, the light shone above his head.

"Not yet running away, they will soon come over." Yue Mingsong yelled at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan looked up, staring at the flashing thunder sky, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If you don't break the other side's heavenly eyesight, you won't be able to escape."


A blood-red battle sword flew from Ning Xiaochuan's fingertips and turned into a beam of light rising towards the sky, piercing that sky's eye.

A loud noise!

The black cloud above the sky was washed away by the violent sword gas, and that sky eye was broken and broken!

For a long while, a man and a woman fluttered down from the sky and fell into the ancient city.

They stood where Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong stood before, releasing their hearts, and the whole city took in the breath of Yue Mingsong.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong have disappeared without a trace.

The man and the woman wore cyan robes, probably only in their twenties.

The man looks like a jade tree facing the wind, wears a bronze crown on his head, and carries an ancient sword with a dragon carved on his back. In his body, a powerful aura is emitted, and the power of the mind covers the entire ancient city. Shock was terrifying.

That woman was quite beautiful, also wearing a robe, with long black waist-length hair, and a white jade belt around her waist, drawing a charming curve!

"The sword that was just so arrogant just now was able to break my heavenly eyes, and it should be the helper that the dog thief asked." The woman in the blue robe said coldly, with murderous in her eyes.

"That sword qi is indeed strong, but that's the same thing. Among the sword repairs, it can only be regarded as the middle and upper level. If I exhibit the" Pure Yang Sword Technique ", once the sword qi is out, all swords in the world Xiu must retreat from the house. "The man in the robe looked rather arrogant, and seemed to look down on other Kendo monks at all.

The sword fluctuating from him is indeed arrogant and has pride in capital! He said this, and no one dared to refute it.

"Continue chasing!" The woman wearing a robe found the breath of Yue Mingsong, and immediately launched the flight path to chase out of the ancient city.

Two cyan streamers flashed, a man and a woman wearing a robe, and soon disappeared in the ancient city.

The ancient city is gradually returning to peace.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong have escaped hundreds of miles away from the ancient city, sitting on the backs of the two-headed stone beasts, and fled towards the south.

The fighting power of the two-headed stone beast is comparable to that of a warrior in the fourth step. In terms of running speed, it is faster than the warriors on the fourth step.

"These two people's cultivation seems to be pretty good. What exactly is it?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Yue Mingsong wiped the sweat stains on his forehead and said, "The two disciples of Tiandi Mountain, the man named Chang Guliang, and the woman named Mo Hailan, are both well-known young people in Tiandi Mountain. It is terrible, and it also has a strong background in the Tianshu Empire. It belongs to the descendants of two great clans. "

"How do you provoke the disciples of Tiandi Mountain?" Ning Xiaochuan always felt that there was a very simple reason.

Yue Mingsong spread his hands and said, "I want to know too! When did I provoke them? What about me or others?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You haven't provoked others, and people will chase you for so long?"

"This time, I swear by my appearance that I really didn't provoke them."

Yue Mingsong sighed: "I originally went to Tiandi Mountain to take the Tianmen exam. On that day, I went to Jijifu and met Mo Hailan who challenged the talents of Jijifu, claiming that she was the first person of Jijifu's younger generation. I was naturally disdainful at that time, so I stepped onto the platform, bowed to her, and said, "Little girl, Yuemou, try your depth!"

"I said such a thing. After she heard it, she was so angry that she would kill me with a sword. She also cursed me for being a dog thief or a prostitute. I ... I am so wronged! I do not even now Any idea what's going on? "

Ning Xiaochuan touched his chin, with a smile on his face, and said, "If others say this, there should be no problem. But, your wretched face with a **** smile, plus It ’s a weird thing to say that you did n’t get misunderstood. How can you say that she is a female disciple of Taoism? Try her depth? For women, do n’t say 'deepness.'

Ning Xiaochuan always felt that this sentence was very wrong, but, at a half-time, he couldn't say what was wrong?

"Stop mentioning them! Unlucky!" Yue Mingsong stopped and said, "You have finally come out of the Yulan Empire, should you go to Tiandi Mountain to take the Tianmen exam?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "After all, Tiandi Mountain is north. The sacred earth of Xinjiang's cultivation, anyone wants to cross Tianmen and become an inner disciple of Tiandi Mountain. When I went to Tiandi Mountain, I got the training resources and I am sure More rich. "

"With Brother Ning's talent, it is not difficult to pass the Tianmen Examination, but to get the top three, I am afraid it is impossible!" Yue Mingsong said.

"Oh! How big is the competition?" Ning Xiaochuan smiled slightly.

In fact, he was not very interested in the ranking of the Tianmen exam.

Ning Xiaochuan's purpose of taking the Tianmen Examination is to enter the Tiandi Mountain practice. He does not value the rankings because he has no influence background and cannot be compared with the descendants of the clan and the family, but it is better to be low-key!

Muxiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it.

Sharp-minded people are also more likely to be jealous.

Yue Mingsong said: "Some of the most amazing characters appeared in the outside disciples cultivated by Tiandi Mountain. For example, the three young kings, two fairies, and legend, they have all entered the realm of heaven and human beings. , Is a popular figure in this Tianmen exam, and the top three are likely to be born among them. Also, recently I heard that Tiandishan has another amazing Heavenly Pride girl who has not taken the Tianmen exam. She has already been called a 'goddess'. "


There is one chapter tonight, and the second chapter in the early morning.

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