Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 591: Wang Sunfu

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The Tianshu Great Empire is the only high-grade five-grade civilization under the Heavenly Mountain, occupying more masters and resources than other civilizations combined.

If Tiandi Mountain is likened to a big tree, then the Tianshu Great Empire is the trunk of the big tree, and other civilizations are just the leaves of the big tree.

So-called, people are grouped together, and things are grouped together.

The descendants of the Tianshu Empire, the imperial court, and the grandchildren of the royal family, consider themselves to be real dragons and phoenixes, with a high status. Other geniuses and handsome men of human civilization are just small villagers.

Therefore, the family members of the Tianshu Grand Empire set up a "king and grand palace", which only recruited the descendants and senior officials of the Tianshu Grand Empire, and became the richest organization in Tiandi Mountain.

Luo Xianzi went to participate in the Daoist conference initiated by the emperor. Only young monks who had reached heaven and earth were invited. After she left, Wu Qingchou told Ning Xiaochuan about the background of Wang Sunfu.

"Lu Ren and Jin Wuyi are both members of Wang Sunfu. Although they are now only disciples outside, they have a great chance to pass the exam of Tianmen with their talents. Once they become the disciples of Tiandishan, they will be in Wangsunfu , The status in the family will be significantly improved. "Wu Qingchou said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Sister Luo is not also an outstanding figure of the three great families of the Tianshu Empire. Why didn't she join Wang Sunfu?"

Wu Qing worryed and laughed: "Although Wang Sunfu is recruiting family members, many people are unwilling to enter Wang Sunfu and have their own circle. For example, sister Luo, she will become a member of Wanjian Palace. That's because she is the descendant of the third house master of Wanjian Palace. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed and he said, "The third house of the Wanjian Palace is also a Luo people?"

Wu Qing nodded sadly and said, "The Lord of the Three Palaces is an old ancestor of the Luo ethnic group. He is a high-weight existence in the Luo ethnic group. However, he has not appeared for more than a hundred years and has been in the holy place. The practice of retreat in the soil seems to be impacting a very important state. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart thought to himself that the existence of Wanjian Palace may also help those big families to recruit talents.

Just now Luo Wu shot to save him, and it is likely that he wanted to recruit him to the Luo people.

Tiandi Mountain is not only a cultivating treasure, but also a huge talent market. Any genius who may become an inner disciple is the target of those big families.

Wu Qing worried: "Before you didn't show up, Lu Ren already had a great reputation. He was known as the most gifted mind trainer in the younger generation. He has already hit the mind trainer twice, but all failed. .Once he is allowed to reach the level of Da Yang Xin Shi before the Tianmen exam, he will probably be promoted to a core disciple. "

"However, you have now appeared, not only comparable to him in the cultivation of the mind trainer, but also a talent that is rare for three thousand years, and he will definitely treat you as a deadly opponent. You have such a big contradiction today, he even It may be possible to ask someone to kill you secretly. Sister Luo is right, let's go back to Wanjian Palace as soon as possible! As long as you can't retreat, no one can kill you. "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "You can hide for a while, you can't hide forever. No matter what he can do, I will take it all."

Taking Ning Xiaochuan's current practice as an example, the younger generation is not afraid of anyone at all, even in the face of characters in the Luo dance class.

Even if Lu Ren was bothering him, Ning Xiaochuan was not afraid at all.

Ning Xiaochuan spent six million pieces of Xuanshi and bought the nine drops of Xuanjing. He didn't leave Tianmen City and asked the old man in the shop. He wanted to know the geniuses of the Yulan Empire. Gathering place.

"Yu Lan Empire? That is the hometown of the Emperor. I heard that not long ago, the Emperor had manifested his spirits. He lowered the **** Fuze, so that many talents of the Yu Lan Empire possessed incredible talent levels. Some of them even reached 5,000 years of difficulty. Encountered the above talents, but then shocked Tiandi Mountain. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Oh! What later?"

The old man said: "Tian Di Shan specially dispatched several disciples of the inner door to the Yulan Empire and brought back those talented and handsome men."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Then you know where they are now?"

The old man laughed: "This is not very clear! However, I heard that although the world's handsome men in the Yulan Empire have high talent levels, after all, they are only inferior fifth-class civilization and lack of cultivation resources. Not high. In order not to waste their talents, and at the same time to obtain equal competitiveness in the exam of Tianmen, Tiandishan decided to send them to the holy earth for cultivation. "

"It is really enviable. Once you enter the holy earth to cultivate, cultivation must be thousands of miles a day, and only their geniuses that have been hard to come by for thousands of years have such opportunities."

Were sent to the holy earth for cultivation?

Ning Xiaochuan did not expect that he had made a vacancy, but he was also happy for Ning Xin'er and Yu Qianqian. After all, being able to enter the holy earth to cultivate would be of great benefit to them.

With their talents and a steady stream of cultivation resources, cultivation must advance by leaps and bounds.

The old man said with a smile: "You must inquire about the geniuses of the Yulan Empire. You definitely want to admire Her Royal Highness, too! It is a pity! I heard that Her Royal Highness is also practicing in the holy soil, and countless people want to see her. On her side, none of them really met. "

Naturally Ning Xiaochuan knew that His Highness the Goddess was the descendant of the Emperor, "The Emperor Lingxu."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "It was too soon to seal her as a goddess before the Tianmen exam."

"You are afraid you don't know yet! Her Royal Highness is the descendant of the Emperor of Heaven. She has the blood of the gods. You don't need to guess that she is the goddess." The old man with a very respectful expression appeared if His Highness appeared in Tianmen City, I'm afraid he will immediately go to kneel.

Before the Tianmen exam, it seemed that I could not see Yu Qianqian and Ning Xiner!

Ning Xiaochuan also asked: "The young strong men of all civilizations have come to Tiandi Mountain. Then, do you know where the young monks from Jiujiang came to take the Tianmen exam?"

After all, the old man opened his door to do business and was very familiar with everything in Tianmen City. He said: "I heard that the young monks in Jiuyijiang are gathered together and temporarily live in the north of Tianmen City. It is not clear where it is. Now. "

"Thank you."

Ning Xiaochuan and Wu Qingchou walked out of the shop and headed north of the city.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan seemed to be aware, as if someone was staring at himself behind his back, immediately turned around and looked back, but found nothing.

"Master Ning, what's wrong with you?" Wu Qing asked curiously.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, then shook his head and said, "Strange, I obviously feel someone."

Ning Xiaochuan confirmed that there was nothing wrong with his previous response. He thought to himself that perhaps the master of Wang Sunfu was following himself, just follow along and see what tricks they can make?

After Ning Xiaochuan and Wu Qingchou left, a wave of fluctuations appeared in the air, and Nie Lanxin and Nie Lanzhi came out of that void barrier.

"Ning Xiaochuan actually joined the Wanjian Palace, which is interesting now!"

Nie Lanxin stared at the direction of Ning Xiaochuan's departure, and did not continue to catch up. "Strange! As his talent is impossible, the first step in the repair of the sky ladder situation, seems to have to find someone to try what he has achieved? "

"Sister! Is it really impossible for you and Xiaohouye to reconcile?" Nie Lanzhi said.

"You're stupid! Anything in this world can happen." Nie Lan thought.

"Really?" Nie Lanzhi smiled.

"Of course. If Ning Xiaochuan willingly submits to me and listens to my orders, I can let him go. This is the best result!"

Nie Lanxin's eyes were as bright as two stars, exuding an air of proud kingliness, almost like a young queen standing on the street, so that many outside students who passed by her were all They stared at her, then lowered their heads and hurried away.

She gave Wan Yin the queen, and inherited her temperament. She was arrogant, noble, and domineering. Although she was a daughter, she also had the martial spirit to fight against the heroes of the world.

Nie Lanzhi shook his head gently and kept sighing, impossible, impossible, Xiao Houye could not surrender to her sister, they seemed destined to be the enemy of life and death, and no one could reconcile.

After half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan and Wu Qingchou came outside a rather magnificent manor in the north of the city. According to news, the talented and handsome men of Jiuyujiang lived here.

Although Jiuyinjiang belongs to the intermediate fifth-grade civilization, it can only be regarded as the bottom in the intermediate fifth-grade civilization.

Therefore, after coming to the Tiandi Mountain, the Jiu Dai people of Jiuyinjiang and the genius Junjie of the Four Avenues gathered together. After all, there are many people with great strength and have a mutual care, so as not to be excluded by the genius Junjie of the Tianshu Empire.


The door of the manor was opened, and a group of young geniuses came out eagerly, as if something had happened, and everyone's face looked angry.

Ning Xiaochuan saw that Situ Jing and Zi Hanyan were both in it. Several other talented people were also familiar. They had met a few times in Jiujingjiang, but they couldn't name them.

"Brother Situ, long time no see." Ning Xiaochuan and Wu Qingyou went up.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan, Situ Jing first froze. Then, his face showed ecstasy. He rushed to hug Ning Xiaochuan and laughed: "Brother Ning, I guess you will come to Tiandi Mountain, really. Great!"

"What the **** happened? Where are you going?" The two big men hugging on the street really made Ning Xiaochuan a little awkward.

Situ Jing's complexion immediately gloomed, and said, "Those family members who are not yet Wang Sunfu think that they have huge power behind them, and they don't even consider monks from other civilizations at all. , Our young monks in Jiuyinjiang decided to dispatch all of them, and we must ask them for an explanation. Otherwise, they can't swallow this breath! "

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