Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 609: High profile, high profile

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Lu Renxuan smiled: "Ning Xiaochuan's mind has been broken by Chi Xin. At this moment, Chi Xin's mind has entered his heart, and he wants to completely destroy his foundation. You don't even admit defeat, you just don't see the coffin. Don't cry! "

Yue Mingsong said: "Just a hair! Maybe Chi Xin's mind broke into Ning Xiaochuan's heart, so he won't come out?"

"This ... how is this possible? Haha! What a joke. The water of **** plus the magical species, even if the heart of heaven and man is rotten, let alone a mere ..."

Before Lu Ren's words were finished, I saw a gray Guanghua fly out!


Chi Xin's mind escaped from the heart of Ning Xiaochuan, the three **** waters were broken up, and the power of mind became extremely weak and almost broke.

The **** demon gathers the mind and returns to the body.


Chi Xin's face became extremely pale, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. He spit out blood and dyed the whole table red.

Lu Ren was closer, and blood splashed on his face, scaring him to stagnation: "defeat ... defeat ..."

Chi Xin was very reconciled and tried hard to control his mind and wanted to fight again, but his body couldn't lift a trace of strength, his face became paler, and another blood spit out!

"Haha! Defeated! Defeated!"

Yue Mingsong patted the table, jumped up, rubbed his palms, and laughed: "Everyone, Chi Xin is defeated! The result of the victory has been set, and those who will win against Xiaochuan will come and get money!"

"It's impossible!" Lu Ren's face all appeared, and he shouted, "Chi Xinming is occupying the absolute upper part. How can he be defeated if he fails? It must be you behind the ghosts!"

"Fuck. You. Sister. Ah! Hundreds of pairs of eyes are staring. Who can do ghosts?" Yue Mingsong rolled his sleeves and wanted to slap Lu Ren.

Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes slowly, his eyes glowed with brilliance, and said, "I have reached the state of mind-raising. Chi Xin's mind dared to break into my heart. Refining his mind has already spared his life. "

"Da Yang Xin Shi ... it's impossible, impossible ..." Lu Ren thought desperately.

He is known as a genius mind trainer who has been hard to come by for many years, and has failed twice in the impact of the big mind trainer. How could Ning Xiaochuan succeed?



Lu Ren cannot accept this fact!

At this time, those talented handsome men of Jiuyinjiang were very excited, and some people said in a weird manner: "Master Lu, who is willing to gamble to lose, is now too angry to become angry, isn't it too late? Are you quick to kneel down and give us an apology? Haha!

A pretty little aunt laughed and said, "You are too helpless. You dare to fight with Ning Gongzi. He is the first master of our young generation in Jiulingjiang. It is normal for you to be defeated."

Another young talent said: "I just bet 6 million pieces of black stones just now to bet on Ning Gongzi to win, but now I have made 1,800 pieces of black stones, and I don't know how to spend it!"

Hearing this, Lu Ren's face changed greatly. Just now, he had all the valuables of the net worth, including the elders in the clan, be charged. Now Chi Xin lost!

God! That is a treasure close to 200 million pieces of black stone. If you lose it like this, then ... then you will be ruined!

Everyone previously thought that Chi Xin would win, so he placed a heavy bet on Chi Xin, and some even put all his family assets on Chi Xin.

it's good now! Chi Xin was defeated by a mind trainer. Many people's faces were green, and their heartache was crying!

The monks in Jiuyinjiang, who had previously bet Ning Xiaochuan to win, naturally made a lot of money. Now, everyone chooses in front of a lot of treasures, and even picks and chooses only those good things that the children of the family have come up with.

All the children of the family and the candidates who had previously bet on Chi Xin to win were all angry and smoking, not only hated Ning Xiaochuan, but also hated Chi Xin and hated Yue Mingsong.

"Mom, I was miserable by that bastard! It took a long time for the elders in the family to prepare so many mysterious medicines and mysteries for me. I hoped that I could use them in the Tianmen Exam and try my best to become The disciple of Tiandi Mountain. Now he has been won by him. If I fail the Tianmen exam, I will be killed when I return. "A genius from the middle-fifth grade civilization said angrily.

Yue Mingsong said: "Calm down! Calm down! Young man, let me tell you, it's like paying for a lesson. There are not many such opportunities!"

Another beautiful girl in her twenties who is looking beautiful is also wiping her tears at this moment, biting her teeth tightly and saying, "My Xuanqi, array plate, and Xuan Dan have all lost out, what to bring Coping with the Tianmen exam? "

"This fairy, don't worry, if you are willing to accompany Yue one night. Yue must return all the treasures of the fairy. I have always been helpful and I can't see girls being bullied!" Yue Mingsong said.

Many people hate their teeth and even fainted with anger.

"We were all pitted by him! From the beginning, he had dug the pit and waited for us to jump inside. Now it is good! Our treasures and black stones are all lost, and the Tianmen exam will definitely fail." A young talented man pointed at Yue Mingsong, his body trembling, his face was going to be distorted!

Yue Mingsong said bluntly: "Brother Taiwan, you ca n’t say that. There are always losses and wins at the gambling table. The key is to be able to afford to lose, and to be polite. If I lose today, even if I lose everything, I also recognize that I am such a man of grace! "

"So many black stones and treasures are comparable to the sum of all the wealth of a big family. Can you sustain it alone?" A genius Junjie of Wang Sunfu stretched his hands forward, and the vitality in his body poured out, and the five fingers became like Hook sharp sword, sharp nails as blade.

The family members of Wang Sunfu's family have the richest wealth and the worst losses. Naturally, it is impossible to let Yue Mingsong and Ning Xiaochuan leave.

Otherwise, not only will they lose face, but they will also suffer heavy losses, which will be very detrimental to the next Tianmen exam.

If a monk loses the mystery, heals the elixir, and restores the vitality of the black stone, it is tantamount to self-defeating.

"Don't talk so much nonsense with him. Let's go together and recapture our own basalt and war soldiers." A monk at the fifth step of Wang Sun House shouted and took the lead to attack the past, trying to rob Xuan at the table Stone and treasure.

Their purpose is not only to regain their own black stone and war soldiers, but also to riot the monks present, and to steal hundreds of pieces of mystery that Yue Mingsong had taken out.

Anyway, there are a lot of monks in Tianyu Tower. In the chaos, it is the best opportunity to steal the treasure.

This is a chance for the family members of Wang Sunfu's family to finally save the situation!

Sure enough, the monks in Tianyu Tower went crazy, although they felt embarrassed, after all, they really lost. However, now I can't take care of that much. What kind of manner is not polite, everyone has already shot, naturally they have to shot.

grab! grab! grab!


Suddenly, a crimson cloud of fire emerged from Tianyu Tower.

In the cloud of fire, there are pieces of unicorn scales floating, just like a piece of rune sticking to everyone's body, so that all the monks in the Tianyu Tower felt a great deal of pressure and their bodies couldn't move.

Time seemed to come to a sudden standstill. Those monks who wanted to **** the black stones and the war soldiers were like petrified.

Ning Xiaochuan and Jinling glanced slightly at each other, while looking towards the top of Tianyu Tower.


The crimson French phase is displayed, covering the entire Tianyu Tower, forming an independent space area.

Three red stars appeared on top of everyone's heads, condensing a group of colorful nebulae, among the nebula, burst out a ghost of a unicorn, emitting a bright brilliance, stabbing everyone to even open their eyes.

"Kirin Xiangrui Faxiang. Luowu is here!" Jinling stared at the top of the Faxiang, his mouth slightly ticked, a hint of cold smile appeared.

On the back of the unicorn ghost, stood a beautiful woman in a red robe, black hair like a waterfall, skin rouge, plump chest and hips, slender figure, * slender and straight, giving an ethereal and noble temperament .

Many people can only see her figure, unable to see her true face, like a fairy girl standing in the flames!

"Dancing fairy!"

The other monks recognized the woman, and their hearts were shocked.

No wonder her law came out and killed everyone. It turned out to be one of the two fairies in Tiandi Mountain.

Such a character actually comes, who dares to make trouble?

Luo Wu's voice is very agile, especially pleasing, saying: "Since the winning and losing have been divided, the winning and losing will naturally be divided. Those gambling funds are no longer for you. If anyone dares to take the money of disciples of Wanjian Palace, don't blame him . "

Obviously, the master sister of Wanjian Palace came to support them.

The young monks looked at each other. Although they were very reconciled, no one dared to take a shot in front of Wuxian.


The family members of Wang Sunfu didn't dare to offend Luo Wu, so they recorded all their hatreds on Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong.

They vowed secretly in their hearts that once they walked out of Tianyu Tower, they would take the lives of Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong at all costs, and **** back those black stones and treasures.

The wages of avarice is death.

With so much wealth, even the core disciples of Tiandi Mountain will be tempted. Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong are dead.

Lu Ren gritted his teeth quietly, and laughed heartily, "You are so proud of it! Exposing so much wealth to you, tomorrow, you two will be in different places and the bones will be incomplete."

"Sister! You are so wonderful!"

Yue Mingsong folded his hands and worshiped at the top, saying: "Sister, I have a big secret to tell you-my brother Ning Xiaochuan has liked you for a long time. He just told me that he saw you at first glance. From that moment, I was shocked to be a goddess. I ca n’t forget it. I ca n’t fall asleep every night. My mind is full of your shadow. Just now, he told me that these treasures will only cause us to kill us. . He said just now that he intends to give all these treasures to sister, and volunteered to exchange a smile with sister! Hope you sister ... take it all! "

Yue Mingsong's voice was so loud that it could be called a torn heart, and passed into everyone's ear.

be quiet!

The monks in the entire Tianyu Tower were petrified again, everyone was stunned, their chins were to fall to the ground, and they looked at Ning Xiaochuan at the same time. Man, you are too high-profile!

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